
उदयपुर की आत्मिका ने जूनियर शूटिंग वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप में जीते दो सिल्वर मेडल

उदयपुर की एक और बेटी ने इतिहास में अपना नाम दर्ज कर लिया है। इस बार शूटर आत्मिका गुप्ता ने पेरू की राजधानी लीमा में चल रही आईएसएसएफ जूनियर वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप में अप्रतिम प्रदर्शन करते हुए टीम और मिक्स इवेंट में देश के लिए दो सिल्वर मेडल जीते है।

30 सितंबर से 10 अक्तूबर तक चलने वाले इस चैंपियनशिप में 32 देशों के 370 निशानेबाज विभिन्न स्पर्धाओं में हिस्सा ले रहे हैं। उसमे से आत्मिक भी एक हैं।

आत्मिका ने 2 अक्टूबर को 10 मीटर एयर रायफल की मिक्स टीम की फाइनल स्पर्धा में राजप्रीत सिंह के साथ अमेरिकन जोड़ी को कड़ी टक्कर देते हुए सिल्वर मेडल प्राप्त किया। उसी दिन 10 मीटर एयर रायफल में निशा कंवर और जीना खिट्टा के साथ हंगरी की टीम के साथ भी कड़े मुकाबले के बाद सिल्वर मेडल पर अपना हक़ जमाया।

​​​​​​​आत्मिका ने पहली बार तकरीबन 17 साल की उम्र में रायफल चलाना बीएन कॉलेज रेंज में सीखा था। वहां उनके कोच जितेंद्र सिंह मायदा थे, जिन्होंने पहली बार आत्मिक को शूटिंग में निपुण किया ।

आत्मिका ने पिछली नेशनल चैम्पियनशिप में 6 मेडल जीते थे और हाल में आयोजित ट्रायल में पहला स्थान हासिल किया, जिसके आधार पर भारतीय दल में इनका चयन हुआ।

स्पर्धा के बाद 20 साल की आत्मिका ने पिता आंचल गुप्ता को बताया कि “अब तक के प्रदर्शन को देखते हुए स्वर्ण पदक की उम्मीद थी, लेकिन कड़े मुकाबले में चूक गए। अब ओलिंपिक 2024 के लिए दुगुनी तैयारी करूंगी”। उनके पिता ने कहा कि “बेटी ने सबकी उम्मीदों को पूरा किया है”।


उदयपुर के पेसिफ़िक मेडिकल कॉलेज और हॉस्पिटल को मिली एनएबीएच की मान्यता

उदयपुर स्तिथ पेसिफिक मेडिकल कॉलेज और हॉस्पिटल को नेशनल एक्रीडिटेशन बोर्ड फॉर हॉस्पिटल्स एंड हेल्थकेयर प्रोवाइडर्स (एनएबीएच) से मान्यता मिल गई है। इस दौरान पीएमसीएच के चेयरमैन राहुल अग्रवाल, एग्जीक्यूटिव डायरेक्टर अमन अग्रवाल, सीईओ शरद कोठरी, ग्रुप डायरेक्टर मेडिकल सर्विसेज डॉ. दिनेश शर्मा एवं मेडिकल अधीक्षक डॉ. आर के सिंह आदि उपस्थ्तित थे।

पीएमसीएच के चेयरमैन राहुल अग्रवाल ने बताया की एनएबीएच ने यह मान्यता मरीज़ों के प्रति गुणवत्तापूर्ण देखभाल, नैतिक व्यवहार, निरंतरता और प्रतिबद्धता के चलते दी है। उन्होंने यह भी बताया की शहर में किफ़ायती दरों पर विश्वस्तरीय चिकित्सा सुविधा उपलब्ध कराने वाले अस्पतालों में शुमार पेसिफिक मेडिकल कॉलेज और हॉस्पिटल को कोरोना काल में मिली यह मान्यता प्रेरणा स्त्रोत है। इससे अस्पताल के कोरोना योद्धाओं का मनोबल बढ़ेगा और नई सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का प्रसार भी होगा।

