Photos Udaipur Speaks

Crime Matters not the Culprit

We and the people around us are very much influenced by celebrities and many of us follow them blindly and their every act whether done personally or professionally becomes a public issue. Apart from being worshipped and followed they are also accused recently for harming the ethical values and breaking the laws, an example of which can be quoted recently when allegations were put on Nation’s Youth Icon Ranbeer Kapoor for smoking publically.

But my matter of writing today is not why Ranbeer smoked publicly rather, the point is should this would be hyped in the same way if an ordinary common man would have smoked in public? Well, I think none of us would have even bothered to even give a second look to the unknown person who was doing it just as if we don’t know him so WHO CARES!!!

Social evils prevailing in our society are very much a concern for all the good citizen. If some influential person commits them, so should I assume that the common man is free to commit all the crimes without coming into notice. Practically speaking and closely analyzing our surrounding environment the case remains the same when it comes to other social evils too. If the judicial system treats every Indian equal, then why aren’t the issues shown below objectionable, even when we witness them quite often, and simply ignore them, as they aren’t our superstars.

  • Apart from smoking Udaipur really needs to focus on other crimes too like child labour. (Photo 1 and 2)
  • Local women washing clothes at Gangaur Ghat which is prohibited. (Photo 3)
  • Beer bottles used by local people drinking publicly without fear at Gangaur Ghat. (Photo 4)
  • The exact place where the superstar was found smoking. Seems it left an iconic influence on Udaipies. (Photo 5)
  • Leisure smoking by couple at Gangaur Ghat, This folk musician sits in this same place daily morning to evening but sad People never noticed this, only saw RANBIR KAPOOR.!!!!! (Photo 6)
  • Time 12.22 noon date 2/6/2012 men smoking at Jagdish Chowk, outside a temple where burning incense sticks is clearly visible. (Photo  7)
Photo 1


Photo 2


Photo 3


Photo 4


Photo 5


Photo 6


Photo 7


Wake up Udaipies. Realise before you repent!


About the Contributor: Niharika R. Sanadhya , aged 21, completed her graduation from Pacific College, and holds a diploma in MAAC Mumbai for Animation and Digital film making as well as First Class in photography from Sir J.J Institute of Applied Arts, Mumbai She holds a good work experience with Channel [V] and is a concerned resident of the city


Edited By: Monisha Talreja

Featured Social Udaipur Speaks

कोई तो ध्यान दो इधर !! – The Dirty Pictures

Ugly state of Lake Pichola near Hotel Taj Lake Palace

दुनियाभर के पर्यटक उदयपुर क्यों आते है ?? जवाब आसान है. यूँ तो बहुत कुछ है उदयपुर में देखने, महसूस करने के लिए पर मुख्यतः यहाँ की झीलें निहारने के लिए विदेशी पर्यटक और हमारे अपने देशवासी भी बार बार उदयपुर का रुख करते है.  किन्तु आज अगर झीलों की दशा पर गौर करें तो पाएंगे कि शायद हम लोग हमारी विरासत संभाल नहीं पा रहे. मेवाड़ के महाराणाओ ने भी नहीं सोचा होगा कि उनके सपनो की कालांतर में हकीकत कुछ और होगी. अगर आप हमारी बात से इत्तेफाक नहीं रखते तो चलिए आज आपको शहर की झीलों का भ्रमण करा ही देते है.
शुरुआत करते हैं फतहसागर से. मुम्बईया बाजार में आपका स्वागत है.  आप आराम से किनारे पर बैठिये. ब्रेड पकोडे का आनंद लीजिए.. यहाँ की कुल्हड़ काफी का स्वाद स्वतः मुह में पानी ला देता है.  पर गलती से भी नीचे  झील में झाँकने की भूल मत कीजिये. आपको शहर की खूबसूरती पर पहला पैबंद नज़र आ जायेगा. जी हाँ.. इतनी गन्दगी.. पानी में इतनी काई. न तो नगर परिषद की टीम यहाँ नज़र आती है न ही झील हितैषी मंच.! वैसे आप भी कम नहीं है.. याद कीजिये, कितनी बार काफी गटकने के बाद आपने कुल्हड़ या थर्मोकोल गिलास कचरा  पात्र में डाला.. न कि झील में.. “अजी कुल्हड़ तो मिट्टी का है, पानी में मिल जायेगा...” बेहूदा जवाब नहीं है ये? आगे बढ़कर फतहसागर के ओवरफ्लो गेट को तो मत ही देखिएगा. यहाँ गन्दगी चरम पर है.

