
जानिए उदयपुर की ऐसी जनजाति जिसने हल्दी घाटी युद्ध में दिया था अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान

भील यह राजस्थान की सबसे प्राचीन जनजाती हैं। भील शब्द की उत्पति “बिलू” शब्द से हुई है, जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ है ‘कमान’। यह जनजाति तीर कमान चलाने में काफी निपुण होती हैं। मुख्यतः यह जनजाति उदयपुर के साथ-साथ बांसवाड़ा, डूंगरपुर, चित्तौड़गढ़ और प्रतापगढ़ में रहती है।। ये मेवाड़ी, भील तथा वागड़ी भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं।

भीलों की जीवनशैली बहुत ही अलग ढंग की होती हैं, यह उबड़-खाबड़ पहाड़ी क्षेत्र तथा वन में रहते हैं। इनके मकानों को टापरा, कू, फलां और पाल भी कहते हैं।

पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार भील जनजाति की उत्पत्ति भगवान शिव के पुत्र निषाद द्वारा मानी जाती है। कथा के अनुसार एक बार भगवान शिव जब ध्यान मुद्रा में बैठे हुए थे, तब निषाद ने अपने पिता के प्रिय बैल नंदी को मार दिया था तब दंडस्वरूप भगवान शिव ने उन्हें पर्वतीय क्षेत्र पर निर्वासित कर दिया था, वहां से उनके वंशज भील कहलाये। इसके साथ यह भी कहा जाता है की रामायण के रचयिता वाल्मीकि भी भील पुत्र थे। महाभारत में वर्णित गुरु द्रोणाचार्य के भक्त एकलव्य भी भील जनजाति के थे। रामायण में शबरी जिसने राम को अपने झूठे बेर खिलाए थे वह शबरी भी भील जाति से ही थी। इस जाति की कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठा, प्रेम और निश्छल व्यवहार के उदाहरण प्रसिद्ध है। 

हल्दी घाटी युद्ध के समय महाराणा प्रताप की सेना में राणा पुंजा और उनकी भील सेना का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान था। इसी कारण से मेवाड़ राजचिन्हों में एक तरफ महाराणा प्रताप तो दूसरी तरफ राणा पुंजा भील का नाम भी आता है। महाराणा प्रताप को भील लोगो द्वारा पुत्र भी कहा जाता है इसके पीछे भी एक कहानी है, दरअसल मुस्लिम आक्रांताओं द्वारा बार-बार आक्रमण किए जाने पर महाराणा प्रताप के पिता महाराणा उदय सिंह समझ चुके थे कि, चित्तौड़गढ़ दुर्ग अब सुरक्षित नहीं रहा इसलिए उन्होंने सुरक्षा के लिए पहाड़ियों के बीच एक नया शहर बसाया। इसमें पहले से ही वहां रह रहे भील बस्तियों के निवासियों ने महाराणा उदय सिंह का यथोचित सहयोग किया। इसी दौरान भीलों के बच्चे व महाराणा प्रताप एक साथ रहते थे। महाराणा प्रताप ने भीलो को इतना प्रेम, स्नेह व अपनत्व दिया था कि भील उन्हें “कीका” कहने लगे जिसका सामन्य अर्थ पुत्र होता है। भीलों के साथ महाराणा प्रताप के संबंध अंत तक बने रहे। इसी वजह से सीमित संसाधनों के होते हुए भी भीलों के सहयोग से महाराणा प्रताप ने मुस्लिमों के विरुद्ध अनेक युद्धों में विजय प्राप्त की। भीलों के साथ महाराणा प्रताप के संबंध मेवाड़ राज्य के लिए बहुत लाभकारी सिद्ध हुए। महाराणा प्रताप भीलों के साथ राजा- प्रजा का नहीं बल्कि बंधुत्व का संबंध रखते थे। भीलों द्वारा किये गये सहयोग एवं वीरतापूर्ण कार्यो के सम्मान स्वरूप उन्होंने भीलों को मेवाड़ के राज चिह्न में जगह दी।

आइये जानते है और भी बहुत कुछ भील जनजाति के बारे में –

वस्त्र – भील पुरुष सामान्य तंग धोती पहनते है जिसे भील भाषा में ठेपाडु कहते है और सर पर साफा पहनते है जिसे पोत्या और फाडिंयु कहते है। भील स्त्रियों की वेशभूषा आम तौर पर वे लुगडी, घाघरा और चौली पहनती है। 

नृत्य– गैर नृत्य, घूमर,गवरी नृत्य इस जनजाति के प्रसिद्ध नृत्य हैं। 

मेले– गौतमेश्वर मेला, बेणेश्वर का मेला, ऋषभदेव का मेला 

 प्रमुख प्रथाए-

  • दापा प्रथा – इस प्रथा के अनुसार विवाह के समय लड़के के पिता द्वारा लड़की के पिता को कन्या का  मूल्य चुकाना होता है।  
  • गोदना प्रथाइस प्रथा के अनुसार भील पुरुष और महिलाएं अपने चेहरे व शरीर पर गोदना गुदवाते हैं जिसमे महिलाएं अपने आँखों के ऊपर सर पर दो आड़ी लकीरे गुदवाती हैं जो उनके भील होने का प्रतिक माना जाता हैं। 
  • गोल गोधेड़ा प्रथाभील जनजाति में एक प्रथा है जिसे गोल गोधेड़ा प्रथा कहते है, इस प्रथा के अनुसार यदि कोई भील युवक अपनी वीरता और शौर्य को प्रमाणित कर देता है तो वह युवक अपनी पसंद की लड़की से शादी कर सकता है। 

