
लो वसंत फिर आ गया..!

दुनिया भर की टेंशन, फेसबुक-ट्विटर पर खुद को खोजते, इतनी सारी व्यस्तताओं और उलझनों के बीच हमारे मन का कोई हिस्सा अपने “होने” के एहसास को बचाने की भरसक कोशिश करता है और हमें बार बार ये एहसास कराता है कि हमारे अन्दर कुछ “अनूठा” अभी भी जिंदा है…मरा नहीं है.. हम अभी भी इतने “मेकेनिकल” नहीं हुए है, जितना हम अपने आप को मान लेते है.. और इन्ही तमाम उलझनों और टेंशनो के बीच हमारे मन ने आज खेतो में उगी पीली फसल
और उदयपुर की सड़कों पर आँखों में घुस रहे छोटे छोटे कीड़े “मोयला” (जिनसे सब डरते है) ने हमें जाता ही दिया है कि लो ऋतुराज बसंत आ ही गया. यूँ भी देखा जाये तो ये ऋतुएं किसी कलेंडर की मोहताज तो होती नहीं… हमारा मन ही इन्हें समझ जाता है… सर्दी किसी बुझती लौ की तरह अपनी तमाम ताकत का एहसास करवा रही है..तो समझ लो वसंत आ रहा है. वैसे एक बात तो है.. सर्दी-गर्मी-वर्षा..ये ऋतुएं हमारा तन समझता है… पर वसंत की अनुभूति हमारे मन तक होती है. आज वसंत पंचमी के दिन हमारे उत्तर भारतीय भाई तो पूरे पीले-केसरिया वस्त्र पहने अलग  ही आभा दे रहे होंगे. वीणा- सितार में राग बसंत गूंज रही होंगी.. सितार की बात आई तो बताते चले..हमारे बंगाली भाई आज माँ सरस्वती की पूजा करते हैं. माँ सरस्वती की कृपा हमें कुछ करने का जज्बा जगाती है. पर आज ज्यादा धार्मिक बातें करने का मन नहीं है सो माँ सरस्वती को यहीं प्रणाम.

Vasant Panchmi | UdaipurBlog

उदयपुर ब्लॉग के कर्ता-धर्ता..सभी परीक्षाओं में व्यस्त है .(माँ सरस्वती की सबसे ज्यादा याद तो इन्हें आ रही होंगी आज.. दो अगरबत्ती ज्यादा जलाने वाले
है..) दिल दिमाग फुर्सत पाना चाहता है. कड़ाके की ठण्ड से थोड़ी निजात मिली है. खिड़की से अन्दर आने वाली धूप अब थोड़ी थोड़ी चुभने लगी है. वसंत, तुम्हारे आते ही मौसम कसमसाने लगा है. सर्दी का मन तो नहीं है जाने का..बार बार लौट लौट कर अपने होने का एहसास करवा रही है.. प्रकृति ने चारो तरफ
पीला-केसरिया रंग उढेल दिया है.. गुनगुनी सर्दी दिल को कुछ ज्यादा ही बैचेन किये दे रही है. मन कह रहा है कि बस कुछ चमत्कार हो जाये और “वो” मेरे पास
हो.. दिल के करीब रहने वाले गीत लबों पर आने को बेताब है. मन अपनी चंचलपना पूरी शिद्दत से दिखा रहा है. मौन हैं..चकित है.. कि इस वसंत का एहसान माने, शुक्रिया अदा करें इसका..कि डांट लगायें.. वसंत का आगमन..बहार को देखकर मन उड़ चला है ..फिर से !

