
From Sindh to Mewar – A Story of Life, Struggle and Migration

Independence Day has recently enveloped us into a feeling of patriotism in and out. Obviously, it makes us feel proud that we belong to a country called India or Hindustan but behind that jolly feeling, a lot of efforts has been put. India and Pakistan was a single country before which isn’t alien to anyone. But just when we were on the verge of Independence, the country was divided into two which wrote million unheard and bitter stories in the hearts of people. And in this article, another story is going to unfold. Another story – From Sindh to Mewar.

Partition undoubtedly has led to the biggest mass migration in the history of the world. And Sindhi is one of those communities that saw the aftereffect of this migration very closely. Incidentally, I came across a man who has seen every phase of independence vividly.

Prabhudas Pahuja shared his story of struggle and Migration which left us dumbfounded. In the passage below, I have tried to capture the exact feelings and experience of Mr. Pahuja. I hope you could connect to it as much as I did.

“It all started in 1947. I was 15 years old. Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to be the first Prime Minister of Independent India whereas Muhammad Ali Jinnah either wanted to be the Prime Minister or a separate country. Mahatma Gandhi never wanted this partition. He used to say that Pakistan would be formed over my dead body. And this was the beginning of all.

Source: The Express Tribune Blog

Our life at Sindh was good. There were multiple communities and we all lived like a family. Although, the majority were Muslims Hindus were more dominating. My family owned big lands, properties, retinues, flour and rice mills which were the main source of our income there.

The news of partition reached my father’s ears and we planned to migrate before the intense communal riots. We couldn’t sell our house or properties due to the act where you cannot buy or sell properties in the other country. And so my father gave our house and properties to relatives and left Sindh with Rs. 200 in the pocket. Although, there were a few highly educated people who managed to exchange lands with people in Ajmer, Jaipur, Lucknow, and Bombay and managed to encash some lands too.

Traces of migration could be seen when a large number of people were traveling to different parts of the other country via ships, planes, and trains. People from Sindh started moving towards a completely new land. For once, we thought that this migration would be temporary and that we’ll return to our motherland as soon as the situations get better. Little did we know that destiny had something else planned for us.

Source: Quartz

I was scared in this entire journey from Sindh to Udaipur. After all, situations were such that a little spark could get everything on fire. I palpably remember the images of riots in the train, when even women’s parts were cut down to pieces. But luckily our train went straight from Jacobabad to Hyderabad to Bombay and finally to Udaipur.

The first preference of all the Sindhi migrants was Udaipur. The images of Maharani Meera and Maharana Pratap used to flash in front of our eyes whenever we thought about Udaipur. Pratap was a man who protected Hindu culture so much, who sacrificed his lives for others. At land of people like such, we knew we were safe. And it turned out to be true.

People in Udaipur were very supportive. The king, Maharana Bhopal Singh Ji was too kind. He arranged a stay for us at several places like Oswal Bhawan, Panchayati Nohra, MB College, BN College, etc. We came here as mere refugees. We weren’t much talented or educated so my father and we had to start everything from scratch. I studied till 8th standard in Sindh and even that was too much back then. It was when I came to Udaipur, I resumed my studies, learned some basic Hindi at Vidyapeeth.

Source: Team-BHP

Meanwhile, I gave some money to a soap maker and learned soap making from him. I used to deliver soaps to Bhuvana, Sisarma, which were villages back then, on a rented cycle. I got married in 1951. I and my wife rented a room in just Rs 15 a month where we both started soap making. You won’t believe that everything was so cheap that our expenditure for a day was Rs. 2.

The government helped us with land and properties too but I guess destiny didn’t want that and major part of land got stuck somewhere in politics and mediators. Although I feel life is better here, the environment is suitable but our community has struggled a lot. It is not easy to leave one’s motherland and shift to some strange place. Gujarat got a bit of Gujarat, Maharashtra got a piece of land too and so did Punjab. But it was just Sindhis who weren’t offered even 5 acres of land and had to scatter in the entire country. I still want Sindh to get reunited in India.

