Festivals Photos

[Best Pictures] ठाकुर जी कि रथ यात्रा से पूरा शहर जगन्नाथमय



“चांदी रे रथ थे  चढो रे सांवरिया.. मनमोहक कर ल्यो श्रृंगार, सांवरिया री आरती
आरती संजोयिलो, चर्मृत लेई-लो, ले लो प्रभुजी रा नाम… सांवरिया री आरती “


महलों के पास ऊँचे मंदिरों में बिराजने वाले मेवाड़ के कान्हा “भगवान जगदीश जी” अपने गर्भगृह में बैठे बैठे पूरे साल बाट जोहते है इस खास एक दिन, आषाढ़ शुक्ल पक्ष की दूज का , जब वे खुद उन भक्तों के लिए मंदिर की कठिन सीढियाँ उतरे, जो ये सीढियां चढ नहीं पाते है…


आप क्या सोचते है ? हम भगवान के दर्शन करते है ? जी नहीं , कभी कभी भगवान भी अपने सच्चे भक्तों के दर्शन करने को आतुर रहते है. भक्ति की परीक्षा हितार्थ बिराज तो गए ऊँचे मंदिरों में हमारे ठाकुर जी, किन्तु उनका मन नहीं लगता वहाँ,बगैर अपने “प्रिय” से मिले.. तभी तो रजत रथ में बैठ भगवान इस एक खास दिन निकल पड़ते है अपने सभी सखाओं से मिलने. और जब मंदिर से निकलते है तो ऐसे ही नहीं निकलते, पूरा श्रृंगार करके, इठलाते-बलखाते जगदीश ठाट-बाट के साथ मेवाडी राजधानी के कण कण को स्वयं स्पर्श करते है. दर्शन देते है सभी को…


इस वर्ष भी भगवान ने सभी के मन की मुराद को पूरा करने की ठानी और लगभग दोपहर के तीन बजे छोटे बेवान (रथ) में बैठ कर पहले मंदिर की परिक्रमा करके चारों कोनों में बैठे मित्र देवों से भेंट की. तत्पश्चात मंदिर की सीढियाँ उतरकर प्रभु नीचे रजत रथ में आकर बिराजे. हर मेवाडी ह्रदय ने आत्मीयता से प्रभु का स्वागत किया. हमारे ठाकुरजी ने भी सभी के नमन को स्वीकार किया. दरबार महेंद्र सिंह जी मेवाड़ ने सैकड़ों  सालों की परम्परा का निर्वहन करते हुए रथ के आगे झाड़ू लगाया और प्रभु के मार्ग को साफ़ किया. आज उदयपुर भगवान के प्रिय रंग पीताम्बर (केसरिया) से रंगा रंगा सा लग रहा था. हर एक सर पर पीताम्बरी पाग शोभायमान थी. हर एक महिला ने गोपी का रूप धर लिया. पीताम्बरी साडी या बेस पहने भगवान के पीछे पीछे गीत गाती चल रही थी.


सबसे आगे गजानन के स्वरुप गजराज तो पीछे पीछे शौर्य के प्रतीक अश्व , प्रीत के प्रतीक ऊंट चल रहे थे. चारो तरफ केसरिया ध्वज लहरा रहे थे. सैकड़ों हाथ पीताम्बरी रस्सी को थामे जगन्नाथ का रथ आगे खिंच रहे थे. जैसे जैसे भगवान का रथ आगे बढ़ता, छतों-चौबारों, गोखडों, सड़कों से प्रभु के दर्शनों को तरसती हजारों बूढी आँखे गीली हो जाती.. मुह से आवाज़ ना निकलती..प्रीत में यही तो होता है.. आँखे ही सारी बातें कह देती है. बूढ़े पैरों से मंदिर की सीढियाँ ना चढ पाने का गम भूल कर बस भगवान की बलायियाँ लेती.. म्हारा कान्हा , थाने कन्ही री निजर ना लागे …


सेक्टर सात से निकलने वाली शोभायात्रा, जो मूल रथ यात्रा में शामिल होती है, किसी भी मायने में पुरी रथयात्रा से कम नहीं होती.. प्रभु जगन्नाथ, भ्राता बलराम और बहन सुभद्रा के विग्रह पुरी की याद दिला देते है. शहर में सबसे लंबी दुरी तय करके सेक्टर सात से पुराने शहर तक का सफर तय करके तीनो भाई-बहन  जगदीश जी की रथ यात्रा की शोभा बनते है. यह रथ यात्रा सेक्टर सात से प्रातः 11 बजे प्रारंभ होती है, जो मूल रथ यात्रा के समापन के पूरे तीन-चार घंटे बाद आधी रात को पुनः अपने स्थान पर जाकर विश्राम लेती है


