Festivals Photos

[Best Pictures] ठाकुर जी कि रथ यात्रा से पूरा शहर जगन्नाथमय



“चांदी रे रथ थे  चढो रे सांवरिया.. मनमोहक कर ल्यो श्रृंगार, सांवरिया री आरती
आरती संजोयिलो, चर्मृत लेई-लो, ले लो प्रभुजी रा नाम… सांवरिया री आरती “


महलों के पास ऊँचे मंदिरों में बिराजने वाले मेवाड़ के कान्हा “भगवान जगदीश जी” अपने गर्भगृह में बैठे बैठे पूरे साल बाट जोहते है इस खास एक दिन, आषाढ़ शुक्ल पक्ष की दूज का , जब वे खुद उन भक्तों के लिए मंदिर की कठिन सीढियाँ उतरे, जो ये सीढियां चढ नहीं पाते है…


आप क्या सोचते है ? हम भगवान के दर्शन करते है ? जी नहीं , कभी कभी भगवान भी अपने सच्चे भक्तों के दर्शन करने को आतुर रहते है. भक्ति की परीक्षा हितार्थ बिराज तो गए ऊँचे मंदिरों में हमारे ठाकुर जी, किन्तु उनका मन नहीं लगता वहाँ,बगैर अपने “प्रिय” से मिले.. तभी तो रजत रथ में बैठ भगवान इस एक खास दिन निकल पड़ते है अपने सभी सखाओं से मिलने. और जब मंदिर से निकलते है तो ऐसे ही नहीं निकलते, पूरा श्रृंगार करके, इठलाते-बलखाते जगदीश ठाट-बाट के साथ मेवाडी राजधानी के कण कण को स्वयं स्पर्श करते है. दर्शन देते है सभी को…


इस वर्ष भी भगवान ने सभी के मन की मुराद को पूरा करने की ठानी और लगभग दोपहर के तीन बजे छोटे बेवान (रथ) में बैठ कर पहले मंदिर की परिक्रमा करके चारों कोनों में बैठे मित्र देवों से भेंट की. तत्पश्चात मंदिर की सीढियाँ उतरकर प्रभु नीचे रजत रथ में आकर बिराजे. हर मेवाडी ह्रदय ने आत्मीयता से प्रभु का स्वागत किया. हमारे ठाकुरजी ने भी सभी के नमन को स्वीकार किया. दरबार महेंद्र सिंह जी मेवाड़ ने सैकड़ों  सालों की परम्परा का निर्वहन करते हुए रथ के आगे झाड़ू लगाया और प्रभु के मार्ग को साफ़ किया. आज उदयपुर भगवान के प्रिय रंग पीताम्बर (केसरिया) से रंगा रंगा सा लग रहा था. हर एक सर पर पीताम्बरी पाग शोभायमान थी. हर एक महिला ने गोपी का रूप धर लिया. पीताम्बरी साडी या बेस पहने भगवान के पीछे पीछे गीत गाती चल रही थी.


सबसे आगे गजानन के स्वरुप गजराज तो पीछे पीछे शौर्य के प्रतीक अश्व , प्रीत के प्रतीक ऊंट चल रहे थे. चारो तरफ केसरिया ध्वज लहरा रहे थे. सैकड़ों हाथ पीताम्बरी रस्सी को थामे जगन्नाथ का रथ आगे खिंच रहे थे. जैसे जैसे भगवान का रथ आगे बढ़ता, छतों-चौबारों, गोखडों, सड़कों से प्रभु के दर्शनों को तरसती हजारों बूढी आँखे गीली हो जाती.. मुह से आवाज़ ना निकलती..प्रीत में यही तो होता है.. आँखे ही सारी बातें कह देती है. बूढ़े पैरों से मंदिर की सीढियाँ ना चढ पाने का गम भूल कर बस भगवान की बलायियाँ लेती.. म्हारा कान्हा , थाने कन्ही री निजर ना लागे …


