Events Photos and Videos

[Pictures] Shilpgram Festival 2011 starts

Shilpgram Festival – The most awaited arts and craftsmen festival of Udaipur celebrating its silver jubilee this year started yesterday. The festival was inaugurated by Shivraj Patil, The Governor of Rajasthan. There were various performances by the artists from all over the country. Vice Chancellor of MPUAT Prof. S. S. Chahal was the guest of honor for the function and Director of WZCC, Shailendra Dashora presented the outline of the program.   You can find the schedule of Shilpgram Festival Here. as promised you are presenting you some pictures of Shilpgram Festival by Mujtaba R.G. We hope you like it. 🙂














Udaipur Speaks

National Workshop on Disaster Management in CTAE

Disaster management workshop in ctae udaipur

Drought & water-borne diseases in many parts of our state due to shortage & pollution of water should be tackled through disaster management policy. Special emphasis should be laid on fire control & earthquake resistance in multi-storey buildings and on the quality of roads, bridges & dams. Such were the thoughts that came up in the 5 day national workshop organized by NITTR, Chandigarh and CTAE, Udaipur.

The closing ceremony was held on Friday in the CTAE auditorium under the presidency of Dean Mr. N.S. Rathore, who kept his views over the utilization of renewable energy sources.

Dr. Changani, Dr. Suneja (RTU); Amit Goyal(NITTR); & Dr. Ravi Sharma(H.O.D. Civil Engg dept, CTAE ) also gave their opinions on proper civil designs & water treatments, highway networking & ecological disasters along with Dr. Swami & Dr, Chaudhary from MNIT and Mr. Anil Mehta (Vidhya Bhawan).
The programme was managed by Dr. Ravi Sharma & Trilok Gupta.

In the end, Jitendra Parihar of J.K. Lakshmi Cement told about the importance of cement quality in public as well as private constructions. Many engineers and faculty members of various engineering colleges took part in the workshop. In the end, students were informed about the reform programmes started by Seva Mandir in Delwara.

ctae udaipur

Submitted by : Jitendra Parihar

Places to Visit

Hotel Rajmahal Bhindar – A Closer View

A chance to visit the 434 years old Imperial Palace, The Rajmahal Bhindar– awaiting its grand opening as a hotel this 31st; made it possible for us to bring to our readers some exclusive interior pics of the hotel. Though due to some final renovations, we could not bring you the whole photographic panorama (which we personally promise to bring you soon)  we’re still sure to delight you with the clicks we got.

A perfect drive on a smooth, green surrounded way… And the  candle light settings  amidst the royal backdrop make it one of the finest upcoming hotels of Udaipur- A perfect romantic destination!
Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this splendid celebration, surely going to be a historical remembrance in a few years.

Make your New Year start with a regal pulse-  The Royal Extravaganza 2012!

Photos by:-  Yash Sharma


CA’s Cacophony concludes

For the first time Udaipur organized Youth festival for C.A. students named “CAcophony” from 17- 18 December. After completion of exams in December CA students enthusiastly participated in all the events.

Gaurav Vyas, Director of CA Student Association (Udaipur) informed that more than 400 CA students showed their creativity and skills by participating in events like Collage, Rangoli, Short Plays depicting the present scenario of our country and society.

Many students showed their talent in singing and dancing competition, Rahul Dubey and his group in group song category Komal Sharma and Shubham jain in solo song and aniket kunawat in solo drama were awarded first prize. It was nice to see that spectators admired this festival decided to organize this kind of fest every year.

This historic event was organized in Lok Kala Mandal and enthusiasm of participants and audience was on the seventh sky. It was suprising for most of the people that studs who were always found intangeled in books and accounts could participate and enjoy so merrily. “Live Wire” performance from CA Students was the timeline of the entire fest.

Hemant Jain, District Judge(Udaipur) Jain was the Chief Guest and Pavan Parashar, Chairman CIRC student Association,(Jaipur) was the guest of honour. Overwhelmed with the beautiful event and heart stealing performances they invited all the students to  the National summit which will be organized at jaipur from 30- 31 december to make it a grand success.

