Places to Visit

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now

City of lakes, Udaipur is full of beautiful places and palaces. Lots of lakes and the greenery around it has just only added to the beauty of the place. Thousands of tourists arrive in the city in every season of the year and along with that locals are too fond of the lakes, palaces, and forts in and around the city. But there comes a time when you are just bored of going to the same places again and again. It mostly happens with the local citizens of the city. On every weekend, there is the same question that we ask all of our friends and it is ‘where to go’?

It is true that the love of us for Lake Fatehsagar, Ambrai and Rani Road is limitless but it is not possible that we go to these places every now and then without getting bored. And at these times, we literally yearn for places which are new to us and which not many people have visited because believe it or not we all have this ‘keeda’ to be one of the first people to go and discover some new place. So, we have compiled you a list of places which are rarely visited and still a bit uncorrupted from much of the city people.


Rathasan Mataji Mandir

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now

Very few of you would know about this temple. It is situated near to Chirwa tunnel. To reach the place one would need to ride through some village roads. You can spot the place on google maps easily. However, the temple is situated on a hill so it is necessary that you keep yourself a bit prepared to climb up the place. Stairs are available there so it won’t be a difficult task to do that. The trek is of around 2 km. But every drop of sweat you toil would be worth when you reach the top and look at the immense beauty all around. The cold wind that caresses your body after the trek is such a pleasure.


Alsigarh Dam


Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: dimpyb2

Alsigarh Dam is situated in a village named as Alsigarh. It is ahead of Nandeshwarji temple. It is at a distance of approximately 30 km from the city. So, if you plan to visit the place make sure that you are ready to travel well. But when you finally reach the place, every second of the travel would seem worthwhile. The long stretch of the lake, lush green mountains and the beautiful dam will make your day. It is quite far from the business of the city and that makes it exclusive. You can just spend some time with nature without worrying about getting caught in the hustle bustle of the city.


Kundeshwarji temple

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: arpit vijayvargia

Kundeshwarji temple is situated on the Pindwara highway. It is at a distance of 26 km from the city. The temple seems quite shady and mysterious in the lap of nature. As you proceed inside, you will see there is a small waterfall as well as ‘Jalkund’ flowing through it. It is quite an adventurous place to spend your day at with your friends. And the place is full of things and spots where you might want to take hundreds of selfies. But some things that you need to keep in mind is that you might suffer there with lack of proper parking facilities and make sure that you do not keep any of your precious belonging in the vehicle as there are possibilities that they might get stolen.



Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: Pratish Kapil

Raayta is small village ahead of Kodiyat. The way to reach the village can be a bit tricky but you can spot it on google maps and the most traditional way of navigation which is ‘ask the villagers’. It may seem like what’s new in a village? Well, there is a hill which is Raayta hill and that is the main point of attraction. From the top of the Hill, you can capture a breathtaking view of the landscapes around you. The wind will just go with it. It is preferable that you visit the place in monsoon because at that time rain and the hill looks like soul mates. Above is the picture of Raayta Hill at the time of the night. Clear sky could make it possible to look at the Milky Way clearly.


Nandeshwarji temple and dam

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: Pritesh Sharma

Nandeshwarji temple and dam is about 2-3 km ahead of the Araliyas Resort. The major attraction here is the temple and dam. Since there is a Dam, the peak time to visit here would be the monsoon when the water flow would be at its height. The mountains and the lush green landscapes that your eyes would be able to capture would seem unbelievable for a moment. Nandeshwar Lake can be seen from the point and the Lake is stretched so wide till the capacity of your eyes to see it. There won’t be many people in summers and winters so you need not worry about the excess crowd, however, at peak season, you can see a large amount of crowd having their leisurely time.


Sas Bahu Temple

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: rakshith09

Sas Bahu Temple is a short name for Sahastra Bahu temple which means ‘the one with thousand arms’. The temple is dedicated to God Vishnu. It is situated in Nagda standing at a distance of 17 km from the city. It was built in early 10th century AD. The temples are now in ruins but one can still look at the magnificent architecture of the temples once. It oversees Bagela Lake and that adds to the immense beauty of the place that it already has. The road to reach the place is quite well conditioned which makes the place easily accessible.


Ahar museum and cenotaphs

Rarely visited places in Udaipur that you need to visit right now
Picture by: maximvo

Ahar museum and cenotaphs are situated at a distance of 3 km from the city. It is an archeological site which is believed to be built 350 years from now. Around 19 Mewar rulers were cremated here and the total number of Cenotaphs here is 250. Apart from the cenotaphs, there is a museum which preserves antiques from the 10th century which are iron objects, earthen pots, skin scrubber, grain pot, stone weights, animal figures, terracotta toys, statues and other excavated artifacts. If you are one of those people who have a keen interest in the history of a place, then this would actually take you back to history.


No matter how much we think that we have explored all the places, the city will never stop surprising us with new wonderful places. There are actually so many places apart from the usual spots that we prefer to hang out at. So, now that you have a list of all the less explored places, get ready to give a treat to your eyes and also share this list with your friends and make a plan of one awesome weekend now.

Also, if you have visited any place like such share with us in the comment section below or e-mail at We’ll be glad to hear from you.


