
Permission Granted! Check Out The Places & Guidelines To Celebrate Chhath Puja In Udaipur This Year

A sense of divinity, a sense of prosperity runs through the veins in this 4-day festival of Chhath Puja. Chhath is one of the most important and religious Hindu festivals dedicated to Lord Surya and Chhathi Maiya. This year the festival of keeping ‘Nirjala’ fast (a fast without consuming water) for more than 36 hours is commemorating on November 8, 2021 and will end on November 11, 2021.

The festival requires for devotees to perform their rituals by standing with their feet dipped in a water body. Due to the spread of Covid-19, the devotees symbolically did their Chhath Puja as gatherings were prohibited. But to everyone’s surprise, the guidelines have been lifted this year and permission granted, but with the hinge of restrictions.

Let us know more about the guidelines and places to celebrate Chhath Puja in Udaipur, this year. Before that here’s all you want to know about Chhath Puja.


  • There are many stories behind as to why Chhath is celebrated but one of them says that according to Hindu mythology, it is believed that Lord Ram offered prayers to the Sun when he returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.
  • Chhath Puja is celebrated on the sixth day of the month of Kartik, mainly by people who hail from Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha and eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh.
  • It is one of the most auspicious and biggest festivals dedicated to Lord Surya and, during the span of four days, devotees keep a fast that lasts from sunrise to sunset and comprises of more than 36 hours of Nirjala Fast.
  • The timings of Suryodaya (sunrise) and Suryast (Sunset) are highly significant during Chhath Puja and the celebrations begin with ‘Nahay Khay‘ also known as ‘Barona‘, followed by ‘Kharna‘ also known as ‘Sanjhwat‘, ‘Sandhya Arghya‘ and ‘Usha Arghya‘.
  • During this festival of 4 days, the devotees are allowed to consume only Satvik food (without onion and garlic) and prepare the meals with the utmost hygiene and eat only after taking a bath.
  • This year, the festivities of Chhath Puja begin on November 8 with Nahay Khay and will end on November 11 with Usha Arghya.

Four Days of Chhath Puja

  • On the first day of Nahay Khay, devotees take a bath in the holy Ganga water and clean their house and surroundings. Rice, chana dal (split Bengal gram) and bottle gourd are a must on the menu of the devotees on Nahay Khay.
  • The second day is Kharna and on this day devotees fast for the whole day and make a special prasad called Rasaio-Kheer (with jaggery and rice) accompanied with chapatis and eat it before the sunset. Devotees eat the prasad and start their nirjala fast the till Usha Arghya.
  • On the third day of Sandhya Arghya, folk songs are sung at the banks of water bodies and ghats. The worshippers prepare a special sweet dish ‘Thekua or Tikri‘ with jaggery, ghee and flour, which is offered as a prasad to Chhathi Maiya. At the ghat, the devotees take sugarcane along with a basket of fruits and bamboo soops for the evening Arghya. In the evening, at the time of sunset, they offer Arghya to Lord Surya with the family members in a nearby water body or at a ghat, which is also known as Sandhya Arghya or Pehli Arghya.
  • Usha Arghya is the last and fourth day of the four-day-long Chhath festival and is also known as Paran Din. On the final day, devotees offer prayers to the Sun and perform all the religious rituals and customs during the dawn of the day. They stand in the water bodies till the sun rises but some of the devotees sit near the banks until the sun rises. Devotees break their nirjala fast after offering Arghya to the rising sun.


Due to the spread of coronavirus, last year the devotees were not able to gather and perform the rituals near ghats and water bodies. But this year the government has lifted the restrictions and now religious events can be held in both closed and open spaces with covid appropriate behavior of applying mask, sanitizers and social distancing. This has been a good piece of news as, unlike any other year, last year the devotees had to symbolically complete their festive rituals.

Whereas the committee members of the group organizing Chhath Puja events have said that this year, keeping in mind the probable spread on corona, there will not be a grand event but the areas, especially the Dewali end at Fatehsagar has been cleaned by the committee for devotees to come and do their festivities, comfortably.

Places in Udaipur to perform Chhath Puja festivities:

  • Dewali end at Fatehsagar
  • Rani Road
  • Goverdhan Sagar
  • Dudhtalai

(Note: These are the major places where Chhath Puja rituals were performed before the year 2020)

May lord Sun and Chhathi Maiya bring peace, prosperity and enlightenment in your life and may you get to fulfill your dreams and desires.

Happy Chhath Puja!


Guru Purnima: History, Significance, Celebration & Culture

Gurus or teachers are a house full of enlightenment and gratefulness. From showing the paths to a bright future, to contributing in what we are today, they have always been a very significant part of our lives. Bowing to them today, bowing to their dedication and solemnity today on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, we pay gratitude to all the Gurus in our life.

