
राजस्थान के आखिरी सफ़ेद बाघ की मौत

जयपुर स्थित नाहरगढ़ बायोलॉजिकल पार्क के सफ़ेद बाघ चीनू की मौत हो गई। वह प्रदेश का एकमात्र आखिरी सफ़ेद बाघ था जिसने रविवार को दोपहर में तड़प तड़प कर अपना दम तोड़ दिया। चीनू को पिछले साल 17 मार्च को ज़ू एक्सचेंज से जयपुर लाया गया था। वह छः दिन से बीमार था और उसने एक सप्ताह से खाना पीना भी छोड़ दिया था। क्षेत्रीय वन अधिकारी गौरव ने बताया की 5 दिन से जयपुर,चेन्नई,बरेली,ओडिशा इन जगह के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा चीनू का इलाज चल रहा था।

मेडिकल बोर्ड ने मौत का कारण हार्ट अटैक बताया है और यह भी बताया है कि बाघ की एक किडनी सामान्य की तुलना में बड़ी पाई गई थी। बाघ के सैम्पलों को बरेली स्थित IVRI में जांच के लिए भेजा गया था। वहां से रिपोर्ट मिलने के बाद ही मौत का कारण पूरी तरह स्पष्ट हो पाएगा।

नाहरगढ़ बायोलॉजिकल पार्क तीन साल से दुर्लभ वन्यजीवों के लिए मौत का स्थान बना हुआ है। यहाँ 27 सितम्बर 2019 को केनाइन डिस्टेंपर से बाघ सीता और 4 अगस्त 2020 को लेप्टोस्पायरोसिस से बाघ राजा की मौत हो गई थी। चीनू प्रदेश का आखिरी सफ़ेद बाघ था। अब प्रदेश में एक भी सफ़ेद बाघ नहीं बचा है।


श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ के 75 साल पूरे होने पर आज आयोजित हुआ हीरक जयंती समारोह

श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ के 75 वर्ष पूर्ण होने पर आज राजस्थान की राजधानी जयपुर में देशभर से क्षत्रिय समाज के लोग जुटे। राजपूत समाज के संगठन श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ की हीरक जयंती समारोह को धूमधाम से मनाया गया। समारोह का आयोजन जयपुर के सीकर रोड स्थित भवानी निकेतन में हुआ।

जब भी बात श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ की होती है तो एक शख़्स को हमेशा याद किया जाता है वो हैं तन सिंह जी। तन सिंह जी ने ही आज से 75 साल पहले समाज को संगठित और संस्कारित करने की ठानी थी और इस संघ की स्थापना 22 दिसंबर 1946 में की थी।

आइए जाने श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ के संस्थापक तन सिंह के बारे में

  • जैसलमेर के बैरसियाला गांव में ठाकुर बलवंत सिंह महेचा और मातीकंवर सोढ़ा के यहाँ 25 जनवरी 1924 को तन सिंह का जन्म हुआ।
  • 4 साल बाद ही उनके पिता का देहांत हो गया और मां ने उन्हें पढ़ने के लिए 80 किलोमीटर दूर बाड़मेर भेज दिया।
    हालांकि उनका मूल गांव बाड़मेर में रामदेरिया है।
  • पिता की मृत्यु होने के बाद 4 साल की उम्र में ही ‘तणेराज’, ‘ठाकुर तन सिंह’ बन गए।
  • बाड़मेर में पढ़ाई पूरी करने के बाद तन सिंह 14 की उम्र में ही जोधपुर आ गए जहां उन्होंने 10वीं तक की पढ़ाई पूरी की।
  • इसके बाद 1942 में कॉलेज की पढ़ाई पूरी करने के लिए झुंझुनूं के पिलानी में बिरला कॉलेज गए और बीए कर 1946 में नागपुर से वकालत की। तन सिंह ने एक लंबा राजनीतिक सफर तय किया, जहां वह 1949 में बाड़मेर नगर पालिका के अध्यक्ष बने।
  • वे 1952 और 1957 में बाड़मेर से विधायक चुने गए और 1962 और 1977 में बाड़मेर से सांसद चुनकर लोकसभा पहुंचे।
  • इस सब के साथ-साथ वे एक जाने-माने लेखक भी थे।