विश्व की सबसे ऊंची शिव जी की मूर्ति मेवाड़ में !

| ॐ नमः शिवाय |

पूरे मेवाड़ के लिए ये काफी गर्व की बात है । कई लोग इस बात से रूबरू होंगे लेकिन जिन लोगो को इस बारे में नहीं पता उन्हें बता दिया जाए की विश्व की सबसे बड़ी शिव जी की मूर्ति अब मेवाड़ में बनने जा रही है । उदयपुर से 48 किमी की दूरी पर मौजूद नाथद्वारा नगर में यह मूर्ती बनने जा रही है । नाथद्वारा पहले ही श्रीनाथजी के मंदिर के लिए पुरे भारत में काफी मशहूर है और अब इस मूर्ती के कारण यह पुरे विश्व में मशहूर हो जाएगा। उदयपुर से नाथद्वारा जाने के लिए करीब 1 घंटा लगता है । नाथद्वारा में यह मूर्ती श्रीनाथजी मंदिर, 120 रोड पर बनेगी । मूर्ती की नींव का पत्थर पूज्य मुरारी बापू द्वारा किया गया था और वहां राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत भी मौजूद थे ।

विश्व की सबसे ऊंची शिव जी की मूर्ति मेवाड़ में
Source: Youtube

कुछ बातें नाथद्वारा के बारे में

नाथद्वारा नगर उदयपुर से 48 किमी की दूरी पर बसा एक छोटा सा नगर है । नाथद्वारा का मतलब ही है श्रीनाथ जी का द्वार । असल में नाथद्वारा का यह नाम इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ एक बहुत ही मशहूर कृष्णा भगवान् का मंदिर है जिसमे श्रीनाथ जी की मूर्ती विराजमान की हुई है । यह मंदिर 17 शताब्दी में बना था और इसकी जगह श्रीनाथ जी के कहने पर ही तय हुई थी । जब भगवान श्री कृष्णा की इस मूर्ती को मुग़ल के शासक औरंगज़ेब से बचाने के लिए वृन्दावन से ले जाया जा रहा था तब ही रास्ते में वह बैलगाड़ी कीचड में फस गई । तभी साथ में चल रहे पंडितों को यह अहसास हुआ की भगवान ने अपने मंदिर के लिए खुद यही जगह तय की है ।


कुछ बातें मूर्ती के बारे में

  • विश्व की यह सबसे बड़ी मूर्ती की कुल लम्बाई 351 फीट है ।
  • मूर्ती में शिव जी के चेहरे की कुल लम्बाई 70 फीट होगी ।
  • भगवान् शिव जी की मूर्ती में शिव जी के हाथो में एक त्रिशूल भी है जिसकी कुल लम्बाई 315 फीट है ।
  • इस मूर्ती में शिव जी दूसरी मूर्तियों की तरह सामान्य रूप से आशीर्वाद देते हुए एवं त्रिशूल पकड़ते हुए नहीं बल्कि आराम से बैठे हुए नज़र आएँगे ।

    Source: Tushar Joshi via Instagram
  • इसकी संरचना तैयार हो चुकी है और अब प्रतिमा का काम चालु होगा ।
  • इस विशालकाय मूर्ती का निर्माण मिराज कंपनी करवा रही है ।
  • बैठे हुए इन महादेव जी की मूर्ती को कोई भी कम से कम 5-7 किमी दूर से देख सकेगा ।
  • दूर दूर से आये दर्शको के दर्शन की आसानी के लिए इस मूर्ती पर 74 फीट की ऊंचाई वाली 2 लिफ्ट लगेगी ।
  • यह लिफ्ट महादेव जी के कंठ तक पहुचेगी ।
  • इस मूर्ती को तैयार करने का लक्ष्य 1 दिसंबर 2018 तक का है । तो तकरीबन 6 महीनों में यह मूर्ती पूरी हो जाएगी ।
  • 6 लाख 74 हज़ार स्क्वायर फीट में बनेगी जिसमे प्रतिमा का कुल एरिया 27 हज़ार स्क्वायर फीट होगी ।
  • इसके आस पास 15400 स्क्वायर फीट एरिया में हर्बल गार्डन बनाया जाएगा जहाँ बच्चो के लिए झूले बनेंगे ओर बड़ो के आराम करने के लिए गार्डन बनाया जाएगा ।
  • 3 कीमी लम्बी परिक्रमा मूर्ती के आस पास बनेगी उन लोगो के लिए जो जॉगिंग करना चाहते है ।
  • पार्किंग सुविधाए यहाँ उपलब्ध होगी ।
  • इस विशाल मूर्ती के निर्माण में करीब 2200 टन स्टील और 1800 टन लोहा लगेगा और इसमें RCC सीमेंट का इस्तेमाल होगा ।
विश्व की सबसे ऊंची शिव जी की मूर्ति मेवाड़ में
Source: vexmddotwebsite

कुछ बातें मूर्तिकार के बारे में

विश्व की सबसे बड़ी शिव जी की इस मूर्ती का निर्माण मूर्तिकार नरेश कर रहे है । नरेश की तीन पीढ़िया मूर्ती बनाने के कार्य से जुडी हुई है । मूर्तिकार नरेश राजस्थान के पिलानी में रहते थे लेकिन अब वो गुरुग्राम में रहते है । उनका कहना है की शिव जी की मूर्ती बनाने में कुछ ऐसी तकनीक का इस्तेमाल हुआ है जैसा अमेरिका की सबसे मशहूर मूर्ती ‘स्टेचू ऑफ़ लिबर्टी’ में हुआ था । नरेश ने इससे पहले भी कही मूर्तियाँ बनायीं है । आपको बता दे की विश्व की सबसे ऊंची हनुमान जी की मूर्ती भी मूर्तिकार नरेश के ही हाथों बनायी गई है ।

सभी मेवाड़ वासी एवं दुनिया में सभी शिव जी के भक्तों के लिए ये काफी ख़ुशी की बात है की शिव जी अब उन्हें कई बड़े अवतार में दर्शन देंगे ।


 || आंधी तूफ़ान से वो डरते है,

जिनके मन में प्राण बसते है

वो मौत देखकर भी हसते है

जिनके मन में महाकाल बसते है ||

जय महाकाल, हर हर महादेव


Proud Moment for Udaipur | Gunjan Jadiya has grabbed the AIR 4th in CLAT!