Submitted by : CA Mukesh Bohara  –   Compiled by: Priyank Sharma


Shilpgram Utsav 2011 Schedule

Shilpgram Udaipur
Photo By : John Fernandes via Flickr

Udaipur is all set for its annual Shilpgram Festival which will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year along with many theme based events. So UdaipurBlog brings you up with the complete list of events and Schedule that will be taking place at the Craftsmen Village aka Shilpgram, Udaipur. Be tuned to your we will keep you updated with pictures, details and a lot more interesting things from this Shilpgram Festival 2011. 🙂

 Following is the overview and schedule for SHILPGRAM UTSAV – 2011

SHILPGRAM UTSAV – 2011 Overview:






26 DECEMBER. 2011- MONDAY  – Lok Tarang

27 DECEMBER. 2011- TUESDAY  – Udaan

28 DECEMBER. 2011- WEDNESDAY  – Spectrum

29 DECEMBER. 2011- THURSDAY  – Heritage

30 DECEMBER. 2011- FRIDAY  – Symphony

The day-per-day details are as belows:

  • Day I : WELCOME


  • Day III : GOA DAY




  • Day VII : UDAAN



  •  Day X : SYMPHONY


Places to Visit

यहाँ देवी करती है अग्नि-स्नान

उदयपुर शहर से 60 कि.मी. दूर कुराबड- बम्बोरा मार्ग पर अरावली की विस्तृत पहाड़ियों के बीच स्थित है मेवाड़ का प्रमुख शक्ति-पीठ इडाना माता जी. राजपूत समुदाय, भील आदिवासी समुदाय सहित संपूर्ण मेवाड़ की आराध्य माँ.

इडाना माता जी

स्थानीय लोगों में ऐसा विश्वास है कि लकवा से ग्रसित रोगी यहाँ माँ के दरबार में आकर ठीक होकर जाते हैं. माँ का दरबार बिलकुल खुले एक चौक में स्थित है. ज्ञात हुआ कि यहाँ देवी की प्रतिमा माह में दो से तीन बार स्वतः जागृत अग्नि से स्नान करती है. इस अग्नि स्नान से माँ की सम्पूर्ण चढ़ाई गयी चुनरियाँ, धागे आदि भस्म हो जाते हैं. इसी अग्नि स्नान के कारन यहाँ माँ का मंदिर नहीं बन पाया. माँ की प्रतिमा के पीछे अगणित त्रिशूल लगे हुए है. यहाँ भक्त अपनी मिन्नत पूर्ण होने पर त्रिशूल चढाने आते है. साथ ही संतान की मिन्नत रखने वाले दम्पत्तियों द्वारा पुत्र रत्न प्राप्ति पर यहाँ झुला चढाने की भी परम्परा है. इसके अतिरिक्त लकवा ग्रस्त शरीर के अंग विशेष के ठीक होने पर रोगियों के परिजनों द्वारा  यहाँ चांदी या काष्ठ के अंग बनाकर चढ़ाये जाते हैं.

प्रतिमा स्थापना का कोई इतिहास यहाँ के पुजारियों को ज्ञात नहीं है. बस इतना बताया जाता है कि वर्षो पूर्व यहाँ कोई तपस्वी बाबा तपस्या किया करते थे. बाद में धीरे धीरे स्थानीय पडोसी गाँव के लोग यहाँ आने लगे.

कभी बिलकुल बीहड़ में स्थित इस शक्ति-पीठ में इन दिनों काफी विकास कार्य हुए हैं. ” श्री इडाना माँ मंदिर ट्रस्ट के सरंक्षक श्री लवकुमार सिंह कृष्णावत (कुराबड) ने बताया कि विगत कुछ वर्षों में भामाशाहों के सहयोग एवं मंदिर के चढ़ावे से यहाँ धर्मशाला निर्माण, गौशाला निर्माण, रोगियों को मुफ्त भोजन एवं आवास सहित और कई जनोपयोगी कार्य करवाए गए हैं.

प्रमुख स्थल- माँ का दरबार, अखंड ज्योति दर्शन, धुनी दर्शन, गौशाला, विस्तृत भोजनशाला, रामदेव मंदिर आदि.
प्रमुख दर्शन – प्रातः साढ़े पांच बजे प्रातः आरती, सात बजे श्रृंगार दर्शन, सायं सात बजे सायं आरती दर्शन यहाँ प्रमुख दर्शन हैं.  इस शक्ति पीठ की विशेष बात यह है कि यहाँ माँ के दर्शन चौबीस घंटें खुले रहते है. सभी लकवा ग्रस्त रोगी रात्रि में माँ की प्रतिमा के सामने स्थित चौक में आकर सोते है. दोनों नवरात्री यहाँ भक्तों की काफी भीड़ रहती है. इसके अतिरिक्त सभी प्रमुख त्यौहार यहाँ धूमधाम से मनाये जाते है.