My wife has supported me sternly in my thick and thin. Women in our community have shown great courage. Society says that women are fragile and delicate but I think when hard time comes, these women become warriors.

Source: CNN

Gradually, situations got better, I bought my own cycle, motorcycle, car, house. I got involved in social works later on. Today, a lot of Sindhis are into charity. Maybe that’s because they’ve seen the hardships life has to offer from very close. They have seen what it feels like to not have a shelter above your head or a bite of food in your mouth.

But I feel negative situations arise for your own compatibility. Today I am happy and satisfied. My grandsons and granddaughters are pursuing CA and MBA from Switzerland and London. And that soap making business I told you about? That is being managed by my grandson. He has earned 10 times more than me. I think it’s the destiny that decides everything. In fact, the fact that you met me was planned by destiny too.”

The entire episode of flashback brought a teary eye to 86 year old Prabhudas Pahuja. But like they say ‘Everything happens for a reason’.

Did you like the story? Share your feedback with us in the comment section below. If you have any story of your own which you want to share with the world, send it to me at


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सगस जी के 402वें जन्मदिन पर आइये उनके चमत्कारों पर कुछ बातें करे

हर वर्ष श्रावण के शुक्ल पक्ष में सगस जी बावजी का जन्मदिन पूरे मेवाड़ में काफी उत्साह के साथ मनाया जाता है। उदयपुर में सभी सगस जी के मंदिरों के बाहर इस दिन काफी भीड़ रहती है। आखिरकार सभी भक्त सगस जी के दर्शन के एक पल के लिए पूरा दिन इंतज़ार करने के लिए तैयार जो रहते है। इसी अवसर पर हमने सगस जी के बारे में कुछ और बातें जानने के लिए महंत मिट्ठालाल चित्तौड़ा से बात की।

86 वर्षीय महंत मिट्ठालाल चित्तौड़ा वह युवक है जिन्होंने सगस जी की मूर्ती को अपने घर में ही एक छोटे से मंदिर के रूप में आश्रय दे रखा है। 40 साल पुराने इस मंदिर से भी काफी रोचक कहानी जुड़ी हुई है। दरअसल इस मंदिर की शुरुआत सिटी पैलेस में महज़ एक तस्वीर के रूप में हुई थी। उस समय हर एक व्यक्ति का पैलेस में आकर सगस जी के दर्शन करना संभव नहीं था। इस कारण मिट्ठालाल जी के पिताजी को ये सुझाव पहली बार सूझा और तब ही उन्होंने बावजी की तस्वीर को अपने घर में विराजमान किया।

सगस जी के बारे में कुछ और कहानियाँ पढने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें यहाँ

उस दिन को आज 40 साल हो चुके है और दिन-ब-दिन श्रद्धालुओं की संख्या बढ़ती ही चली आ रही है। श्रद्धालुओं की बात करें तो सगस जी ने अपने दर्शन के लिए ना केवल उदयपुरवासियों को बल्कि कई विदेशियों को भी बुलाया है। इसी वजह से मंदिर का उल्लेख कई विदेशी पुस्तकों में भी है। यह मंदिर अब इतना प्रसिद्द हो चुका है की कई राजनेताओं जैसे गुलाबचंद जी कटारिया, किरण महेश्वरी, गिरिजा व्यास, आदि का पधारना भी हुआ है यहाँ। हर रविवार को यहाँ प्रशादी होती है जो करवाने लिए लोग स्वेच्छा से बुकिंग करवा देते है। चौंकाने वाली बात यह है की वर्ष 2020 तक की बुकिंग लोगों ने अभी से ही करवा रखी है।

सगस जी का हर रविवार काफी सुन्दर श्रृंगार होता है जिसमें अलग अलग वस्तुओं का इस्तेमाल होता है जैसे सोना, बादले, केसर, चाँदी, हल्दी आदि। इतना ही नहीं बल्कि अलग अलग त्योहारों पर भी उत्सव सम्बन्धी श्रृंगार होता है जैसे हरियाली अमावस्या पर हरे रंग का श्रृंगार तो प्रताप जयंती पर युद्ध के मैदान जैसा श्रृंगार।