dirty lake fatehsagar
पिछोला घूमे है कभी ? सच्ची !! चलिए एक बार फिर पिछोला की परिक्रमा करते है . कितना खूबसूरत दरवाज़ा है. नाम चांदपोल. वाह ! बेहतरीन पुल. पर गलती से भी चांदपोल के ऊपर से गुज़रते वक्त दायें-बाएं पिछोला दर्शन मत कीजियेगा.. आपको मेरी कसम. अब मेरी कसम तोड़कर देख ही लिया तो थोडा दूर लेक पेलेस को देखकर अपनी शहर की खूबसूरती पर मुस्कुरा भर लीजिए, पुल से एकदम नीचे या यहाँ-वहाँ बिलकुल नहीं देखना.. वर्ना पड़ोस की मीरा काकी, शोभा भुआ घर के तमाम कपडे-लत्ते धोते वहीँ  मिल जायेगी. आप उनको पहचान लोगे, मुझे पता है. पर वो आपको देखकर भी अनदेखा कर देगी..! जैसे आपको जानती ही नहीं.  चलिए उनको कपडे धोने दीजिए. आप तब तक पानी पर तैर रही हरी हरी काई और जलकुम्भी को निहारिए.

Lake Pichola

lake Pichola
झीलों के शहर की तीसरी प्रमुख झील स्वरुप सागर की तो बात ही मत कीजिये. पाल के नीचे लोहा बाजार में जितना कूड़ा-करकट न होगा,उतना तो झील में आपको यूँ ही देखने को मिल जायेगा. याद आया! वो मंज़र..जब झीलें भर गयी थी और इसी स्वरुप सागर के काले किवाडों से झर झर बहता सफ़ेद झक पानी देखा था. पर फ़िलहाल पानी मेरी आँखों में आ गया.. न न झील के हालात को देखकर नहीं, पास ही में एक मोटर साइकिल  रिपेयरिंग की दूकान के बाहर से उठते धुएं ने मेरी आँखों से पानी बहा ही दिया.

Lake Swaroopsagar

Photo By Kailash Tak

कुम्हारिया तालाब  और रंग सागर. क्या … मैंने ठीक से सुना नहीं…आपको नहीं पता कि ये कहाँ है ! अजी तो देर किस बात की. अम्बा माता के दर्शन करने के पश्चात वहीँ  अम्बा पोल से  अंदरूनी शहर में प्रवेश करते है (शादी की भीड़ को चीरकर अगर पहुच गए तो) तो पोल के दोनों तरह जो  दिखाई दे रहा  है, वो दरअसल झील है. ओह..याद आ गया आपको. “पर पानी कहाँ है. !” कसम है आपको भैरूजी बावजी की. ऐसा प्रश्न मत पूछिए. ये झील ही है पर देखने में झील कम और “पोलो ग्राउंड ” ज्यादा लगते है. वजह साफ़, पानी कम है और जलकुम्भी ज्यादा. चलिए अच्छा है. अतीत मे

Udaipur Speaks

Mobile Number Portability: The Truth Behind

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: The following article happens to come from one of our regular readers, Mr. Ashwin Jain, who faced a serious problem regarding the above mentioned title, and got no response at all. The entire mishappening, I felt, must be shared with our other readers too, for the word that how alert are we and/or how much our complains are being entertained. UdaipurBlog does not take any responsibility for the contents of the post that follows, and are solely the author’s own words.