कैसे पहुचें-  सूरजपोल से प्रातः उपनगरीय बस सेवा उपलब्ध. इसके अतिरिक्त कुराबड-बम्बोरा  मार्ग पर जाने वाले वाहनों से बम्बोरा पहुचकर वहा से जीप द्वारा शक्तिपीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. स्वयं के वाहनों से जाने पर देबारी- साकरोदा- कुराबड- बम्बोरा होते हुए शक्ति पीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. (दुरी- 60  किलोमीटर)

Article By : Arya Manu


A Salute to my Country – A Tribute to our soldiers

amarjyoti16th December 1971 – Dawn declared India’s Victory over Pakistan; and Bangladesh got liberation from its illegal rule. Once again triumph of truth over evil was reaffirmed. Many soldiers lost their lives for our neighboring country.

16th December 2011 – A fine winter day with chilling breezes. Everyone was busy in his own life, seeking solutions to his own problems; flipping through the pages of newspaper, gossiping about the deflation in the market and biting cold adamant to break its records. But alas! One short article, present at the corner of page, was unable to catch hold of many eyes. And even if some pairs of eyes would have read that headline, they didn’t bother to read the whole of it. Not even 2 out of 10 random people had slightest of the hint about how bravely, 40 years back, our jawaans compelled Pakistan Army to surrender them and agree to make Bangladesh free of its rule. Even after mugging those numerous historical dates a number of times for G.K. and History exams, I also forgot this day and so did many.

Late at night, when history of this salient day became evident to me, I sank deep into a feeling of pride admixed with a sense of guilt. Pride over my country; pride over our most treasured possession, our soldiers, who not only guard our borders and give us a safe and peaceful life but also shed their blood fighting for the rights of a foreign country and its residents. Pangs of guilt took hold of me about how I forgot this cardinal event, not only this year but for past so many years. Lines from the famous song “Aee mere vatan k logo” kept playing in my head and I felt as if those soldiers are asking us to “zara yaad karo kurbaani”. I wondered when we can remember birthdays and anniversaries of our dear ones then why not these days which shine with the bravery and sacrifices of our soldiers.

Even if we had remembered this day or try to retain those upcoming dates, what we would have done??? Just a corner in the 16 pages of newspaper or 10 minutes story on news channels telling about the history at the back of the day. Maximum would be done our government which will put shawls around the shoulders which carried the cold and lifeless body of his young son or say two words to that wife whose eyes get wet even today on karvachauth. And we, the common masses, would just take it as one more event in the history of growing India.

Is that all we can do???  No not at all. Those martyred soldiers never had that selfish motive of being awarded with gallantry award nor did their family members demand for compensation money, certificates and medals. We need not make ‘Shahid Smarak’, big statues at circles or roads and bridges by their names. We only have to retain them inside our hearts, feel proud of their audacity and be grateful to them for leaving behind an easy, secured life to guard our nation

An appeal to all Indians – Though we are a day late but there is no date fixed for thanking someone. Let us give just 5 minutes out of 24 hours to praise those courageous soldiers and commemorate their countless sacrifices for us. That will be the best way to repay for their shed blood and their precious lives that they put at stake only to shield our lives. I hope now we will never forget these days of grandeur and the heroism of our army men that these days tell us.



Welcoming The Season Of Hibernation – The Season Of Silent Love.

Hands in hands, a long walk along the pal of fatehsagar, shivering by the frosty breeze, holding a kulhad of hot sipping coffee and relishing soft romantic music in my ears.

It is a way to rejoice yourself in this chilling season.

For now, it was a day dream, I am sitting in the balcony of my room, fully loaded with sweater, scarf and socks, holding a large mug of coffee in my hands and earpieces plugged in my ears, eyes closed and dreaming of that fatehsagar scene.

Here I am. I am welcoming winters in my balcony, in my own way.