Talking about Indian Traditions, one must know that Gurus in our cultures are akin to gods. So let us know what exactly is Guru Purnima and why and how do we celebrate it.

About Guru Purnima

  • Guru Purnima also known as Vyas Purnima is celebrated on the full moon day of Ashadh month.
  • The Purnima tithi this year starts at 10:45 am on July 23 and ends at 08:08 pm on July 24.
  • It is also named as Vyas Purnima , after the name of famous hindu teacher and scholar Ved Vyas. According to the mythology, this day commemorates as his birthday.
  • The word GURU originates from Sanskrit which literally means ‘the one who frees us of ignorance.
guru shishya

History of Guru Purnima

  • Legends say that Ved Vyas structured the four Vedas, composed the epic of the Mahabharata, created the foundation for the many Puranas and the day of Guru Purnima is to honor him.
  • Some also say that Guru Purnima represents the date on which Lord Shiva as the Adi Guru taught the seven rishis who were the seers of the Vedas.
  • In some parts, Buddhists celebrate this day as Buddha Purnima too as it is believed that Lord Buddha was said to have delivered his first sermon on this day at Sarnath, reflecting the power of this sacred time.

How to celebrate Guru Purnima

  • On this day people worship the gods who are our ultimate teachers in life.
  • It has also been seen that people associate importance of Vishnu pooja with Guru Purnima.
  • The thousand names of Lord Vishnu also known as Vishnu Sahatranam should be recited on this day.
  • The day is celebrated with full vigor and auspiciousness of thanking the lords and the Gurus.

Fasting and food traditions on Guru Purnima

  • Many people fast on this occasion. They refrain from eating salt, rice, heavy foods such as non-vegetarian dishes and other meals made of cereals.
  • They only eat yogurt and fruit mostly.
  • People break their fast after performing puja and other rituals in the evening.
  • In most houses a feast of delicious Indian delicacies like poori, choley, halwa and other exuberant sweets are prepared and enjoyed.

Significance of Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima is being celebrated since ancient times as to feel grateful to have a guru, A teacher in one’s life. We celebrate this day in the remembrance of the efforts of all those who work on us to make us a better human being , to whom we can always look up to, to those who teach us not just to jump the obstacle but to face and overcome it. The significance of a Guru is more than words.

We say here in our culture that a teacher is equivalent to god and after mother and father he/she is the most important person. I feel that’s nowhere wrong. Our teachers, gurus are the people who teach us to face the real life without being biased. They lead us to great ways and we can never be thankful enough. Here’s wishing our guides, our mentors a very happy Guru Purnima.


आज है हरियाली तीज | जानिए इस त्यौहार के बारे में

आज हरियाली तीज के मौके पर हम आपको इसी के कुछ पहलुओं से अवगत करवाने वाले है। हरियाली तीज का त्यौहार प्रतिवर्ष श्रावण के महीने की शुरुवात में मनाया जाता। देवी पार्वती को समर्पित, तीज का त्यौहार देवी पार्वती और भगवान शिव के मिलन की स्मृति में मनाया जाता है। सावन का महीना और भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती का पवित्र रिवायत इस त्यौहार का आधार है।


                            हरियाली तीज का इतिहास

हरियाली तीज का त्यौहार देवी पार्वती का भगवान शिव के प्रति अनंत निष्ठा व प्रेम का प्रतीक है। इस दिन भगवान शिव और देवी पार्वती, हज़ारों सालों के बाद, फिर से, एक हो गए थे। इस त्यौहार के रीति- रिवाज और परंपरा भी प्रेम और निष्ठा के अद्भुत संगम का आधार है। इसका का कुछ विवरण मेवाड़ के इतिहास की प्रसिद्ध किताब, महामहोपाध्याय कविराज श्यामलदास (महाराणा सज्जन सिंह जी के आश्रित कवि) द्वारा रचित  “वीर विनोद” में भी मिल जाता है। किताब का अंश कुछ इस प्रकार है-

“श्रावण शुक्ल 3 को तीज का त्यौहार मनाया जाता है। इस त्यौहार को राजपूताना में राजा व प्रजा सब मानते है, और महाराणा जगनिवास महल में पधार कर गोठ जीमते है और रंगीन रस्सों के झूलो पर औरते झूलती और गायन करती है। शाम के वक़्त महाराणा जुलुस के साथ नाव सवार हो कर राग रंग के किनारे पर पहुंचते है। यदि इच्छा हो तो वह से हाथी या घोड़े पर सवार हो कर सीधे महलो में पधार जाते है। पश्चात, जगनिवास महल और बाड़ी महल में वैसी ही तैयारियाँ होती है जैसी गणगौर के उत्सव में बयान की गयी है।”