भील जनजाति में लोकगीतों, लोकनृत्य, लोकनाट्य का काफी प्रचलन है – इसमें से एक गवरी नृत्य जो उदयपुर संभाग में सावन-भादो के समय किया जाने वाला एक धार्मिक नृत्य है, जो केवल पुरुषों द्वारा किया जाता है। इस नृत्य को राइ नृत्य भी कहते है क्योंकि इसमें नृत्य के साथ मादल व थाली भी साथ में बजाई जाती है। 

भील लोग देवी-देवताओं का बहुत मानते हैं और उनकी पूजा करते हैं। ये लोग साहसी, वचन के पक्के, निडर और स्वामिभक्त होते हैं। आर्थिक दृष्टि से देखा जाए तो भील जनजाति अत्यंत निर्धन होते हैआर्थिक व सामजिक रूप में यह जनजाति समाज का बहुत ही पिछड़ा वर्ग है पर फिर भी इनका इतिहास अति रोचक साहसी एवं प्राकृतिक वातावरण से पूर्ण रहा है। इतिहास के पन्नो पर अगर देखो तो भील समाज की सम्पन्नता शूरवीरता एवं आर्थिक सम्पनता के बखान मिलते है।

History and Culture

14 Less Known Facts About Maharana Pratap that Will Shock You!

  • Maharana Pratap had 11 wives from which Maharani Ajabde Punwar was his favorite. With those 11 wives, he had 17 sons and 5 daughters. (Though various historical records vary the number of wives and daughters)
  • He stood at a magnificent height of 7 feet and 5 inches.
Source: Wikipedia
  • At the battlefield, he used to carry a weight of around 360 kg which included a spear weighing 80 kg, two swords weighing 208 kg and his armor was around 72 kg heavy. His own weight was more than 110 kg.

    Source: bobhata
  • He was the eldest son of Maharana Udai Singh amongst his other 32 children. Also his father – Maharana Udai Singh was the founder of Udaipur.
  • Rani Dheer Bai, the stepmother of Maharana Pratap initially wanted Kunwar Jagmal Singh to become the king of Mewar after Udai Singh was defeated by Mughal emperor Akbar. But after a long debate and conflict the court found Kunwar Jagmal to be unfit for the position and so Maharana Pratap was made the ruler.
  • Kunwar Jagmal Singh later served the Mughal emperor Akbar along with his two brothers Shakti Singh and Sagar Singh.
  • It is been said that in the battle of Haldighati, Maharana Pratap sliced one of the Mughal opponent Behlol Khan into two along with his horse into two.
Source: Quora
  • During a battle, Jhala Maan who had a close resemblance to Maharana Pratap wore the crown of Maharana Pratap and the Mughals attacked Jhala Maan misunderstanding him to be Maharana Pratap and in that battle, Jhala Maan was killed. Jhala Maan was the one himself who advised Pratap to leave the battlefield.
  • It was Akbar’s dream to capture Maharana Pratap but he couldn’t succeed in his lifetime. Even after all the Rajput dynasties which included Gogunda, and Bundi had surrendered to Akbar, Pratap never bowed to Akbar.
  • It was his dream to free Chittor and so he made a pledge that he would eat in a leaf plate and sleep on a bed of straws until he doesn’t win Chittor back. Even today some Rajputs place a leaf under their plate and straw under their bed in the honor of the legendary Maharana Pratap.
Source: Tavamithram
  • When he was struggling in the jungle, he had nothing to eat and he had rotis made from grass and one time the cat stole even the grass roti made for his daughter. Then he thought to surrender in front of Akbar and wrote a letter to him regarding the same. Akbar was very happy reading the letter and gave it to the Prithviraj who was the Rajput poet and warrior. In a poetic way, he said in his letter to Pratap to not quit or accept defeat from Akbar.
  • We all know about Chetak, the loyal horse of Maharana Pratap who sacrificed his life while saving his master after rescuing from the battle. But Maharana Pratap owned an elephant too who is said to have crushed the Mughal army in a battle. After Ramprasad, the elephant killed two war elephants, Akbar ordered his force to capture Ramprasad at any cost and for the same 7 war elephants were sent to catch Ramprasad. But its loyalty always belonged to his master, Maharana Pratap and so he didn’t eat anything nor drank any water and on the 18th day after his imprisonment, he died.
Source: Quora
  • Once Kunwar Amar Singh launched an attack on the camp of Abdur Rahim Khankhana who was the general of the Mughal army and took away his wives and women as trophy hostages. When Pratap came to know about his deed, he rebuked him and ordered to release all the women. Abdur was very thankful of the act of Maharana and pledged not to raise a single weapon against Mewar from then onwards. Abdur Rahim Khankhana is none other than the Rahim whose dohe and poems we have been reciting since our childhood.