ऐसे हुई श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ की शुरुआत

बताया जाता है कि तन सिंह के अंदर काफी कम उम्र से ही समाज के लिए कुछ करने की ललक थी। वह समाज और उसे सुधरने के बारे में सोचते थे। ऐसे में कॉलेज के दौरान ही तन सिंह ने 1944 में राजपूत छात्रावास में दिवाली के दिन क्षत्रिय युवक संघ की स्थापना की जिसके बाद 5 और 6 मई 1945 को इसका पहला अधिवेशन जोधपुर में हुआ।

तन सिंह ने 1949 तक संघ प्रमुख का पद संभाला उसके बाद राजनीति में जाने के बाद आयुवान सिंह हुडील को संघ प्रमुख बनाया गया। आयुवान सिंह के राजनीति छोड़ने के बाद तन सिंह ने फिर यह पद संभाला और 1969 तक वे संघ के प्रमुख रहे। वर्तमान में भगवान सिंह रोलसाहबसर संघ प्रमुख हैं।

आयोजन समिति ने बताया कि इस समारोह के लिये जैसलमेर से 24 कोच की ट्रेन की बुकिंग करवाई गई है। इसके लिए संघ की ओर से बतौर किराया रेलवे को 30 लाख रुपये जमा करवाए गए हैं। आयोजकों के दावे के अनुसार यह पहली बार है की राजस्थान में किसी सामाजिक कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने के लिये 24 कोच की पूरी ट्रेन बुक करवाई गई है।

इस आयोजन में कई पार्टियों से जुड़े राष्ट्रीय स्तर के कई नेता शामिल हुए। समारोह से पहले बाड़मेर से हीरक जयंती रथ ने करीब 5000 किलोमीटर की यात्रा भी की है। हीरक जयंती पर प्रदेश के सभी धर्म जाति संगठनों के प्रमुखों को आमंत्रित किया गया है।

श्री क्षत्रिय युवक संघ के 75 साल बाद भी आज संघ तन सिंह के आदर्शों पर चलता है। वहीं तन सिंह ने अपने जीवनकाल में कई किताबें भी लिखी। ऐसे में 22 दिसंबर 2021 को तन सिंह के विचारों पर फिर से एकजुट होने के लिए समाज एकत्रित हुआ।


Condé Nast Reader Travel Awards 2021 List Is Out & Udaipur Has Made It To The Significant Top

The year 2021 has been a year full of ups & downs. Well, for Udaipur we can say mostly up! Because with all the recognition & awards coming, we’ve bagged a bunch of new titles and are going to end this year on a happy note.

Condé Nast Reader Travel Awards 2021 list is out & Udaipur has made it to the significant top, worldwide. In the list, the awards were issued in 24 different categories including states, cities, palaces, hotels, airports, airlines and more. And apparently, the cities of Rajasthan made it to the winner or runner up in 8 different categories in which Udaipur, Jaipur & Jodhpur made their places in the top.

Some good news for Rajasthan!

According to Condé Nast Traveler Magazine India, Rajasthan is considered to be the most favorite state in the country for road trips and that is even more than Himachal Pradesh. Now wait, there’s more for our state. Again, according to the magazine, Rajasthan has been considered as the second most favorite state of the country for holiday destinations. Bombs of merriment, all over the place!

Categories where Udaipur, Jaipur & Jodhpur did wonders

Favorite Hotel for Weddings in India: Hotel Leela Palace, Udaipur bagged the place of number one in this category. On the other hand, Rambagh Palace, Jaipur was placed second in line. In this category, both the hotels in the top-2 are from Rajasthan and Rajasthan is already people’s favorite place for Royal and Destination Wedding. Literally, who missed the wedding of the year, #vikat wedding.

Favorite Indian Leisure Hotel: Being on the bank of lakes of Udaipur, the Leela Palace is on the second rank in this category. Tourists from all over the country have considered the Leela Palace as the favorite hotel for a leisure holiday.