सगस जी के कुछ चमत्कारों की कहानी भक्तों की ज़बानी

  • सुशील चित्तौड़ा, जो की मिट्ठालाल जी के पुत्र है, उन्होंने अपनी कहानी हमारे साथ साँझा की। उन्होंने बताया की बहुत 17-18 साल तक कोशिश करने के बाद भी उन्हें पुत्र का सुख नही मिल पा रहा था। करीब 80 डॉक्टरों और दिल्ली, अहमदाबाद जैसे शहरों के होस्पिटलों का दरवाज़ा खटखटाने के बाद भी उन्हें कोई परिणाम नहीं मिला। आखिरकार उन्होंने अपना दुःख सगस जी के सामने रखा और 1 ही साल में उन्हें एक पुत्र की प्राप्ति हो गई।
  • अमित कोठारी, जो की सगस जी के एक भक्त हैं, ने अपनी कहानी बताई। वे कुछ समय पहले कार में कहीं जा रहे थे। उनकी कार की रफ़्तार थोड़ी तेज़ ही थी। अचानक उन्हें सगस जी, जो की नाग योनी में दिखाई देते है, दिखाई दिए और उन्होंने अपनी कार की रफ़्तार कम कर दी। एक और कार उन्हें ओवरटेक करते हुए आगे निकली और कुछ ही दूरी पर उस कार का एक्सीडेंट हो गया। अमित जी कहते है की ये बावजी ही थे जिन्होनें उनकी जान बचाई।
  • वही विभूति भटनागर ने कहा की शादी की बाद उनके पति की कम इनकम के बावजूद उन्होंने एक घर खरीदा लेकिन घर में काफी परेशानी होने के कारण उन्हें वह कम पैसों में बेचना पड़ा। अब इसके बाद उन्हें रेंट पर रहना पड़ रहा था और पैसों की कमी के कारण घर चलाने में भी काफी दिक्कत हो रही थी। बावजी से अपनी परेशानी बताने पर उनकी एक चौकी में उन्होंने कहा की आने वाले 3 महीनों में तुम्हारे पास अपना एक घर होगा। 3 महीनें पूरे होने में केवल 4 ही दिन बाकी थे और विभूति की काफी समय से अटकी हुई लोन की अर्जी सेंक्शन हो गई और उनकें घर का काम चल पड़ा।

और भी ऐसी कई कहानियां हमें चित्तौड़ा परिवार से और सगस जी के भक्तों से सुनने को मिली और यकीन मानिए जितना ताज्जुब आपको हो रहा है इन कहानियों को सुन के उतना ही हमें भी हुआ लेकिन कहते है की श्रद्धा और सच्चे मन से मांगी हुई हर इच्छा पूरी हो ही जाती है।

सगस जी के इस जन्मोत्सव पर आप भी जाये और उनके दर्शन के लाभ लें। यूं तो सगस जी के मंदिर उदयपुर के कई कोनों में आपको देखने को मिल जाएँगे लेकिन प्रमुख मंदिर इन स्थानों में है – सर्वऋतू विलास, गुलाबबाग, मंडी की नाल, पिछोली, कंवरपदा, मदन पोल, और कुम्हारों का भट्टा।


Chetan Pandey is Making Villages Independent, Know How?  

For most of us, 15th August is just another holiday where we watch one or two patriotic shows, attend some rallies and feel it is quite enough for today. Because after all, our nation is independent already, right?

Well, even after 72 years of independence, there are numerous regions in the nation that are still slaves of poverty, malnutrition, ill-living conditions and umpteen number of other problems. These problems are prevalent in villages where 60% of the total population of the country resides and where modernization and technology have barely shown their faces.


Before we call ourselves independent and feel all patriotic, it is important that we think about the backward villages of the country. And in the same context, a splendid initiative has been taken by a social entrepreneur Mr. Chetan Pandey.