एनएबीएच रोगियों की सुरक्षा व स्वास्थ्य देखभाल की गुणवत्ता सम्बन्धी मान्यता और सम्बन्ध कार्यक्रम संचालित करता है। इसी के मानक, मूल्यांकन और प्रमाणन एक निर्धारित अवधि के अंदर राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानदंडों के अनुरूप मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया पर आधारित होते है।

पीएमसीएच एक ऐसा स्वस्थ्य केंद्र है जहाँ एक ही परिसर में अधिकतम चिकित्सा विभाग और सुविधाएँ जैसे कार्डियोलॉजी, न्यूरोलॉजी, गैस्ट्रोएंटरोलॉजी, यूरोलॉजी, नेफ्रोलॉजी, डायलिसिस, बर्न एवं प्लास्टिक सर्जरी, मेडिसन विभाग, जनरल सर्जरी विभाग, हड्डी रोग, स्त्री रोग, बाल एवं शिशु रोग आदि उपलब्ध हैं।

अपातला प्रबंधन का कहना है कि “हमें इस बात पर गर्व है कि एनएबीएच ने अस्पताल में अपना विश्वास प्रदर्शित किया है। हम पेशेवर वातावरण में सर्वोत्तम सेवाएं प्रदान करने का प्रयास जारी रखेंगे।”

History and Culture Music

Rajasthani Folk Music Instruments You Should Know About

We live in a world full of music. A chirping bird, a whistling wind, a drop of rain, or a huss of grass, everything has an instrumental touch to it. And when we talk about music and instruments, we have to land on the cultural capital, Rajasthan. 

With the enormous and diversified heritage and culture Rajasthan has provided, one can never forget the contribution of the state in folk music and instruments. We as a generation may not be aware of the instruments that were popular and originated from our enriching state. 

It’s time to dive right into the melodious history and know about strings and strands. 


Ravanhatha is a bow and string instrument, usually made by the player itself. It is an important folk music instrument of Rajasthan made up of bamboo, coconut shell and is covered with a goat membrane and the strings are made up of horsehair. Ravanhatta players are called ‘Bhopas’. They belong to the Nayak, Bhil or Thori castes. It is also known as the ancestor of the violin.


Morchang, also known as morsing, is another very popular Rajasthani folk music instrument. To play this wind percussion instrument, the player has to hold it firmly in his hands and between the teeth and strike the metal tongue of the instrument with a free hand. The movement of the player’s tongue, blowing and sucking of air through the instrument produces different sounds. People who play Morchang are known as morsingists.


One of the oldest instruments in the world, Kamaicha is the heart and soul of Rajasthan’s folk music. The ancient instrument is made from a single piece of mostly seasoned mango tree wood and its round part is converted with goatskin. The bow is made from the wood of the Khejari tree and string from horsehair. It plays a crucial role in the vibrant music of the Manganiyar community, depicting the stories, Sufi tales and many more folklores with the help of this instrument. It is found more in the Jaisalmer-Barmer region.


Dedh Satara, popularly known as Alghoza is a woodwind instrument used in the folk culture of Rajasthan. There are 2 flutes, either tied together or sometimes loosely handed by the player in both hands and played together. Both the flutes differ in size and purpose so, the longer one is said to be the male and the shorter one is female. Also, one is used for melody and another one for setting the tone.


Sindhi Sarangi is a stringed instrument made of wood. This instrument is played with a bow. The whole instrument is carved out of a single piece of wood. It has four playing gut strings and twenty-two sympathetic steel strings. The strings are managed with the left hand’s fingernails and the bow runs from the right hand. This folk instrument is found in Rajasthan, majorly used by the ‘Langa’ Community of west Rajasthan as an accompaniment to their songs.