घर-घर चर्चा हो रही फूलों में इस बार लेकर वसंत आ रहा खुशियों का त्योहार बहरहाल मन की इन्ही अनसुलझी परतों के बीच ऋतुराज वसंत महाराज तो आ ही गए है. और ये जब जब आते है तो हमें किसी और ही पुरानी दुनिया में ले जाते है. किताबों का बोझ आज भी उतना ही है. बस जब छोटे थे तो “विद्या” पौधे की पत्ती ज़रूर किताबों में छुपा दिया करते थे. पीली सरसों अब उतनी दिखाई नहीं देती. टेरेस पर लगे पौधे पर ज़रूर गुलाब उग आया है. बड़ा सा… पर उसकी पत्तियों को किताब में सहेजना अब उतना अच्छा नहीं लगता. हवा की हलकी खनक आज भी महसूस होती है. शाम को फतहसागर फिर से जवां लगने लगा है. कुल्हड़ की कॉफी रंग जमा रही है. मौसम अलग सा मिज़ाज जता रहा है. मदहोशी फिर से छाने लगी है. वसंत आज हमें फिर से उकसा रहा है, उन पुराने दिनों को फिर से जीने को. आज जब हम अपने आप ही नाराज़ होने लगे है.. उदास ज्यादा और खुश कम होते है..पहले की मदहोशी और आज की मदहोशी के
मिज़ाज, सुर और परिभाषाएं, सब बदल गए है. तो आज के दिन कुछ अलग ढंग से वसंत के साथ कुछ अलग हटकर करते है.. पुराने दिनों को ताज़ा करते हुए  अलग ढंग से जीते है. आज खुद से नाराज़ न हो. सबसे कटे हुए, अलगाए हुए उदासीन न बैठे.. बस कुछ ऐसा करें कि ये दिन गुज़र न पाए…आज के खास दिन “मेकेनिकल लाइफ” को अलविदा कह दे. जिन चीजों को हम कई दिनों से नज़र-अंदाज़ कर रहे थे, उन्हें आज कर ही डालते है. चलिए इसी अंदाज़ में आज ऋतुराज का अभिनन्दन करें… वसंत मनाएं.. दिल को खूब खूब महकने दे..चहकने दे.. आप सभी को इस मनमोहक आनंदित कर देने वाली वसंत ऋतु
की बहुत बहुत बधाई.
आपका जीवन हमेशा वासंती रहे.


लो आ गयी लोहड़ी वे

Happy lohri

पर्व त्यौहार का सीजन नए साल में फिर शुरू हो गया है. मौसम की नयी बहार के साथ लो जी…लोहड़ी आ ही गयी. पंजाब की शान- लोहड़ी अब सिर्फ पंजाब का त्यौहार नहीं रहा…  मकर सक्रांति से एक दिन पहले जिंदगी के हर लम्हे को जीने की सिख देने वाला ये त्यौहार अब पूरा देश उसी अंदाज़ में मनाता है.
बैसाखी त्यौहार की तरह लोहड़ी का सम्बन्ध यूँ तो पंजाब के गाँव, फसल और मौसम से जुड़ा है. पौष की कड़ाके की सर्दी से बचाव… भाईचारे के शाम… मौज मस्ती… नयी फसल के अच्छे होने की उमंग.. यही है लोहड़ी. पंजाब की सभ्यता का प्रतीक बना ये त्यौहार उदयपुर में भी पंजाबी समुदाय के बीच मुख्यतः मनाया जायेगा आज शाम..
ज़रा याद कीजिये ” वीर-ज़ारा” का वो गाना..जब अमिताभ, हेमा मालिनी के साथ साथ शाहरुख़ और प्रीटी ठुमके लगते हुए कहती है… “लो आ गयी लोहड़ी वे… बना लो जोड़ी वे…” ये कहना अतियोशक्ति नहीं होगी कि फिल्मो ने सारा प्रांतवाद ख़तम करके देश को एक सूत्र में पिरो दिया..जहाँ दक्षिण का मकर-विलक्कू पर्व हो या मध्य भारत की मकर सक्रांति.. या फिर उत्तर की लोहड़ी… सब एक हो गए है…
पंजाब में लोहड़ी की रात गन्ने के रस की खीर बनायीं जाती है जो अगले दिन माघी (मकर सक्रांति) के दिन खायी जाती है. ऐसा करना शुभ माना जाता है. यूँ तो लोहड़ी के साथ कई पुरानी रस्में और रंग जुड़े हैं पर समय के साथ अब इनका भी आधुनिकीकरण हो गया है.. पहले जहाँ गाँव में लोहड़ी के दिन गीत सुने देते थे, उनका स्थान अब “डीजे” ने ले लिया है.
कुछ भी हो, लेकिन आज भी लोहड़ी रिश्तों की मधुरता, आपस के प्रेम और सुकून का प्रतीक बनी हुई है. लोहड़ी की रात सगे-सम्बन्धियों, पड़ोसियों के साथ बैठकर हंसी-मजाक, नाच-गाना रिश्तो में नयी मिठास भर देता है. टीम ये उम्मीद करती है कि पवित्र अग्नि का यह त्यौहार मानवता को सीधा रास्ता दिखाने और रूठो को मनाने का जरिया बनेगा…
शहर में सिख कालोनी में आज शाम लोहड़ी की पवित्र अग्नि जलेगी… हर मन कह उठेगा…लो आ गयी लोहड़ी वे… तिल- गुड खाने और डीजे पर ठुमके लगाने… आप आ रहे है न… !!!!
आप सभी को लोहड़ी की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं….