सेक्टर सात से निकलने वाली शोभायात्रा, जो मूल रथ यात्रा में शामिल होती है, किसी भी मायने में पुरी रथयात्रा से कम नहीं होती.. प्रभु जगन्नाथ, भ्राता बलराम और बहन सुभद्रा के विग्रह पुरी की याद दिला देते है. शहर में सबसे लंबी दुरी तय करके सेक्टर सात से पुराने शहर तक का सफर तय करके तीनो भाई-बहन  जगदीश जी की रथ यात्रा की शोभा बनते है. यह रथ यात्रा सेक्टर सात से प्रातः 11 बजे प्रारंभ होती है, जो मूल रथ यात्रा के समापन के पूरे तीन-चार घंटे बाद आधी रात को पुनः अपने स्थान पर जाकर विश्राम लेती है


पारंपरिक मार्ग से गुजरते भगवान जगदीश सभी को दर्शन देते है. सभी के मन की सुनते है. और कहते है…मैं तुम्हारे दर तक खुद आया, अब तुम मेरी शरण में आ जाओ,फिर तुम्हारा कोई कष्ट ना रहेगा… आधी-व्याधि ना रहेगी.. अगर रहेगा तो सिर्फ प्रेम.. स्नेह.. मुरली का रस…


“मात-पिता तुम मेरे , शरण गहुँ मैं किसकी…
तुम बिन और ना दूजा, आस करूँ मैं जिसकी.. “
जय जगदीश हरे…
Pictures by : Mujtaba R.G.
Edited By : Arya Manu
Festivals Food

Father’s Day – Let’s celebrate this Weekend

fathers day picture
Image Credits:

This weekend becomes all the more special as it hosts Father’s Day too. Yes it’s Father’s Day this Sunday; a day to thank the person whom you call “Dad”, “Daddy”, “Papa”, “Baba” etc. etc. etc. By whatever name you call him, whatever the language you may use, the love and respect for father remains the same in each heart irrespective of boundaries and borders.

Children are always more closer to their mother; we share our worries and sorrows and happiness with the lady of the house but very rarely to the man who spends his whole day out working hard to provide us with all luxuries of life. The reason being obvious – he is never at home except at nights and weekends, he always carry that typical silence with him making it all the more difficult for us to share our words with him. But we forget one thing; no matter how less he speaks to us, he loves us and cares for us the same way our mother loves and care for us. We see him as a hard core but no he is also a human being with a heart beating for his children.

So why not break this unspoken silence and tie a bond of loving relationship with this man and make this Father’s Day a memorable one for him. You need not spend a lot of money and have a big show off party or something; you just have to find a way to express your love and respect for him and a glittering smile won’t leave his face the whole day long. If you are confused how to do that then I’ll again say “When UB is here, there is nothing to fear”. 🙂 This weekend we will help you with some plans to make it a remarkable Father’s Day for your family.

Let’s try your hand with ‘karchi and kadai’. 😉 make a dish with your hands for your dad, be it his favorite dish or the one we are sharing with you. And if you are a master chef of your kitchen then you can even make a whole meal for him. Here we are sharing the recipe of “Paneer Chilli” taken out right from the kitchen of “Swastik Restaurant” in Fatehpura. I being a big big fan of it can say that it’s the best Paneer Chilli you can get in Udaipur.


Paneer Chilli
Image Credits:

Ingredients :-

Paneer – 200gm (cut into square pieces of appropriate sizes), Maida – 100gm, Corn flour – 50gm, Capsicum (cut into square pieces of same size as that of Paneer), Onion (also cut into same size), Ginger, Garlic, 2-3 green chilli cut into small pieces, Soya sauce, Ajeenomotto (Chinese salt), Table Salt, Red Chilli Powder, Oil for deep frying


Procedure :-

  • Make a smooth batter (paste) by mixing Maida and Corn flour in one-fourth cup of water.
  • Coat the pieces of paneer in batter and deep fry it in the hot oil till the pieces turn light brown.
  • Take a Frying pan / Kadhai and put it on gas. Add some oil in it and then add garlic, ginger, onion, capsicum and green chilli. Saute over high flame for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Now add soya sauce, corn flour paste and salt (to taste) and allow it to come to boil.
  • Put in the fried paneer and mix well.
  • Serve hot garnished with green chilli and onion.