    Source: Free Press Journal
  • He survived n number of battles in his lifetime but died of an injury from the hunting accident while tightening the string of a bow with an arrow. The news of Maharana’s death made even Akbar cry.
Source: Zee News

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Places to Visit

Maharana Pratap’s last capital – Chavand

Chavand, Rajasthan is a place that holds a significant position in the lives of every citizen of Mewar. It was the last capital of Mewar in the reign of Maharana Pratap but that’s not just it. Along with being the third and last capital of Mewar in the legendary Maharana Pratap’s reign, it was also the place where he took his last breath.

It is the same place where during one of his hunting expedition, Maharana Pratap took out his bow and pulled its cord with a great strength. As a result, one of his intestines got strained. Pratap tried to struggle with the pain during his treatment in Chavand but it was so much that he couldn’t bear it anymore and at the age of 57, he passed away on January 29, 1597. It is said that when Akbar (his then enemy) heard the news of Pratap’s death, he shed tears of sorrow.

Maharana Pratap’s last capital - Chavand
Picture by: Pushkar Sharma

Chavand is a historical place located in Sarada tehsil at a distance of approx. 45 km from Udaipur. The story of Chawand is dated back in the year 1585 CE. Maharana Pratap retired in the hills of Aravali after the battle of Haldighati in order to continue his venture to defeat the ferocious Mughals and strengthen his army. During his time there, he captured the area of Chavand from the Rathores. He then established his new capital in Chavand in 1585 CE.

It is believed that Pratap built somewhere around 16 hideouts to protect and camouflage his army from the enemies in the radius of 10 km in Chavand which included the armory, secret palaces, temples, and buildings for his soldiers and Bhils (who were the part of his army back then).

Maharana Pratap’s last capital - Chavand
Picture by: Tanuj Rawal

Chavand in the present

With time, Chavand has grown beautifully and constructed in such a way that it attracts a lot of people from the cities nearby. One reason for that is even after such a long time, the history and the story of the legends who used to live there once upon a time are alive. People at any point in time coming from different parts of the country can feel the walls and sight of the place. There are different elements that capture the eyes of the tourists and remains the center of attraction of the place.

From the several temples Maharana Pratap built during his time in Chavand, one temple was Chamunda Devi temple. The temple still exists in the village in a perfect condition and Chamunda Devi is worshipped as a local deity by the people residing in the village.

Near Chavand, there is a natural Lake named Lake Khejad in the mid of which a beautiful Cenotaph was made by Maharana Bhupal Singh to commemorate the legend of Mewar, Maharana Pratap. It is now under the control of Rajasthan tourism. The site of the Cenotaph provides basic facts and the history of Mewar and its rulers. The board outside the cenotaph displays names of all the rulers who played a substantial role in the battle of Haldighati and accompanied Maharana Pratap in fighting against powerful Mughal forces.

Maharana Pratap’s last capital - Chavand
Picture by: Gaurav Soni

At a distance of 2 km towards Chavand from Lake Khejad, you will reach an ancient Chavand palace on the top of the hill. Although, the palace is now in ruins when it was at its best it was a three storied building. The ruin of the palace overlooks the entire town of Chavand.

Maharana Pratap’s last capital - Chavand
Picture by: Pushkar Sharma

Apart from that, there is a memorial of Maharana Pratap in Chavand where a statue of him stands at the top and below are the statues of his associates namely Bhilu Rana, Rana Punja, Hakim Khan Sur, Jala Man and Daanveer Bhamashah. The monument and the entire place is the pilgrimage for all the people from Mewar and the people who admire the great Maharana Pratap. There is a lot to learn from the journey of Pratap. That no matter how great or powerful your enemy is, you should bravely face all the struggles and problems of your life.

Maharana Pratap’s last capital - Chavand

Places to Visit

Know about Haldighati Museum on Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Located on a high hill on the west of Chetak Magri between Khamnore and Balicha village on the border of Udaipur and Rajsamand district is the splendid Maharana Pratap Museum. It covers an area of about 15000 sq. meters and is about 40 km from Udaipur. Situated near Chetak Smarak built in the memory of Pratap’s faithful steed Chetak, the area used to be deserted. Impelled by a stray remark that this place near Haldighati where the famous battle between Maharana Pratap and Raja Man Singh was fought deserved a museum. Mohan Shrimali who belongs to Balicha village took up the stupendous task of building a museum to showcase the life and achievements of legend Maharana Pratap. In this project, Shrimali got the support and guidance of the great freedom fighter and member of the constituent assembly, Balwant Singh Mehta. He resighted from his well-paid govt. job sold his parental farmland and pucca house and took a loan to complete his dream two crore project in 12 years. The museum was inaugurated by the erstwhile governor of Rajasthan Anshuman Singh on 19th January 2003 in the presence of other dignitaries.