Resolutions: Welcome 2012

Days passed, months ended and here we are about to bid goodbye to 2011 . Yes! Its high NEW YEAR TIME guys and apart from celebrations, hangouts and shopping, everyone wants to get the best out of them in the upcoming year 😀 The first thing that clicks every individual’s mind is WHAT changes they want in them, WHAT new they intend to bring in their life :O. As we all are aware that human wants and zests are unlimited, so the identification of immediate longing plays an enormous role. This is what defines a resolution.

Whenever I see New Year approaching, the first thought in my mind (of course after deciding the New Year gift) is what to resolve for the next year. One should adjudicate their goals according to their capabilities. To share old memories, in our School times, every girl (GIRLS CONVENT SCHOOL) had to resolve the best thing she aspires. Though we never followed what we resolved, but it was fun knowing what everyone wanted to achieve. Funny upshots came up like “I WOULD DATE THE BEST GUY OF THE CITY”, “I WOULD MAKE MYSELF A PERFECT ZERO FIGURE”  and many more ( trust me, girls don’t miss a single chance to prove themselves SILLY). One of the toppers of the class suggested providing lunch to the poor children (TO MENTION-the children coming to our very own school for free education). That soon became the resolution of our whole class, and believe me, that CHARITY gave the best of the feel deep down the heart.

Coming back to the concerned topic, there are many resolutions one can take to make himself, his family, and even the entire city happier and a joy to live in 2012. To give a start, I can see almost all the youngsters, despite knowing about the disadvantages and the health issues that may arise in the future are addicted to consumption of drugs, liquor, and most of all, Hukkah. A local paper of Udaipur dated 21st December 2011, reads out that Udaipurites have resolved to fight against the consumption of anti-social consumables like Liquor, Cigarettes, Hukkah, etc, which is a statement of pride in itself. Surveys also state and swear that Hukka is being banned in Udaipur from the very first day of 2012 itself. With the rising drug addiction and high stream of money, it’s high time to make everyone aware about the pros and cons of these drugs.

With high number of poverty stuck illiterate people, it’s our responsibility to raise voice against expanding social issues like child marriage, female infanticide/feticide (Both are at its highest peak in Rajasthan). It is the duty of Youth to resolve to scrap out these problems as well as ameliorate them among the ignorant. This can be the next resolution in one’s life if someone really wants to help the society as well.

Huge numbers of accidents are taking place in the city because of rash driving. Recently the cover story in a local daily reported against a boy aged 16 years riding his bike at 120 plus kmph, and hitting a herd (group of cattle) that came on the same way. So everyone should resolve to prove to be good citizen and prove to be a better human. Let no animal be injured, but most important, be responsible while driving on the roads, as you are even responsible for the traffic that move around you.