News Nation

                                हरियाली तीज का महत्व

सावन का महीना त्यौहार मनाने योग्य ही तो है क्योंकि वर्षा का आगमन जो होता है भूमि पर। इस दिन, सभी वर्ग की औरते लहरिए-बांधनी साड़ी पहने, गेहेनो और मेहँदी से सज कर देवी पार्वती के दर्शन हेतु जाती है और बाघों में झूले लगाए जाते है।  “सावन के झूले” का प्रसंग काफी प्रसिद्ध है। तीज का त्यौहार झूलो के बिना अधूरा सा लगता है और इनकी सजावट भी कुछ राजस्थानी ढंग से की जाती है। चमकीले लाल-पीले-हरे रंग के घाघरा- चोली पहने सभी विवाहित महिलाएँ इन झूलो का आनंद लेती है और साथ ही साथ देवी पार्वती की भक्ति से सराबोर लोक गीत गाती है इसी आशा में की देवी पार्वती सदैव उन पर अपनी कृपा बनाए रखेंगी। सावन के गीत गाने की परंपरा भी काफी प्रचलित है। मेहँदी भी काफी प्रचलित और मान्य परंपराओं में से एक है। मेहँदी और चूडियो से सजे हाथ, तीज के पर्व की शोभा में चार चाँद लगा देते है।तीज के त्यौहार पर घेवर का राजस्थान में एक अलग महत्व है। यह पारंपरिक मिठाई मैदा, चीनी और अलग-अलग ड्राई फ्रूट्स सब मिलकर बनी होती है साथ ही साथ इसके ऊपर केसर का छितराव और चाँदी का वर्क चढ़ा होता है। इस मिठाई की आपको दस के आस-पास वैरायटी देखने को मिल जाएगी जिनमें केसर घेवर, पनीर घेवर, मलाई घेवर बहुत प्रसिद्ध  है। मिठाई पर घी की मोटी परत होने के बावजूद यह खाने में बेहद सुपाच्य मानी जाती है। तीज पर घेवर को शादीशुदा लड़की को देने का भी परंपरा है। सावन मैं घेवर बनाना उत्तम क्यों रहता है, इसके पीछे कारण यह है की यह सावन की नमी भरे वातावरण को पूर्ण रूप से सोख लेता है जिससे इसका स्वाद बना रहता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह मिठाई वाजिद अली शाह द्वारा जयपुर लाई गई थी। इतने सालों के बाद आज भी घेवर राजस्थान के कई भागों में मिल जाता है।


सावन, हरियाली, लहेरिये, झूले, मेहँदी, घेवर, मालपुए यह सभी इस पर्व के पर्याय है और संस्कृति व श्रद्धा से परिपूर्ण यह पर्व आज भी उसी हर्षोउल्लास से मनाया जाता है और आशा यही है की इसकी गरिमा सदैव यूही बनी रहे।


Fascinating Stories of Capturing Gangaur

Gangaur is one of the Mewar’s eagerly awaited festivals. Women worship Gangaur with deep devotion for the long life of their husband while young girls do so to get a spouse of their liking.

Fascinating Stories of Capturing Gangaur
Source: Patrika

According to Dr. Mahendra Bhanawat, an authority on folk culture, there have been several cases of abduction (Kidnapping) of Gangaur. He has heard about quite a few incidents in which to show their valor and to run down others, kings have abducted Gangaur. There are many songs that relate such incidents. No wonder the rulers kept their Gangaurs surrounded by guards.

The beautiful wife of Isar Singh

Beginning with Udaipur, Dr. Bhanawat says that once Viramdas who was related to a royal family had a beautiful daughter who was engaged to Isarsingh of Bundi. Several young men began to envy Isarsingh and wanted to take away his wife. When Isarsingh came to know about it, he rushed to Udaipur and carried away his wife on horseback. On his way back, he found that river Chambal was fully flooded. Without any consideration, he jumped into the river. No wonder, the couple was washed away.

‘Bringing the Gangaur of Jawad’

Dr. Bhanawat relates another incident that he says he heard from Rani Laxmikumar Chundawat of Devgarh. Near Devgarh is a village named Barjal that had a big population of Rawats. Once the wife of Jala Rawat’s brother taunted him saying as if he could bring the Gangaur of Jawad. Jawad was a big jagridari and its Gangaur was very famous. Jala was deeply hurt. He went to Jawad and when the Gangaur was taken out in a procession, he rushed, took away the Gangaur and returned home with it. He was praised highly by the people in the village. ‘Bringing the Gangaur of Jawad’ became a phrase. Later on, this Gangaur was given to Devgarh Thikana by the Rawats.