Since 2009, Chetan is not only contributing efficiently in the development of nearby villages but also empowering local people to raise their voice to the local authorities so that they can be equipped with the basic living amenities. Every independence day, along with his team, Chetan has been organizing a flag hoisting ceremony in these tribal and undeveloped villages. The people of these villages are the one who has never celebrated Independence Day even after 72 years of independence. Neither physically, nor mentally. Not just that, from the very next day they provide free schooling to the children of the villagers. And every penny of this entire event is borne by Chetan himself.

The idea of this Independence Day project is to capture the attention of authorities towards these villages which ultimately will be benefitted by the villagers through the development of their village. If we talk about change and transformation, within 3-4 years, a humongous amount of change could be seen in these villages.

Chetan, the man behind the idea of this flag hoisting event is leading the team of young changemakers and advocates to celebrate Independence Day with the people of these villages. Now the question is ‘what are you doing this independence day?’

If you think you have changed your plans for Independence Day and want to contribute to this flag hoisting event, you can contact Chetan Pandey at 9982617296.

Did you like the article? Give us your feedback in the comment section below. If you have anything which you want to share with people, then send your story to me at 


मनोज बंजारा के जूनून ने जीती 72 घंटे की जंग

पैसो के पेड़ विजेता को मिले 2 लाख रुपये

गुरूवार शाम 7 बजे शुरू हुई  72 घंटो की जंग पर आखिरकार रविवार शाम 7 बजे विराम लगा जब 94.3 MYFM को इंडिया के पहले रेडियो रियलिटी शो पैसो के पेड़ का विजेता मिला।

मनोज बंजारा ने पूरे 2 लाख रुपये जीत कर पैसों का पेड़ अपने नाम कर लिया। दुसरे स्थान पर रहे धर्मेन्द्र पालीवाल ने 42 इंच का TV जीता और तीसरे स्थान पर रहने वाली सहिस्ता मंसूरी को Justa SajjanGarh की तरफ से फॅमिली हॉलिडे वाउचर मिला।

अंतिम क्षणों में जब फाइनल 2 कंटेस्टेंट को उनका फाइनल मूव होल्ड करने के लिए दिया गया तब आखिरी वक्त तक दिल की धड़कन थामे दोनों प्रतिभागी किसी भी स्तिथि में हार स्वीकार करने को तैयार नहीं थे। पैसों के पेड़ की शाखा को पकडे और 2 लाख का सपना संजोये मनोज और धर्मेन्द्र के बीच फाइनल टास्क 50 मिनट से भी ज्यादा देर तक चला। लेकिन अंत में धर्मेन्द्र पालीवाल ने अपनी एडी टिका दी। और इसी के साथ मनोज बंजारा ने पैसों का पेड़ जीत लिया।

फोरम सेलिब्रेशन मॉल में 94.3 MYFM और फेविकोल प्रेजेंट्स ‘पैसों का पेड़’ के फाइनल राउंड में रविवार को प्रतिभागियों के बीच ऐसा ही देखने को मिला। ‘पैसों के पेड़’ के अंतिम पड़ाव यानी रविवार तक 30 में से 15 प्रतिभागी इस जंग को लड़ रहे थे। 72 घंटों की इस जंग में रियल हीरो के चुनाव के लिए RJ’s द्वारा कई मुश्किल टास्क दिए गए।

इंडिया का पहला रेडियो रियलिटी शो ‘पैसों का पेड़ सीजन – 1’ के स्पोंसोर्स थे फेविकोल, संचालित द्वारा नीलकंठ फर्टिलिटी हॉस्पिटल और इन्वेस्टमेंट पार्टनर थे एकमे फिन्त्रदे इंडिया लिमिटेड। इसके सहयोगी प्रायोजक थे सीडलिंग द वर्ल्ड स्कूल, अर्थ डायग्नोस्टिक सेंटर, जयपुर जंगल, वॉयेज मोटर्स और नेचुरल्स लाउन्ज।


कभी सोचा है मेवाड़ में हरियाली अमावस्या का मेला क्यों भरता है ?