Don’t forget to put a hand-made greeting card along with the dish on the dining table. Enjoy the tempting dish with the whole family and make the evening a delicious one. 😉

Who doesn’t like gifts..?? Everyone does and even your father will love to receive a gift from you, no matter how small it may be. Or plan a surprise party for him; but make sure it’s just a family party. Blindfold him and take him to the venue, cut a cake, enjoy a scrumptious dinner and dance till your feet ache. Make sure the special person for the day accompanies you in every activity.

Don’t forget to capture the moments with a click of your camera and share your experiences with us.

Happy Weekend 🙂 and Happy Father’s Day 🙂 🙂


स्वर्ण रथ पर सवार होंगे भगवान जगन्नाथ – छठी भव्य रथयात्रा

हिरणमगरी सेक्टर 7 स्थित भगवान जगन्नाथ धाम से भगवान जगन्नाथ नगर भ्रमण पर 21 जून को निकलेंगे। इसकी तैयारियां जोरों पर है। समिति के भूपेन्द्र सिंह भाटी ने बताया कि सेक्टर-7 स्थित भगवान जगन्नाथ शैशव काल पूर्ण कर बाल्यकाल में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं।



21 जून को छठी रथयात्रा की सवारी करते हुए भगवान जगन्नाथ नगर भ्रमण के लिए सुबह 11 बजे निकलेंगे। बाल्यकाल में प्रवेश कर रहे भगवान जगन्नाथ, सुभद्रा, बलभद्रजी और सुदर्शनजी स्वर्ण रथ में विराजित होकर नगर की सैर करेंगे। भगवान की प्रसन्नता के लिए भक्तजनों का आग्रह था कि इस बार रथ को नया रूप दिया जाए। भगवत् कृपा से जगन्नाथधाम समिति ने अपने सीमित साधनों के अंतर्गत इस दिशा में आंशिक प्रयास किया है, आगामी वर्षों में इसमें और अधिक सुधार के प्रयास किये जाएँगे।


पुरी (उड़ीसा) की तरह सेक्टर-7 से निकलने वाली रथयात्रा में सदा की भाँति जगन्नाथधाम में प्रतिष्ठित महादारु (काष्ठम) की मूल प्रतिमाएं स्वर्णरथ पर विराजेंगी। रथयात्रा का आरम्भ दिन में 11 बजे छेरापहरा (झाड़ू लगाने) की रस्म से होगा, जो ब्रह्मा के समक्ष तन और मन, दोनों की साफ-सफाई का प्रतीक होता है। यात्रा का मार्ग जगन्नाथ धाम, सेक्टर-7 से आरम्भ होकर कृषि मंडी, सेक्टर 11 में स्थित शिवमंदिर, पटेल सर्किल, खांजीपीर, रंगनिवास, भटियानी चौहट्टा, जगदीश चौक से शहर की मुख्य रथयात्रा के साथ मिलकर आरएमवी, कैलाश कॉलोनी तक रहेगा। कैलाश कॉलोनी से अलग होकर गुलाब बाग के पास से उदियापोल, टेकरी (पीपली चौराहा), टेकरी—मादड़ी रोड, मेनारिया गेस्ट हाउस, सेक्टर-6 स्थित पुलिस थाना होकर वापस श्रीजगन्नाथजी धाम सेक्टर-7 पहुँचेगी। जगन्नाथ धाम की स्थापना के प्रेरणा स्रोत स्वर्गीय इं.के.डोरा की स्मृति में उनकी पत्नि माहेश्वरी डोरा की ओर से रथ यात्रा में भाग लेने वाले सभी भक्तगणों के लिए रात्रि भोजन की व्यवस्था की गई है।
रथयात्रा में उत्कल समाज, नारायण सेवा संस्थान, बजरंग सेना, पूज्य सिंधी पंचायत हिरणमगरी, मेवाड़ क्षत्रिय महासभा, जय श्रीराम जय श्रीकृष्णम सेवा समिति, इडाणामाता का रथ, सविना मित्रमण्डल, कृषि मण्डी (अनाज) समिति, पूज्य पंचायत कृषि मण्डी (फलमण्डी) माछला मगरा विकास समिति, मेनारिया समाज, धर्मोंत्सव समिति आदि का विशेष सहयोग रहेगा। विभिन्न देवालयों एवं संगठनों की लगभग 15 झांकियों के भी सम्मिलित होने की सम्भावना है।