Bringing the most important topic into concern and admiring my own city-the city of lakes. We all know its beauty has made it the favourite tourism spot in whole of the Rajasthan, and even the world. So, resolving to keep the city clean and being eco friendly will be a great contribution. It is in our hands to take Udaipur to a new height. There are many points one can just start up with. So Udaipurites- think innovative, give a chance to yourself, resolve high and achieve big.

For the cessation, I would just end up saying that do something which brings a positive alteration because WE, THE YOUTH CAN CREATE A DIFFERENCE 😀

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone in advance. 🙂


Guest Article by: Geetanjali Khatri


नए साल का स्वागत; उदयपुर तैयार

विश्व का सबसे खुबसूरत और “रोमांटिक” शहर नए साल की आगवानी हेतु सज-धज के तैयार हो गया है.  विभिन्न होटल अपनी ओर से भी नए नए पैकेज ऑफर करके सैलानियों को आकर्षित कर रहे है. कई रेस्टोरेंट्स और प्राइवेट फार्म हाउसेस में थीम पार्टियां आयोजित की जा रही है. शहर के अधिकांश होटल्स लगभग फुल हो चुके हैं. क्रिसमस और सर्दी की छुट्टियों का पूरा लाभ लेते हुए देशी सैलानी भी उदयपुर का रुख कर रहे हैं. अंदुरनी शहर की गलियाँ विदेशी मेहमानों कि कदम ताल से जीवंत हो उठी हैं.विभिन्न  होटल्स ने भी  नए साल का स्वागत करने के लिए नया इंटीरियर करवाया है, रौशनी से इमारतों को सजाया गया है.. उल्लेखनीय है कि झीलों के लबालब होने से पर्यटक उदयपुर का रुख कर रहे है. इस वर्ष कई फेमस हस्तियों ने भी उदयपुर आकर और बाद में अपने अनुभवों को सोशल साइट्स पर बांटकर पर्यटन को और समृद्ध किया है.

देशी सैलानियों में इस वक़्त गुजरात, दिल्ली और बंगाल के सर्वाधिक पर्यटक आ रहे हैं. अंदरूनी शहर में लगभग जाम की स्थिति बनी हुई है. ट्राफिक पुलिस ने सिटी पेलेस मार्ग को चौपहिया वाहनों के लिए एक तरफ़ा कर दिया है. पेलेस मुजियम को देखने आने वालो को भी लाइन में इंतज़ार करना पड़ रहा है. दूध तलाई, रोप वे, जगदीश मंदिर, मोती मगरी, लोक कला मंडल, बाघोर की हवेली  इस वक़्त मेहमानों से रोशन है. गुलाबी सर्दी में पिछोला के पानी को निहारते सैकड़ों विदेशी और देशी सैलानी इन दिनों नज़र आ जायेंगे. पर्यटक यहाँ शिल्पग्राम में चल रहे मेले का भी भरपूर आनंद ले रहे हैं. वहां मेवाड़ के देसी व्यंजन उन्हें खूब भा रहे हैं. देश के हर कोने कोने से आये हस्त-शिल्प उन्हें यहाँ शिल्पग्राम में लघु-भारत का आभास दे रहे हैं. शाम को होने वाले सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम भी खूब मन मोह रहे हैं.