आज हरियाली अमावस्या के इस मौके पर कई लोगों को रंग बिरंगे कपड़ों में अपने अपने घरों से निकलते हुए देखा होगा। स्कूल और कॉलेज में भी बच्चों को हरे रंग के कपड़े पहनने को कहा जाता है। लेकिन आज भी कई ऐसे लोग होंगे, ख़ास तौर पर बच्चे और जवान लोग, जो की इसका मतलब नहीं जानते होगे। तो इससे पहले हम इस त्यौहार के हर्षोल्लास में मन्न्मुग्ध हो जाये, आइये जानते है हरियाली अमावस्या के बारे में कुछ बातें।

क्यों मनाते है हरियाली अमावस्या?

हरियाली अमावस्या वह त्यौहार है जिसे हिन्दू सभ्यता के लोग ‘सावन’ की शुरुआत के तौर पर मनाते है। इसे अमावस्या के दिन मनाया जाता है जिसकी वजह से इसका नाम हरियाली अमावस्या पड़ा। हिन्दू कैलेंडर के हिसाब से इसे श्रावण महीने के ‘कृष्णा पक्ष’ में मनाया जाता है और ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर के हिसाब से यह दिन जुलाई-अगस्त तक में आता है। इस दिन शिव जी की बहुत ही श्रद्धा से पूजा होती है। इसके साथ इस मौके पर बारिश और हरियाली की भी पूजा होती है। बारिश फसल के लिए काफी ज़रूरी है। कई क्षेत्रों में पीपल के पेड़ की भी पूजा होती है।

हरियाली अमावस्या सिर्फ राजस्थान में ही नहीं बल्कि और भी कई जगहों पर मनाया जाता है। महाराष्ट्र में ‘गटरी अमावस्या’, आंध्र प्रदेश में ‘चुक्कला अमावस्या’, और ओडिशा में ‘चितालागी अमावस्या’ के नाम से इसे मनाया जाता है। इसके नाम ही की तरह, इसे मनाने के तरीके भी बदलते है लेकिन त्यौहार का मकसद वही रहता है – सावन और उससे मिलने वाली ख़ुशी।

उदयपुर में हरियाली अमावस्या का मेला

सहेलियों की बाड़ी से शुरू होता हुआ यह मेला फतहसागर तक भरता है। उदयपुर के कई लोग तो हरियाली अमावस्या को उसके मेले की वजह से ही जानते है। यह मेला दो दिन तक चलता है। खाना, मस्ती, कपडे, जेवर, झूले और दोस्तों के साथ ख़ुशी के कुछ पल, अगर सब कुछ एक जगह पर मिल जाए तो ना जाने की तो कोई वजह ही नहीं है।

इस मेले में ना केवल उदयपुर के लोग आते है बल्कि उदयपुर के आस पास के क्षेत्रों के जन जातीय लोगों का भी आना होता है। मेले की रबड़ी और मालपुए ही आधे लोगों को अपनी तरफ खींच लाते है। अलग अलग दुकान वालों का शोर-गुल, बच्चों का बाजे बजाते हुए चलना, जलेबी और कचोरी की सुगंध हर कोने से आती हुई, और झूलों पर सवार हस्ते खिलखिलाते हुए बच्चे इस मेले में जान डाल देते है।


मेवाड़ में इस मेले की शुरुआत कैसे हुई?

ऐसा माना जाता है की मेवाड़ में इस मेले की शुरुआत महाराणा फतेह सिंह जी ने की थी। उन्होंने देखा की देवाली के तालाब में बहुत सारा पानी बर्बाद हो रहा है। तो उन्होंने वहाँ एक जलाशय बनाने का सोचा जिससे लोगों की पानी की ज़रूरते पूरी हो सके। इस जलाशय के निर्माण के पूरे होने पर उन्होंने यहाँ अमावस्या के दिन एक मेला भरवाया। धीरे धीरे यह मेला आम लोगों के लिए भी खुला और तब से आज तक इस मेले का लुत्फ़ लोग उठाते आ रहे है।

हरियाली अमावस्या का यह मेला सावन की सबसे पसंदीदा जगह रहती है और इस मेले में जाकर सावन का आनंद हर एक उदयपुरवासी को लेना चाहिए।

क्या आपके पास भी कोई रोचक और दिलचस्प कहानी है जो आप लोगों के साथ बांटना चाहते है? तो वह कहानी मुझे भेजे पर।


Is Son of Mukesh Ambani Getting Married in Udaipur?

