
Auditions of Udaipur Idol 2012 completed

Many melodious voices came in the lime light as Sparkles Events and Wedding Planners provided a platform to the singers of Udaipur. A 2 day audition for the Talent hunt competition, Udaipur Idol, was held at OMG, R Kay Mall Panchwati on 2nd and 3rd June.

Udaipur Idol Auditions
Organising team with judges

As many as 150 talents from all ages came up on stage and were judged by X-factor fame Asif from Deewana Group, Amit Goswami and Subastou Daksh Pandey. The event was hosted by RJ and VJ Piyush. Results are still awaited. Those who will clear the auditions will be called for a Piano round. Finals are to be held at Banera Castle (a unit of Ashoka Bakery), 100 ft road on June 17 at 6:30 pm.

Credits for such a wonderful event go to its sponsors namely

  • Kanish Computers and Peripherals
  • Westside
  • OMG
  • Paradise Sounds and Events
  • Ashoka Bakery
  • Paragon Mobiles
  • Banera Castle

Online Media Partner was UdaipurBlog. Thanks to all the sponsors for a successful event. And All the Best to the Participants.

A sneak peak to the event is shown below through pictures. Keep visiting UB for further updates.

Udaipur Idol Auditions

Udaipur Idol Auditions

Udaipur Idol Auditions | UdaipurBlog

News Udaipur Speaks

Media steals credits of Pictures : ये तो हद ही हो गयी !!

stop stealing credits and photos
Image Credits:

इसे कहते है, मेहनत करे कोई और “जनहित” के नाम पर उसका लाभ उठाये कोई ! कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ है हाल ही में “उदयपुर ब्लॉग”( के साथ और करने वाले और कोई नहीं अपितु लोकतंत्र के चौथे स्तंभ “पत्रकारिता” के लोग, समाज जिनसे उम्मीद लगाये बैठा होता है कि वे “सच्चाई और साफगोई ” के साथ हर बात आम और खास तक पहुंचाएंगे, किन्तु यही प्रिंट मिडिया जब किसी और के कार्य को अपने “लाभ” हेतु प्रयोग में ले और वो भी इतनी चतुराई से कि कोई उन पर उंगुली नहीं उठा सके.

दरअसल मामला हाई-प्रोफाइल शख्सियत से जुड़ा है. हाल ही में अभिनेता रणबीर कपूर उदयपुर आये. शहर में अलग अलग जगह अभिनेत्री दीपिका पादुकोण के साथ शूटिंग की और अपनी आदत से मजबूर होकर सभी जगह “धुएं के छल्ले भी उडाये…” उदयपुर ब्लॉग के छायाकार श्री मुज्तबा आरजी ने गणगौर घाट पर उनके इस कृत्य को कैमरे में कैद किया. उदयपुर ब्लॉग ने उन तस्वीरों को मई 28 को अपने फेसबुक पेज( पर डाला और लो जी हो गया बवाल !

अगले ही दिन ये मामला सुर्ख़ियों में आ गया, 31 मई को एक प्रमुख समाचार पत्र ने खबर प्रकाशित कर दी और जब कल उदयपुर सेशन कोर्ट ने जमानती वारंट जारी किया तो सभी समाचार पत्रों ने 2 जून को खबर छाप दी.

खबर प्रकाशित की तो साथ में सबूत के तौर पर फोटो तो चाहिए था ही, अब किसी के पास फोटो था नहीं तो उदयपुर ब्लॉग के आर्टिकल से या यूबी के ही फेसबुक पेज से फोटो को “कॉपी” किया गया. बहुत सफाई से फोटो पर लगे “वाटर मार्क” जिसमे यूबी(UB – का नाम लिखा था, उसे “फोटोशोप” में जाकर हटाया गया और खबर के साथ आज के अखबार में छाप दिया. ये किसी एक समाचार पत्र ने नहीं किया अपितु लगभग सभी प्रमुख समाचार पत्र इस भेडचाल में शामिल रहे.