The capturing of the Gangaur of Kota

Dr. Bhanawat has yet another story about Gangaur. Once someone praised the Gangaur of Kota before Maharana Swarup Singh. He challenged everybody to bring it to Udaipur. Kunwar Lalsingh of Gogunda accepted the challenge and went away to Kota. When the festival of Gangaur was being celebrated Lalsingh sent a message to the Durbar that from a distance had come to a horse rider who was expert at making a Gangaur on a horse dance. The Durbar was amazed and called Lalsingh. Lalsingh entered the place, lifted the Gangaur, put it on the horse and began to move the horse slowly. Then he gradually increased the speed and suddenly made the horse gallop away. The shocked Durbar asked his horse riders to chase Lalsingh but to no one availed. Lalsingh returned home and presented the Gangaur to the Maharana. The Maharana was all praise for Lalsingh and asked him to keep the Gangaur with him. This very Gangaur is a big attraction during the Gangaur Mela at Gogunda and is taken out in a procession. This Mela takes place at night. Thousands of tribal folks from neighboring villages add to the attraction of this fair with dancing and singing. Dr. Bhanawat adds that he learned about this incident from Purohit Bherunlal of Gogunda when he met him in 1975.

The Broken Gangaur

According to Dr. Bhanawat Rao Manohar Singh of Bedla Thikana has a Gangaur that has only its trunk. Rao Saheb does not remember from where it was brought. But he had heard from his forefathers that its limbs were broken in a fight and only its trunk was brought on the tip of the lance. This 300-400-year-old Gangaur is still worshipped reverently. It is extremely beautiful and is dressed in expensive clothes in such a way that its disability is not revealed.

Gangaur of Bikaner state

Dr. Bhanawat says that as ordered by Maharawal of Jaisalmer, Bhati Mehajal and his group took away by force the Gangaur of Bikaner state. Then Lakhan Singh son of Bitwar Khangir Singh attacked the Bhatis and killed Mehajal. Pleased by this act, Maharaja Karansigh of Bikaner gave Loha village of Ratangarh tehsil of Churu district to Lakhan Singh. The latter is still remembered for his valor.

Gangaur of Merta City where the Gangaur is guarded with Guns

Saubhagya Singh Shekhawat an eminent scholar of Dingal literature wrote in a letter to Dr. Bhanwat that once Ramsignh Khangarot of Singhpri near Jubner took away the Gangaur of Merta City. He was the Faujdar of Sikar Thikana. Villagers of the area are still so frightened of him that they guard their Gangaur with guns, bows, arrows and ‘lathis’.

The origin of the song ‘Aage Aage Gindoli, Pachhe Jagmal Kanwar’

Rani Laxmikumari Chundawat related one more incident to Dr. Bhanawat. Once Hathikhan, Subedar of Patan forcibly carried 140 girls when they were celebrating Teej and presented them to the Badshah of Ahmedabad. Jagmal was not in the village at that time. He was furious when he returned and learned about the incident. He vowed not to shave, wear clean clothes or put on Pagdi till he took revenge. On the occasion of Gangaur when Gindoli the daughter of Badshah Mehmood Baig came out to see the procession, the Pradhan of Jagmal, Bhopji Hool reached there with his group and captured her. When, after the immersion of Gangaur, the procession, the Pradhan of Jagmal was returning Bhopji reached there with Gindoli. Jagmal was extremely happy. He kept Gindoli in the front of the procession and himself at the back. This is the origin of the song ‘Aage Aage Gindoli, Pachhe Jagmal Kanwar’ that still reminds people of the incident.

Fascinating Stories of Capturing Gangaur
Source: Patrika

Sharad Rang – Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

Udaipur recently hosted a one of its kind food and music fest, organized by the West Zone Cultural Centre (WZCC) almost a week ago from October 25th to 29th at Shilpgram, which inevitably was one of the biggest food festivals to have been conducted in the city, funnily enough, agreeing to the fact that not many food festivals have been arranged in the city within the past few years. Nevertheless, as they say, its never too late, and so with the setting up of Sharad Rang – Food and Music Festival, we received an opportunity to witness exhilarating performances by different artists from all over the country delivering breathtaking dance and musical performances while hogging on some mouth-watering traditional delicacies of various states of India.

For those who missed a chance to munch on some of the very many delicious food items presented at the fest, here’s a quick overview of the different stalls and the mélange of food served  :

  1. Awadh ki Mithai

    Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

          The stall, as the name suggests had decorated containers of mithai (sweets) but didn’t quite boast of Awadhi sweets in particular. Although whatever that we tasted was very fresh and good, it didn’t totally feel like we were trying something new. They had Rabdi, Kulfi, Gulab Jamun and Kesariya Doodh (Saffron Milk) and were very affectionate, because obviously, ‘Muskuraiye, ap Lucknow mein hai!’

      2. Lucknowi Chaat

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

This was yet another stall owned by the same smiling face who served us Kulfi and Gula Jamuns. This stall had Basket Chaat, Baingan Chaat (Brinjal Chaat), Palak Chaat (Spinach Chaat), Moong Daal aur Mewa ka Dahi Bada. We tasted the Palak and the Basket Chaat and the first bite alone left us ordering a second one! Crispy and tangy just what a chaat should taste like.