Haldighati Museum
Source: Tripadvisor

The museum displays in the form of attractive models, pictures are tableau of the royal emblem of Mewar, the sacrifice of Panna Dhai, Mahara Pratap discussing his strategies with his ministers and chiefs, Pratap’s union with his horse Chetak, scenes of Pratap’s life in the jungle, eating bread made of grass, the vow taken by Gadia Lohars not to live in houses, scenes of Chittorgarh and other events related to Pratap’s life. The models some of which are made from fiber are operated by electricity and become lively by the accompanying music, sound and light effects. Also highlighted are those persons who were associated with the battle of Haldighati. Mansingh Jhala, Hakim Khan Soori, Ramshah Tanwar, Shalivahan Tansror, Pratap Singh Tanwar, Bhilu Rana Punja, Veer Pradhan Bhamashah, Veer Purohit Jagannath, Kalyan Podiyar, Mansingh Sajjawat (Delwarora), Tarachand Kavedia, Rana Sangha Chundawat, Bheemsingh Dodia, Ramdas Rathore, Mansingh Sonagora (Pali), Mahasahani Jagannath, Purohit Gopinath Rawal, Krishnadas Chundawat, Mehta Jaimalla, Barkat Jaisa Sauda, Barkat Kesav Sonda, Bhawani Singh Tanwar, Mehta Ratanchand Charan, Roma Sandhu, etc.

Haldighati Museum

Also on display are portraits of Meera Bai and Maharanas of Mewar dynasty including Maharana Kumbha Singh, Maharana Sangram Singh, Maharana Amar Singh and Maharana Udai Singh. Objects that are associated with our ancient culture such as Rahat that was used to draw water from wells Kolhu to extract oil, Chadas, Telki, Ghani, Rath, Bullock cart, Agriculture implements, musical instruments, dresses, utensils, locks, etc. are also there in the museum. Also on display are the traditional lifestyles of different castes and several kinds of weapons. There is also a huge library to which 6000 books have been added recently that is a treasure house of knowledge, especially for researchers. Films are screened in the 50 sealed theatre where it is proposed to double the capacity. Light and sound show is another attraction. Also showcased are rural industries and handicraft products such as the attractive Molela Terracotta items. A small artificial Lake also attracts the visitors.

Balicha area is famous for Cheti Gulab that flowers only once in a year in the month of Chaitra. It is said that the species was brought here by the army of Akbar and that is why the area is called Shahi Bagh. Not only is the process of making Gulab Sharbat, Gulab Jal and Gulkund displayed in the museum but villages have been trained to make a living out of it.

Haldighati Museum
Source: hopping miles

No wonder the museum has not only been visited by big personalities such as President Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, Central Ministers like Jaipal Reddy, CP Joshi, Hansraj Bhardwaj, and several governors and Chief Justices of India but also highly praised by them. The number of visitors has now shot up to lakhs.

Mohan Shrimali founder of the museum

For his commendable efforts, Mohan Shrimali has been honored at national and state level by several government organizations.


To know about Pratap’s journey to Haldighati – click here.

To know about Haldighati battle- click here.

Places to Visit

Do you know about the Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair?

A battle between the armies of Maharana Pratap and Mughals took place on Vijaya Dashami at Dewair valley. Both the Generals of the Mughal army Sultan Khan and Bahlol Khan got killed in the battle and as a result, the hill was captured by Maharana Pratap, which is now known as “Meva Ka Mathara”. This place is situated around 1 km north-west of the village of Dewair.Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair

In remembrance of this historic victory of Maharana Pratap, the State Government had constructed a huge National Victory Monument at Meva ka Mathara under Mewar Complex Plan. This monument was inaugurated by first female President of India her Excellency President Madam Pratibha Devi Singh Patil on 10th January 2012. Dedicated to the historic victory achieved, this monument is a humble tribute from the Nation to Maharana Pratap.Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair

History of Dewair

In the olden days, Dewair was ruled by various people, from Mair Caste to Deveda Rajputs. Dewair’s geographical location is very important from the strategic perspective as various ways to Marwar, Mewar, Gujarat, and Malva pass from Dewair.

The Battlefield “Dewair ki Naal” (Dewair Valley) is situated around 2 K.M. South West to the village Dewair. The famous battle of Dewair had started here on Vijaya Dashmi, 1582.

After Haldighati battle Mughal King Akbar established various Mughal posts in Mewar through Dewair Route. During his establishments, he continued to invade Mewar through his representatives Maan Singh, Bhagwan Das, Todar Mal and Shaah Baaz Khan etc. But Maharana Pratap continued to diffuse his invasions by using Guerrilla warfare. Maharana Pratap in this duration started re-uniting and strengthening his army and collecting weapons with the help of his allies from Sirohi, Ieder, Jalore etc.Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair

He spread a rumor that he had left Mewar and surrendered all his operations. By this diplomatic step, he deceived the Mughal emperor and attacked the strongest Mughal post situated at Dewair.

In this Epic Battle Maharana Pratap and his Son, Kunwar Amar Singh displayed extreme valor and courage. Maharana Pratap chopped Mughal Commander Bahalol Khan into two pieces including his horse in one strike of his sword. Whereas, his son Kunwar Amar Singh had killed Sultan Khan in one strike of his Spear.