Naag Phani, a wind instrument made with bronze and metal, shaped like a snake at the end is a folk instrument, found in Rajasthan and Gujrat. The structure is defined as a bronze tube shaped like a serpentine bell. And the end has a snake-shaped head with a metal tongue hanging and is painted with bright colors. It is mainly used in religious and social ceremonies as a part of the procession in Rajasthan and in ritualistic social ceremonies and festivities in Gujarat.


Bhapang is a rare single-stringed instrument also known as a ‘talking drum.’ It is made from the hollow shell of the dry pumpkin. It is often played to accompany Bhajans, devotional songs and poetry. It is positioned under the armpit and plucked and then played. When Bhapang is played the musician grasps a wooden handle that is attached to a string. The same string is attached to the membrane. It originates from the Mewati community in the Alwar district. The Bhat community of Rajasthan also uses it.


A Khartal is a striking instrument that is mainly used for devotional and folk songs of Rajasthan. The word is derived from 2 words ‘kara’ means ‘hands’ and ‘tala’ means ‘music generated by clapping instruments. The instrument is made up of Sheesham aka teak tree. It is mostly made by the tribe called Langas and Manganiyaars of Rajasthan.

Well, music is a way of expression and it never fails to express the oy our heart and ear experience. Likewise, the Rajasthani folk music and instruments have lured us into their magical sound and there is no turning back. If you have a taste of music for folk instruments of Rajasthan, then yes you are among the few blessed ones!


नारायण सेवा संस्थान के विमंदित पुनर्वास केंद्र में फ़ूड पॉइजनिंग से 2 बच्चों की मौत और 5 अस्पताल में भर्ती

नारायण सेवा संस्थान के मानसिक विमंदित पुनर्वास केंद्र में रहने वाले 49 में से 7 बालकों को मंगल-बुधवार को उल्टी-डायरिया और कंपकपी की शिकायत पर एमबी अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था। जहां 17 और 16 वर्षीय 2 बच्चों की मौत हो गई थी।

नारायण सेवा संस्थान के मानसिक विमंदित पुनर्वास केंद्र में रहने वाले 2 बच्चों की फूड पॉइजनिंग से मौत हो गई और 5 बच्चे एमबी अस्पताल में भर्ती हैं।

सीमएचओ डॉ दिनेश खराड़ी ने बताया कि विमंदित गृह के संचालकों से बात की गई तो बाहर से किसी के द्वारा फूड पैकेट दिए जाने की बात कही गई है। उन पैकेट को खाने के बाद 7 बच्चों की तबीयत बिगड़ी। उन्होंने कहा कि फूड पॉइजनिंग की संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता हैं।

नारायण सेवा संस्थान अध्यक्ष प्रशांत अग्रवाल का कहना है कि पुनर्वास केंद्र में आए दिन सेवाभावी लोग भोजन आदि सामग्री बच्चों को खिलाकर जाते हैं, जिससे सेहत खराब होने की संभावना ज्यादा है। अब चिकित्सा विभाग और पुलिस की टीम इस मामले की हर पहलू से जांच कर रही है।

राजस्थान राज्य बाल अधिकार संरक्षण आयोग ने सीएमएचओ डॉ. दिनेश खराड़ी से मामले की 7 दिन में तथ्यात्मक रिपोर्ट मांगी है। एमबी अस्पताल अधीक्षक डॉ. आरएल सुमन ने बताया कि एमबी में भर्ती पांचों बच्चों की तबीयत में सुधार है। आईसीयू में भर्ती बालक की तबीयत भी सुधरी है। 

कलेक्टर चेतन देवड़ा ने बुधवार रात 10 बजे भर्ती बच्चों की सेहत देखी और उसके बाद बड़ी स्थित पुनर्वास केंद्र जाकर किचन और अन्य व्यवस्थाओं का जायज़ा भी लिया।

बाल गृह में जांच करती हुई टीम। Source: Dainik Bhaskar

The article and image has been sourced from Dainik bhaskar.