Gunjan Jadiya, a resident of Shobhagpura Udaipur, has grabbed AIR 4th in Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2018.

Proud Moment for Udaipur | Gunjan Jadiya has grabbed the AIR 4th in CLAT!
Gunjan Jadiya

She completed her education from DPS Udaipur and then headed to the Blue City Jodhpur for pursuing her dream career’s preparation. She did her preparation from ‘Law Prep Tutorials’ and it took a lot of hard work, Complete separation from social media to achieve this

Gunjan has been a meritorious student and has always made her parents proud. She scored 95% in her higher secondary examinations which was a great achievement for her. Upon asking about the aim of her life she exclaimed that she wants to become the most amazing lawyer!

Below you can find her mark sheet and as you can see she has scored a whopping 150 marks in her examination with the 4th rank all over India in the general category.

Proud Moment for Udaipur | Gunjan Jadiya has grabbed the AIR 4th in CLAT!

Gunjan has not only made her parents proud but also our City. May such talents keep budding in Udaipur and keep making the city’s name highlighted!

History and Culture

Who Was the Founder of Mewar?

We all know that Maharana Udai Singh II was the one who established Udaipur. But do you know who was the one who founded Mewar? Well in this article we are going to tell you about the founder of Mewar dynasty.

In earlier times Mewar was known as Marupradesh and also Medhapat. Maharana GuhAditya (Guhil/Gohil) was the founder and ruler of Medhapat. After Maharana GuhAditya several rulers came and dictated the kingdom of Mewar.

Bappa Rawal became the 8th King or the Maharana of the Dynasty of Guhilot (Gahlot) Rajput after his father Rawal Mahendra-II.

Who Was the Founder of Mewar?
Source: जय मेवाड़

Bappa Rawal founded the Dynasty of Mewar.

Although several ancestors had ruled over this part, they were always confined to some of the hilly regions in the west and southwest only. Bappa Rawal is considered to be the first ruler to expand the limits of this part to its current boundaries.

Who was Bappa Rawal?

Prince Kalbhoj, later known as Bappa Rawal, was born in 713 AD. He spent his childhood at a place called Nagda and afterward made it his capital. Nagda is situated 19 km from Udaipur.

It is said that Bappa was only 3 years old when his father Rawal Mahendra-II was assassinated. It is also believed that after his father’s death Bappa and his mother were in the shelter of the Bheel Tribal community and they helped Bappa in learning warfare tactics, battlefield tips and tricks.  At the age of 21, he succeeded to the throne and became the king.

Who Was the Founder of Mewar?
Source: हिन्दुस्थानम्

He gave up his name after he ascended on the throne and took the title of Bappa Rawal, where Bappa means father and Rawal is their royal name. Bappa Rawal extended his kingdom to the east by defeating Man Singh of the Mori (Mauryan) clan from Chittor in 734 AD.

Bappa Rawal died in the year of 753 AD at Eklingji. It is said that he was the last king of the Guhilot Clan.

It is also mentioned in historical pieces of evidence that Bappa Rawal was a devoted follower of a sage named Harit Rishi. As per the sage’s instruction, after ruling the kingdom for 19 years, he resigned from the title of the king and left the throne of Mewar for his son and became a devotee to Lord Shiva.

His name is marked in the history as one of the most valorous warriors of the kingdom of Mewar.

Also Read: Bappa Rawal as a warrior


NOTE: All the above information is curated from several sources. There is no account of Bappa Rawal’s exact date of birth.


Summer training camp organised by Hindustan Zinc | News

More than 900 children from Udaipur, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, and Ajmer are participating enthusiastically in summer training camps under the education-related program by Hindustan Zinc. In these training camps, children are being educated with subjects such as science, mathematics, and English as well as physical, sports, intellectual and cultural activities to achieve all-round development of the children. The formal launch of summer training camp was organized in Vidya Bhavan auditorium with the help of Vidya Bhawan Society. 300 children are participating in this residential training camp organized from May 15 to 17. More than 600 children are benefitting from this kind of camp organized in Jawar, Dariba, Debari, Chittorgarh, Aguacha, and Kad by Hindustan Zinc.

The Chief Guest of the program and the secretary of Hindustan Zinc, Rajendra Pandwal, said on this occasion that students should take advantage of this opportunity and focus on their goals and perform best. Education has an important role at the present time and it should also have a spirit of competition. He said that he would like to see the students participating in this camp in the future as engineers and doctors.

Summer training camp organised by Hindustan Zinc
Source: Dailyhunt

On this occasion, Vedanta CSR Head Mrs. Nilima Khetan gave information in detail about the project related to the education and told the students that if any child decides that it is necessary to achieve the success, then nobody can stop it. The only thing he requires is the passion to prove himself superior and for that commitment and concentration is needed.