मेट्रो शहरों की उबाऊ पार्टियों से दूर अब सैलानी प्रकृति से भरपूर और शांत शहरों की ओर रुख करने लगे हैं. टीम ने जब शहर में भ्रमण कर रहे सैलानियों से उनके अनुभव जानने चाहे तो एक ही बात सामने आई कि उन्हें उदयपुर की झीलें और यहाँ के शांत लोग सबसे ज्यादा आकर्षित करते हैं. वे यहाँ यहाँ बार बार आने से खुद को रोक नहीं प़ा रहे. फरीदाबाद से अपने पूरे परिवार के साथ शहर घूमने आये श्री विनोद जैन को शहर का रेलवे स्टेशन भी अलग लगा. वे प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य से बहुत प्रभावित नज़र आये. मुंबई से आये एक युवा समूह ने झील के किनारे एक होटल में पार्टी की लिए पूरी तैयारी कर ली हैं. वे शहर भ्रमण के साथ साथ आस-पास के पर्यटन स्थलों की तरफ भी रुख कर रहे हैं. सूरत से आये एक गुजरती परिवार की डेल्ही गेट से कर को ट्राफिक पुलिस उठा कर ले गयी, क्योकि शौपिंग करते हुए वे अपनी कर को गलत जगह पार्क कर गए थे. 24 परगना (पश्चिम बंग)जिले से आये चक्रवर्ती परिवार लगातार तीसरी बार उदयपुर आया है.. परिवार की एक बुज़ुर्ग सदस्य हँसते हँसते कहती है… पधारो म्हारे देस की धुन उन्हें बार बार यहाँ आने का न्योता दे रही है. कोई “नटराज” के खाने से मोहित नज़र आया तो किसी को लोक कला मंडल की कठपुतली शो ने चमकृत कर दिया. पिछोला में पड़ रही लेक पेलेस और जग मंदिर कि रौशनी से कोई अपनी नज़र नहीं हटा प़ा रहा तो करणी माता, माछला मगर  से शहर को निहारने की भी ललक किन्ही आँखों में दिखाई दे रही है…. बहरहाल आगामी पांच-सात दिनों तक शहर पर्यटकों से यू ही आबाद रहने वाला हैं.

चलते चलते– द्वारा शहर में पधारे पर्यटकों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे अनधिकृत गाइडों और लपकों के बहकावे में न आयें. अपने वाहन निर्धारित स्थानों पर ही पार्क करें. किसी भी प्रकार की असुविधा होने पर वहां उपस्थित पुलिस अथवा आमजन की मदद ली जा सकती है. उदयपुर आने की प्लानिंग करने वाले दोस्तों से निवेदन है कि कृपया पहले एडवांस बुकिंग करवा कर ही शहर में पधारे, ताकि अनावश्यक असुविधा से बचा जा सके.

Article By : Arya Manu


Welcoming The Season Of Hibernation – The Season Of Silent Love.

Hands in hands, a long walk along the pal of fatehsagar, shivering by the frosty breeze, holding a kulhad of hot sipping coffee and relishing soft romantic music in my ears.

It is a way to rejoice yourself in this chilling season.

For now, it was a day dream, I am sitting in the balcony of my room, fully loaded with sweater, scarf and socks, holding a large mug of coffee in my hands and earpieces plugged in my ears, eyes closed and dreaming of that fatehsagar scene.

Here I am. I am welcoming winters in my balcony, in my own way.


Usually not so wintry Udaipur, this time observing a much drop of temperature, a sudden thrush of cold breeze.

Winters….the cold season of the year, with icy shivering breeze and early morning dews. This is the most beautiful time, from November to February, when one can observe and silently feel the charming beauty which nature has given to us; it’s beautiful from one morning till next morning. For early morning we are provided by fog and mist, then mild warm rising sun which gives golden shade to the fallen drops of dew on the green flora.

It is the mausam to enjoy Gajar ka Halwa, Bajre ki Raab, Garma Garam Pakode, and various types of soups from our mother’s kitchen, the time to wander out on the streets to add the taste of Rewadi n Gud (Jaggery) Mungfali Chakki to our tongue, studying hard for our exams in the blankets, and to rejoice the perfect silent mode of nature. To add up, nature has given us a different swing of taste, grapes and oranges are the winter fruits.

But unfortunately, on the other hand of this seasonal celebration, there are many people for whom this biting cold brings  suffering; they are not the part of our enjoyment, they don’t have proper clothes to wear, no food and no shelter. This is an unfair part of our society that they are suffering and we are celebrating.

So udaipurities, prove your humanity, donate your old wears and some food to the needy people, so as to compensate their suffering to a little extent.