अगर आपको विश्वास नहीं हो रहा तो पहले देखिये असल फोटो जिस पर उदयपुर ब्लॉग का वाटरमार्क लगा है और रणबीर कपूर सिगरेट पीते दिखाई दे रहे है:

UdaipurBlog album Picture


अब देखिये अख़बारों में छपी खबर और उस के साथ छपे फोटो को … :

Dainik Bhaskar 30 June, 2012 Copied Picture


Bhaskar Calling it as their Impact - 2June, 2012 Newspaper


Rajasthan Patrika Newscutting (Last Page) - 2 June, 2012


Pratahkal Newscutting (First Page) - 2 June, 2012 - calling it - "SABSE PEHLE PRATAHKAL"


स्थानीय समाचार पत्रों का तो ठीक, मुंबई के सांध्य दैनिक “मिड डे” ने भी उदयपुर ब्लॉग के फेसबुक पेज से सभी फोटोग्राफ्स को कॉपी किया और उन पर से वाटरमार्क हटाकर उन्हें अपने वेबसाईट पर प्रकाशित कर दिया,बिना क्रेडिट दिए. यहाँ तक भी ठीक था, एनडीटीवी ने मिड डे के हवाले से उन फोटोग्राफ्स को उठाकर अपनी वेब पर प्रकाशित कर दिया. और उसका क्रेडिट मिड डे( को डे दिया. मतलब जिसने असली मेहनत की, उसका कही नाम नहीं… खुल्लम खुला चोरी नहीं कहेंगे तो क्या कहेंगे इसे..???

ये रही मिड डे और एनडीटीवी की खबर, जिसमे एक (मिड डे) फोटो को “क्रॉप”(Crop) करके छाप रहा है तो दूसरा बिना पड़ताल किये उन फोटो के लिए मिड डे को ही क्रेडिट डे रहा है.

Mid Day Newspaper - page 32 - Photo
Online Newspaper Cutting of Mid-Day newspaper
  • : Article (Where they copied the image bluntly by cropping the watermark)
  • Article(Where they gave the image credits to :


अब देखिये असली फोटो, जिन पर यूबी का वाटरमार्क लगा हुआ है: Real Photo Real Photo Real Photo Page : Album Link


इस बारे में जब मिड डे की सह संपादक जान्हवी सामंत से बात की तो उन्होंने सफेद झूठ बोलते हुए हमें कहा कि उन्होंने तो ये फोटो एक अन्य वेबसाईट “पिंक विला”( से उठाये है, और वहाँ कोई वाटरमार्क नहीं था. जब उनसे हमने  सम्बंधित वेबसाईट पिंक विला के उस पृष्ठ का यूआरएल माँगा तो उन्होंने मेल करने को कहा, किन्तु बाद में कोई मेल किया ही नहीं, हमने अपने स्तर पर पड़ताल की तो पाया कि उपरोक्त साईट पर हमारे फोटो थे ज़रूर,किन्तु वाटरमार्क के साथ(माने पिंक विला की गलती नहीं.. उसने तो उदयपुर ब्लॉग को पूरा पूरा क्रेडिट दिया) – ( : Article Link) हमारे पास जान्हवी सामंत का वो मेल भी मौजूद है, जिसमे उन्होंने साफ़ साफ़ कहा है कि फोटो को एडिट करने में या यूबी का वाटरमार्क हटाने में मिड डे का कोई हाथ नहीं,जबकि हकीकत कुछ और ही है.


उदयपुर ब्लॉग को कोई आपत्ति नहीं होती यदि ये समाचार पत्र समूह इन फोटो के लिए यूबी को आभार प्रकट कर देते. यदि इन अख़बारों की तरफ से मांग की जाती तो यूबी मूल फोटो इनको उपलब्ध करवा देता. किन्तु इस तरह एडिटिंग द्वारा वाटर मार्क हटाकर फोटो को अखबार में/ वेबसाईट पर प्रकाशित करना क्या “सर्वाधिकारों” का हनन नहीं ? क्या इसे कोपी राईट एक्ट का उल्लंघन नहीं कहेंगे ?

अब यूबी(UdaipurBlog) अपने 19 हज़ार से अधिक सदस्य पाठकों तथा अन्य विजिटर्स पाठकों से जानना चाहता है कि आगे क्या एक्शन लेना चाहिए…! आपकी राय के अनुसार ही हम सोच समझकर “कॉपी राईट” नियमों के खिलाफ किये गए इस कृत्य हेतु एक्शन लेंगे. उदयपुर ब्लॉग( इस हेतु अपने सभी अधिकार सुरक्षित रखता है. इस लेख के द्वारा पुनः सम्बंधित समाचार पत्र समूहों से उनका पक्ष रखने की अपील उदयपुर ब्लॉग करता है. अन्यथा इस खबर पर आगे भी लगातार लेख प्रकाशित किये जाने की सम्भावना से यूबी इनकार नहीं करता.  यह तो हम हे जो आवाज़ उठा रहे हे नजाने कितने लोगो के साथ ऐसा किया होगा इन मीडिया वालो ने..!!


