
Water and Electricity Bills to be delayed by 2 months in Rajasthan

The Government of Rajasthan has decided to postpone the payment of electricity and water bills for the month of March and April to provide relief to the common consumers.

The significant move has been taken to give relief to people during the ongoing economic distress prevailing due to the nationwide lockdown. The power and water bills for industrial units, farmers and common people of Rajasthan will be deferred by two months.

By differing the electricity and water bills for the month of March and April, the Rajasthan Government is will provide a big relief to around 1,68,000 consumers of small, medium and big industrial industries of the state.

The state government’s decision of postponing the payment of electricity and water bills for the month of March and April will benefit the common consumers as well. The household consumers will be able to make payment of these bills in the month of June.

The decision is estimated to defer the state revenues of around Rs 100 crore.

During the video conference held on Thursday, by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, with the chief ministers of states, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot demanded economic help of Rs 1 lakh crore to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.


उदयपुर के कई इलाकों में कर्फ्यू

उदयपुर के अम्बामाता के कई इलाकों में कर्फ्यू

उदयपुर के मल्लातलाई में 15 साल का बच्चा कोरोना पॉज़िटिव आने के बाद प्रशासन ने उदयपुर के कई इलाकों में कर्फ्यू लगा दिया।

कुछ दिनों पहले इन्दौर से लौटा था और तब से पूरे परिवार को रखा गया था क्वॉरेंटाईन। गुरुवार को बच्चे के कोरोना पॉज़िटिव होने की पुख्ती होने पर प्रशासन ने अम्बामाता क्षेत्र में कर्फ्यू लगा दिया।

उदयपुर का पहला केस मिलने के बाद जिला प्रशासन से इसे गंभीरता से लेते हुए यह निर्णय किया है। केस के पॉजिटिव होने की रिपोर्ट आते ही, प्रशासनिक अमला और पुलिस अम्बामाता थाना क्षेत्र में उस जगह पर पहुंच गए और परिवार के घर के इलाके के साथ ही आस-पास के इलाकों में भी एहतियात के तौर पैर कर्फ्यू लगाने का निर्णय लिया।

बच्चा अपने परिवार के साथ 21 मार्च को इंदौर से उदयपुर लौटा था। वह तब से ही होम आइसोलेशन में है। बालक मल्लातलाई क्षेत्र का निवासी है।

जिला कलक्टर आनंदी ने कफ्र्यू लगाने के आदेश जारी किए है। मौके पर एडीएम सिटी संजय कुमार सहित बड़ी संख्या में अफसर व पुलिस तैनात है।

Curfew Order in UdaipurCurfew Order Udaipur

उदयपुर के इन क्षेत्रों में कर्फ्यू

आदेश के तहत उदयपुर के इन क्षेत्रों में कर्फ्यू:
रज्जा कॉलोनी
मस्तान बाबा क्षेत्र
रानी रोड
ओटीसी कॉलोनी
अम्बामाता स्कीम
एकलव्य कॉलोनी
हरिदास जी की मगरी
रामपुरा चौराहा
यादव कॉलोनी
जाड़ागणेशजी रोड

इन सभी क्षेत्रों में धारा 144 दंड प्रक्रिया सहित लागू कर दी। आदेश 16 अप्रेल तक लागू रहेगा। आदेश के अनुसार इन इलाको में न कोई अपने घर से बाहर नहीं निकल सकता है और न ही दुकान खुलेगी।


उदयपुर का पहला कोरोना पॉज़िटिव 15 साल का बच्चा

कोरोना वायरस से प्रदेश में अब हालात चिंताजनक बनने लगे हैं। उदयपुर के मल्लातलाई में 15 साल का बच्चा मिला कोरोना संक्रमित। कुछ दिनों पहले इन्दौर से लौटा था परिवार। तब से पूरे परिवार को रखा गया था क्वॉरेंटाईन।

प्रशासन ने मल्‍लातलाई क्षेत्र के रजा कॉलोनी में रहने वाले पूरे परिवार को क्‍वॉरेंटाइन कर दिया है और आस पास भी सुरक्षा व्‍यवस्‍था काफी कड़ी कर दी गई है। बच्‍चे को एमबी अस्‍पताल के कोरोना वार्ड में भती करा दिया गया है।

उदयपुर में कोरोना के प्रवेश से कोई घबराने या डरने की जरूरत नही। उदयपुर के कोरोना जाच चिकित्सा दल ने पुरे परिवार को इंदौर से आते ही 14 दिन के लिए होम कोरेनटाइन कर रखा था ताकि यह परिवार किसी और के सम्पर्क में न आये!