And in this way, with the new resolution in our life, we will be cherishing this cold season in a much better way.



Wishing you all a very happy and healthy winters.

Lifestyle Places to Visit

Chilly winters and Samor Bagh

Tibet Market

An open ground comprised of 56 small stalls contended by refugee Tibetan families, and that’s how Samor Bagh looks now. However, 15 years back it didn’t look like this. No one in Udaipur knew about this place, but now days it is very popular among all Udaipurites. If someone has to buy woolen wears the first name which comes in the mind is Samor Bagh. People at Udaipur have a strong feeling that there they can avail all different varieties of winter apparel and accessories at cheap and best price as compared to other shops and showrooms.

samor bagh udaipur

While talking to Mr. Tee Jampa, (President of Tibetan association, Udaipur) I was able to read the struggles which he and his community have faced.  I was very curious to know the story behind and I’m sure everyone will be interested to know their story. He narrated that in 1959 when china attacked on Tibet, around 80-90 thousands of people along with Dalai Lama fled to India and settled down in five different states. Before 45 years 25-30 refugees (ancestors) came up to the lake city in search of livelihood and started selling hand woven woolen clothes by wandering door to door. Slowly, people started accepting their products which has sober colors and designs. The other reason behind mass acceptance was the rate and quality of products.

After some time they took permission from municipality and started selling their manufactured goods at footpaths of Surajpol near Ashoka Talkies. They also established their market in Chetak and Town hall in 80s. In few years municipality didn’t allow them to carry on further. They were highly disappointed that time. Maharaja Mahendra Singh Pratap of Mewar sent a letter to nomads expressing that he’s really sad that they (followers of Dalai Lama) are facing in his city. He’ll be grateful if they would use his piece of land named Samor Bagh near Gulab Chowk.

Finally they shifted to Samor bagh and now it’s been 17 years they are operating there only. He also told us that the rent which the king charges is very less as compared to other landowners and government bodies. The rent is divided equally among all 56 members. The other problem which they face is MRP of the materials which they sale. To curb this issue in 2006 they have made an alliance called “Tibetan Refugee Trader’s Association” where they discuss about the rate and various other concerns which causes hindrance to them in fostering their business. Besides this, the association also helps Tibetans in binding them socially from all over India.

The stalls consist of both handmade and machine made. Mr. Palden (Gen. Secretry) told us that they started manufacturing the machine made products before 30 years from Ludhiana as the demand of such goods were high. They order the products according to the penchant of the city’s populace.  Every year these Tibetans came from different states mostly from Himanchal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, U.P. and Bihar for 3-4 months and sale the stuffs. While rest of the months these refugees subsist on agriculture and small shops.

Samor Bagh Udaipur

Life is very tough especially for these Tibetans who are refugees and still struggling for their country from more than 50 years. With this winters there are many other things which come in this city and Tibetans are one among them.  They are very gentle people we all should love and respect them and also try to give them a little space in our heart so they can also easily mingle with us.

Video: Words by Mr.Thinley Jampa (President)

Dalai Lama

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur, Samor Bagh Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Tibetan Market Udaipur

Article By : Khushboo Baranwal

Photos and Article Inputs By : Yash Sharma

Health & Fashion

Get Gorgeous Tips for Roop Chaudas

Hey Udaipies! Heartiest greetings for the auspicious occasion of the Diwali Season. As we all know, today, the day before Diwali is celebrated as Roop Chaudas, or Roop Chaturdashi. Today is the day when Lord Krishna, along with his wife Satyabhama killed the devil Narkasur, and freed the people from his cruelity. Hence, this day is also known as Narak Chaturdashi. Anyways, this post is not about historical importance of the day, but concerned about the roop, shringaar for the Indian beauties. Ms. Paridhi Bansal shares few tips that can be easily followed in the Indian homes, and can prove really helpful to enhance your beauty. So ladies, kindly note down the tips that are being discussed here, or just bookmark this useful page for all time.