पारंपरिक मार्ग से गुजरते भगवान जगदीश सभी को दर्शन देते है. सभी के मन की सुनते है. और कहते है…मैं तुम्हारे दर तक खुद आया, अब तुम मेरी शरण में आ जाओ,फिर तुम्हारा कोई कष्ट ना रहेगा… आधी-व्याधि ना रहेगी.. अगर रहेगा तो सिर्फ प्रेम.. स्नेह.. मुरली का रस…


“मात-पिता तुम मेरे , शरण गहुँ मैं किसकी…
तुम बिन और ना दूजा, आस करूँ मैं जिसकी.. “
जय जगदीश हरे…
Pictures by : Mujtaba R.G.
Edited By : Arya Manu
Festivals Food

Father’s Day – Let’s celebrate this Weekend

fathers day picture
Image Credits:

This weekend becomes all the more special as it hosts Father’s Day too. Yes it’s Father’s Day this Sunday; a day to thank the person whom you call “Dad”, “Daddy”, “Papa”, “Baba” etc. etc. etc. By whatever name you call him, whatever the language you may use, the love and respect for father remains the same in each heart irrespective of boundaries and borders.

Children are always more closer to their mother; we share our worries and sorrows and happiness with the lady of the house but very rarely to the man who spends his whole day out working hard to provide us with all luxuries of life. The reason being obvious – he is never at home except at nights and weekends, he always carry that typical silence with him making it all the more difficult for us to share our words with him. But we forget one thing; no matter how less he speaks to us, he loves us and cares for us the same way our mother loves and care for us. We see him as a hard core but no he is also a human being with a heart beating for his children.

So why not break this unspoken silence and tie a bond of loving relationship with this man and make this Father’s Day a memorable one for him. You need not spend a lot of money and have a big show off party or something; you just have to find a way to express your love and respect for him and a glittering smile won’t leave his face the whole day long. If you are confused how to do that then I’ll again say “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. 🙂 This weekend we will help you with some plans to make it a remarkable Father’s Day for your family.

Let’s try your hand with ‘karchi and kadai’. 😉 make a dish with your hands for your dad, be it his favorite dish or the one we are sharing with you. And if you are a master chef of your kitchen then you can even make a whole meal for him. Here we are sharing the recipe of “Paneer Chilli” taken out right from the kitchen of “Swastik Restaurant” in Fatehpura. I being a big big fan of it can say that it’s the best Paneer Chilli you can get in Udaipur.


Paneer Chilli
Image Credits:

Ingredients :-

Paneer – 200gm (cut into square pieces of appropriate sizes), Maida – 100gm, Corn flour – 50gm, Capsicum (cut into square pieces of same size as that of Paneer), Onion (also cut into same size), Ginger, Garlic, 2-3 green chilli cut into small pieces, Soya sauce, Ajeenomotto (Chinese salt), Table Salt, Red Chilli Powder, Oil for deep frying


Procedure :-

  • Make a smooth batter (paste) by mixing Maida and Corn flour in one-fourth cup of water.
  • Coat the pieces of paneer in batter and deep fry it in the hot oil till the pieces turn light brown.
  • Take a Frying pan / Kadhai and put it on gas. Add some oil in it and then add garlic, ginger, onion, capsicum and green chilli. Saute over high flame for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Now add soya sauce, corn flour paste and salt (to taste) and allow it to come to boil.
  • Put in the fried paneer and mix well.
  • Serve hot garnished with green chilli and onion.


Don’t forget to put a hand-made greeting card along with the dish on the dining table. Enjoy the tempting dish with the whole family and make the evening a delicious one. 😉

Who doesn’t like gifts..?? Everyone does and even your father will love to receive a gift from you, no matter how small it may be. Or plan a surprise party for him; but make sure it’s just a family party. Blindfold him and take him to the venue, cut a cake, enjoy a scrumptious dinner and dance till your feet ache. Make sure the special person for the day accompanies you in every activity.

Don’t forget to capture the moments with a click of your camera and share your experiences with us.