डीस्क्लिमेयर (Disclaimer): जून 02, 2012 को ही हमने इस खबर को यूबी पर प्रकाशित करना चाहा, किन्तु पत्रकारिता के साधारण  नियमों के अनुसार किसी भी संगठन के खिलाफ या उनके कार्य विशेष के खिलाफ कोई विषयवस्तु प्रकाशित करने से पूर्व उन्हें पूर्वालोकन हेतु  प्रस्तुत करना आवश्यक होता है.इसी सन्दर्भ में  इस लेख को प्रकाशन से पूर्व सभी सम्बंधित समाचार पत्र समूहों को प्रूफ के साथ  भेजा गया और उनसे आपत्तियां आमंत्रित करनी चाही और उनका पक्ष जानना चाहा. इस सन्दर्भ में सभी को शनिवार  दिनाक 2 जून को प्रथम बार एवं सोमवार 4 जून को द्वितीय बार मेल किया गया. आपत्ति प्रस्तुत करने का अंतिम समय पहले शनिवार शाम को रखा गया किन्तु साप्ताहिक अवकाश के चलते बढाकर सोमवार शाम आठ बजे तक किया गया.

मिड डे की तरफ से सोमवार दोपहर में मेल एवं फोन द्वारा “माफ़ी नामा” आया किन्तु उसमे उन्होंने अपनी गलती ” पिंक विला” पर थोपनी चाही जो प्रथम दृष्टया सफ़ेद झूठ है. उस मेल को हू-ब-हू यहाँ प्रकाशित कर रहे है… इसके अतिरिक्त “देश का नंबर एक अखबार” होने का दंभ भरने वालो से लेकर “राजस्थान की माटी” से जुड़ा होने का दावा करने वाले पुराने अखबार और यहाँ तक कि उदयपुर के ही सूरजपोल से प्रकाशित होने वाले एक अन्य अखबार (जिसने इस फोटो को हर खबर के साथ छापा और दावा किया कि खबर भी सबसे पहले उसी ने प्रस्तुत की है) ने अपनी तरफ से कोई प्रतिक्रिया या पक्ष रखने की ज़रूरत ही नहीं समझी, जबकि उन्हें कई बार फोन किया गया अथवा मेल किया गया.

मिड डे द्वारा प्रस्तुत क्षमा पत्र :

Email Copy of : Janhavi.Samant (Mid Day , Editor)

(यद्यपि हम इस से सहमत नहीं है क्योंकि इसमें संपादक महोदया सफ़ेद झूठ बोल रही है, फिर भी मिड डे समाचार पत्र के अधिकारों की रक्षा करते हुए उनका पक्ष प्रस्तुत है)

For any queries, solutions – you can reach us on :


Eighth Women Together Awardee: Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar It is the moment of immense proud and pleasure for the royal family and all the people of Mewar, that our own Maharana Arvind Singh Mewar has been selected for the Eighth Women Together(WT) Award for “Contribution to universal Culture” at the United Nations. ‘Women Together’, one of the most prestigious awards of the United Nations is a tribute to his work through the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation. This award will be received by Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar of Udaipur on June 5, 2012 at the UN General Assembly in New York. He is the second Indian who has bagged this prestigious honour. Maharana Arvind Singh Ji is the present Chairman and Managing Director of the MMCF, which is a charitable foundation, laid by Maharana Bhagwat Singh Mewar, The largest of the nine public charitable institutions set up in 1969 with the motive to sustain the responsibility of the Mewar House towards humanity after the union of the state of Udaipur into the Republic of India in 1947. This foundation is active in sectors like academics, environment, and heritage conservation and is concerned with the people’s welfare. It has a dedicated team of 260 members and has so far invested about 2 million dollars into 32 projects in different sectors. The Women together (WT) is a non government organization, which is a part of the Economic and Social Council of the United States (ECOSOC), selected the Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF) to be awarded this year. The goal of this organization is to make the world a better place to live where mankind can aspire to those which present an important and relevant contribution to universal culture and help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, both in personal and business environment. This unique case study is done by the governance at the highest level. Ela Bhatt is the first Indian who was honored with this award. others who bagged the award in past are Queen Rania of Jordan, Wangari Maathai, Isabel Yanguas, Shirin Ebadi, Barbara Probst Solomon, Louise Bourgeois, Violy McCauslant, Mario Testio, Silvia Earle, Shakira, Antonio Banderas, Katie Ford, Agatha Ruiz de la Parada, and Gaetana Enders (Mary Robinson). Some institutions and companies were also awarded like Grameen Bank, La Caixa Foundation, Aveda, Banco Santander, Toyota, Mango and Mario Santo Domingo. UdaipurBlog congratulates Maharana Arvind Singh Ji for this great achievement, and wishes all the good luck to the Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation for its prosperity.  🙂