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 रथ यात्रा के उत्साह को देखते हुए , रथ यात्रा के फोटो अवं विडियो  facebook पर अपलोड किये जायेंगे.


The divine power on Earth: Mother

Motherhood – the most beautiful and special bridge of feelings created by God between a mother and child which wraps three words love, care and affection. Being a mother is the most wonderful, terrific and magnificent gift that life has offered to a women; it is a feeling of being complete and fulfilled.

A new definition adds to a women’s life when she feels a new life inside her. It is the journey of a woman which begins from the implantation of zygote in the endometrium but never ends; it runs for lifetime. Stretching from the nine sacrificing months knitted in beautiful dreams for her child, it passes through those golden years when she sees her child growing, the day he crawled, when he spoke first word, when he uttered ‘maa’, when he started walking and many such milestones that give her immense happiness. Between these happiness, she also experiences a tough time; changing nappies, looking after every small need of her child, keeping awake whole night when the child falls ill. But without complaining even once, she wakes up early in the morning to pack our lunch boxes, transforms into our coach in the evening for our outdoor games, and as a teacher to help us in our home works; her day ending with the glass of milk with our favorite flavor. We can always go to her with any of our problems at any time, without any hesitation. She will always be understanding and helpful.

She moulds the child and makes the best of him; she makes him a person that can face the challenges of world and excel in every task of life. She is our first teacher; she guides us in all paths of life, teaches us the social living, designs our lives and creates the personalities that we have. She serves as our protective covering from the outer evil and harming world; she holds our hands and gives us the warmth of security and happiness. Her contribution to our lives can’t be measured in any unit.

But we always take her work, her care and affection for granted. Yes, it is our pleasure that we are having mothers in our lives, but we should also never miss a single chance in paying our humble tribute to the ladies. Mother’s day is the right time to apologize for all the troubles that we have given her, and to celebrate her motherhood in the most special way. It is the day to let your mother know how much you appreciate everything she has done for you; the day of honoring motherhood; the day to praise the role of mother’s in the better development of society.

It is not the cards or the expensive gifts, or it is not about the lunch or dinner treat in a restaurant which we give her on the occasion, it is the silent promise to her through our eyes that we will never hurt her or will never do anything which is against the morals and ethics she taught in her lessons of life. We will always make her proud by our workings.

Let’s do this promise to her this year and give her our warm wishes for a healthy long life.

Happy Mother's Day

Thank you MUMMY, for being whatever you are!!!

Festivals Photos

[Pictures] Mewar Festival – a lively Celebration


Colors of tradition spread out everywhere, Sparkling water of Pichola, Rajasthani women and girls elegantly dressed up, and beautifully decorated idols of Gangaur glittering in the beautiful light. Such was the charm of Mewar Festival at Gangaur Ghat. It felt as if everything around is tinted in rainbow – colorful and vibrant. As the folk tales say, these 16 days of Gangaur were the days when Parvati Ji stayed at her father’s home. These were the days of celebration, days to worship Gauri for a perfect husband and his well being. Today, Gauri Ji was given farewell amidst a big festival – the Mewar Festival.