Happy Weekend 🙂 and Happy Father’s Day 🙂 🙂


World Blood Donation Day: Let’s estimate the value of 350ml blood

Imagine yourself standing outside a door that says OPERATION THEATRE with a red bulb glowing under that board. You are restlessly pacing in the corridor with drops of sweat on your forehead as your (God forbade) mother or father, brother or sister or your dearest friend lies on the operation table under the eyes of a team of doctors. A nurse emerges from the door and asks you to arrange for a unit of blood urgently as their blood bank is short of that particular blood group. That very moment you will realize the value of just 1 unit of blood.

I remember one advertisement in which a sweet little girl says ‘thank you’ to a group of youngsters sitting in a cafeteria. When asked for what she was thanking them, she replied that she is suffering from some disease in which she needs weekly blood transfusions. She doesn’t know whose blood renews her life every week, so she keeps on thanking every youngster she meets. This shook the heart of one boy who has never donated blood in his life and he decides to donate his blood for people who are in need of it.

If these two instances could not move your legs towards a blood bank, then make a note that God has forgot to put a heart in the left side of your chest.

Blood – it’s the basic fluid in your body that supplies oxygen and nutrients to every cell of your body and takes waste products of metabolism away from it. It neither can be replaced by any other fluid nor can be developed in vitro (outside the body). The need for donating blood and establishing more blood banks increases in the present era as statistics record an increase in the number of accidents as well as in the incidence of diseases such as Thalassemia for which regular blood transfusions is the only way of increasing life expectancy of the patient.

Blood Donation Day | UdaipurBlog

If you are thinking that donating a unit of blood will make you ill or you yourself will fall short of blood then let me tell you that even a lady normally loses some milliliters of blood every month during her menstrual period and there is not a single case where a lady died due to normal menstrual blood loss. Moreover, you all must have read at some time or other that a normal life span of RBCs (Red Blood Cell; cells that form a major part of your blood) has a life span of 120 days, that is, your blood keeps on getting renewed in every 120 days. So even if you donate few milliliters out of your 4.7 – 5.5 L of blood, your body will easily compensate the loss. If you don’t believe me, go ask any doctor around for more guidance.

Its Blood Donation day today; a perfect day to make a decision that we will be donating our blood at regular intervals. You never know whose valuable life your blood might be saving. So it’s in your hands whether to make your 350 ml of blood a mere waste or to make it priceless. Start donating and start saving lives…!!!

Places to Visit

Hangout Plan for the Weekend: The Celebration Mall

Hello everyone! Udaipur is enjoying its first showers and every face is freshened up in the drizzle of monsoon. Blazing red hot sun has surrendered in front of dense clouds who have taken over the empire of sky. It’s time to celebrate the arrival of monsoons and weekend Udaipies.

So how about a visit to The Celebration Mall this weekend? Here you have lots of points that will suit your interests.

Shopping works as the best stress buster for everyone (especially women). So what are you waiting for? Celebration Mall entertains you with outlets of so many brands. And if you are not a brand freak, then too there are many other options available. Check out the latest monsoon collection and rejoice yourself with new clothes, apparels and accessories. If you don’t want to lighten up your pockets, then too you can kill your stress by window shopping.

For book lovers, Crossword is the cake of the day. You can scan the book store for a nice novel and gift it to yourself or your friend or family member. After a shopping session, you can enjoy burgers at McDonald’s or order some snacks at Nirula’s or Easy Day. And then dive in the melody of yummm.

Now it’s movie time. Rowdy Rathore, starring Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha, is the best of all, full on paisa wasool, Bollywood masala movie, garnished with spices of romance, comedy and action. It will entertain every age group. You can also opt for newly released Shanghai with Abhay Deol, Emraan Hashmi and Kalki in the lead roles or you can go for Hollywood stuff like Prometheus (3D), MIB, animation lovers can go for Madagascar 3 (3D), Snow White and the Hunts, etc. As Movies are less fun without something to pop inside your mouth, so don’t forget to give yourself a treat of popcorns and cold drinks.

Celebration Mall photo | UdaipurBlog

Our busy schedules have left us with little time to share few words with family. A chit chat holding a cup of coffee in CCD is the best time to discuss your joys and sorrows, achievements and aspirations, dreams and desires with family members. After all “A lot can happen over a coffee!” 😉

Happy weekend Udaipies! 😀 Enjoy to the fullest and don’t forget to share the wonderful moments of your weekend with us.