      3. Kashmiri Food

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

Well, Kashmiris weren’t far behind in the race too. Coming all the way down to Rajasthan, they obviously had something appetizing in their menu too. While we sipped on Kahwa (a Kashmiri drink made of green tea, saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, and almonds), the owner of the stall told us about the delicacies he had prepared. Specialities included Rista, Gushtaba, Chicken Dhaniya Korma and Rogan Josh! Beginning of a Daawat surely, no?

      4. Maharashtrian food – Neelam food

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

Maharashtrians came with their set of preparations as well. Serving Zunka Bakar (a tempting preparation of  Jowar and Gramflour, the staple food of rural Maharashtra), Chaat Cone, Sabudana Vada, Puran Poli (sweet flat bread made with gram flour and jaggery stuffing) and Matka Roti, it was no doubt one of the major attractions of the festival, having already hooked the nation to the world famous Vada Pav! Are you addicted too!?

      5. Gujarati Food

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

Gujaratis never lag behind, you just name anything, and Gujaratis are sure to put you in awe. Nothing less can be said for Gujarati food and the love that they sprinkle over it. How could anybody not like the food served with so much of love and warmth? Gujarat brought a dozen of dishes on the plate to devour. Ranging from Thepla, Methi Gota, Ragda Patis, Undhiyu, Khandvi to Dabeli, Fafda, Jalebi, they had almost all of Gujarat kept on the table. Even we got confused what to eat and what not to!

      6. Bihari food

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

This was apparently the most talked about stall of all. Food from Gujarat, Maharashtra and the South is much talked about these days, but we know very little of what Bihar has to offer. We were quite impressed seeing the crowd rushing to savor food from Bihar and eating with such fervor their specialties like Litti Chokha (Litti – lentil stuffed balls made of wheat, Chokha – dip made of eggplant, mashed potatoes, and tomato), Mawa ki Anarsa, Shahi Hing Kachori, Ghugni, Sattu Kachori, Mawa ka Chandrakala, Lal Mohan. Litti in the Litti Chokha had striking similarities with Baati, the only different thing being the gram flour stuffing.

      7. South and Punjabi food – Radha Rasoi

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

South Indian and Punjabi food is not new to Rajasthan. It has become a part of almost every restaurant menu and wedding and other celebrations. We had hoped for some better and new dishes apart from the Masala Dosa, Aloo Paratha, Gobhi Paratha, Spider Roll (similar to spring roll) but it failed to amaze us. The food was cold and double fried (referring to the Spider Roll here). There was one similar stall also serving Punjabi food in the form of Chole Bhature, Amritsari Kulcha, Sarso ka Saag, Makai ki Roti, which was otherwise fresh and tasty but didn’t quite hit the mark.

      8. Lucknowi food – Wahid Biriyani

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

Lucknow has seen the footfall of various Nawabs in history and unlike any other stall we had high hopes for finding nice non-vegetarian food from Lucknow and just when we started feeling the absence of one, this came to the rescue! This was a huge setup and served vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian delicacies but with a drawback; they cooked both veg and non-veg in the same pan using the same oil which made it really worrisome for some vegetarians to choose to eat there. Apart from this, Mr. Aabid Ali Qureshi was a jolly person and insisted us on tasting each and everything. We tasted the Zaafrani Phirni which was mindblowing and some other specialties being Galauti Kebab, Chicken Masala, Mutton and Chicken Biriyani, Warki Paratha, Reshmi Tikka and Roasted Chicken. It was truly a treat for non-vegetarians.

      9. Padam Thaal and Aapno Rajasthan

Sharad Rang - Food and Music Festival, reviving traditional delicacies

How can Rajashtanis be left behind when there’s food been talked about on the counter!? People ate Daal Baati Churma, Besan Gatte ki Sabzi, Papad Methi, Ker Sangri, Sev Tamatar, Mawa Kachori, Jodhpuri Mirchibada, Ajmer Kadi Kachori, Bikaneri Jalebi, and Bajre ki Roti with equal craze and excitement and enjoyed beyond limits. Afterall, a happy stomach is a happy soul!


What are your views? Should we have more festivals like these in our city?


We would love to receive a feedback from you and make improvements for our upcoming articles. Please comment your suggestions and thoughts below. Don’t forget to share. Happy Eating!


P.S – The information mentioned above has been numbered just for the sake of reading and doesn’t pertain to any ranking of any sort.