इसिलिये घबराए नही बस सावधानी बरते और घर में रहे और दुरी बनाए रखे।

घबराए नहीं। सतर्क रहें। घर में रहें।


उपभोक्ता भंडार करेंगे दवाइयों की होम-डिलीवरी

शहर के सहकारी उपभोक्ता भंडार अब बुजुर्ग लोगों को दवा वितरित करेंगे। यह कदम उन बुज़ुर्गो के लिए जीवन को सुविधाजनक बनाने के लिए उठाया गया है जो दवाओं पर हैं और उन्हें हर हाल में अपनी आपूर्ति प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है।

लॉकडाउन के दौरान जहाँ आम जनता के घर से निकलने पर रोक लगाई गई है, ऐसे में ज़रूरतमंदो को दवाई लाने में असुविधा का सामना न करना पड़े इसके लिए प्रशासन ने शहर के विभिन्न सहकारी उपभोक्ता भंडारों को दवाई वितरण का कार्य सौप दिया है। निर्देशित किये गए सहकारी भंडार लोगों को दवाओं की होम डिलीवरी करेंगे।

दवाओं की होम डिलीवरी करवाने के लिए, दवाइयों की कुल कीमत 700 रुपये या उस से अधिक होना अनिवार्य है। आम जनता के लाभ के लिए सहकारी दुकानों के व्हाट्सएप नंबर जारी किए गए हैं। इन नम्बरों पर डॉक्टर का पर्चा और डिलीवरी का पता प्रदान कर के उपभोक्ता अपनी दवाइयां मंगवा सकते हैं ।

दवाओं की होम डिलीवरी के लिए शहर के विभिन्न इलाको के उपभोक्ता भंडार के व्हाट्सएप नंबर इस प्रकार हैं:


सभी जिलों की सीमाएं सील: गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र से आने वाले लोगों को स्कूल, कॉलेजों में रुकवाना शुरू किया

कोरोना के चलते, बाहरी लोगो के शहर में प्रवेश पर रोक लगाई जा रही है। सरकार के निर्देश पर सोमवार को सभी जिलों की सिमाएं सील कर दी गयी। गुजरात और महाराष्ट्र से वाहनों में या पैदल घर जाने वाले लोगों को डबोक, मावली और फ़तहनगर के स्कूल और काॅलेजों में होम आईसोलशन के लिए रुकवाया जा रहा है।

इसके लिए सारे जिलों के सबडिविजन अफसरों को निर्देश दिए गए हैं जिसके तहत बाहरी लोगो के शहर में प्रवेश से पहले सरकार द्वारा अधिकृत किये गए डबोक, मावली, फ़तहनगर और अन्य स्कूल, कॉलेजों में होम आइसोलेशन रखा जायेगा। इन सभी जगहों पर लोगों के रहने, भोजन, पानी की व्यवस्था की जा रही है।

होम क्वारेंटाइन के लिए गीतांजलि कॉलेज डबोक, मावली के जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, मॉडल स्कूल, कस्तूरबा गांधी आवासीय विद्यालय, अंबेडकर छात्रावास और विद्या निकेतन स्कूल फतहनगर अधिकृत किये गए हैं।

मावली क्षेत्र में आने वाले लोगों को होम क्वारेंटाइन करने की प्रक्रिया सोमवार शाम को ही शुरू कर दी गई है। अब तक गीतांजलि कॉलेज में 100 से अधिक तथा फतहनगर के विद्या निकेतन स्कूल में 150 लोगों को होम क्वारेंटाइन किया जा चुका है। इन सभी जगहों पर कर्मचारियों को तैनात किया है।

होम क्वारेंटाइन के लिए इन स्कूलों और कॉलेजों के कमरों में रहने, सोने, भोजन और पानी की व्यवस्था की गई है। उनके खाने के लिए कॉलेज के मैस के अलावा स्वयंसेवी संस्थाओं और संबंधित पंचायतों को व्यवसस्था का ज़िम्मा दिया गया है। क्वारेंटाइन के दौरान इन सभी लोगों को अगले 14 दिन तक इन्हीं जगहों पर रहना होगा।


Udaipurites join hands with the administration to fight COVID-19

As the lockdown has affected hundreds of labourers from the unorganised sector, it is becoming difficult for them to arrange for adequate food even for a day. To help these needy people, Udaipurites are joining hands with the administration in fighting the COVID-19 crises by donating ration and food to the people in need.

Many social organisations along with economically secure residents of the area have decided to distribute food items to the needy.