Usually not so wintry Udaipur, this time observing a much drop of temperature, a sudden thrush of cold breeze.

Winters….the cold season of the year, with icy shivering breeze and early morning dews. This is the most beautiful time, from November to February, when one can observe and silently feel the charming beauty which nature has given to us; it’s beautiful from one morning till next morning. For early morning we are provided by fog and mist, then mild warm rising sun which gives golden shade to the fallen drops of dew on the green flora.

It is the mausam to enjoy Gajar ka Halwa, Bajre ki Raab, Garma Garam Pakode, and various types of soups from our mother’s kitchen, the time to wander out on the streets to add the taste of Rewadi n Gud (Jaggery) Mungfali Chakki to our tongue, studying hard for our exams in the blankets, and to rejoice the perfect silent mode of nature. To add up, nature has given us a different swing of taste, grapes and oranges are the winter fruits.

But unfortunately, on the other hand of this seasonal celebration, there are many people for whom this biting cold brings  suffering; they are not the part of our enjoyment, they don’t have proper clothes to wear, no food and no shelter. This is an unfair part of our society that they are suffering and we are celebrating.

So udaipurities, prove your humanity, donate your old wears and some food to the needy people, so as to compensate their suffering to a little extent.

And in this way, with the new resolution in our life, we will be cherishing this cold season in a much better way.



Wishing you all a very happy and healthy winters.


आप सुन रहे है आर. जे. प्रदीप को…..!!!!

दुनिया के सबसे खुबसूरत शहर की खुबसूरत सुबह की शुरुआत एक आवाज़ से हुआ करती है…
आप सुन रहे है …… ऍफ़.एम्. .. और बन्दे को आर.जे. प्रदीप कहते है… जी हाँ उदयपुर ब्लॉग आज बात कर रहा है एक प्यारी सी मुस्कराहट के धनी….जिसे शहर का एक ऑटो वाला भी ताल्लुक रखता है तो किसी महंगे फ्लेट में रहनी वाली एक आंटी भी…
जब से उदयपुर में ऍफ़.एम्. आया…तब से ये आवाज़ उदयपुर की एक पहचान सी बन गयी है…
जब कभी हम खुद को अपनी माटी से दूर महसूस कर रहे होते हैं…तभी स्वर सुनाई देता है… “उदयपुर थानों ध्यान कठिने… आपरो प्रदीप अठिने..” कभी ठेठ देहाती शब्दों का अम्बार तो कभी ऐसी बातें कि लगता है कोई बड़े मेनेजमेंट का अफसर रु-ब-रू हो रहा है…
हमारे हर दुःख-सुख में जो आवाज़ हमारे साथ महसूस होती है… हर बड़े मॉल और हर एक लोकल ऑटो में सुनी जाने वाली आवाज़….

एक आवाज़, जो हर बार हमें एक रास्ता दिखा रही होती है…” दोस्तों…जब कभी हम पानी की  सतह पर तैर रहे बुलबुले की तरह टूट रहे होते हैं…फिर बन रहे होते हैं…तब याद रखो…कोई है…जो सिर्फ आपके लिए जी रहा है…”
जब कभी खुद को अकेला महसूस कर रहे होते है…तो स्वर सुनाई देते है… ” दोस्तों अगर अकेलापन साल रहा है तो फ़तेह सागर जाओ… कुछ वक़्त खुद के लिए बिताओ..मोबाईल बंद कर दो.. और आस-पास की आवाज़ से भी कुछ देर के लिए बेखबर हो जाओ… तुम कुछ हटकर…कुछ और ज्यादा पाकर ही वहा से लौट कर आओगे, मेरा विश्वास है …”
क्या हमने कभी सोचा भी कि वो हमारी आर. जे. प्रदीप की आवाज़ हमारी ज़िन्दगी का हिस्सा ही बन जाएगी…..