Battlefield of Dewair Valley and Meva Ka Mathara are the evidence of the historic win of Maharana Pratap in Dewair.  Due to this historic win, Mughal forces had automatically left 36 posts in Mewar Region. Through this battle, Maharana Pratap took the revenge of Haldighati and undoubtedly, this war is the brightest milestone achieved by him during his lifetime.

Chapli Nature Trail at Dewair

To encourage the tourism in Dewair area both Tourism Department and Forest Department have together built this Nature Trail which is 6 km long. This Nature Trail is built from Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak to Shiv Mandir, Chapli. It passes from a Game Sanctuary which renders a wonderful opportunity to the tourists to see the nature and wildlife in its purest form.Maharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair

Surrounded by the wildlife and forest, it also renders an opportunity for Horse and Camel safari. People who like adventure motorbike will find this place suitable for their ride.

Location of DewairMaharana Pratap Vijay Smarak in Dewair

It is situated on the northern front of the Aravali range between Madaria and Kumbhalgarh. It is situated on National Highway No. 8, consequently, 118 km and 50 km North of Udaipur and District Headquarter Rajasmand and 300 km south of the Capital Jaipur.

Article By: Puneet Upadhyay


Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor

Chetak is the most famous horse in the history of Mewar. The bravery and resilience of this stallion is sung in ballads and written in manuscripts. In Udaipur, Chetak’s statue is erected at Moti Magri and Chetak Circle. Texts define Chetak as a horse that was truly devoted to its master and was brave enough to save his master from the enemies. The folklores define Chetak as a brave and obedient animal who fought for his rider till its last breath. Maharana Pratap’s Chetak is undoubtedly an epitome of love and valor for his master. Let us read why Chetak is celebrated so much.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: indiaopines

In 1553, after the defeat, Maharana Udai Singh shifted his capital from Chittorgarh to Udaipur as directed by a hermit. A couple of years later his son Maharana Pratap took the reign of Mewar and for the next 25 years, ruled with bravery, devotion, and fortitude. Chetak was his chosen horse, he loved the creature and it resonated the love quite well.

The history of the horses of Rajasthan

Almost a thousand years ago, the Rathore clan moved into Maru Pradesh (now Marwar). The three major breeds of horses popular in Western India at that time were Marwari, Sindhi, and Kathiyawadi.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: indiaopines

Rathore clan found the Marwari horses. The beauty, mettle, and intelligence of the horses amazed the new early settlers; they started the business of breeding them.

Chetak was one Marwari horse and proved to be a Brave one.

Chetak and his master Maharana Pratap

In 1576 the army of Mughal Emperor Akbar started its way to capture Udaipur. Maharana Pratap and his men waited at the entry to a narrow one-kilometer long pass in the Aravali Ranges. This pass was Haldighati and was the only access to Mewar for the proceeding Mughal army. A bloody battle between the two armies was fought and lasted up to four hours.

People remember not the overthrow of Maharana Pratap but the courage and loyalty of his men and his horse Chetak.

In between the course of the battle, an elephant’s tusk tore through one of Chetak’s rear legs and crippled or immobilized it. Even after being hurt the horse did not give up and with his king on the saddle, Chetak made his way back to safety on his three legs.

The brave horse collapsed in the end. There is a pictorial depiction of the Maharana lamenting the death of his beloved horse.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: topyaps

Chetak was a great friend of Maharana Pratap at the time of war with Akbar in Haldighati. It had kept its life in danger and protected his master by jumping from 25 feet deep trough.

It is also said that as he was a very aggressive horse, only Maharana Pratap was able to tame it. It is believed that the horse itself chose his master.

Today, there is a temple of Chetak in Haldighati.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: Tripadvisor
Rakht talai chetak Samadhi

Why was Chetak different?

As earlier mentioned, the three major breeds of horses popular in Western India in Rana Pratap’s times were Marwari, Sindhi, and Kathiawadi.

Chetak belonged to the Marwari breed. True to the physiognomies of its class, it had a lean body as that of a desert bred horse. It had a high forehead with a long face and luminously sparkling eyes.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: tripadvisor

As he had curved and curled ears and it is said that when its ears pointed forward, the top of the ears met together presenting an elegant look.

It is said that only Maharana Pratap could control it. Chetak exhibited the highest degree of loyalty and submissiveness towards the Maharana. According to the folklore sung in the Mewar region, it is said that Chetak’s coat had a certain blue color. Perhaps, that is the reason why Maharana Pratap is often mentioned as the ‘Rider of The Blue Horse’.

Who were Natak and Atak?

Pushpendra Singh Ranawat (geo-heritage dept.) says that Chetak had fellow horses or brother too. The names of the fellow horses were Natak & Atak and were well-trained for wars. They were stallions. Atak was put on trial for hilly & river-let terrain during which it got a foot injury.

Maharana Pratap bought all three; Natak was given to his younger brother Shakti Singh and Chetak was kept for the Maharana. The last horse Atak was sent to the animal care center after the injury.

Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
Source: topyaps

Interesting things about Chetak

  • One legend say that Chetak was known as “Neela Ghoda” or blue horse because it had sparkling blue eyes. One more legend says that Chetak’s coat had a certain blue shade and hence it was known as the Blue Horse
  • Maharana Pratap put an armor on him in the shape of an elephant’s trunk to provide him protection and make a disguise as an elephant for the marching army
  • One folklore suggests that Chetak was small in size measuring somewhere between 14.2 to 15.2 hands height
  • Chetak had appealingly curved and curled ears
  • Chetak had a peacock shaped neck and was described as Mayura Greeva (peacock neck) in folklore
  • Chetak was aggressive, arrogant and difficult to control

    Maharana Pratap’s Chetak | Epitome of Love and Valor
    Source: topyaps

Chetak’s full description is given in the poem “Chetak Ki Veerta” written by Shyam Pandey


“रण बीच चौकड़ी भर-भर कर

चेतक बन गया निराला था

राणाप्रताप के घोड़े से

पड़ गया हवा का पाला था

जो तनिक हवा से बाग हिली

लेकर सवार उड़ जाता था

राणा की पुतली फिरी नहीं

तब तक चेतक मुड़ जाता था

गिरता न कभी चेतक तन पर

राणाप्रताप का कोड़ा था

वह दौड़ रहा अरिमस्तक पर

वह आसमान का घोड़ा था

था यहीं रहा अब यहाँ नहीं

वह वहीं रहा था यहाँ नहीं

थी जगह न कोई जहाँ नहीं

किस अरिमस्तक पर कहाँ नहीं

निर्भीक गया वह ढालों में

सरपट दौडा करबालों में

फँस गया शत्रु की चालों में

बढ़ते नद-सा वह लहर गया

फिर गया गया फिर ठहर गया

विकराल वज्रमय बादल-सा

अरि की सेना पर घहर गया

भाला गिर गया गिरा निसंग

हय टापों से खन गया अंग

बैरी समाज रह गया दंग

घोड़े का ऐसा देख रंग”


Rises the epic “First Freedom Fighter” on 12th October 2012

Maharana Pratap: The first Freedom Fighter | UdaipurBlog

Maharana Pratap, The King of Mewar is an epic figure from the Indian history. Memoirs of his bravery and indomitability cannot be forgotten from one’s mind so easily. He was a great leader and a freedom fighter.

Thus, in honor of this gallantry person, Alok Audio Visuals Pvt. Ltd. & Alok Sanskar Vision films came with a dynamic project: “Maharana Pratap: The First Freedom Fighter.”  After a zealot and an enthusiastic journey of 5 long years the movie has been completed and is scheduled to be released on Friday, October 12, 2012. The film has a total running time of 145 minutes and has been given a U/A certificate for the reason of violence and blood mishap in the story.

The story has been proposed by Dr. Pradeep Kumawat who is the director cum producer of the film. The main highlight is that that it is the first of its kind opening film on the life of Maharana Pratap.

The prominent characters for this film have been played by artists Narayan Singh Sisodia (Maharana Pratap) and Kuldeep Chaturvedi (Akbar). Dr. Pradeep Kumawat, the director and producer of the film, also plays the role of Bappa Rawal in the movie.

Maharana Pratap: The first Freedom Fighter | UdaipurBlog

Coming on the point of music, The film consists of total 9 songs which includes one of the last tracks sung by the Gazal king Late Shri Jagjit Singh.(PS: Just for a co-incidence on, today’s day in 2011, Jagjit Singh left us for heavenly abode). The music is composed by a popular music maestro from Udaipur, Dr. Prem Bhandari. The music was launched by the then president of India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil.

The film’s screenplay surrounds on the heroism of Maharana Pratap and his differences with Akbar and Man Singh which lead to the famous battle of Haldighati.

The movie is a must watch for all the Indians and especially the Rajasthanis who have immense privilege in their hearts for this great warrior, and a rich history cherished with the memories of the great warrior. We wish all the very best for the success of the film.


Article by: Shuchi Mehta

Edited By: Prasun Bannerjee

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[Pictures] Udaipur celebrated birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap

Yesterday was the day of immense pride and honor for the people of Mewar as we all celebrated 472nd birth anniversary of its greatest ruler, Maharana Pratap. Though respect for him never diminishes in any heart, it seems like the birth anniversary gave an occasion to show their respect for this son of Maharana Udai Singh.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Udaipur was no behind in showing their pride and gratitude towards Pratap and his beloved horse, Chetak. City Council and Kshatriya Mewar Mahasabha organized a rally that started from Moti Magri and ended at Town Hall passing through Chetak Circle, Hathipole, Moti Chohatta, Clock tower, Sindhi Bazar, Soorajpole, Bapu Bazar and Delhi Gate; the bands playing regional Mewari songs of Maharana Pratap and bravery giving Goosebumps to everyone the way.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

The Guest of Honor was Mr. Narendra Modi, CM of Gujrat, who along with the royal prince, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar started the rally by offering flowers in the feet of Maharana Pratap’s statue at Moti Magri. This was followed by the worship of Chetak at Chetak Circle. The shine of rally was increased by the esteemed presence of Mrs. Rajni Dangi, Mr. Mahendra Singh Shaktawat, Prem Singh Shaktawat and many others.