Image credit

I am a Reliance user from a long time. 3 months back I decided to port to other operator all thanks to MNP (Mobile Number Portability). When I posted a request for changing the operators (on 20 March), I received a call from Reliance customer care office, the customer care guys requested me to continue my subscription with them and said they will provide me reliance to reliance free for six months (as an incentive to stay their customer). I found the scheme attractive so I agreed to it, at that time they asked me to come to their agency office and sign some papers. The employee got it signed from me stating that this contract is just a part of formality, in reality there was a HIDDEN CLAUSE in it stating that I will not port for another 12 months, the employee intentionally didn’t informed me about this clause.

I signed the contract on March 23, now it’s almost two months and they have not yet activated that reliance to reliance free service on my number. I have called the concerned person several times, but he has stopped picking my calls. When I went to their main office to his Senior for enquiry, even her response was not satisfying, I showed her that her subordinate was not picking my calls and neither my calls were able to connect to Reliance Help Line number 198, she gave me an assurance that “Sir, although the R2R is not yet activated on your phone, but from our side we will give you a waiver after doing the required adjustments”.

Alas, her assurance was of no avail. I am still being charged with normal call rates without any adjustments being done. The problem here is that I cannot go to their main office each month and ask for the waiver again and again. If they can’t add this in my bill then I don’t want Reliance service at all.
Now after getting fed up with all this ambiguity when i again tried to port my number in May, they rejected my request on the basis of the HIDDEN CLAUSE in the contract which they made me sign. They said that while giving you the reliance to reliance free scheme you had signed a paper where you accepted that you won’t port to any other operator for 1 year. They are just fooling by giving me R2R free for six month and asking me to be with reliance for a year. This is FRAUD and CHEATING. The most annoying thing is that they didn’t activate the plan on time. I am tired of these reliance employees and their excuses.

Now after two months they are saying that now your plan is configured and you can use R2R free from next month. This commitment from them came to me on 12 May. Honestly speaking now this R2R free feature is of no use to me. I have cleared all my previous bills without any adjustments. In any case after all these false promises and cheating I don’t want to stay with them, now I just want to port my number to other operator as soon as possible.

I have complained on on 12 May after that i got a call from them asking for a receipt i got while signing the contract. I mailed it to them but they haven’t yet responded back. A week has passed (to do a more actual calculation months have passed) but my problem is not yet solved. On 18 May i posted my complaint on Reliance Facebook page and I got a call and they said “We can’t help you, you can take legal action if you want to cancel the contract and want to port.” I thought these employees were hired to sort out issues rather than advising consumers to take legal actions against Reliance.

Now it doesn’t matter how this issue ends, whatever happens Reliance has lost one of its loyal customer and I want all the readers of this post to be careful of Reliance. Also please don’t sign on any document they offer you as they are can cheat you anytime. This company is full of frauds and all its employees only tell lies (and idiotic excuses) to fool the customers. KINDLY BEWARE OF THE FALSE PROMISES MADE AND BE ALERT!!!


By Ashwin Jain

Social Udaipur Speaks

Justice for Bheem Rally

Animal Aid Udaipur

A street-dog who was brutally attacked near Bharam Pole and is now in critical condition. Animal lovers are held awareness programme and protest in his honor from 5-6 PM at Bharam Pole on 1 September 2010.


Watch this fantastic rally of animal-lovers in Udaipur on Sept 1 at Braham Pole, in protest of the brutal beating of a street-dog, named “Bheem” that left him with a broken leg and a severe head-injury. Please circulate it and send prayers for Bheem’s speedy recovery.

‘Please Don’t Hurt Animals Because They are Also a Creation Of The Same GOD who Made Us’.

We Kind Heartedly Thanks Claire Abrams of Animal Aid Unlimited For Raising this Issue and Getting a Warm Response 🙂

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