Udaipur is the most preferred destination for celebrities when it comes to a grand royal wedding. The statement is clearly justified if we look back in time when Famous royal weddings such as Raveena Tandon’s, Sanjay Hinduja’s and the most recent Neil Nitin Mukesh’s wedding took place in Udaipur.

Source: hamaraphotos

Well, the time is not far when another name will be added to this list. Famous businessman Mukesh Ambani’s son, Akash Ambani is planning to get married in the city of Lakes, Udaipur. Although it is not finalized yet, the news says that the lovebirds along with their family are going to land in Udaipur soon to finalize the destination. Along with that, a programme might be held in Nathdwara too.

The engagement ceremony of Mukesh Ambani’s son, Akash took place recently in March 2018 after he proposed to his longtime girlfriend and childhood friend, Shloka Mehta. Shloka Mehta is the daughter of Russel Mehta, owner, and CEO of Rosy Blue Diamonds. Shloka is originally based from Gujarat and has a deep interest in social work which is why she co-founded the company ConnectFor that deals with the NGO’s and provide them volunteers in terms of donation as well as manpower.

Source: Wikibio

The wedding is said to be conducted in the first week of December 2018 but whether it is going to take place in Udaipur or not, that will be known once the family lands in Udaipur.

History and Culture

Historical Rajput Paintings that will surely take you Back in Time

Art has been one of the oldest yet a strong form of communication between two entities. It has a tendency to deeply move your soul and the people back then surely knew how to use them to its fullest. As a result, they created some masterpieces, some of which can be found in museums, manuscripts, and books.

Rajasthani paintings which are also known as Rajput paintings strongly communicates with those who are willing to know their culture, architecture, and stories of people back then through art. These paintings evolved and prospered in the Rajputana royal courts. There was a distinct style in every royal kingdom of Rajputana but some common features can be seen in all of them. These paintings depict a number of themes and incidents of epics such as the Ramayana. Although miniature paintings were kept in manuscripts and albums most of these paintings were made on the walls of palaces, inner chambers of the forts, havelis, and hence some of them got destroyed with time.

The colors of the paintings were extracted from some minerals, plant sources, conch shells, and some of them were derived by processing precious stones such as gold and silver. The preparation of these colors took a long time extending to two weeks. Also, the brushes used in the paintings are fine giving them the intricate finish.

In 1597, Rana Pratap Rana Amar Singh established himself on the throne of Mewar. To some extent, he accepted the dominance of Mewar and for the same reason, the impact of Mughal art is visible on Mewar Paintings.

There are three different Rajput painting styles in the region of Mewar. Nathdwara style, Devgarh style, and Shahpura style.

Raja carried in a state Palki

The painting is taken from a Rajasthani school from J.C. French collection. On the back of the painting is inscribed a name ‘Son Singh’ but no king of this name is recorded. However, his features resemble a portrait of Amar Singh of Jailsamer.

Month of sarawan (saawan)

The painting is from year about 1570 and is one of the series of illustrations to poems on the season of the year which is called Baramasa. The joy and relief on the arrival of rains can be seen in the movements of women sitting at the bottom. Rains can be seen in one scene of a hut.

State procession of a Rajput Raja

Year of the painting is about 1760. The subject is identified as Bhim Singh of Jodhpur (1793-1803) through labels attached to it. However, it bears no resemblance to portraits of Bhim Singh and the turban he is wearing is not in Jodhpuri style.

The expectant heroine

About the painting Coomaraswamy has rendered his poem: ‘The heroine at the door of her home, happy in the expectation of her darling’s coming.’

A village scene

The painting is an illustration to the Hamza-Nama: a huge Islamic manuscript executed for the emperors Humayun and Akbar. The year is about 1570.