Look of Mewar







The celebration started with a procession, in which women carried the idols of Isar and Gangaur all the way from Clock Tower to the Gangaur Ghat. Then the Royal boat of Palace was taken out from Bansi Ghat to Gangaur Ghat which was the centre of attraction of the evening. Colorful boat in the glowing water of Pichola was truly worth watching. Then the artists showed various shades of culture in the cultural programme that followed.The Show started by the performance of renowned Maand Singer of Udaipur – “Maangi bai”; Tune of ‘Padharo Mahare Desh’ filled the air and traditional dance forms like ‘Ghoomar’ and ‘Kalbeliya’ took hold of the breath. On the whole, the whole festival served as an eye candy with its striking colors and glorious culture.













The best decorated award were won by the Rajmali Samaj who won the first prize and an amount of Rs. 11000. The second was the Kahar Bhoi Samaj while Maru Kumawat Samaj bagged the third spot.


I was so untouched from one of the best festivals of Rajasthan and that too purely dedicated to womenfolk. For those who are still untouched with its allure, UdaipurBlog have the best of pictures of this celebration. And for those who captured the view in their eyes, these photos will recall those amazing moments.

Photos By Mujtaba Rg & Yash Sharma 


Commencement of New Year 2069

Commencement of New Year 2069
with a bang on creation of
God Jhulelal with 501Kg fruits, vegetables & pulses.

You are Invited

To join us on the auspicious occasion of “Cheti Chand” on 24th March at Sanatan Mandir, Shakti Nagar starting from 8 pm.
Cheti Chand is the Sindhi New Year Day celebrated on the second day of Cheti month (Chaitra month). This year  Cheti Chand falls on April 5, 2011. This festival is similar to other Hindu New Year festivals. Cheti Chand is celebrated as a commemoration of birthday of Sindhi patron saint Jhulelal. This festival is to give honor the birth of Water God (Varun Devta) popularly known as Jhulelal. The Sindhi community is seen wishing each other in the native Sindhi Language “Cheti Chand jyon Lakh Lakh Wadayun Athav”, which means lacs of wishes for Happy Cheti Chand. Historically Cheti Chand is the birthday of Lal Sain Amarlal hence this is the most important day for the sindhi community and celebrated with that high spirit and emotions.

Apna Sangathan, a group that has been renowned in presenting various innovative and creative procession (Jhanki) from last eight years, is once again back with the message of “हरित उदयपुर” [ Green Udaipur ] through the portrait of Bhagwan Jhulelal in rainbow which would be made up by various pulses, fruits & vegetables.

Various achievements of Apna Sangathan, displaying artistic and aesthetic values.

Apna Sangathan
2004 : Wrote “Jai Jhulelal” with 11000 earthen lamps.
Apna Sangathan
2005 : A potrait made with 1 lakh coins. [one rupee coins
2006 : In this year, a record was created in Limca book which announces that 3 lakh marbles were used in potraying God Jhulelal.

Sindhi Samaj

2007: A statue was created with 5 lakh straws.
2007: A statue was created with 5 lakh straws.
2008 : With 101 all different swings swaying around.
2009 : An ambience of disney land was created using thirty thousand balloons.
2009 : An ambience of disney land was created using thirty thousand balloons.
2010 : A temple of diyas was created which brightened the surroundings.
2011 : Taj Mahal was created using 400 litres of milk and god jhulelal was made with kheer. This was the commendable job done.

Mr. Surendra Arora said, ” As me and my friend Virendra Khabrani wanted to unite people of different religions. An idea clicks my mind every year to make something beyond imagination & the supporting person behind this imagination are my wife and my kith and kins.”

Article by : Sakshi Arora

Cheti Chand: New Year eve for the Sindhi Community



Awaited Mewar Festival – an euphoric celebration of Gangaur

Gangaur Festival Udaipur 2012

Continuing with the mood of festivity and the spirit of celebration, here is the ongoing colorful festival of Gangaur, which commences from the day following Holi and continues for 18 days. Gangaur is one of the local festivals of Rajasthan which is celebrated by the womenfolk with great sparkle and fervor. Started by the rulers of state of Rajputana, this celebration is still continued with the same devotion and glory.