While the battle against coronavirus is underway in full swing, hunger has come to haunt many due to the economic crises that has followed. Organisations and individuals are supporting the administration by serving food and also providing financial aid.

13 teams of UIT and Udaipur Municipal Corporation are engaged in distribution work in the urban areas. A Booth Level Officer has also been engaged with each team.

However, some areas are still facing the problem of food being not reaching to the needy people. Citizens are requested to inform about such people to the administrative officials.


16 coronavirus samples tested and found negative in Udaipur

When the entire country in under complete lockdown, Udaipur Administration is doing its best to fight the deadly coronavirus from spreading further in the city. The lockdown is being practised in the city effectively and sincerely to a fair extent.

Apart from a few instances of panic and rush, the day-1 of complete lockdown went by well.

As per the latest reports from the MB Hospital as on March 26, 16 samples were tested in Udaipur and none of them came out to be positive for coronavirus. All the patients whose blood samples were tested have been discharged from the hospital. They have been instructed to stay in isolation. A Rapid Action Team formed to deal with coronavirus will be monitoring them for the next few days.

Out of the 16 patients tested in Udaipur, 9 are from Sirohi, 1 is from Rajsamand, 1 from Pratapgarh and one was from Udaipur. All of them will have to be home quarantined for 14 days and then will be under surveillance for another 14 days.

The Chief Medical Health Officer (CMHO) at the MB Hospital, Dr Dinesh Kharade informed that 269 people who were in contact with the suspects are also being monitored. Besides, another 297 cases are under surveillance.

The Medical Officer also informed that the Primary Health Centre (PHC) and Community Health Centre (CHC) and the Child and Women Speciality Centres at MB Hospital will be operational from 9 AM to 3PM.



Coronavirus Lockdown: What is Open What is Closed till 14 April

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi took a major step to fight the COVID-19 pandemic by declaring a 21-day Complete Lockdown in India from March 25 midnight.

The PM addresses the nation on 24th March to announce the news of India Lockdown.

As soon as the announcement was broadcasted on national television, people in many parts of the city started thronging in at the shops to collect everyday essentials.

UdaipurBlog appeals to the people not to get panicked by this 21-day lockdown, as the government has issued advisories within minutes of Modi’s speech.

It has clarified that essential services like ration, vegetables, milk, petrol pumps, banks, medical stores will continue to operate. Government has assured the supply of essential commodities. Meanwhile, it is also trying to get the essentials delivered at the doorstep to avoid them to leave their homes.

Today is the first day of the 21-day lockdown. Here is the complete information on what is open and what is closed till 14 April.

These services will continue

  • Banks, Insurance Offices and ATMs.
  • Electronic and print media.
  • Telecom, Internet services, broadcasting, cable services.
  • Ration shops, grocery stores, fruit and vegetable shops, dairy and milk booths, meat and fish shops, animal feed shops under the PDS.
  • Delivery of essential items like food, medicines, medical equipment through e-commerce.
  • Petrol pumps, LPG retail and storage outlets.
  • Power generation, transmission and distribution units and services.
  • Capital and debt market services, which have been notified by SEBI.
  • Cold storage and warehouse services.
  • Private Security Services.
  • Defence, Central Armed Police Forces, Treasury, Disaster Management, Power Generation and Transmission Units
  • Post Office, National Informatics Center, First Warning Giving Agencies.
  • Transportation of essential commodities, fire, law and order and emergency services.
  • Hotel, Home Stay, Lodge and Motel where people are stuck due to lockdown and where Tourist, Medical and Emergency Staff, Air Crew and Sea Crew are staying.
  • Institutions that have been selected for the quarantine facility.
  • Manufacturing units that manufacture essentials.
  • After the approval of the State Government, such production units will also be able to remain operational, where continuous production takes place.

These will remain closed

  • All types of industrial establishments will remain closed during the lockdown.
  • Transport services – Air, rail and roadways services
  • All types of teaching, training, research, coaching institutes
  • All types of religious places will remain closed

Legal actions will be taken under the following conditions

All the people coming to India after February 15 and all those who have been quarantined home, will be taken legal action under Section 188 of the IPC if they move out of their homes.

What if I violate the rules?

There is a provision of 1 year or fine or both if the government officer’s work is interrupted or if people do not follow the instructions.

It can also be extended to a sentence of 2 years.
Provision of fine and fine up to 2 years for making false claims.
Provision of fine and fine up to 2 years if unaccounted money or goods are collected.
A provision of 1 year or fine if false claims are made about the warning.
If the government department defaults, then the head of the department will be responsible and action will be taken.


Udaipur Coronavirus Updates

Udaipur Administration is making all the possible arrangements for the people of the city during the lockdown period.