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Besan Paste:

This multipurpose magic flour can be found in every kitchen, and magically works on all skin types. All you need to do is use it along with some drops of honey, lemon and milk cream/milk powder. Make a paste of all these ingredients in rose water and use this as face pack. Quick dry in 20min and than rinse it off.

This will give you smooth, supple, clear and glowing skin.

Multani Mitti Pack:

For women who have oily skin, they just need to make a paste of multani mitti with rose water with a pinch of lemon juice. Apply on clean face and let it dry. Rinse with water after 15 minutes, and apply Vitamin-A moisturizer, and you are here with a charming face, even the mirror won’t miss a chance to stare you.

Wheat flour scrub:

Make a paste of wheat along with rose water + haldi (turmeric powder) + drops of lemon juice. Scrub for 7min. and wash it off. This will remove all the dead skin from your face and will give you smooth flawless skin.


The all time favourite cotent from all the fairness creams and stuffs has more functionality in its raw form. Aloevera can be used time to time to make your skin shine.

Cut a fresh Aloe Leaf (if you don’t have it, get it plucked from your neighbourhood, it is widely available thoughout Udaipur ). Clean the outer layer with kitchen knife and apply this fresh gel on your face. Massage it slowly and gradually for 20 minutes. After massage let it dry for 10min and take a bath. After that, your skin will be more tight and shiny.

Oops! Sorry Ladies, this post cheated you. This wasn’t only a post for beauty tips only dedicated for women, but also for men. So the Handsome Hunks, all you need to do is either make efforts to enter the kitchen and do this stuff for the sake of a charming, glowing, smoother skin, or ask your Wife/Mom/Sister/Daughter to make a paste for you from the above given tips and use it successfully for according to your skin type. I’m pretty hopeful that the ladies won’t let you down, and thus, you could get yourself a better makeover that will attract everyone, and even you will get a much refreshing experience on this festive season.

Events Featured Lifestyle Photos and Videos Places to Visit

[Pictures] Ritz Jeele Ye Pal: A TV Reality Show shot entirely in Udaipur

Udaipur, also known as Lakecity or The city of Dawn, with land around the immense water lakes, folded with hills of the Aravalis. A dream come true location of romance and beauty. I must say words are not enough to define the beauty of Udaipur. It can be verified by the fact that it’s one of the best tourist places not only in India but all over the world. Anyways that’s a fact which most of us know. But what’s more interesting is people from all over the world not only love to come and visit Udaipur but also like to watch Udaipur in Movies, Pictures and daily television shows/soaps. As Udaipur is a fascinating blend of sights, sounds and experiences – an inspiration for the imagination of artists.

The latest notification is about “Ritz Jeele Ye Pal”, which is an auto adventure reality television show, where 6 celebrities will pair with 6 young Indians from various regions of India to experience the great outdoors across different locations of Udaipur. There are twelve participants in the show including six celebrity participants who are Kinshuk Mahajan, Karan Wahi, Gaurav Khanna and beautiful leading ladies like Rati Pandey, Anupriya Kapoor and Pavitra Puniya. The show is based on team race in their smart Ritz cars and some other tasks to win points, according to the concept of the show the real winners are they who savour and live every moment of their experience in the show, to the fullest.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

This show is produced by Lin TV Advertising Pvt Ltd (Lintas media group) and Spil A Tale Entertainment Pvt Ltd. The complete series of the show including the Grand Finale was filmed at Udaipur which was organized and coordinated by The Crew (Sanjay Soni & Siddharth Soni). The show was shot at more than 40 different prime sights of Udaipur such as Badi pal, Hotel Fathegarh palace, Shilpgram, Dhudh Talai, Fatehsagar, Haldighati, Havala point, Ubheshwarji, Krishi Mandi etc.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog

The show has 12 episodes in total which is to be telecasted in 6 weeks with its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on star plus (Saturday and Sunday). The show was hosted by Yudi and Roshni Chopra. Director of the show is Arun Sheshkumar. Complete series of show was coordinated by THE CREW. Sanjay Soni (Owner-The Crew) played a role of Sarpanch of a village (as a judge for a task) shot in 1st episode.