Pandit Kaushik, Head Corporate Communications, Hindustan Zinc said that Hindustan zinc has always taken the initiative for the overall development of the rural children. Under the education-related program, children who are lack teaching are being benefited for 10 years, and we are very happy that thousands of children have taken advantage of this. Along with the educational improvement, summer training camp is also working on safety awareness, skill, behavior and other activities like sports and cultural programs.

Under the Education related program, students studying in Class 10th and Class 12th are being given education by science, mathematics and English teachers in government schools (where the post is vacant) through Hindustan Zinc. The number of girl students in the summer training camps being held at 7 places this year is 50 percent, which reflects the trust of parents of girls on Hindustan Zinc.

In this residential training camp, the students entering this year in the 10th and 12th classes are being taught by expert teachers so that they can learn general information about these topics in an interesting way. This kind of camp is being organized in Udaipur for the past two years, where 70 children were participants in 2016 and 200 children took advantage of it in 2017. The program was attended by organizing secretary of Vidya Bhawan, SP Goud, senior member Kamal Mahendra, Education Advisor of Vidya Bhawan Society Prasun Kumar and students of all the units of Hindustan Zinc along with CSR officers were present.


Today is World’s No Tobacco Day | Read The Initiative of World’s Health Organization

World’s No Tobacco Day is celebrated all over the world on May 31st every year. This year the theme is ‘Tobacco and Heart diseases’. The aim is to increase public awareness on the link between the use of tobacco and heart and other cardiovascular diseases that include stroke which combined are the world’s leading causes of death. Emphasis is to be laid on the feasible actions and measures that key audiences including government and the public can take to reduce the risk to heart health posed by the use of tobacco.

This year the event coincides with the range of global initiatives and opportunities aimed at adverting the fast increasing use of tobacco and its effect on public health, particularly in causing the death and suffering of millions of people all over the world. These actions include the ‘WHO- supported global heart and resolve’ initiatives that aim to reduce cardiovascular disease deaths and improve care and the third United general assembly high-level meeting on the prevention and control NCD’s being held this year.

The goals of the campaign this year include increasing awareness within the broader public on the impact of the use of tobacco and the exposure to second-hand smoke on cardiovascular health and to provide opportunities for the public, governments, and others to make commitments to promote heart health by protecting people from use of tobacco products.

Source: health24

Monitoring tobacco use and implementation of prevention policies are needed. People can be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke by the creation of completely smoke-free indoor public places, workplaces, and public transport. For giving up the use of tobacco facilities such as cost covered, population-wide support, including advice by health-care providers and national toll-free lines. Tobacco users have to be warned about the dangers of tobacco use by implementing plain/standardize packaging, and/or large graphic health warnings on all tobacco packages and implementing effective anti-tobacco mass media campaigns. Comprehensive bans have to be imposed on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship. Taxes on tobacco products have to be raised to make them less affordable.

The harmful effects of the use of tobacco are highly alarming. Cardiovascular diseases kill more people every year than any other diseases and about 12% of all heart disease death are due to the use of tobacco and second-hand smoke exposure. Tobacco use is the second main cause of heart diseases after high blood pressure. A shocking report of Global Adult Tobacco Survey of India reveals that in homes 52% young persons are affected by secondary or passive smoking that is smoking by others. Researchers have found that in the homes where adults smoke in the presence of children, the latter suffers from the diseases such as ear infection, asthma, pneumonia, chest trouble, skin and throat related problems, underweight, etc.

Whatever may be the reason for starting smoking – to distress, to show off or to pass time – the effects are manifold. Smoking affects the nerves and mental system. It causes worry, uneasiness, restlessness, headache, etc. it is the cause of several breathing problems as it affects the lungs adversely.


According to experts, there are several ways that decrease the desire to smoke such as the use of milk products, potato chips, fried walnuts, almonds, and dates. Vegetables and fruits such as carrots, brinjal, lemon, orange, and strawberry also help.

Members of the family and friends can help a lot in giving up smoking. It is always better for a person to let others know that he has decided not to smoke as they can remind him of his resolve. Cigarettes, ‘bidies’, etc. should be kept out of his reach. The company of other smokers is to be avoided at all cost.


Veterinarians in Udaipur

We obviously love our pets more than anything and it doesn’t come as a surprise that we do care about them. But at times of emergency with the case of pets, lack of information and panic is not at all a good thing. So, rather than waiting for the time of emergency to come, it is better that we keep the information beforehand and care for our pets completely.

Here is the list of vets and veterinary clinics in Udaipur.


Veterinarians in Udaipur
Source: piedmont hills animal hospital


Pashu Chikitsalaya

All type of treatment, surgery, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis are done at Pashu chikitsalaya. It is an animal hospital being run by the government of Rajasthan. Treatment of small as well as large animals is done here such as cattle, cats, donkey, horse, pet dogs, cats, birds, etc. One important thing to note about Pashu Chikitsalaya is that everything is free here. From operation, treatment to medicines, everything is free of cost.

Address: 77, Hospital Rd, Chetak Circle, Opposite HDFC Bank, Hospital Rd, Chetak Circle, Opposite HDFC Bank, Madhuban

Contact: 0294-2418130


Doctor Shakti Singh

Doctor Shakti Singh diagnosis all the small animals such as rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc. There are no appointment charges for any animal. Timings of appointments are 11 am to 7 pm.