Nayak and Nayika, Mewar, 1625
Rana Sangram Singh Celebrating the birth of Pratap Singh, City Palace
Rana Sangram Singh, Jethi Wrestlers at City Palace, Udaipur, Mewar, 1715-18.
Chowripanchasika, early 16th century, Mewar, Rajasthan
Nasiruddin Malashri Ragini, Third Wife of Bhairava Raga, 1605
Rashikapriya, Udaipur, 1730
Karnata Ragini, Mewar, 1620-50
Month of Magha, from the series of Baramassa, Mewar, 1770


Different forms of Rajasthani Painting

  • Frescoes in caves

Fresco is a form of painting which is executed upon freshly laid, or wet lime plaster. These kinds of paintings can be vividly seen in the ancient caves, drawn in temples, palaces, and cenotaphs. The history of wall paintings in Rajasthan is so rich that it will provide you a wide glimpse into the culture of Rajasthan from years ago. The dry desert climate of the region ensures good condition of these paintings.

  • Script painting

The tradition of padd and pichwai is very old and is done even today in Rajasthan. Padd and Pichwai are the two forms of script paintings. Padds are based on stories of folk gods while Pichwai is related to Krishna Lila.

  • Manuscript painting on Bhurj leaves

In ancient time, the tradition of writing poetry and making drawing on palm leaves was common. As a result, the pictorial text preserved in many Jain collections got abandoned.

  • Miniature style of painting

Laguchitra or miniature painting, as the name suggests, is very small in size. One thing that will appall you is the intricate brushwork which contributes to their unique identity. Colors used in miniature painting is derived from natural sources such as vegetables, indigo, precious stones, gold, and silver.

Ragamala paintings

Ragamala which can be translated as ‘Garland of Ragas’ in English is a series of illustrative paintings from medieval India which depicts various musical modes called Ragas. Ragamala paintings were started in most Indian schools in the early 16th and 17th century. There are different subcategories of Ragamala that are Pahari Ragamala, Rajasthan and Rajputi Ragamala, Deccan Ragamala, and Mughal Ragamala.

Every painting in each Raga is personified by a color, mood, and verses describing stories of hero and heroine, day and night are also depicted, and there are a number of paintings that demarcate specific Hindu deities attached with raga, like Bhairava or Bhairavi to Shiva, Sri to Devi etc. These paintings along with Ragas also depicts their wives (raginis), their numerous sons (ragaputra) and daughters (ragakanya).

Raag Deepak, in Ragamala by Sahibdin 1605.
Pancham Ragini, Ragamala, 1680–1690.
Malasri Ragini, Ragamala, Rajasthan. 1620.
Alhaiya raga, Son of Bhairava Raga, Ragamala c1720.

All the paintings would have given you a vivid picture of people and their lifestyle back then. Or if you felt all of these properly, it is possible to time travel through them too. Art is the only form that can make it possible.

Do you own an art gallery and sell such form of paintings there? If so, get in touch with us. We would love to feature your work. Write to me at 

References and paintings from:

Ragamala Paintings Wikipedia 

Rajasthan History


This Modern Jewelry in Udaipur will Blow your Mind and They Won’t Burn a Hole in Your Pocket!

The Old City of Udaipur is that area of the City which every Udaipurite is crazy about. And trust me, it’s absolutely worth it. Be it culture, traditions, temples, or versatile shops, one can find literally everything here. Now that we are talking about shopping, we picked one thing that is most liked and bought by the people here which is the jewelry.

To all the jewelry lovers in the city, this article is completely made for you. Unlike ordinary gold and diamond jewelry, the jewelry available here is modern jewelry which includes many intricate designs made out of oxidized metals and oxidized silver. Jewelry is something which defines who you are. And if you choose to be a hipster then Old City is just the place for your shopping spree this weekend.

We went out in the city to look for ourselves what is it actually that people are going crazy about and the things we saw stunned us. Watch the video below to know more.

Where to buy:

The entire alley starting from Ghanta Ghar at Sindhi Bazaar to Jagdish Temple. This alley cover shops of all kinds of imitation jewelry, silver jewelry and tribal jewelry of black metal. These modern pieces of jewelry will appeal your eyes with its unique and cool designs.