देव उत्थापनि एकादशी

dev jhulni ekadashi
विश्व का भरण पोषण करने वाले भगवान् विष्णु वैसे तो क्षण भर का भी विश्राम नहीं करते ,किंतु भारतीय संस्कृति ने देह एवं देव में विभेद न करते हुए समग्र पूजन-अर्चन-वंदन को एक सूत्र में आचरण के लिए निर्देशित किया है-” यथा देहे तथा देवे ” अर्थात जिस प्रकार हम शरीर(देह) का प्रतिदिन स्नान , भोजन , वस्त्राभरण , शयन व जागरण का विधान करते है, उसी प्रकार देवताओं को भी पूजा में स्नानार्थ जल , भोजन हेतु नैवैद्य  (प्रसाद)  एवं वस्त्र-आभरण में श्रृंगार  आदि समर्पित करते है। विष्णु हमारे ह्रदय में निवास करते है ,”हृदये विष्णुं ध्यायते “।

ह्रदय एक क्षण के लिए भी  विश्राम नहीं लेता , किन्तु वैज्ञानिक तथ्य है कि ‘ लुब-डब ‘ की ध्वनि के बीच सैकंड से भी कम समय में ह्रदय विश्राम कर लेता है, कथा है कि –
भाद्रपद मास कि शुक्ल एकादशी को शंखासुर नाम के राक्षस से संग्राम करते हुए विष्णु  भगवान ने उसका वध कर दिया , तदुपरांत अत्यधिक  परिश्रम से हुई थकान दूर करने के लिए विष्णु क्षीर सागर में शयन करने लगे । क्षीर सागर में चार माह तक शयन के उपरांत कार्तिक शुक्ल एकादशी को भगवान विष्णु शयन त्यागकर जागृत हुए । इसी भावना से इस एकादशी को देवोत्थापनी एकादशी या प्रबोधिनी एकादशी से संबोधित किया जाता है । सामाजिक संस्कारो का आज से शुभारंभ हो जाता है।

विवाह आदि शुभ कार्य प्रारंभ होने लगते है, वस्तुतः ग्रीष्म एवं वर्षा ऋतु में अत्यधिक ऊष्मा एवं जलप्लावन ,  आंधी , तूफ़ान आदि मौसम से होने वाली आपदाएं शांत होने से, क्षीत ऋतु  के आगमन से प्राणियों में उर्जा एवं शक्ति का संचार होने लगता है जिससे हम अपने कार्यों को, कामनाओं को पूरा करने में  तन-मन से सक्षम हो जाते है। नए धान्य की उपज से प्राप्त आर्थिक संसाधन भी हमें प्राप्त हो जाते है , अतः देव प्रबोधिनी के पश्च्यात शुभ कार्यो के लिए मुहूर्त बताये जाते है।

इसी दिन तुलसी विवाह की भी परम्परा मनुष्य जाती की वनस्पतियों के प्रति सजीव भावना की परिचायक है । तुलसी को एक पौधा न मानकर जीवन रक्षक, तथा हमारी रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बढाने वाली वनस्पति के रूप  में  देखा  जाता  है।   तुलसी को विष्णु की प्रेयसी के रूप में सम्मानित  कर शालिग्राम स्वरुप से तुलसी विवाह करवाकर अपनी कृतज्ञतामयी भावनाएं समर्पित की जाती है।

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देवाराधन के ये विशिष्ट प्रयोजन परंपरा के रूप में  ऋषियों- मुनियों  ने   समाज की समृद्धि एवं सुखी जीवन के लिए निर्धारित किये हैं जो उत्कृष्ट मानवीय सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति के द्योतक हैं, परिचायक हैं-

          ” सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः 
             सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः”


Article By : Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma


Health & Fashion

Get Gorgeous Tips for Roop Chaudas

Hey Udaipies! Heartiest greetings for the auspicious occasion of the Diwali Season. As we all know, today, the day before Diwali is celebrated as Roop Chaudas, or Roop Chaturdashi. Today is the day when Lord Krishna, along with his wife Satyabhama killed the devil Narkasur, and freed the people from his cruelity. Hence, this day is also known as Narak Chaturdashi. Anyways, this post is not about historical importance of the day, but concerned about the roop, shringaar for the Indian beauties. Ms. Paridhi Bansal shares few tips that can be easily followed in the Indian homes, and can prove really helpful to enhance your beauty. So ladies, kindly note down the tips that are being discussed here, or just bookmark this useful page for all time.

udaipurblog.comImage Credits

Besan Paste:

This multipurpose magic flour can be found in every kitchen, and magically works on all skin types. All you need to do is use it along with some drops of honey, lemon and milk cream/milk powder. Make a paste of all these ingredients in rose water and use this as face pack. Quick dry in 20min and than rinse it off.

This will give you smooth, supple, clear and glowing skin.

Multani Mitti Pack:

For women who have oily skin, they just need to make a paste of multani mitti with rose water with a pinch of lemon juice. Apply on clean face and let it dry. Rinse with water after 15 minutes, and apply Vitamin-A moisturizer, and you are here with a charming face, even the mirror won’t miss a chance to stare you.