Address: Shreenath Colony, Q-Hotel Road, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313001, Near New Pulia Pula

Contact: 9152966217


Pet services

Pet services are for small pets like rats, rabbits, dog, cat, etc. Appointment charges are Rs 250. Timings for the checkup is from morning 11 am to evening 7 pm.

Address: Veterinary Polyclinic Campus, Chetak Circle, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan

Contact: 9414740339


Vets n Care

Vets n care is a clinic which is only for small animals. There are no appointment charges and the timings of appointments is from morning 10 am to evening 7 pm.

Address: Pulla, Shrinath Colony, Q Hotel Road, Udaipur City, Udaipur-Rajasthan – 313001, Near Vaikuntha Sports Academy

Contact: 9152886542


Animal Aid

Veterinarians in Udaipur

Animal aid is an organization which is solely dedicated to animals. The mission of this organization is to rescue and treat the unowned animals of the city who are stuck somewhere, got ill, met with an accident, etc. Everyone loves one’s pet but to love and care about street animals is the real thing. So now whenever you see some animal stuck somewhere or hurt severely, you can immediately call animal aid and it will be available on the spot in some time. It is available for all type of animals regardless of their size like cows, dogs, horses, pigs, etc. You can also visit, volunteer and be a part of Animal Aid.

Apart from that Animal Aid also adopts abandoned animals and take care of them. People who don’t want their pets anymore can drop them at Animal Aid. And people who are willing to adopt animals as a pet can adopt them from there. One thing to note about the organization is that everything at the organization is absolutely free of cost. From treatment to operation. The organization completely works on donatory funds.

Address: Near Badi TB Hospital, Badi Village, Liyo Ka Gurha, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Contact: 98298 43726


Now that you have the list of all the vets and animal hospital, you need not worry about the times of emergency because you will have the required data with you which will help you to save and take care of your loved ones. Because a pet is the only thing in the world that will love you more than you love yourself.


Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250

No matter what our appetite is, whenever someone talks about the unlimited food we are always in it, aren’t we? Every one of us like unlimited food not only because we can eat a lot but because we get a huge variety of food at the same place. It happens to be very cost effective and when we have to give some birthday treat to our friends, such places are a boon.

There are so many foodies out there who are capable to eat an enormous amount of food at once. And the people sitting around them just keep wondering where exactly does the food go. Well, for such foodies places with unlimited food are a temple and if they are economic as well, what else do you need in the world? So, here we bring to you the list of places that offer unlimited food under just Rs.250.


Pizza Burst

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: just dial

If you are the person who loves a pizza so much that you can just survive entirely on pizza, then you can satisfy your pizza cravings here. You get a huge variety of pizza and so much more here. You get two types of soups, eight types of starters which include Italian, Mexican, Thai cuisines and baked dishes, garlic bread, three types of pizza, a glass of cold drink (single serve) and a delicious brownie (single serve) with vanilla ice cream at the end. And all these dishes are entirely unlimited so you can just sit and eat not until your stomach is filled but when your mind is filled as well. Apart from the unlimited meal, there are some innovative pizzas too such as volcano pizza, cone pizza etc.

Price: 150 /- for 11 am to 3 pm

180/- for 3 pm to 11 pm

Address: Opp. BN Girls College, Sevashram Road


Pizza Empire

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: venuezz

If you are in search of a place where you don’t only want a vast quantity but a mind satisfying quality as well, this is the place for you. They serve a large quantity of food and that’s not just it. The taste of every food item is so amazing that will just increase your hunger even more. The large variety of food involves three types of pizzas, twelve types of salad, 2 types of soups, garlic bread, soft drink and a brownie with ice cream. So one thing is sure that you cannot leave the place without overeating. Pizza Empire has two branches in the city which are located nearby to each other.

Price: 180/- for lunch and 200/- for dinner

Address: New Navratan Complex 1st Floor, Mewar Hospital Road, Udaipur HO, Opposite Everest Ashiyana


Kaju’s pizza

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: kaju’s pizza

Kaju’s pizza is one of the most preferred places for the youth of the city. The reason behind that is it’s cozy and comfortable ambiance and its delicious food. Whenever you visit the place, it will remain genuinely crowded with youngsters. It has an unlimited plan which offers garlic bread, three types of pizza, a cold drink, a brownie with ice cream and a huge variety of starters which include tangy red pasta, creamy white pasta, salad, fruits, etc. Apart from the unlimited meal, there are some innovative pizzas too such as volcano pizza, cone pizza etc. Kaju’s pizza has total three branches. The major branch is the one at university road and other two are at Sardarpura and Hiranmagri sector 3 respectively.

Price: 167/- for lunch and 188/- for dinner

Address: 356, First Floor, Surya Plaza, University Road, Ganesh Nagar


Punjabi Tadka

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: gobymobile

If you are bored of your home food and want something other than usual junk food that fills your stomach completely then this might be the place that can satisfy your hunger pangs. Punjabi Tadka offers an exclusive Punjabi buffet meal to you. They say ‘eat like a prince’ and when you eat a meal like such, you definitely feel like a prince. This pure veg meal consists of Soups, Salads, Main course, and dessert. It is a fine family restaurant that doesn’t just have a super comfortable aura but also has some delicious food for you.

Price: 175/-

Address: 4, 100 Ft Rd, Near Shubh Kesar Garden & Manglam Palace, Shobhagpura


Bawarchi restaurant

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: taste of city

Bawarchi restaurant is known for its best thali with spicy food. So if you have this love for spicy food, this place is made for you. The unlimited thali is very cost effective and offers a variety of items in the thali which are vegetable, paneer vegetable, starter, dessert, chapatti, etc. However note that papad and dessert will be served only once. People from all around the country come here to enjoy the delicious food of the restaurant. All the contents of the thali are pure vegetarian.