Few glimpses of the show have been given below. For more details and entertainment must watch the show right from its first telecast on 10th September, 2011 at 7:30 pm on Star Plus.

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Hosts of the Show

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Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog
Roshni Chopra with Sanjay Soni

Ritz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlogRitz Jeele Ye Pal | UdaipurBlog


An opportunity to Experience Royal Weddings

Udaipur is a great and famous destination for people who are in search of peace, heritage, and scenic beauty all at a same place. Being a great tourist destination, this place has also emerged as a great hub for destination and royal weddings, from all around the world. Udaipur is day by day becoming the first choice of people for royal, and theme based dream weddings.

Now the good news is that there is a fine opportunity for hardworking and enthusiastic Udaipurites, who are waiting for a chance to be a part of Royal Weddings in Udaipur and other great destinations of India, as well as around the globe, as Frozen Apple Events and Entertainment is now giving the opportunity to the aspiring and willing people.

Frozen Apple Events and Entertainment are up with a few vacancies of hosts, hostesses and supervisors, whose job profile is to conduct the guest management and transport management in Royal weddings. They have to deal with guest who will be few of the most elite people of the Indian subcontinent, as well as the world.

This opportunity also helps the employees to learn about conducting and managing the events, being part of and conducting the Royal weddings in the city and outside, dealing with the topmost class of the society who are generally part of these weddings, such as high profile businessmen, prominent public figures, popular celebrities, politicians, foreigners, etc.

How to join: Just a simple step If you have skills of hard work and discipline, and if you really want to be a part of the dynamic, cheerful, and successful team,  just mail your CV along with a photograph to


About Frozen Apple Events and Entertainment: Founded by Sahil Thakur, It is an Udaipur based company with branches in Delhi and Mumbai too. They provide facilities to make someone’s wedding a dream Royal wedding with their Royal wedding packages, from grand royal welcomes to high comfort level departure. They do provide royal hospitality and decor for clients.


About Sahil Thakur: Sahil started his job as a host in a royal wedding 5 years ago.  Since then he has worked with India’s leading event managers and wedding planners. Few months before he took an initiative to take it professionally, and that’s how frozen apple Events and Entertainment came into existence.


Frozen Apple Events & Entertainment


Sahil Thakur


Food News

Cafe’ Rocks: A new Exciting Destination to open on 19th August

Cafe Rocks logo

Today I will take you on a journey to a perfect lounge where you can enjoy with your friends having your favorite fast food, or you can chat with special someone over a cup of coffee, or spend a leisure time listening music and reading your favorite novel. You can even complete your office presentation or your college records and school projects in a peaceful environment as here you can find free Wi-Fi facility, as well as healthy environment and food. It’s Café Rocks, completely according to its name, always rocking. And the long wait has come to an end with the café opening on 19th August at 4A, Ashok Nagar Main Road.

Here you will find a perfect environment that will uplift your mood and the aroma in the air will relieve you from the very tensions of life. The royal architecture and interior designing of the place will surely attract you. Yummy pizzas and sandwiches are there in front of you to sensitize your taste buds and you can’t stop yourself from gulping them down. Your date will be perfect when it will end with the desserts. And most of all, its specialty-coffees will make you forget all other Cafes.

Still worried about something?? Oh I got that. Relax you need not worry about your budget as Café Rocks befriends your pocket very easily whether you are a college student, a housewife or a high profile businessman.

So the next time when you are planning to give a birthday treat, or throwing your anniversary party, or want to have a get together with friends, a romantic date, or even a business meeting, switch on for Café Rocks and you will always memorize and cherish those special moments.

Meanwhile take a glimpse at the new destination in Udaipur, opening on 19th August.

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Cafe Rocks-UdaipurBlog

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Cafe Rocks-UdaipurBlog