Photo Courtesy: Mujtaba RG


Auditions of Udaipur Idol 2012 completed

Many melodious voices came in the lime light as Sparkles Events and Wedding Planners provided a platform to the singers of Udaipur. A 2 day audition for the Talent hunt competition, Udaipur Idol, was held at OMG, R Kay Mall Panchwati on 2nd and 3rd June.

Udaipur Idol Auditions
Organising team with judges

As many as 150 talents from all ages came up on stage and were judged by X-factor fame Asif from Deewana Group, Amit Goswami and Subastou Daksh Pandey. The event was hosted by RJ and VJ Piyush. Results are still awaited. Those who will clear the auditions will be called for a Piano round. Finals are to be held at Banera Castle (a unit of Ashoka Bakery), 100 ft road on June 17 at 6:30 pm.

Credits for such a wonderful event go to its sponsors namely

  • Kanish Computers and Peripherals
  • Westside
  • OMG
  • Paradise Sounds and Events
  • Ashoka Bakery
  • Paragon Mobiles
  • Banera Castle

Online Media Partner was UdaipurBlog. Thanks to all the sponsors for a successful event. And All the Best to the Participants.

A sneak peak to the event is shown below through pictures. Keep visiting UB for further updates.

Udaipur Idol Auditions

Udaipur Idol Auditions

Udaipur Idol Auditions | UdaipurBlog

Places to Visit

Hangout Plan for the Weekend: Doodh Talai

Be it a school going child or a working man or woman, a college student or a housewife, everyone desperately waits for the upcoming Sunday, from the parting Sunday night itself. Weekend is the time to refresh yourself from a long tiring week and fill yourself up with new energy for a new working week; 2 days to hang out with friends, plan an outing with family and sensationalize your taste buds with delicious cuisines.

Hmmm I know, you must have already started thinking of a weekend plan in its greatest pace but this boiling heat would have put a brake on every plan of yours. But but but “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. These 3 years of my college life has made me a graduate in making hang out plans be it summers, winters or monsoon. So we’ll be helping you out for few upcoming weekends with ‘hang out plans’, recipes of some appetizing dishes, and restaurants in the city where to dine with your friends and family, and lots more.

This weekend let’s plan an outing at “Doodh Talai”, popularly named as DT among youngsters. It is at the Pal of Lake Pichola that will soothe you with its calm waters. It’s the place of beautiful gardens, the lush greenery of which will keep you cool despite the rising mercury outside. Be it a hangout plan with your friends, or to spend time with your family, there’s the perfect location and the perfect plan.

You can spend your afternoon in the various gardens of DT like DD Park or Deen Dayal Park and Manikya Lal Verma Park. Put a Reverse Gear in your age and start playing all those games you used to play in your childhood like Pakdam Pakdai, Hide and Seek, Vish Amrit, Nadi Pahad, and many more. You can even play Cards or any board games like Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Business, Monopoly or the best of all times Antakshari. And I can bet there won’t be a pinch of stress left inside your mind after playing these games. There is also a Love Garden made especially for the love birds in the city but let me warn you – It’s Sunday, a family day. So if you are planning for Love Garden then just plan it on a weekday. 😉

Next in line to visit is Karni Mata Temple by Ropeway. You are sure to enjoy this Ropeway Ride. You can even enjoy over snacks in the Restaurant made over the hilltop. On returning back, you can sip your evening Tea, ek kadak adarak wali chai, at the Pal of Lake Pichola. As the sun sets down behind the scene, you can enjoy Jungle Safari Ride or a Boat Ride in Lake Pichola, capturing the panoramic view of sunset in the Lake.

Doodh Talai | UdaipurBlog
Pichola-Doodh Talai | View from Karni Mata | Image Credits: Deepankshi Chittora

There is also a Musical Fountain Show that plays in DD Park after sunset. You can breathe the scent of water and feel the splashes on your face while tapping your feet and watching the streams of water going up and down and changing its color on the beats of music.

At the end of the day, you can enjoy dinner in your favorite restaurant (PS: If you don’t have a fixed/favourite, There are too many of them nearby), chatting and laughing over the table. Your favorite ice cream scoop will make a perfect ending of a perfect weekend. Take as many photos as you can while posing wildly and stupidly at the camera. Months later, these snaps will help you recollect those golden moments.