Price: 160/-

Address: 6, Naya pura, delhigate, Udaipur, Rajasthan


Padam Thal


If you have a proper thali in your mind and nothing else, Padam Thal is highly recommended. It offers you different kinds of thaali and the contents of the thaali are so much that it is practically impossible for you to finish the thaali and still have space in your stomach to have something else. It has special thaalis for lunch and dinner. Take away services for thaalis are available too. The thaali contains sweets, Farsan, Vegetable, chatni, puri, daal, kadi, rice, papad, salad, buttermilk, onion, and Mukhwas.

Padam Thal offers 3 thaalis. regular thaali which will cost you 200 bucks and it has a variety of 16 items. premium thaali for 500 bucks and then there is shaahi thaali which costs you 5000 bucks. It contains total 56 items which are called chappan bhog. The thaali is ideal for a whole family to eat.

Price: 200/-

Address: Shanti Nagar, Sector 3, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001


Garden Hotel

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: booking

The Jain thali of Garden Hotel is the one which is very famous. Since it is a Jain thaali, you shouldn’t expect any onion, garlic, or potato from the thaali. However, you will get a beautiful thaali with rice decorated in the center of the thaali, salad, various types of vegetables, dal bati, dessert, etc. It has a vintage car museum just attached to it, so if you are a traveler and want to go to some place right after your meal, then you can opt for here.

Price: 250/-

Address: Gulabbagh Road | Garden Hotel, Opposite Sajjan Niwas Garden


Chappan Bhog

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: venuezz

The name of the restaurant is enough to increase our appetite. Chappan Bhog is a restaurant which has three types of thaalis such as Gujrati thaali, Punjabi thaali, and Rajasthani thaali. The thaali usually consists of Daal makhani, seasonal vegetable, paneer, pulao, raita, pickle, salad, naan, and dessert.

Price: 175/-

Address: 14-A, Near Saheliyon ki Bari, Big Bazaar Road, Fatehpura


Krishna Dal Baati restro

Unlimited food in Udaipur under just Rs. 250
Source: krishna dal bati

While we are talking about food, how come can we forget about Dal Baati? Krishna is one such place to go for if you are a Dal Bati lover. You will get one big thali which is dedicated only to dal bati. The contents of the thali would be Dal Bati, buttermilk, rice, chili, salad, chutney, churma, papad, etc. So the perfect thaali will give you the perfect satisfaction for your hunger.

Price: 250

Address: 17, 1st Floor, Jal Darshan Market, Hotel Green View Street, Gulab Bagh Road, Brahmpuri

The mere read about the delicious food played with your taste buds, didn’t it? Now that you have the wonderful list prepared by us your search for the pocket-friendly stomach satisfying food in Udaipur is over. You can just directly head on to these places with your friends and family without worrying about the price, quantity or the taste of the food.

If all these places gave you goals for your next lunch or dinner out then get ready to fill your stomach with mouthwatering food and make sure you have a large appetite because these meals are unlimited and wouldn’t want to regret paying and not eating much right?


Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur

Udaipur is known by various names like the City of Lakes, Kashmir of Rajasthan, Venice of the East and so many more. The beauty of the place is evident in the pictures you must have seen all over the internet. Now that you are planning your visit to the spectacular and heavenly City of Lakes, let me help you build your personal itinerary for your first visit to Udaipur. I am aware that some of you won’t be able to cover all the spots enlisted below, but it is worth giving a shot.

Here are the Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur!

  1. Start your day by getting a perfect breakfast

Empty stomach won’t get along with you very far. So, first things first, get a perfect start to your day by having some good English breakfast. Although you might find a lot of places to eat in the city, especially if you are staying in the old city, but you obviously need a filtered list.

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: Google Images

Thank us later, we are making you equipped with the list of the best places to have an English breakfast in Udaipur. Click here!

  1. Take a bike or car on rent and explore the streets of Old City

As per your convenience, you can take a car or a bike on rent and explore the nooks and corners of the Old City. There is a lot that you would see on the streets- from local vendors to artists painting at the roadside and a lot of scenes that you wouldn’t witness anywhere on earth!

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: kanishka bike rental

Plus, not just for the view, taking a vehicle is quite comfy for your to-and-fro as well and makes it easy for you to touch the extremes of the city effortlessly.

  1. Go shopping!!!

You have come down to Udaipur, would you dare to leave without any ‘oh-my-god-wow’ souvenir from the city? No, right?

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: My Udaipur City

Well, the shopping markets in Udaipur are like a color palette. Hundreds of shops selling things that are unique, vibrant and exhibit the very soul of the city. You can get apparels, tribal jewelry, gold/silver jewelry, zinc artifacts, wooden artifacts, leather bag, totes, to bedspreads, upholstery and so much more.

Check out all the markets of Udaipur here.

  1. Take a tour of the grand City Palace Complex

City Palace Complex Udaipur is one of a kind places in the city. It is a grand-majestic-palace and is the official dwelling of the Maharana (king) of Mewar. A part of the palace is closed where the Maharana resides with his royal family while a greater part of the palace is open to the public.

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: Wikipedia

You can take a tour of the City Palace and have a walk through the time. Also, you can watch the light and sound show happening in the City Palace every evening.