Featured Lifestyle

5 Aviator Sunglasses That Can Fulfill Your Bollywood Dream

You might be wondering what that one common thing between a hero and a villain is? Well, we’ll answer that for you! It’s their uber-cool aviator sunglasses. That’s correct, be it that classic Rajnikanth movie where he twists his sunglasses with so much swag or the iconic aviator sunglasses from the hit Bollywood movie Dabangg starring the crowd-favorite actor Salman Khan, this particular part of a hero/villain’s costume is its USP.

Now all you Bollywood fanatics, your dream of buying those same stylish aviator sunglasses has come true. With the ever-changing fashion trends, aviator sunglasses never go out of style. So, today there are thousands of variants of these stylish sunglasses that you can choose from.  

Image Source: Shutterstock

However, with so many choices available in the market, it’s understandable to feel stuck or confused.  Thus, to help you out, we have sorted the list for you, and all you’ve got to do is choose the one your heart desires the most! 

Black Aviator Sunglasses For Your Desi Soul

If you’re obsessed with all things black, and Bollywood is always on your mind, opt for these black ray ban sunglasses to transport yourself to a film set instantly. The subtle green tinge of the lenses gives off a perky vibe, and for anyone who wishes to channel in that hero energy, these aviator sunglasses are your go-to for sure!

Guns & Glasses From The Crime Master

Anyone who adores Bollywood is familiar with the legendary character Crime Master Gogo. His attire’s two major components were his gun and his sunglasses. Well, these round aviator sunglasses made with gunmetal will totally remind you of this cult classic comedy movie and this villain character whenever you’re in the mood for some mischief. In addition, the sleek look and rimmed frame will provide you with an extra edge over others to make you stand apart.

A Not-So Hidden Golden Treasure

Don’t worry, this gold treasure is not hidden under a big W, and you definitely don’t need to travel anywhere to get your hands on it. These golden frames are glamorous, and you’ll feel like the paparazzi is after you when you wear these aviator sunglasses. Giving you all the reasons to show off these purple-tinted beauties, plan your next outing and pair these with any outfit-be it casual, formal, or ethnic. So, for feeling like you’ve just attended the biggest Bollywood bash, pick these ones on your next buy!

B for Bollywood, B for Bronze

The bronze shade is such a royal and classy colour, and the shine that it gives out resembles the stardom of our favourite Bollywood actors. The lightweight frame and refined golden hues with a bent nose strip speak oodles of the ultra-modern design that is truly one-of-a-kind. To feel your dream come a little closer, opt for this classic rim in a unique colour for all the KJO vibes.

Retro: An Ode To Ray Ban & Bollywood

Retro is perhaps the most wildly popular theme and style in Bollywood, referring to a particular era. This design of aviator sunglasses holds significance as it is cherished and owned by every bollywood biggies. The chic gold tone exudes sophistication and simplicity at its core so go for these wide cover sunglasses to capture the essence of everything Bollywood!

Your Way Forward

This guide is for everyone who resonates with those cheesy dialogues and are hopeless romantics searching for the best kind of love. Well, one thing is settled, the best kind of love is the love for aviator sunglasses, which is sorted with these stellar sunglasses at your disposal.

What’s left now? That’s right, The End! Just like the end of a movie, the end decision is also the most crucial one. You should wisely choose your retailer who is trusted and reliable, like Titan Eyeplus. With 600+ stores and the best quality eyewear, they’ve covered your Bollywood dream like a pro. In addition, their easy exchange and 7-day return policy will make your online purchase of aviator sunglasses worth every penny. So go get shopping, folks!


Instagrammable Cafes & Restaurants In Udaipur

Our generation is a bunch of Haba babas, scrolling our lives through social media. Well, social media is a vast term, so to mention here, that we’re Instagram freaks won’t be an overstatement. 

Udaipur, a city that sweeps you off your feet with its mystical and magical, alluring beauty is a no less than a piece of art. Steeped in culture and heritage, this city not only offers great heritage sites, lakes, cafes and restaurants, but also Instagrammable cafes & restaurants. YES! You read it right.