24X7 Emergency Transport Facility

District Administration and Transport Department have made emergency transport arrangements for the people of Udaipur. The transport department has arranged for 44 rickshaws, 10 buses and 9 cabs for people who need to go to the airport, bus stand or railway station in case of an emergency. The department has fixed the tariffs for these services.

This facility has been provided by the administration for the public if they need to commute urgently. Anyone who needs the service has to call the control room on 0294-2471522. The control room will provide the mobile number of the autorickshaw along with the details of the driver.

20 autos will operate from the bus stand and 24 from Udaipur City Railway Station. The administration will take action against the autorickshaw driver who charging more than the fixed tariff.

No Newspaper during Lockdown

The newspaper hawkers in Udaipur will not be distributing the newspapers in the city till lockdown period.

The Hawkers Association of Udaipur has taken the decision as a precautionary measure. The association has decided to resume the newspaper distribution after the lockdown is over. Ramchandra Paliwal, the President of the Newspaper Hawkers Association, said that this is decision is not to support any party or government, but to support humanity. Paliwal said that the association is with the administration and is expecting the same support Hawkers are supporting the administration and they are expecting the same support from the newspaper publishers.

Private Vehicles Banned

The administration has banned all private vehicles in the city to avoid unnecessary traffic in the city.  Only vehicles related to essential services and those in exempted services would be allowed. Besides, public transport was also banned as the state went into a complete lockdown from March 22 till the next directive.

Annapurna Kits for the Needy

Udaipur District Administration along with Udaipur Police are distributing Annapurna kits for needy families who are not able to manage their daily meal requirements due to the lockdown. Besides, food packets are being distributed to the families of patients, including the elderly, labourers.

If there is a family in your neighbourhood who are daily wage labourers, garbage pickers or cycle rickshaw drivers etc. who need Annapurna Kit, kindly inform the administration on the numbers given below.

Kindly stay tuned for more updates from Udaipur Administration on COVID-19.


Udaipur Administration issues directives for COVID-19

Under the Rajasthan Lockdown, Udaipur City Collector Anandhi issued directives to take necessary measures to check the outbreak of coronavirus.

Talking to the media, the collector said the administration ensures the supply of essential products and services including food, medical shops, ration shops, banks, police stations, hospitals etc. However, the other non-essential services businesses and services will remain suspended till 31 March.

Through Sahkari Upbhokta Bhandar, the city administration has arranged for 10 thousand food packets to be distributed to needy people in case of any emergency. An advance lift of ration items under the PDS scheme would also be made to ensure that there is no shortage of edible items.

The collector ensured to develop modalities to manage the supply of essential goods and services during the lockdown period. A helpline and control room would be set up soon for the people in case of emergencies.

Besides, the administration has made a 14 days institutional quarantine and 14 days home quarantine for those who have returned from sensitive countries. The collector has also issued instructions of home quarantine for those who have come to Udaipur including Maharashtra, Punjab, Bhilwara, Jhunjunu and other affected cities of India.

The administration will stamp their hand with “Proud to Protect Rajasthan Home Quarantine Till Date”.

The local public and neighbours can monitor such people and inform the administration.

There have been no positive cases reported in Udaipur so far.

Only limited vehicles carrying patients to hospitals would be permitted on the roads. However, all public and private transport services would remain suspended during the lockdown.

Moreover, vegetable vendors would be going door to door in colonies for vegetable supplies to avoid rush and gatherings in vegetable markets.

Although the banking services are operational during the lockdown, the administration has appealed to people to visit bank only in case of urgent and necessary bank-related work.

During the lockdown, till 31st March, SP Kailash Chandra Bishnoi has implemented Section 144 in which not more than 5 people are permitted to assemble at public places. The SP and the administration have also appealed to people to stay away from rumours on social media and not to spread them further.

The police will trace and arrest people who are spreading false news.

Services operational during the lockdown:

  • Medica and Health services
  • Medical College and Education
  • Ayurvedic College and institutions
  • Home Services (Police, Jail, Home Guard, FSL)
  • Finance Department
  • Personnel Department
  • District Administration departments
  • Electricity and Power department
  • Water (Public Health Department)
  • Autonomous administrative bodies (Udaipur Municipal Corporation)
  • Food and Civil Supplies Department
  • Disaster Management and Support
  • Panchayati Raj
  • Department of Information and Technology
  • Department of Public Relations
  • Department of Transport
  • General Administration
  • State Motor Garage Department
  • Legal Department

Public entry into all these departments will be forbidden and restricted entry will be permitted.