  1. Take the Ropeway and watch the sunset from the Karni Mata hill

Karni Mata Temple is situated on a small hillock in Udaipur. The place is also known for its sunset point. You can either take the stairs to the peak of the hill for the sunset point or you can take the ropeway.

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: Trawell

Alternative: If you want to have a glimpse of the culture of the city and sunsets do not entice you anymore, then you must pay a visit to the Darohar Show at the Bagore Ki Haveli Museum.

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: UdaipurBlog

The show starts in the evenings and is a must-watch if you are a fan of cultural dances.

  1. Spend your evenings at the Ghats of Udaipur

    Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
    Source: inside_the _window (Instagram)

Ghats are a noticeable part of the city. There are various ghats in Udaipur which are immensely peaceful and give you a close view of the waters of the lakes. Gangaur Ghat is the most significant and popular ghat in the entire city. It is known for hosting the Ganguar Festival and in recent times the place was seen in various movies in both Hollywood and Bollywood.

  1. Go for a boat ride in the Lake

You can go on a boat ride in Lake Pichola. It is a 20-25 minutes ride in the lake which covers all the places in the lake- I mean, you can have a close look at the Taj Lake Palace which is built in the middle of the lake, if in case you aren’t staying there! Also, you get to have a look at the Jag Mandir, which is also a floating (metaphorically) palace and is known for its beautiful life-size elephants standing at the entrance, carved out of stone.

Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
Source: Tripzuki

Alternatively, you can go for a jet boat ride in the Lake Fatehsagar, which is one of the most prominent lakes in Udaipur. It is a great place to hangout and you would get a lot of street food and other delicious snacks just near the lakeside ‘chowpaty’. Also, you can visit the nearby parks and gardens to get a refreshing feel.

  1. Don’t miss Sajjangarh (Monsoon Palace) and the Biological Park

    Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
    Source: makemytrip

If you aren’t fond of riding in the boat, then taking a brisk tour to the Monsoon Palace would be great for you. Sajjangarh aka Monsoon Palace is perched on a hillock and gives one of the best views of the entire city.

Source: Siddharth Nagar

Adjacent to this palace is the biological park of Udaipur which has a variety of flora and fauna. This is a super fun and refreshing place for the nature lovers.

  1. Go to the largest aquarium in India- ‘Under the Sun’

    Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur
    Source: Siddharth Nagar

Under the Sun is the largest aquarium in India and is situated attached to the lake Fatehsagar. This is one great place to spend some hours. You would find a huge number of fish here, some of which are even rare to find in the Indian Subcontinent. Plus, you can find a Virtual Reality zone here which lets you enjoy underwater scenes in real time.

Read more about the aquarium here

  1. Last but not the least, Binge on the luscious food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant

    Top 10 Things to Do on Your First Visit to Udaipur

By this time, I am sure you’d be feeling terribly hungry and what is better than having some great authentic Rajasthani or Continental Food at a lakeside hotel/restaurant.

Also Read: Non-veg Restaurant to satisfy your hunger pangs

I knew you would be reading this on your first visit to the City of Lakes and hence I have prepared for you a list of the best Lakeside hotels where you can stay as well as eat at utmost peace, enjoying the natural beauty that Udaipur is! 😉

Check out the list here

Now that you roughly know where you’d be going, book your tickets and start packing!

Also, check out the best time to visit Udaipur and don’t miss your flight 😊


Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Who says Udaipur doesn’t have leisure places? There are some days when all we want to do is sit and relax at some good place with a glass of our favorite scotch in hands. But at such times we often get confused as to whether Udaipur have some nice ambient places to drink or not? And even if we know some of the places we are too bored of going to these places again and again. If you have been at these places much often, this article is entirely for you.

Below is the list of some pubs and bars in Udaipur where you can sit, sip and enjoy drinks with your friends.

Twist Lounge & Bar

Twist lounge and bar

Sit around the bar with a beer in hand and enjoy the Live Music Sessions at Twist Lounge & Bar, Udaipur. Twist is the most happening place in town to hang out with friends and family. The place gives various opportunities to the budding artists in Udaipur to perform at the bar and enchant the audience with their sheer talent. The raw persona of Twist is what makes people come here again and again!

Address: Connaught Place, Shobhagpura, Udaipur

Contact: +91-83062 31050

Mudra – The Lounge Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Mudra – the lounge bar is the property of Shouryagarh resort and spa. Advantages of coming to this bar are that it will give you multiple facilities. So if you want to have a meal right after your drinks, you can go to the Swayamvar restaurant which is again a part of Shouryagarh resort. It has a decent variety of alcohol available there and it is one of the picturesque resort in the city.

Address: Shouryagarh Resort & Spa, Rani Road, Fateh Sagar

Contact: 0294 2980151


F3 Lounge and Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: oyster

Although the bar is a part of Radisson green, the bar area is completely secluded and you won’t have to enter via Radisson hotel. There is a separate entrance to the bar from the mall only. The plush atmosphere will give you all the luxury that you need. The place is quite expensive but every penny of yours is worth it. From champagne to wine, you will get all the types of alcoholic drinks here. Lights, music and the aura is just what you need while you comfortably sip on to your drink. There is a separate smoking section as well.

Address: Lake City Mall, Radisson Hotel, Lakecity Mall, Ashok Nagar

Contact: 0294 660 3333

Brewz Rock café and Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: venuezz

It is one amazing café as well as Bar in the city. Good music, perfect ambiance, delicious food and favorite drinks all in one place. What else do you need? The lights and the décor are so amazing that you cannot resist taking one selfie here. The place gives out special discounts and offers at times for drinks and beers. Apart from that, there is a stage set up for band performances which come in action on weekend nights. The place will literally take all your worries and give the time of your life.