मैं रातों के अंधेरो में खोया सितारा हूँ..
हजारो-लाखों में मैं भी एक आवारा हूँ..
लाख कह दे, ज़माना मुझे तेरा पागल,
तुम ठुकराओगे, फिर भी मैं तुम्हारा हूँ…

हमेशा गुनगुनाने वाले इस शख्स ने ज़िन्दगी में कम दुःख नहीं देखा… अपने जूनून को आयाम देने से पहले परिवार वालो के ताने भी सुने तो कभी अपनी शाम हिरन मगरी के ऑटो स्टेंड पर भी बिताई… किसी मोबाईल स्टोर में सेल्समेन बनने में भी गुरेज नहीं किया… तो मजदूरों के साथ किसी ट्रक को ख़ाली करने में भी हाथ आजमाया… शायद इसीलिए प्रदीप की आवाज़ में इतने रंग देखने को मिलते है… सुखेर में एक चाय की थडी पर जब पटेल जी वक़्त पर दूध लेकर नहीं आते तो थडी वाले पंडित जी प्रदीप को फोन करते है… और पटेलजी दूध लेकर पहुच जाते है… प्रदीप की गाडी सुबह ख़राब हो जाति है और किसी ऑटो  में बैठकर जब स्टूडियो आ रहे होते है तो ऑटो वाला भी बेझिझक कोई डाईलाग सुनने की फरमाइश करने लगता है…
जब कभी कोई सुनने वाला एक बार प्रदीप को फोन कर दे…दो उसकी आवाज़ उस कंप्यूटर में हमेशा के लिए फीड हो जाती है…जी हाँ..प्रदीप अगली बार उस लिसनर को उसके नाम से पुकारेगा…
प्रदीप, एक ऐसी शख्सियत..जिसमे हजारो शख्सियतें… हजारो तहजीबें…
प्रदीप तो बस यही कहता मिलता है कि…

“जितना दिया सरकार ने मुझको…
उतनी मेरी औकात नहीं…
ये तो करम है उनका…
वर्ना मुझमे ऐसी कोई बात ही नहीं…”

किसी कोलोनी से कोई गरिमा फोन करती है और कहती है… प्रदीप, तुम अकेले हो जिसने उदयपुर को एक कर दिया… पहले लोग किसी को फोन करने में झिझकते थे….पर रेडियो पर तुमको फोन करनेमे किसी को झिझक नहीं होती… तुम हमारी  आवाज़ हो…
आज प्रदीप की उसी जिंदादिली को उदयपुर ब्लॉग परिवार सलाम करता है…..
सलाम प्रदीप….


Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar turns 68

Arvind Singh Mewar

Shriji Arvind Singh Mewar (born on 13 December 1944) – The 76th custodian of Mewar dynasty turns 67 Today. UdaipurBlog Team Along with the Whole Udaipur Blog Supporters Wish Maharana of Mewar A Very Happy Birthday, Your Work for Udaipur is Commendable and your Love For Art and Heritage and Culture of Udaipur is Admirable. May you Keep Working for your and Our Udaipur Forever and Ever. 🙂

Arvind Singh Mewar

About Him: (Source Wikipedia)

A graduate of the Mayo College, Ajmer he did a hotel management course in the UK and then went on to Chicago, USA where he learnt the job thoroughly even washing dishes, changing linen and serving the guests. His business instincts have seen the wonderful crystal collection in the palace as well as its fantastic fleet of vintage cars opened to the public for a considerable fee. Married to H.R.H. Princess Vijayaraj of Kutch, Gujarat, they have been blessed with three children: Princess Bhargavi Mewar, Princess Padmaja Mewar and Prince Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar.

H.R.H. Arvind Singh Mewar is Managing Trustee of the Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation and Chairman and MD of the HRH Group of Hotels. Both these organisations were established by his father H.R.H. Bhagwat Singh Mewar. After the independence of India in 1947, Bhagwat Singh Mewar started focusing on the preservation of Palaces, tradition of House of Mewar and earning money through these palaces by converting them to Heritage Hotels.

Keeping his father’s vision in mind, he has been continuously transforming the past into the future. The tourism industry H.R.H. Bhagwat Singh Mewar began with a single royal residence (the Lake Palace) turned into a hotel in 1963 is now the Historic Resort Hotels Group which includes the magnificent Kumbhalgarh Fort that boasts the second longest wall in the world after the Great Wall of China and numerous palaces. The Shiv Niwas palace of Udaipur received the Heritage Award for Excellence in January 1999 from the Prime Minister. Today the HRH Group of Hotels have many palaces throughout Rajasthan converted into luxury heritage hotels. Staff totals over 1200 personnel employed in the family’s heritage hotels, resorts and charitable institutions.