Today, we are all about posting stories, videos, reels and posts on Instagram. I am not here to scold you down on it. I say, let’s get more Instagram-y and surf the Instagrammable Cafes & Restaurants in Udaipur.


  • Royal Repast is a multi-cuisine specialty restaurant located in a 95-year-old colonial bungalow in central Udaipur.
  • Residing in the heart of the city, the restaurant has a beautifully decorated private dining room with a vintage ambiance and a vibrant open courtyard.
  • As there are private dining rooms, the guests can relish the personalized private dining services.
  • The restaurant has been visited by various state heads, food critics, celebrity chefs, Hollywood fraternity and renowned cookbook authors.
  • Continuing the legacy of the heritage bungalow, the restaurant believes in keeping the heritage alive on the plates, and therefore their must-try dishes are keema samosa, laal maas and paneer lababdar

Address: Bedla house, Chetak Marg, Opp. SBI bank, Udaipur

Contact Number: 98292 20362, 95495 51335


  • Banjara is a restaurant, serving one of the best and delicious delicacies in Udaipur. 
  • The musical restaurant also is famous for its live music in different genres like Rock, Bollywood, Classical, Folk, Sufi, etc. with aesthetic interiors and aromatic ambiance inculcating different architectural styles. 
  • With meeting the aspirations of all the generations, Banjara also ensures to keep a casual culture and creates a liberating and tension-free environment.
  • Some of Banjara’s famous and exquisite dishes are:- Main Course- Paneer Pakiza; Chinese- Gold Coin with Honey chilly Sauce; Pizza- Fresh Farm and Capri; Fries- RJ27; Mocktail – Cold Todi.

Address: Near Archi Arihant Apartment, On JK Paras Road, Shobhagpura, Udaipur

Contact Number: 93211 07641


  • Millets of Mewar with a motto of ‘जसो अन्न वासो मन ‘, believes in serving healthy food on the plates.
  • Reflecting the traditional culture of India, the cuisines are made with the utmost authenticity of the culture and heritage we possess.
  • To support other local small business owners and farmers, the restaurant uses locally sourced and produced, organically grown ingredients, wherever and whenever possible.
  • The restaurant serves local millets, Rajasthani dishes, vegan, gluten-free, raw food, less oil and organic dishes.
  • With an incline towards healthy food, Millets of Mewar also promotes traditional Indian food like kebabs, paneer butter masala, sizzlers, etc.
  • The signature dishes are:
  • Millet veg Tikki
  • Special millet base pizza
  • Quinoa veg & cheese tarts
  • Millet pancake
  • Millet bhel chat
  • Authentic gluten-free pad thai noodles
  • vegan smoothies
  • And specialized dietary food

Address: 25, Near Biological Park , Sajjangarh (Monsoon Palace) , Udaipur

Contact Number: 87693 48440, 99284 43548


  • Hello Boho Cafe is a place to savor and relish the best of food and serene in the city of lakes.
  • The cafe is located at the beautiful lakeside, Gangaur Ghat.
  • The ambiance is something one can completely be in awe of. The boho looks make the cafe very much distinct and is comforting in a very palatable way.
  • The rooftop helps the visitors capture the scenic Udaipur with a cold beer and mouth-watering and must-try delicacies like their smoothies, pizzas, shakes, etc.

Address: A/5 Hello Boho Cafe, Behind Zostel, Purohit Ji Ka Kuhra, Imli Ghat, Chandpole, Udaipur

Contact Number: 95300 95311, 80035 88837


  • Dheergarh Rooftop Restaurant is the highest rooftop restaurant in Udaipur, the city of lakes.
  • The restaurant offers a majestic view of the monsoon palace i.e. Sajjangarh, with the mystical serene waters of the Lake Pichola and Fateh Sagar.
  • At Dheergarh, one can relish the experience of candlelight dinners, traditional and multiple cuisine options.