What to buy:

I am sure your heart would yearn to buy literally everything but for a start you can put your hands on large jhumkas, designer nose pins and nose rings, Oxidised Kade and bangles, anklets, kamarbandh, pendants, neck pieces, rings, silver wallets and sling bags for girls and the list doesn’t end yet because guys they have something for you too. There has been an increased demand for jewelry for boys and they have an ample amount for them. There are several designs for boys in Ear studs, rings, pendants, chains, nose pins, bracelets, and whatever you like.


Time best suitable for shopping:

It would be best if you go in the morning at 11:00 am. However, if you are planning to go in the evening note that the maximum number of shops close by 7:00 pm.


Pro tip:

Although the prices are minimal, you can always try your hand at bargaining. It will surely save you a few bucks.


A perfect day out for shopping:

If you are planning for a day out then you can wander around these places which happens to be in your way. You can complete your shopping in the morning and visit Jagdish temple is situated at the end of the jewelry alley. Further, if you are interested in handicrafts and clothes, you can continue walking on this alley which ends at City Palace. Go have a look at this amazing museum. You might click some amazing pictures in this palace as well. Now since you would be exhausted by then you might want to refresh yourself and have a wonderful meal at a cozy restaurant inside City Palace – Palki Khana.

At the end of the day, get ready to have the funky look with all the modern jewelry that you’ve bought and do not dwell over your empty pockets because it’s all worth it.


Tourist Police Station in Udaipur

Exploring different places in the world is fun but there are so many things that one should know while satisfying their wanderer soul. Now while you are in a different city and get cheated by some guide or shopkeeper, what should you do? Where should you go? And who are the people responsible that will address your grievances?

Udaipur is a renowned tourist hub and hundreds of tourists flock to the city every day to explore its splendor. Hence, it is an important issue that needs to be focused in our city. Since a lot of people aren’t aware of the basic tourist things, we went to the tourist police station in Udaipur to know what all problems do tourists face and how are they resolved.

Source: UdaipurTimes

We met head constable Babu Lal there who told us about the problems a tourist faces in Udaipur and what is the contribution of Tourist police station to resolve those. He told us that tourist police station is completely meant for grievances redressal. The major problem that a tourist faces at tourist hubs such as our city is fake guides who tend to loot or do fraud with the tourists by attracting and tempting them to provide facilities like boat riding, exploration at fewer prices etc. Some of them also claim to provide you with original handicrafts at fewer prices and in return they get a commission from the respected shopkeepers as well as money from the tourists.

There are several unauthorized guides in the city who tries to loot the tourists and make their experience displeasing. Although very few people actually come to the station to report fraud, maybe because of the lack of awareness, Babu Lal told us that there are 15 constables, out of which 4 are female constables who visit the famous tourist spots and identify the fake guides and protect tourists from them.

Udaipur’s tourist police station was the first one in Rajasthan. Today, there are 3 tourist police stations in Rajasthan one of which is Udaipur and the other two are at Jaipur and Jodhpur.

There is only one act which strictly needs to get followed by the tourist police authorities and complaints regarding the same can be registered here. This act is Rajasthan Tourism Trade (Facilitation and Regulation) Act, 2010. Rajasthan Tourism Act provides acceleration of growth of tourism trade and industry in the state and makes the experience of tourists hassle-free. It provides protection to tourists against touts (commonly known as ‘lapkas’), beggars, hawkers, taxi-cab drivers, (which includes auto rickshaws and rickshaws) or any other elements who unduly harass or annoy the tourists. Apart from that unauthorized guides, people who tend to harass or follow them without their consent, or people/shopkeepers/traders selling something at a higher price than displayed can be complained against here, or people who continuously bug them to buy their products or avail their services.

We further asked Babu Lal about the process of registering a complaint at Tourist Police Station. He informed us that a tourist can directly walk into the station which is located at Pichola Road near Tibetan Market or call at 0294-2425242. There is no way to register to your complaint online. The station is available for 24 hours. However, in case of theft or any other such crime one needs to register a complaint in the general police station of the particular area.

If you have any feedback regarding the article, share them with us in the comment section below or write to me at Share the word with other people to create more awareness about such issues in the city.