Now there will be no more Monday Blues, but only an energetic start of a new week. Wishing you a Happy Sunday and a Happy Week ahead. 🙂

Featured News Photos and Videos

[Pictures] Udaipur celebrated birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap

Yesterday was the day of immense pride and honor for the people of Mewar as we all celebrated 472nd birth anniversary of its greatest ruler, Maharana Pratap. Though respect for him never diminishes in any heart, it seems like the birth anniversary gave an occasion to show their respect for this son of Maharana Udai Singh.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Udaipur was no behind in showing their pride and gratitude towards Pratap and his beloved horse, Chetak. City Council and Kshatriya Mewar Mahasabha organized a rally that started from Moti Magri and ended at Town Hall passing through Chetak Circle, Hathipole, Moti Chohatta, Clock tower, Sindhi Bazar, Soorajpole, Bapu Bazar and Delhi Gate; the bands playing regional Mewari songs of Maharana Pratap and bravery giving Goosebumps to everyone the way.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

The Guest of Honor was Mr. Narendra Modi, CM of Gujrat, who along with the royal prince, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar started the rally by offering flowers in the feet of Maharana Pratap’s statue at Moti Magri. This was followed by the worship of Chetak at Chetak Circle. The shine of rally was increased by the esteemed presence of Mrs. Rajni Dangi, Mr. Mahendra Singh Shaktawat, Prem Singh Shaktawat and many others.

School kids on their skates were moving first followed in sequence by horse and camel riders holding Saffron flags, members of Mahadev Sena, Mewar Kshatriya Mahasabha and Shooldharini Sena. Jawans of Mewar Sindhu Brigade gracefully played the role of soldiers as they walked holding guns. In the last was the statue of Maharana Pratap and Eklingnath Ji placed in an open jeep. Even the statue of Pratap shined so brightly with bravery and self-esteem that every head bowed out of reflex in front of it.

The rally ended with a programme at Town Hall where Narendra Modi addressed the gathering, expressing his respect for Maharana Pratap and his values and commenting on the state of political parties and the corrupt leaders. He also expressed his pride on Rajasthan – Gujarat relationships and on the progress of Gujarat.

The detailed glimpse of the event can be seen here in the pictures, shot by Mujtaba RG

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog




OMG..!! Again a petrol price hike of Rs. 7.50

It’s the largest price hike ever seen – Rs 7.50…!! This makes the petrol prices to raise from around 69 per Rs/Ltr to 76 per Rs/Ltr. Oil companies announced a price hike of Rs 6.28, excluding the taxes, adding to the burning heat of May; new price will be executed from midnight. Adding to the misery is the possibility of a hike in the prices of even Diesel and LPG.

This led out an air of protest and disapproval among common people and the parties in opposition. BJP criticized this price hike by stating it as unreasonable ferocity on the pockets of common man which will further add to the inflationary pressure. Mamta Bannerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, also expressed her grief against it but at the same time supported it.

Government blames the falling Rupee against Dollar as the culprit behind this rise. On Wednesday, Rupee crashes to Rs.56 per dollar compared to Rs.55.39 on Tuesday. Oil Companies called this hike as inevitable as they have to cope up with the losses that have come with this Rupee fall.

I really wonder why government can’t raise all taxes from petroleum products like the Goa Government, where petrol prices (before this hike) were approx Rs 59, lowest in the whole country. This would serve as splashes of water on the burning pockets of people. But by the time God bestows this solution upon the Government, we ourselves have to cope with this agony. Start using public transport for long distances. Start walking short distances which will be good for both your health and your pockets. 🙂

Here are some pictures of the petrol pumps of Udaipur where people are rushing after price hike announcement.


Photos by : Mujtaba R.G.


An Interview with new SP of Udaipur – Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma

Superintendent Police of Udaipur - Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma

Standing outside the SP’s chamber, I was hell nervous regarding my first interview and that too of none other than but Mr. Hari Prasad Sharma, who recently joined as Superintendent Police of Udaipur a few weeks back. But the way he so easily accepted his short hand in the technical field including blogging, social networking and all, it reflected how down to earth he is. The clarity and the confidence with which he answered my questions, was worth a ‘salute’.


Here is the conversation with him.

Q1. A very warm welcome to the Udaipur City Sir!! How do you find this city and how are you feeling after coming here?

A. Thank you. Udaipur is a calm and serene city. It’s a pleasure to serve the people of this city.


Q2. Everyone in the City wants to know about your education and service background.