Events News

The Sparkles Group up with Udaipur Idol 2012

Hey all budding singers and the vocal maestros from the city. Are you interested in showing your talent off on a common platform in front of the entire Udaipur? If yes, then Sparkles Events and Wedding Planners are bringing forward a right platform, pronouncing it as Singing ka Maha Muqabla (Competition), it’s the Udaipur Idol 2012.

Udaipur IdolThe auditions for the same shall be held at OMG, R Kay Mall Panchwati on 2nd and 3rd June 2012 between 11am to 5 pm. Forms for participating in the mega talent hunt are available at these venues, just to ensure that they are within reach of entire city locations:

  • Sparkles Dance Institute, Ziniret, inside Surajpole
  • Ashoka Bakery, Shakti Nagar Corner
  • Swastik Studio, Sevashram Chouraha
  • Paragon Mobile’s, 23, Inside Udiapole
  • Kanish Computers and Peripherals, Ayad road, Thokar chouraha

In a brief discussion with Mr. Amit Goswami of Sparkles institute, he said that the event is going to bring forth the hidden budding talents from the city. He also added that the event will be judged by the X-factor fame Deewana group, who will also be giving a special performance in the event. “The entire event will be hosted by Anchor Piyush. The program won’t only bring name and fame to the singers, but there are also fabulous prizes worth Rs. 51000 to be won.”, added Amit.


amit goswami | UdaipurBlog
Amit Goswami
Deewana Group

This mega event is sponsored by:

  • Kanish Computers and Peripherals
  • Westside
  • OMG
  • Paradise Sounds and Events
  • Ashoka Bakery
  • Paragon Moblie’s
  • Banera Castle

Your own UdaipurBlog shall remain the online partner for the event. Stay tuned for more updates. For more enquiries, you can contact Amit Goswami at 9414160658, 9001808828.


Udaipur’s Tara bags the International Photography Award

Evidence of Udaipur’s budding talent is here in front of us again where recently Tarachand Gawariya, a talented Press Photographer from Udaipur is announced to be awarded with a certificate of merit by the P.S.A.H.M (Photography Society of America) in the first international photo competition.

Tara Chand Gawariya | UdaipurBlog

This competition was held some days back in Jodhpur by the Jodhana Journalist Society. It is a matter of extreme proud that Tarachand is the only person across the state of Rajasthan to be awarded under this category. Moreover, Society Head Mr. Ram ji Vyas has specified that Tarachand is able to leave his mark and has risen above almost 900 people who had sent approximately 9000 photographs in order to win this league.

The Judges’ Panel of the competition included Mr. Sudhir Saxena, Mr.Shivji Joshi,Mr. MK Shastri  and Mr. Virendra Jaiswal. Interestingly, the competition included categories like Open Section, Nature Section, Photo Travel Section and Photo Journalism. The winning entry photo has also been shown below, which is shot while filming of the action sequence in the multi starcast comedy movie Dhamaal, shot few years back in Udaipur itself.

Winning Entry by Tara Chand Gawariya | UdaipurBlog—————



Management Development Programme by IIM-U for Women Entrepreneurs 2012 Concludes

The Management Development Program (MDP) by IIM-U for Women Entrepreneurs 2012 concluded on a successful note on 23rd May, 2012.

Photo of Youngest IIM Udaipur First graduates.

In relation to Udaipurblog’s previous IIM-U update | Dated : 9 March,2012 [MDP for Women Entrepreneurs by IIM- U]

This Management Development Program was aimed at helping women entrepreneurs to identify viable business opportunities and develop a feasible and sustained plan for their proposed or existing enterprises.