During these 18 days, married women worship Gauri, who epitomizes marital bliss or saubhagya, for the well-being and prosperity of her husband. Unmarried girls also observe fast for being blessed with good husband as Gauri got Shiv as her perfect consort. Girls and women make idols of Isar and Gauri out of clay and decorate them beautifully as if they instill life in those figures. They, themselves, dress up in bright and colorful dresses, prettily and elegantly. They rejoice and make merry, sing and dance throughout these 18 days.

The last day of the festival is a real magnificence and charm when Gauri is bided farewell in a grand procession. Married women place the idols of Isar and Gauri on their heads and take them to a well, pond or a lake while singing traditional songs.

Udaipur celebrates the last three days of Gangaur as “Mewar Festival”. Extending from 25th to 27th March this year, the festival offers a warm welcome to the spring. Women, dressed up in their best attire, take out a procession carrying the idols of Isar and Gangaur through various parts of the city. The procession ends at Gangaur Ghat of Lake Pichola by placing the idols in special boats amidst the air of singing and joy. After that starts the cultural programme which catches every eye with its beautiful performances. These three days of vibrant feast ends with a spectacular display of fireworks.

Lake Pichola During Gangaur

Pictures by : Rohit Gautam

Festivals People

दशामाता पूजन आज – जानिए इसकी पूजन विधि

उदयपुर में आज के दिन दशामाता पूजन काफी हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया जाता है। हो सकता है आज आपने सुबह सुबह कई महिलाओं को साज-श्रृंगार कर हाथ में पूजा की थाली लेकर जाते हुए देखा होगा, पर्व है दशामाता पूजन का। चैत्र माह के कृष्ण पक्ष की दशमी यानी होली के दसवें दिन किया जाने वाला दशामाता व्रत एक ऐसा व्रत माना जाता है जो बिगड़े ग्रहों की दशा सुधारकर सुख-समृद्धि, सौभाग्य और धन संपत्ति की पूर्ति करवाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है की अपने नाम के अनुरूप यह व्रत-पूजा परिवार की दशा को सुधार देती है।

दशा माता पूजा विधि

आज के दिन भगवान विष्णु के स्वरूप पीपल वृक्ष की पूजा की जाती है। सौभाग्यवती महिलाएं कच्चे सूत का 10 तार का डोरा बनाकर उसमें 10 गांठ लगाती हैं और पीपल वृक्ष की प्रदक्षिणा करते उसकी पूजा करती हैं। पूजा करने के बाद वृक्ष के नीचे बैठकर नल दमयंती की कथा सुनती हैं और परिवार के सुख-समृद्धि की कामना करते हुए डोरा गले में बांधती हैं। घर आकर द्वार के दोनों ओर हल्दी कुमकुम के छापे लगाती है। पीपल छाल को “स्वर्ण” समझकर घर लाया जाता है और तिजोरी में सुरक्षित रखा जाता है।

व्रत करने वाली महिलाएँ आज के दिन एक ही वक्त खाना खाती हैं। भोजन में नमक का प्रयोग वर्जित रहता है।

इस दिन सुबह जल्दी उठकर घर की साफ-सफाई करके सारा कचरा बाहर फेंक दिया जाता है। आटे से माता पूजन के लिए विभिन्न गहने और विविध सामग्री बनायीं जाती है। नव-विवाहिताओं के लिए आज के दिन शादी का जोड़ा पहनना अनिवार्य माना गया है।

मान्यता के अनुसार आज की दिन किसी को पैसा उधार नहीं दिए जाते।


It’s our day – It’s Women’s Day

Happy Women's Day

Aahhh!! What a pleasant co-incidence – Women’s Day and Festival of colors are on the same day as if it is inspiring every girl and women to soak the canvas of her life with new and vibrant colors of hopes, joys and success.