Wheat flour scrub:

Make a paste of wheat along with rose water + haldi (turmeric powder) + drops of lemon juice. Scrub for 7min. and wash it off. This will remove all the dead skin from your face and will give you smooth flawless skin.


The all time favourite cotent from all the fairness creams and stuffs has more functionality in its raw form. Aloevera can be used time to time to make your skin shine.

Cut a fresh Aloe Leaf (if you don’t have it, get it plucked from your neighbourhood, it is widely available thoughout Udaipur ). Clean the outer layer with kitchen knife and apply this fresh gel on your face. Massage it slowly and gradually for 20 minutes. After massage let it dry for 10min and take a bath. After that, your skin will be more tight and shiny.

Oops! Sorry Ladies, this post cheated you. This wasn’t only a post for beauty tips only dedicated for women, but also for men. So the Handsome Hunks, all you need to do is either make efforts to enter the kitchen and do this stuff for the sake of a charming, glowing, smoother skin, or ask your Wife/Mom/Sister/Daughter to make a paste for you from the above given tips and use it successfully for according to your skin type. I’m pretty hopeful that the ladies won’t let you down, and thus, you could get yourself a better makeover that will attract everyone, and even you will get a much refreshing experience on this festive season.

Events News Photos and Videos

National Youth Festival 2011: The Memories it left behind

Youth Festival collageclick on image to enlarge

Finally it was the 16th of January, when the 16th National Youth Festival ended, everyone was sad for they had enjoyed a new world in these days, as the whole India was brought to our own beautiful city of lakes for 12th to 16th January, and yes, we too were happy and proud to host such a great festival in our city for the first time, which was otherwise held in the capital cities of the states only.

Everyday there were variety of competitions at different locations of our city, along with a great night show in the Maharana Bhupal Stadium (Gandhi Ground). For those who have missed any part of the NYF, here we bring to you a complete wrap up of these Festive days

Here below I am mentioning the day by day different events that were held throughout the city. But before that take a look on two events that was open for all the days.

1. Yuvakriti: The mouth watering food festival at Shilpgram

Inaugurated by the sports minister, Mr. M.S. Gill, this was a mouth watering event open for all Udaipies; different cuisines were prepared which represented the complete India in Shilpgram itself. They were available at a price scheme of NO PROFIT NO LOSS fixed by the organisers.

food festfood festfood festival yuvakriti

2. Adventure Camp at Railway Training College ground

This place was all about the thrill, the excitement, and huge bursts of adrenaline rushes. Para-sailing, Para-gliding, Hot-air balloon thrilled Udaipies to the extreme.

DAY-1 (12th January 2011): Opening

This day marked the opening of the youth festival in our city opening ceremony was held in Gandhi ground in the day. It was inaugurated by our hon’ble Vice President of India Mr. Hamid Ansari, in presence of the delegates from SAARC, Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Mr. Ashok Gehlot, Sports Minister Mr. M.S. Gill, and many more honourable guests.

chief guests

There was a march past of all the participant states in which the city witnessed the overwhelming spirit and culture of entire India

Night Show: At night, there was a laser show depicting the life of Swami Vivekananda, followed by massive boosts of fireworks, and then foot tapping performance by Punjabi singer Jasbeer Jassi.

Day-2 (13th January 2011)

The day was full of competitions, whose glimpses we provide you below.

Night Show: There was a show by Sudesh Bhosle at night in the Gandhi ground.

Day-3 (14th January 2011)

A Day full of competitions, whose glimpses we provide you below.

Night Show: A heart throbbing performance by Rock Bands made people thrill to their max. The show was started by “Soulmate”, followed by “Mystic Rhythms” and finally the excited adrenaline rush was taken to the extreme by “Parikrama”.

Day-4 (15th January 2011)

A Day full of competitions, whose glimpses we provide you below.

Night Show: Much awaited performance by Sonu Nigam who made Udaipur wait for his entry for a long time. Uncontrollable crowd made the work of Police Force and the security much difficult. But finally he entered the show, and really rocked it.

Day-5(16th January 2011): Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony was held in Railway Training College ground, where there were amazing stunts performed by the Indian Armed Forces. Nine divers of Indian Air Force, from the team “AKASHGANGA”, headed by Wing Commander Jai Kishan, were dropped by an IAF Aircraft. They showed their extra-ordinary courage and performed different styles after jumping from an altitude of 5000feet carrying the Indian National Flag.

This was followed by the acrobatics and stunts, the “DAREDEVILS” team of Indian Army (Military Police). All were equipped with their “SAFED ASHWA/WHITE HORSE” which were white coloured Bullet motorcycles, and did amazing wonders with them, along with the stunts; there were two army men, dressed as jokers who amused the audience with their crazy stunts.