“Twenty-one participants participated in the program from all over India and it was great honor for all of us to be a part of IIM Udaipur. It was great learning from IIM. Now we all are going to implement this in our Business.”
– says Raksha Jain (a part of the program)
This MDP’s initiative was taken By IIM’s Director Mr.Janat Shah.The courses offered during the program included : Entrepreneurial Orientation, Business planning to Budgeting, Costing to Managing people, Negotiation and Networking skills.
These courses were co-ordinated by some of the finest faculty like Prof. Soumya Sarkar and Prof. Anjana Vivek.

Prof. Piyush from Udaipur to attend IEEE Board of Governors meeting at USA

Piyush Javeria, Head and Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science Engineering & IT at Techno India NJR Institute of Technology (TINJRIT), Udaipur will be attending Board of Governors meeting of IEEE Computer Society to be held in Seattle, USA from 11th to 15th June 2012. IEEE is the largest professional body of engineers in the world. He was awarded with Certificate of Excellence for his work towards IEEE Computer Society by Dr. Sorel Reisman, President-IEEE CS.

Piyush Javeria | UdaipurBlog
Prof. Piyush Javeria

Piyush has been recently elected as Chair, IEEE Education Society India Council Newsletter & Website Committee and Vice Chair, IEEE Computer Society India Council Conference & Workshop Committee. He is also closely working with IEEE GOLD (Graduate Of Last Decade).

TINJRIT will be providing IEEE Computer Society Certifications on Software Foundations,   Software Development, Software Lifecycle Management and   Software Professional Practice at subsidised cost and will start with CDSA certifications also.

He will be meeting Professors of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and discuss further roll out of iCarnegie curriculum at TINJRIT powered by CMU.

He will also be visiting Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Carnegie Mellon University, California State University, California Institute of Technology, San Jose State University, University of California, Berkeley and George Washington University in US.

He will be visiting Smithsonian and their collection of Computing machines, Computer History Museum and also meeting officials of Computing Research Association (CRA) and IEEE Computer Society at Washington DC.

He shall also be visiting Sheffield Hallam University, UK and delivering module for summer semester students. He will be attending Software Experts Summit 2012 on June 26 to be held at London by IEEE Computer Society and British Computer Society (BCS).

We wish him all the very best for his efforts and journey.


Press Release

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[Pictures] Udaipur celebrated birth anniversary of Maharana Pratap

Yesterday was the day of immense pride and honor for the people of Mewar as we all celebrated 472nd birth anniversary of its greatest ruler, Maharana Pratap. Though respect for him never diminishes in any heart, it seems like the birth anniversary gave an occasion to show their respect for this son of Maharana Udai Singh.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Udaipur was no behind in showing their pride and gratitude towards Pratap and his beloved horse, Chetak. City Council and Kshatriya Mewar Mahasabha organized a rally that started from Moti Magri and ended at Town Hall passing through Chetak Circle, Hathipole, Moti Chohatta, Clock tower, Sindhi Bazar, Soorajpole, Bapu Bazar and Delhi Gate; the bands playing regional Mewari songs of Maharana Pratap and bravery giving Goosebumps to everyone the way.

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

The Guest of Honor was Mr. Narendra Modi, CM of Gujrat, who along with the royal prince, Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar started the rally by offering flowers in the feet of Maharana Pratap’s statue at Moti Magri. This was followed by the worship of Chetak at Chetak Circle. The shine of rally was increased by the esteemed presence of Mrs. Rajni Dangi, Mr. Mahendra Singh Shaktawat, Prem Singh Shaktawat and many others.

School kids on their skates were moving first followed in sequence by horse and camel riders holding Saffron flags, members of Mahadev Sena, Mewar Kshatriya Mahasabha and Shooldharini Sena. Jawans of Mewar Sindhu Brigade gracefully played the role of soldiers as they walked holding guns. In the last was the statue of Maharana Pratap and Eklingnath Ji placed in an open jeep. Even the statue of Pratap shined so brightly with bravery and self-esteem that every head bowed out of reflex in front of it.

The rally ended with a programme at Town Hall where Narendra Modi addressed the gathering, expressing his respect for Maharana Pratap and his values and commenting on the state of political parties and the corrupt leaders. He also expressed his pride on Rajasthan – Gujarat relationships and on the progress of Gujarat.