America, in 1908, dedicated 8th of March as the day to praise the contribution of women in various social and economic fields. The day was then accepted as International Women’s Day by the United Nations. It is the day to celebrate her success and triumph; a day to make her feel proud on being born as a woman that makes the pillars of family, society and country. If I would have been born even a couple of decades ago, I would not have been celebrating this day or felt so much proud on myself. But now, I can raise my head high and tell you a women’s journey of rising from a stone that costs nothing to a jewel which is priceless; a jewel that adds to the glaze and spark of the crown of society.

Statistics shows that male: female ratio has improved and there has been a decline in the numbers of female foeticide and infanticide. Graph of female education shows a steep rise with many glittering names that have reached the heights of glory. Law and Constitution has blessed her with rights and opportunities equivalent to men. Today, there is not a single field which is left untouched and unexplored by her, be it aeronautics, armed forces or sports.

Though the medals of our achievements are many, but a bitter truth is also that there are still many hurdles and obstacles that restrain many women from breathing in the air of freedom and liberty; orthodox and conservative society and ego-centered mentality of men being the two foremost and major hurdles. Failure to educate the masses supports these hurdles. There still exist those people who think that moving side by side with men and leaving their footprints in areas beyond the four walls is not the cake for women.

Crimes against women, cases of rapes, domestic violence, dowry, illegal female foeticide are increasing bringing disgrace to us. Justice and empowerment is still a difficult bird to catch when we can hear people blaming women herself as the reason behind these crimes. But I say, even if our dreams and desires are bigger than the boundaries of this male dominated society, we are not at all wrong when we are living by our values and ethics. When we are attached strongly to the ground by the roots of culture and values, then there is no harm in opening our wings and exploring the sky. And then no one can raise a finger or put a question mark on our victory and success.

If we wish to fulfill the dream of a complete development, then we will have to strengthen the status and position of women in the society because without supporting and fortifying the pillars one can never build up a palace. So it’s time to clear your minds of orthodox and conservative thinking and fill it up with new ideas and vision, a vision that holds everyone, male or female, equal.

Wishing all the girls and ladies a very Happy Women’s Day. Let’s rise up, grow, achieve all the heights and fulfill all our dreams.


Image Credits:


Holi – it’s time to rejoice and celebrate

It is the month of Phagun, the last Hindu calendar month. The full moon night (poornima) is celebrated as the end of the year, with beginning of New Year as chaitra, first day of Krishna Paksha. It is a festival to celebrate good harvests and fertility of the land; old leaves had fallen, and it is the time for new leaves and new flowers, the season of blooming trees. It signifies the end of winters and beginning of a new season spring, which reflects a hope for new energy in our lives.

Hindus celebrate this in a religious manner as Holika dahan, also popularly called as chhoti holi. The popular tradition is to celebrate with lighting of bonfires on the street corners, people gathering around it, offering of the first Rabi crop to the sacrificing fire with chanting of mantras and shlokas. Everyone rejoice the moments with singing and dancing.

According to the popular mythological belief behind this tradition, Hiranyakashyap was the great king of demons, who was granted with a blessing by Lord Brahma, which made it impossible to kill him. This made the king arrogant who resents his son Prahlada who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu, but in spite of several threats from Hiranyakashyap, Prahlada continued with his prayers. The king attempted to kill his son many times, but failed. Finally he ordered his son to sit in a huge fire with Holika, sister of Hiranyakashyap, who was said to have a boon, which would prevent her from burning. But when the fire started, Prahlada survived unharmed, while Holika was burnt to death. The burning of Holika is celebrated as Holika Dahan, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil. The next morning, people show their joy by celebrating with colors.

This festival also loosens the strains of social structure, including caste and status. The air enchants the lovely music of happiness, brotherhood, integrity and prosperity. It fills up the gaps between and,together, we celebrate and rejoice.

So, let’s begin our new year with new energy and new hopes, burning the old wicks in ourselves. Let’s instill in us a new positivity amidst all social, political, economical and religious down droops in the society.


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