Address: D – 26, Trident Road, Haridas Ji Ki Magri, Udaipur

Contact Number: 77370 37669


  • Nestled on the shores of Fateh Sagar lake, Bougainvillea Terrace by the lake is a rooftop restaurant that seamlessly blends with the surrounding landscape to showcase the beauty of the city at its best.
  • The restaurant believes in showcasing the concept of co-existing with nature. The interiors cascading with the bougainvilleas perfectly fit with the ambiance of the restaurant.
  • The bar and the restaurant have sumptuous offerings on the menu, designed by expert chefs, that have something to suit everybody’s taste.

Address: Hotel Lakend, Fatehsagar Lakeshore, Alkapuri, Udaipur.

Contact Number: 70731 99906


  • Grasswood cafe is one of the best solutions for all your gastronomical needs.
  • The cafe is located in the beautiful old city of Udaipur and provides an extensive, mesmerizing view of Lake Pichola and the striking Aravallis to the visitors.
  • Experience the enthralling candlelight evening with soothing music, here. This place never fails to romanticize the sereneness of the city of lakes.
  • The cafe is famous for its coffee. Other than that, if you’re a foodie and like to experiment with cuisine, then this place is for you.
  • Lal maas and lachha paratha are the must-try dishes at the cafe.

Address: 63 Grasswoodcafe, Above Nirvana Haveli, Next to Leela Palace Main Gate, Chandpole, Udaipur.

Contact Number:  95300 95311, 80035 88837

Your mouth must be watering by now and your mobile phone might be going crazy to click in these beautiful restaurants and cafes. So, now no waiting! It’s time to visit these instagrammable cafes and restaurants in Udaipur and tingle your taste buds with the rejuvenating cuisines.

If you want a restaurant or cafe to get featured in this list, then send the details on

Festivals Social

Eco Hut: The Eco-Friendly Store In Udaipur For Your Ganpati

Everyone talks about the environment, nature, mother earth and how it is important to protect them. But how many of us actually step up and work in that direction? We must have an answer for that.

Yes! must is the word I am using here because it’s high time to just think over and over. The Eco Hut is doing its own part in contributing towards the environment.

About Eco Hut

  • Eco Hut was founded by Guddi Prajapat, Ritesh Shekhawat, and Vishal Singh. 
  • It started in the year 2014 with an aim to encourage environment friendly products.
  • Eco Hut is a nonprofit social business that aims towards conserving the environment in the best way possible.
  • The organization also conducts workshops with children and youth on how to upcycle waste and make something creative out of it by producing and selling eco-friendly products.
  • Their products include herbal items, handmade jewelry, upcycled creative products, décor items and anything environmental and eco-friendly. 

About Eco-Friendly Ganesha Murtis

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the prominent festivals of our culture where we welcome the lord of prosperity, happiness and wisdom with open hands. So, why not bringing Lord Ganesha this year with a touch of eco-friendliness.

  • This time Eco Hut has stepped up and preferred the murtis of Lord Ganesha to be made by potters.
  • The potters have made these beautifully carved sculptures with their hands instead of using pre-designed moulds to make the sculptures more authentic.
  • Eco Hut said that with this initiative they wanted to create more employment opportunities as instead of giving the assignment to one person, giving it to 7 to 8 different potters will generate employment and will promote our culture.
  • Each design has its uniqueness and the murtis can be custom made too. 
  • The artists have used stone colors on the sculptures instead of synthetic colors.

This Ganesh Chaturthi welcome your very own eco-friendly Ganesha and take a step towards saving the environment.

Click here to know about prominent Ganesh temples of Udaipur.


Udaipurite’s Favorite Samosa Places in Udaipur

We are Indians and we love food and specifically, we thrive for fried food; That’s not a complaint at all. Our lifestyle is incomplete without it.

Must be wondering, why did we jump straight onto fried food, especially when everyone around is all about eating healthy. Well, one thing i would like to convey is eating healthy food is good but eating hardcore Indian food is badass!