The detailed glimpse of the event can be seen here in the pictures, shot by Mujtaba RG

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlogPratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog

Pratap Jayanti | UdaipurBlog




Hotel Aashiya Haveli Bags 2012 TripAdvisor Certificate Of Excellence



 Hotel Aashiya Haveli, a heritage building situated on the eastern bank of famous Lake Pichhola, today announced that it has received a Trip Advisor® Certificate of Excellence award. The accolade, which honours hospitality excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide. Approximately 10 percent of accommodations listed on TripAdvisor receive this prestigious award.

To qualify for the Certificate of Excellence, businesses must maintain an overall rating of four or higher, out of a possible five, as reviewed by travellers on TripAdvisor. Additional criteria include the volume of reviews received within the last 12 months.

“Hotel Aashiya Haveli is pleased to receive a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence,” said Mr. Satya Dev Singh Aashiya, GM at Hotel Aashiya Haveli. “We strive to offer our customers a memorable experience, and this accolade is evidence that our hard work is translating into positive traveller reviews on TripAdvisor. At this point, I would like to greet a special thanks to our Information Technology Partners at IT0091 Consultancy Services. The team has been awesome there to support us for all our I.T. needs. I found them best in the industry and they have immeasurable share in this success.”

“TripAdvisor is pleased to honor exceptional businesses for consistent excellence, as reviewed by travellers on the site,” said Christine Petersen, president of TripAdvisor for Business. “The Certificate of Excellence award gives highly rated establishments around the world the recognition they deserve. From exceptional accommodations in Beijing to remarkable restaurants in Boston, we want to applaud these businesses for offering TripAdvisor travellers a great customer experience.”

About the Hotel:

Aashiya Haveli, situated on the eastern bank of famous Lake Pichhola, which has been in the Aashiya family for over 224 years. It was the urban house for the Aashiya family. In 2006, the family began renovation work and within two and half years, Aashiya Haveli opened with all modern amenities for guests with pure vegetarian food, where even Eggs are not served. Aashiya Haveli is now one of the Traditional Hotels in Udaipur, and is solely managed and run by the original family.

When you enter this beautiful “haveli”, you realize immediately that you have found the perfect haven to restore your travel weary spirit. Soft cream-colored walls and Greenery is displayed in the lovely wi-fi courtyard and also on all levels of the haveli. The family and staff are committed to serving you and making your stay comfortable, enjoyable, and memorable. It is an ancestral “HAVELI” and we keep the traditions of ages alive. The thrust is on aboriginal Indian culture and providing perfect homely environment to make your stay eternally memorable in Udaipur.

About TripAdvisor
TripAdvisor® is the world’s largest travel site, enabling travelers to plan and have the perfect trip. TripAdvisor offers trusted advice from real travelers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools. TripAdvisor-branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, with over 60 million reviews and opinions. The sites operate in 30 countries worldwide, including China. TripAdvisor also includes TripAdvisor for Business, a dedicated division that provides the tourism industry access to TripAdvisor’s millions of monthly visitors.


Press Release


OMG..!! Again a petrol price hike of Rs. 7.50

It’s the largest price hike ever seen – Rs 7.50…!! This makes the petrol prices to raise from around 69 per Rs/Ltr to 76 per Rs/Ltr. Oil companies announced a price hike of Rs 6.28, excluding the taxes, adding to the burning heat of May; new price will be executed from midnight. Adding to the misery is the possibility of a hike in the prices of even Diesel and LPG.

This led out an air of protest and disapproval among common people and the parties in opposition. BJP criticized this price hike by stating it as unreasonable ferocity on the pockets of common man which will further add to the inflationary pressure. Mamta Bannerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal, also expressed her grief against it but at the same time supported it.

Government blames the falling Rupee against Dollar as the culprit behind this rise. On Wednesday, Rupee crashes to Rs.56 per dollar compared to Rs.55.39 on Tuesday. Oil Companies called this hike as inevitable as they have to cope up with the losses that have come with this Rupee fall.

I really wonder why government can’t raise all taxes from petroleum products like the Goa Government, where petrol prices (before this hike) were approx Rs 59, lowest in the whole country. This would serve as splashes of water on the burning pockets of people. But by the time God bestows this solution upon the Government, we ourselves have to cope with this agony. Start using public transport for long distances. Start walking short distances which will be good for both your health and your pockets. 🙂

Here are some pictures of the petrol pumps of Udaipur where people are rushing after price hike announcement.


Photos by : Mujtaba R.G.