School kids on their skates were moving first followed in sequence by horse and camel riders holding Saffron flags, members of Mahadev Sena, Mewar Kshatriya Mahasabha and Shooldharini Sena. Jawans of Mewar Sindhu Brigade gracefully played the role of soldiers as they walked holding guns. In the last was the statue of Maharana Pratap and Eklingnath Ji placed in an open jeep. Even the statue of Pratap shined so brightly with bravery and self-esteem that every head bowed out of reflex in front of it.

The rally ended with a programme at Town Hall where Narendra Modi addressed the gathering, expressing his respect for Maharana Pratap and his values and commenting on the state of political parties and the corrupt leaders. He also expressed his pride on Rajasthan – Gujarat relationships and on the progress of Gujarat.

The detailed glimpse of the event can be seen here in the pictures, shot by Mujtaba RG

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog




Hero of the Age – Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap

Today is Maharana Pratap Jayanti, birth anniversary of the great ruler of Mewar; a king who never got the Crown and the privilege to rule a state, but who remained king only on papers in his whole life; the Hindu ruler of Mewar, who is considered as the best example of bravery among the Rajput rulers of India and by whom all Mewar people are inspired.

Pratap singh, who is more famous as Maharana Pratap was the eldest son of Maharana Udai Singh, founder of Udaipur, and Maharani Jayawanti. Born on Jyestha Sudi third of Vikram Samvant 1597, he did his education and mastered in the skills of using arms and weapons at a very young age. He also learned horse riding during the time. He was married to Rajkumari Ajabade at the age of 17.

It was the year 1567 when Akbar, the great Mughal emperor, conquered  Chittorgarh, which was the capital of Maharana Udai Singh that time. Udai Singh’s followers and Generals of the kingdom advised him to abandon Chittorgarh. Udai Singh then moved to the valley of Aravali ranges and laid the foundation of the present Udaipur city. He wanted to give the crown of the kingdom to his beloved son Jagmal Singh, but his seniors and advisers wanted Pratap to be the king as per the customs.  And this was the beginning of competition, struggle and hardship for Maharana Pratap.

Maharana pratap never accepted Mughals as the rulers of his own country India, and for this very reason, he never bowed in front of Akbar and fought with him till his last breath. Meanwhile almost all of the other Rajput chiefs had surrendered to Akbar including Maharana’s own brothers. Akbar sent many proposals to Pratap, seeking some sort of peaceful adjustment that he had concluded with the other kings, but Pratap refused every proposal of Mughals to maintain his self esteem and honor. Maharana continued his struggle from the Aravali valleys from where he harassed the large force of Mughals and ensured that they were kept out of the valley during this crucial time.

Haldigahti Battle is a historical event in the Indian history, and in the annuals of Rajput and Mughal kingdoms. It was this battle in which Chetak, the beloved horse of Maharana Pratap essayed many brave moves but finally collapsed due to some critical injuries. In this battle, Pratap was also supported by the bhil tribes of the surrounding areas; the great contribution the bhil tribe in this battle is remembered till date and they are given an honor of contribution by the rajputs of mewar regimen. There was a significant impression of this war on the Mughal army. This battle is considered to be the first milestone of victory over the Mughal Emperors.

Pratap died at the age of 57, in the year 1597, because of multiple injuries in an accident during hunting. In his complete journey, the main goal of his life was not to surrender in front of the Mughals and even while lying in the lap of death he made his son and successors swear to maintain eternal conflicts against the Mughals.

Maharana Pratap is the best projected model of bravery, freedom fighter and patriotism against the Mughal rulers in India. It is because of this great fighter, that Mewar got the appreciation and honor to be the only kingdom to merge its state with the independent India. Sardar vallabhbhai Patel, India’s first Union Home Minister said that “If any ruler in India had any right to claim of independence it was Mewar, which gladly and readily merged with the Indian Union saying that it was fulfillment of 13 centuries of their mission but for Mewar no other ruler has that right.”

This is a great honor for all of us to be the son of the land to which the great Maharana Pratap belongs. He lived his whole life with great courage and self respect, never bowing down in front of any difficult situation. We being the resident of Rana ji’s Udaipur should follow the same footsteps and live our lives with the same bravery and self esteem. Jai Mewar!!

Photograph by : Mujtaba R.G.


Maharana Pratap Jayanti

maharana pratap UdaipurBlog

We Belong from the Land Of Warriors – ‘Udaipur’ – The Capital of Mewar and today we celebrate the Glory of Freedom, Independence in the form of Maharana Pratap Jayanti. Pratap (The Son of Maharana Udai Singh II) the Legendary Hero of Mewar who fought for Freedom till his Last Breath. Due to his Effort Mewar was the Only Independent Land free from Invaders all around the World. It is a well known fact that Mewar was the Only free state from the Great Mughal Badhshah Akhbar and Britishers.

udaipur london dosti - UdaipurBlog
This 1 Rupee Coin Made Up Of Silver is a Symbol of Friendship between Bristishers and Mewar State

Maharana Pratap Jayanti is Celebrated every year on Shukla Thritiya of the Ashad month (May or June). This Year (2010)  it is on 15th June.