Now pouncing on our favorite go-to breakfast and snack material Samosa, would just like to confess on behalf of my co-citizens that ‘you’re the best and you are a wonder of culinary. Happy World Samosa Day’.

Today on this joyful occasion we’re going to know about some of the most loved and favorite samosa places in Udaipur, voted by our very own Udaipurites.


The name Samosa Tapri itself suggests the dedication of the place towards the dish. The place at present is serving 10 types of samosas and 8 types of teas to go with it; Best combination, samosa and chai, isn’t it. Cheese Corn Samosa, Manchurian Samosa, Pasta Samosa, Chocolate Samosa and Noodle Samosa are a few to mention from their unique menu.

Address: 291, Akashdeep apartment, Sector 11, Udaipur


Daya Nashta Center is one of the favorite samosa destinations for Udaipurites. They serve the snack in a very distinctive way. Samosa is crushed and served with small balls of dahi vada and chutneys. Craving already right?

Address: 100 Feet, University, Corner, Ayad, Pahada, Udaipur

Here's where you can get the best samosa, kachoris in Udaipur


If you are looking for some finger licking samosas in Udaipur then your destination is Pratap ji ke samose.

Address: Below Sevashram, Hiran Magri, Udaipur


From the past few years, Bhawani chat corner has placed its name quite steadily when it comes to one of the best samosa places in Udaipur. They serve the samosa with a never before tasted and the very tasty heeng-pudina (asafoetida and mint) chutney.

Address: Bapu Bazaar, Opp. Rani Sahiba, Udaipur


Looking for the spicy samosas in town? Then you will definitely love and admire Ram ji ke samose. They are definitely the must try one’s.

Address: Ayad Puliya, Udaipur


Jogmaya Food Corner’s samosas are extra ordinarily pleasing to one’s taste buds. The samosas are quite sumptuous and tasty.

Address: RK Circle, Udaipur


Jain Nashta Centre is one of the most prominent breakfast destinations of the city. People crave for the yummy samosas here and if you are a samosa person, then you would definitely know this place.

Address: University Rd, Shakti Nagar, Udaipur


Tangy Samosas with a pleasant lake view. What else one needs? The location is an aid to the mouth watering samosas.

Address: Fateh Sagar Lake, Udaipur


Bherunath Samosa Centre provides some appetizing and distinctive tasted samosas and yes you would wanna try them for sure.

Address: Old RTO Road, UIT Colony, Pratap Nagar, Udaipur


Neelam’s samosas are famous for it’s palatable yet tangy flavors. If you want to taste one, you better run early in the morning because no one misses to make their mornings best with it’s amazing snacks.

Address: Bohra Ganeshji, Udaipur

You know what, samosa is also called small triangle pastry. So, try these yummylicious, anti-resisting triangle pastries and relish this Samosa day.

If you want to get featured in this listicle or you know someone who can be part of this list, then send the details on

Thank you Udaipurites for helping us in curating this list. You are Amazing!

Check out these Chai Places in Udaipur to go with your samosas!


Piplantri: The Village of Eco-Feminism

It just takes a step to move forward and set a benchmark. One can work and work throughout life but to set an example, asks a lot.

There hasn’t been a moment when we are not proud of our co-citizen’s wonders, but today the chest dwells up to another level. Sh. Shyam Sundar Paliwal of Piplantri Village, Rajsamand District is no lesser than a superhero. His work in the fields of plantation, water conversation and girl child attracts the whole world down to this astounding village.

About Piplantri Village of Rajsamand

  • Piplantri is a village located in Rajsamand district in Rajasthan State, India.
  • The villagers of Piplantri plant 111 trees every time a girl child is born and the community ensures that the trees survive and rigorously take care.
  • To ensure financial security, after the birth of a girl child, the villagers contribute collectively and  from the parents and put the amount in a fixed deposit.
  • To make sure that girl child receives proper education, the villagers make the parents sign an affidavit which also restricts them from marrying her off before she attains the legal age for marriage.
  • This initiative was started by Sh. Shyam Sundar Paliwal, the former sarpanch (the village head) and a Padma Shri awardee in the memory of his daughter Kiran, who passed away a few years ago.