For a detailed photo story on the Daredevil Show, Click here

There was performance by the army band, which was followed by cultural programmes, and the prize distribution ceremony, and finally the Youth Festival said “Good Bye Udaipur” with a pledge to keep alive the spirit of “Sabse Pehle Bharat” forever.

We are thankful to our team members as well as our contributors for getting us news updates, photos and videos from across all parts of the city for all these days of the youth festival.

Photos by (in alphabetical order)–

Videos by

Photos and Videos

Jai Jawaan: Our Real Heroes rock the NYF with their Stunts

Indian Army Stunt Team

On 15th of January 2010, Udaipur witnessed an amazing and heart-throbbing event which took place at the Railway Training College Ground. The ground was full with crowd, and the city witnessed first of its kind bike stunt show by the Indian Daredevils on account of celebration for the National Youth Festival. Every witness wowed on every move of our Indian Army men who were just doing miracles on their bullet motorbikes.

Video of these Biking dare devils on final day of NYF2011

Believing in the saying – “Actions speak louder than words”, we end up the text here only, leaving below a complete photo story of the thrilling day at Railway Training College.

On 15th of January 2010, Udaipur witnessed an amazing and heart-throbbing event which took place at the Railway Training College Ground. The ground was full with crowd. Every witness wowed on every move of our Indian Army men who were just doing miracles on their bullet motorbikes.

Believing in the saying – “Actions speak louder than words”, we end up the text here only, leaving below a complete photo story of the thrilling day at Railway Training College.

Photographs exclusively shot by- Prasun Bannerjee


Happy Makar Sankranti : Uttarayana 2011

Makar Sankranthi, or Sankranti is a popular Indian festival. It is celebrated in many parts of the country and also in some other parts of the world with great zeal and enthusiasm. It is a harvest festival which is basically celebrated in the Hindu communities. In Indian, the states of Bihar, Bengal, Punjab, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu celebrate the festival with great fervor and gusto.In Tamil Nadu the festival is known as Pongal, in Assam as Bhogali Bihu, in Punjab, as Lohiri, in Gujarat and Rajasthan, as Uttarayana.

The festival of Makar Sankranti marks the day when the sun begins its northward journey as scientifically said that around December 21-22 is the shortest day of the year. After that the day span usually gets longer. Hence, Winter Solstice actually begins around this date when the tropical sun moves into the Makar rashi or Capricorn zodiac sign and enters the sign of Makar (the Capricorn) from the Tropic of Cancer. It is like the movement of sun from Dakshinayana (south) to Uttarayana (north) hemisphere.This day falls on the 14th of January every year according to the Hindu Solar Calendar. The festival is considered to be a day from where onwards all the auspicious and ritualistic ceremonies can be solemnized in any Hindu family.This is thus considered as the holy phase of transition.

Makar Sankranti holds special significance in the solar calendar as on this day, the duration of the day and night remains equal. There are several important legends and myths associated with the origin of Makar Sankranti. The special significance of this day was recognized even by the Aryans and they largely celebrated the festival of Makar Sankranti. Warrior-hero Bhishma Pitamah even after being offended in the Mahabharata war lingered on till Uttarayana set in. Death on this day is set to bring Moksha or recovery for the deceased.

Since the festival is celebrated in the mid winter, the food prepared for this festival are such that they keep the body warm and give high energy. Laddu of til made with Jaggery (Gul)is specialty of the festival.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated all across the country with great zeal, vigor and fervor. India being such a diverse country, all states celebrate this festival in their own individual style, tradition and culture.For the people in the Indo Gangetic plain, the day begins with taking dips in the Ganga and offering water to the Sun God. The dip is said to purify the self and bestow punya. Special puja is offered as a thanksgiving for good harvest. According to folklore, girls who take the holy dip get handsome husbands and boys get beautiful brides.

While in the Western part of the country like in Gujarat and Rajasthan (including Udaipur) people offer prayers to the Sun God. They do this by flying beautiful kites.While in mewar junction of Rajasthan (including Udaipur) people also play Sitoliya (a game with 7 marble pieces and a ball). Although Kite flying festivals are organized throughout the country it takes place mostly in western India.

In rural places, cock fight is organised by the people. The villagers make merry by eating the cock which loses the competition.On this day, Saraswati, Goddess of Knowledge, is also paid respect.In South India, Makar Sankranti is a four-day long festival, each day signifying something important.People decorate their houses with mango leaves. Sesame sweets are prepared as a part of the festive feast.A dish made of rice called “Pongal” is relished on Sankranthi. This is the main delicacy of the festival in the south.

The festival of Makar Sankranti ties up states as flowers into a scared thread of joy and affection. Just like tying up many color flowers to one thread to increase its beauty. This festival also increases the dignity of nation by tying the states together so wish you all have a bombastic and joyfull Makar Sankranti.

Udaipurblog Team wishes you all a Very Happy Makar Sankranti !!! 🙂