About Maharana Pratap:

Maharana Pratap (May 9, 1540 – January 29, 1597) was 16th century King who ruled Mewar, a state in north-western India. He was born on 9th May 1540 in Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan. His father was Maharana Udai Singh II and mother was Rani Jeevant Kanwa. He was the eldest among 25 brothers and 20 sisters and was the 54th ruler of Mewar. He belonged to the Sisodiya Rajput clan.

From childhood Rana Pratap had the passion that a Kshatriya king needs to possess. In 1568, when Maharana was just 27 years old, the Mughal emperor Akbar conquered Chittor. Maharana Udai Singh, his father decided to leave Chittor and moved to Gogunda. Seeing this as opportunity, his half brother Jagmal took away the throne. When Jagmal was unable to manage affairs he joined the army of Akbar with an idea to take revenge with Maharana Pratap.

Maharana faced many struggles in his career. He kept on fighting with Akbar all his life. Akbar tried several ways to win over Maharana Pratap but he was always a failure. Maharana could not forget when Akbar killed 30,000 unarmed residents of Chittor only because they refused to convert to Islam. This made Maharana revolt against Akbar and he followed strict codes of Kshatriyas to fight with Akbar.

Battle of Haldighati

Battle Of HaldiGhati - UdaipurBlog

On June 21, 1576 (June 18 by other calculations), the two armies met at Haldighati, near the town of Gogunda in present-day Rajasthan. While accounts vary as to the exact strength of the two armies, all sources concur that the Mughal forces greatly outnumbered Pratap’s men (1:4). The battle of Haldighati, a historic event in the annals of Rajputana, lasted only four hours. In this short period, Pratap’s men essayed many brave exploits on the field. Folklore has it that Pratap personally attacked Man Singh: his horse Chetak placed its front feet on the trunk of Man Singh’s elephant and Pratap threw his lance; Man Singh ducked, and the mahout was killed.

However, the numerical superiority of the Mughal army and their artillery began to tell. Seeing that the battle was lost, Pratap’s generals prevailed upon him to flee the field ( so as to be able to fight another day. Myths indicate that to facilitate Pratap’s escape, one of his lieutenants, a member of the Jhala clan, donned Pratap’s distinctive garments and took his place in the battlefield. He was soon killed. Meanwhile, riding his trusty steed Chetak, Pratap made good his escape to the hills.

But Chetak was critically wounded on his left thigh by a Mardana (Elephant Trunk Sword) while Pratap had attempted to nail down Man Singh. Chetak was bleeding heavily and he collapsed after jumping over a small brook few kilometres away from the battle field. When Pratap’s general donned Pratap’s clothing and armour, it went unnoticed, thanks to the chaos of the war, but for two Turk knights from the Mughal army. They could not communicate it with others in their group, due to the linguistic barrier (the appropriate language would have been Persian, Marwari or Arabi, given the composition of the Mughal army). They immediately followed Pratap without wasting time. The moment they started chasing him, Pratap’s younger brother Shaktisingh, who was fighting from the Mughal side, (he had some disputes with Pratap at the time of Pratap’s coronation; hence he had defected and gone over to Akbar’s court) realized that his own brother was under threat. Pratap’s general’s sacrifice had already been discovered by him. He could not help but react against a threat to his own brother. He followed the Turks, engaged them in single combat and killed them. In the meanwhile, Chetak collapsed and Pratap saw his brother Shaktisingh killing the two Mughal riders. Saddened by the loss of his beloved general and horse, he embraced his brother and broke into tears. Shaktisingh also cried and asked for his brother’s pardon, for having fought as his enemy. Pratap pardoned him (later on he was given a huge estate near Chittor). Shaktisingh then offered him his own horse and requested him to get to a safe place. This incident is famous in Rajasthani folklore, a song “O Neele Ghode re Aswar” (O Rider of the Blue Horse) mentions it.

A mausoleum to Chetak is at the site of the steed’s death.

The impact of the battle on the Mughal army was also significant. In terms of numbers the Mughal army suffered heavier losses. This was also because of the intensive arrow showers by the Bhil tribes of the surrounding mountains who had sided with Pratap. To honour their contribution, a Bhil warrior was placed next to Pratap in the Royal Coat of Arms of Mewar.

The battle of Haldighat is considered to be the first Major breakthrough of Rajputs against the Mughals since the Second Battle of Khanwa in 1527, which was fought between Rana Sanga grandfather of Maharana Pratap, and the Mughal Babur grandfather of Akbar. It is regarded with a degree of significance by many Rajput families.

Moti Magri (Udaipur):

Moti Magri Smarak  - UdaipurBlogAn impressive bronze statue of Maharana Pratap and his favorite and loyal horse, who fiercely protected his master and stood by him till his last breath, stands at the top of Moti Magri, overlooking Fateh Sagar. Local habitants climb the hill to pay homage to Maharana Pratap and his faithful horse Chetak, who were killed in the battle of Haldighati. Also there are the ruins of one of the first modest palaces of Udaipur and also a charming Japanese rock garden. The Memorial has the first Light & Sound program in Rajasthan, that displays the glorious 1400 years of Mewar’s history. All these are highly decorated with lights during the Maharana Pratap Festival. People from across the world come to visit the place.