Address: 4th Floor Celebration Mall, Bhuwana, Udaipur

Contact: +91 7426811991

Hook & Irons

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Hook & Irons is situated below Paras Mahal. It is a non-crowded and spacious place to enjoy your drink. Lights, music and sitting arrangement is completely fantastic. You can find a large variety of drinks such as cocktail, rum, scotch, gin, wine, etc. Apart from drinks, you can also have something to munch on along with your drinks and the taste of these snacks is pretty amazing too.

Address: Hotel Paras Mahal, NH 8, Sector 11, Hiran Magri

Contact: 0294-2483391

The Winos

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: Make my trip

The wino is a bar situated in the premises of Lal Bagh. It is a cool, ambient and relaxing place located in the center of the city. As the name suggests, the Winos has a large variety of Wine along with other alcoholic drinks. And in case you feel hungry after your drinking session, Lal Bagh is very famous in the city for its Lal Maans, so you may also want to go for that.

Address: 65, M.G. College, Near Daulat Chambers, Sardarpura, Panchwati

Contact:  +91 9352833506

Tehkhana Restro Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: Trip Advisor

The place is secluded and isolated yet a happening place. With good ambiance, Tehkhana Restro bar is an underground bar. The place provides you with a special smoking area for smokers and for food just like the name suggests, it has a restaurant too if you want your drinks along with your meal. One thing that makes this place stand out from the rest is that it is too economical for everyone.

Address: Basement, Hitawala Complex, Saheli Marg, Opp Soni Hospital, Panchwati

Contact: 0294 2421317

The Wine Rack

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: Trip advisor

You can either have the tried and tasted usual drinks here or you can be adventurous and try some new cocktails. The outlet is a part of the Amantra Shilpi Hotel in Udaipur. Make the most of your day by sitting in the luxurious outdoor sitting area and sipping the luscious wines. The fine atmosphere, the smooth sound and aura of nature, and the company of your friends will take away all the worries of your life for time being.

Address: Rani Road, Near Shilpgram, Fateh Sagar

Contact: +91-8003998743

Stallion Sports Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

If you are one of those people who wants to enjoy his drink along with your favorite sports then you should go to this place without having any second thoughts. Stallion Sports Bar is situated inside Hotel Swaroop Vilas. The bar is a treat for all the sports fanatics. The place is at best during matches when people scream their lungs out cheering their favorite team. You can find Dart Board, community table, Billiard table, and the giant screen, to “live” telecast of all major sporting events. The community table is a seating area which allows you to view the giant screens, the perfect sitting area to enjoy your game with your friends.

Address: 6, Ambavgarh, Opp. Lake Swaroop Sagar

Contact: +91 7300020003


Patiala Peg

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

The bar is a part of Hotel Le Roi. It has a typical Bollywood theme inside so you can find several Bollywood inspired posters hanging on the wall. It is right opposite to railway station so in case you are traveling to Udaipur via railways and need a quick drink, this is an ideal place for you. Along with drinks, you can find food here as well.

Address: Multi-Functional Complex Udaipur City Railway Station, Udaipur 313001, India

Contact: +91 95878 60870

Angara Bar

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Angara Bar is situated inside Hotel Raghu Mahal. It has a casual atmosphere and they offer the seasonal list of House cocktails. Apart from the Bar, they offer continental dishes as a part of their menus such as rotisserie chicken with Seafood, shrimp salad rolls, pasta, and sandwiches. It has a comfortable sitting area with a pretty decent and beautiful décor.

Address: 93, Saraswati Marg, Darshanpura, Airport Road

Contact: +91-7230047230

Hola Spanish Pub

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: Golden tulip

It is a perfect place to unwind after a hectic day, Hola Spanish Pub is hosted by the Hotel Golden Tulip. Choose from the variety of wines and brews from the well-stocked bar. And you can also munch up some quick bites while having a leisurely time with the drinks. The soft lights and the harmonious blend of east and west add up to the happening atmosphere of the place. The charm of the pub gets enhanced by the young people thronging at the place.

Address: 63rd Avenue, Sardarpura, Near Sukhadia Circle

Contact: +91-294-2425501

Somras Pub

Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur
Source: Valleyview

A fun night is guaranteed as soon as you step up in Somras. The perfect blend of earthy tones and warm lights will give a kick to your mood. Choose from the wide range of exotic and domestic brews. Savor the taste of your favorite drink with some delicious snacks to have a good time with the crowd of young people and your usual best friends.

Address: GenX Hotel Valley View, 313024, Airport Rd, Transport Nagar

Contact: +91-294-2490150


Best Pubs and Bars in Udaipur

Hotel Rajdarshan has a total of two bars. One is Trishna bar which is the old one situated at the ground floor and AmBar is the one which is the new seperated bar present on the roof top. Both of these bars will give you an exclusive view to savor the collection of their finest cocktails and liquiors.

Address: 18 Pannadhai Marg, Hotel Rajdarshan, Hathipole, Udaipur

Contact: 0294 2526601

Here was the list of all the popular and best Bars and Pubs in the city. Now, all that you have to do is check out all these places to find out which one of these you like the best. Also, if you have any more suggestions for best Bars in the city, feel free to share the names with us in the comment section below.