A. I did my B.Sc. in Mathematics in 1979 and then M.A. in Economics. I worked in Reserve Bank of India for one year. Then I joined Administrative Services and served as RPS and DYSP till 1993. Then I became IPS in 2001 and worked with United Nations for 1 year. After that I became SP Jhunjhunu, SP Ajmer, SP Jodhpur, and SP Nagaur and then got posted in Udaipur.


Q3. After joining as SP of Udaipur, what are your priorities or the areas of focus?

A. Firstly, we’ll try to speed up the investigations and provide the population with a better and unbiased system of justice and administration. Secondly, we’ll make sure that there is a reduction in the number of crimes in the city.


Q4. “Tourism is the spine of Udaipur”. What will you do to provide a secure environment to tourists?

A. Basically, State Tourist Board deals with the matters relating to tourism. But in a working system, it becomes a job of local police. I’ll try to help tourists in every possible way and see to their security.


Q5. From past few months, there has been an increase in the number of crimes ranging from Chain Snatching to land-mafia and alcohol smuggling. People got no satisfactory results from the interventions taken by police against these crimes and criminals. What will be your strategy to deal with them?

A. It’s always the easiest job to sit in the couches and blame the system for not functioning effectively. But people need to stand over the ground of facts and then speak. According to India Today analysis, Rajasthan holds the fourth position in the list of peaceful states, only after Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala. In the last 15 days, I have myself gone through the records of the city and found that there has been a minimal increase in the crime rate. Still I and my department will work to control the crime. See the situation today and see it after 2 months, compare them, and then you will no longer ask this question.


Q6. Sir, maybe the communication gap between the general masses and the police is the reason that people are unaware of the measures and the steps taken by your department and that’s why they are not satisfied with the working system.

A. Obviously this gap will be visible when you have only 2619 constables and a few inspectors and officers for a population of approx 32 Lakhs.


Q7. Udaipur is no longer a peaceful city as it used to be, reason being the growing traffic. How are you going to manage this terrific traffic?

A. Traffic management can never be successful unless the drivers themselves follow the traffic rules. If you wish to have a swift traffic as in European countries, then you need to drive like Europeans. They don’t even break the red light at midnight with not even a single vehicle around and we can break red light even with hundreds of vehicles around.


Q8. Female feticide is a serious matter of concern even for Udaipur. How will you work to stop it?

A. Female feticide is a social problem. Neither Police nor any law can save female fetus from being killed in the womb itself. People need to be educated; awareness must be spread. This is the only single way of combating this problem.


Q9. Most of the time, undue political pressure and interference of politicians hinders the effective functioning of police department. Your comments on this matter?

A. Politicians in Rajasthan are quite good and away from those political games. Moreover, it depends on the officer whether he wants to do the right thing or not. No one can hold your hand and make you sign on a wrong document.


Q10. What motivated you to join police services?

A. In a small area near Jaipur, Administrative services and police department are the most respectable professions. That’s why I joined Police Services.


Q11. Any message for the people of Udaipur?

A. People should have civic sense and must bind by the law. Moreover, they should have faith in the Department and I hope to have their support with me always. And I wish, all the very best to excel as an online media, effectually acting as a bridge between the administration and the people.


Article Contribution: Munmun Rajora, Drishti Soni   |   Photograph By: Mujtaba R.G.


Scholarships given away by Cambridge Edupreneurs

Cambridge Edupreneurs

Prizes are always so wonderful to get. No matter whether big or small, they boost you up, fill you with a new energy and accelerate you on the way to achieve the goal. Keeping this in mind, Cambridge Edupreneurs gives away scholarships to the toppers who shone in Cambridge Edupreneurs’ Entrance Exam for IIT-JEE 2014.

Aditya Bikram, student of St. Pauls Sr. Sec. School, scores highest marks in the exam and gets a Topper Scholarship worth Rs 5000 for two continuous months. Snehil Ameta of St. Gregorious School holds the second position and received a Scholarship worth Rs 4000 for two months. Third Scholarship worth Rs 3000 is bagged by Anton Iyer of Vidhya Bhawan School who stood third in the exam.

Mr. Ghanshyam Paneri, the centre manager, elaborates their future plans and says that the Institute plans to continue with these scholarships once in every two months throughout the session so that bright students get paid for their dedication and hard work. He also announces the commencement of batches for phase II on May 9; entrance exams for which will be held on April 22, April 29 and May 6. Interested students who wish to get selected for IIT – just rush and grab the golden opportunity..!

Aditya Bikram, Snehil Ameta, Anton IyerAditya Bikram, Snehil Ameta, Anton Iyer