Benefits of the campaign

  • The initiative has also helped the village’s economy a lot.
  • Village has planted more than 2.5 million Aloe vera plants around the trees, just to keep termites away from all the trees, especially the fruit bearing one.
  • The villagers used the aloe vera as a remedy and gradually realized that it can be processed and marketed in a variety of ways.
  • After that,  the community started to produce and market aloe vera based products like juices and gels and other products.
  • The campaign has also involved building check dams on the pastures on nearby hills to recharge the groundwater level.

Not only this marvelous village has excelled in the campaign to save the girl child and make them self-reliant but also their efforts to save the ecosystem and encourage the concept of plantation and water conservation are extraordinary .

In a country where male children are blindly supported and the rate of girl child foeticide is still not decreasing, this noble step surely has brought a change, which is a lesson to each and everyone that if one tries, one can!


Young Mountaineer From Udaipur Chooses Humanity Over Dreams

Wrong and right are two different sides of the same coin. But lesser do we know that there’s something above than just two sides and a mere coin i.e. humanity; The most noble act one can do is to showcase it.

There have been heroes in the past we’ve been proud of. It’s time to bring that feeling back. A young mountaineer from Udaipur, Kartik Khandelwal has shown the courage to drop his dreams in the midst of a hike and hence saved a life.

About Kartik Khandelwal

  • Kartik is a 21 year old youngster from Udaipur, studying BSc from BN college.
  • He is a an active cadet in NCC 6 RAJ AIR WING SQN.
  • He is a passionate mountaineer, a skyrunner, a rock climber and much more than explained.
  • Kartik also runs his own trekking group known as Ekjagah.
  • Apart from this he has nearly completed 20,000 climbs.

Now, in his recent hike ,the young mountaineer Kartik faced a situation where he had to choose between his hard earned dreams and saving a co-trekker’s life.

Unforgettable Mt. Yuman Journey

  • It was Mt. Yuman (Himachal) where he and other five of his co-trekkers with their coach started to head up to achieve the 20,000 ft summit.
  • The 7 memebers of IMF (Indian Mountaineering Foundation) used to trek in the night to face less of the danger and glacier melting threats.
  • The climb began on 17th July 2021 and their base camp was Bharatpur, Lahaul.
  • The trekkers crossed the snowed mountain as well as forest terrain and ice cold river streams to set up their first camp at 17,000ft.
  • It was dark in the night and thee trekkers started to move at 2:25 am for their final move towards the summit.
  • Nothing was visible due to the snow and haze. Still they moved ahead.
  • The team was just 800m away from the dinal summit and suddenly a team mate started to feel Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS); a sickness that every avid mountaineer dreads of.
  • This time, Kartik Khandelwal has achieved a 20,000 ft climb to Mt. Yunam, or rather gave up touching the summit by a distance of 800m to fulfill another imperative task.
  • The co-trekker was Kartik’s trek buddy (During trekking two mountaineers are paired and called buddy). With his health detoriating, Kartik had to take a call of choosing between his goals, that he aspired the most and had come to achieve it with grave difficulties or to save someone’s life.
  • Normally, if a person in a group is down during trekking then the whole crew stops dismisses the further journey on stop. But in this case as the crew was very close to their final height and seeing his friends situation deteriorating, Kartik took a call to let his team move forward and carry his friend by himself back to the base.
  • He carried his buddy with both of their heavy rucksacks. And finally was able save him.

It’s truly said that life is an adventure and full of surprises. You never know what may come and when. You might plan things but things may not go accordingly. Today, Kartik Khandelwal has set an example that humanity is above everything. To safe a life he was ready to drop a dream for which he was prepping for so long and was so close to achieving it.

Not everyone has the courage to do that and we are proud of his acts and accomplishments.