Favorite Spa in Indian Hotel: The Leela Palace in Udaipur has been considered as the best spa hotel in the country. And now you know your new spa destination.

Favorite Home Stay in India: Premkunj of Udaipur has been voted as the second-best homestay in the country. Situated amidst the striking and calm Aravalis, the place offers a majestic view and long-lost solace with perks like bird watching.

Favorite Indian Heritage Hotel: Umaid Bhawan Palace Hotel in Jodhpur has been voted as the most preferred heritage hotel in the country. Who would not vote for this; remember the famous & extravagant Priyanka Chopra & Nick Jonas’s grand wedding?

Favorite Indian Boutique Hotel: Samod Haveli, Jaipur has been ranked second in this category.

What better way to end the year than on such good notes, right? We’re not greedy but where’s the harm to letting more awards come our way!

Health & Fashion People Social

Meet the Woman from Udaipur who generates employment for 300 People

aavaran logo
aavaran logo

AAVARAN (means ‘covering’ in Mewari language) was founded by Mrs Alka Sharma, textile graduate from Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, Jaipur, Rajasthan, by this Alka wanted to uphold rural and indigenous communities and preserve their ‘traditional’ craft.

The initiative was started from Akola, which is a block printing cluster near Udaipur. The aim was to revive the culture so that the coming generations can carry the art forward.

AAVARAN’s workshop is predominantly of blue-white color, starting from the paint at the walls to cushion covers to pouches to the chappals to everything.

aavaran udaipur
aavaran udaipur
aavaran timeline
AAVARAN timeline

The process at AAVARAN is totally conventional, that’s why the job is very labour intensive. They develop cloth from various types of cotton and silk (chanderi and kotadoriya). The cotton cloth takes around 15-20 days to develop whereas silk takes around a month because mud-resistant is to be applied on the fabric for 4-5 days and then it’s bleached.

Cloth at AAVARAN goes through following stages to reach to you:

  1. The fabric is imported from the Southern part of India.
  2. The fabric is then washed to remove the impurities of the fabric which are the barrier in the printing procedure.
  3. The fabric is then checked to ensure that there aren’t any weave-mistakes or holes.
  4. The plain cloth is dyed with various dyes, one of them being indigo dye.
  5. The fabric is then printed in different colors and blocks.
  6. The printed cloth is embroidered and stitched upon.
  7. The stitched cloth is then packed in the stock room.
  8. The finished product is consumed by both domestic and international markets.

    aavaran udaipur
    aavaran udaipur

AAVARAN’s speciality is Dabu print which is traditional hand block printing craftsmanship from vintage Rajasthan. It is made from Dabu which is a mud resist process, and comprises of black soil, gum (gond) and chuna (calcium hydroxide). A mixture of beedan and ground along with mud is used to make a sticky paste. Dabu is applied to the fabric using wooden blocks. At AAVARAN, artisans make use of single and double dabu dexterities for cloth printing.

aavaran dabu print
aavaran dabu print

AAVARAN’s USP is that they manufacture Indigo printed clothes which is Mewar’s ancient expertise. They have 4 pits, each 9ft deep for bleaching the cloth with Indigo. After bleaching/dying the cloth is of greenish shade but turns into blue after exposed oxidization.

AAVARAN also specialize in Lep, as its literal meaning, mud is evenly spread on the cloth and left for drying after which the cloth is bleached and color texture can be seen in different shades on the same piece.

Zari and zardozi are one of the major embroidery craft done at AAVARAN.

aavaran embroidery
aavaran embroidery

Till now around 300 people have been employed by this initiative out of which 100 are in-house employees at AAVARAN who are engaged in Block Printing, Stitching, Dyeing etc., Udaipur and other 200 are women in and around Udaipur who work in clusters of 30 each and do dari making, tassel making, button making etc.

aavaran group photo
aavaran group photo

AAVARAN manufactures women’s sarees, shirts, kurtas, tops, dupattas, pyjamas and skirts. The brand also has a men’s cloth line and children’s range as well as home decor such as bedsheets, carpets, cushion covers, etc.

Currently, their trade is Brand to Brand, they cater to Fabindia, Kilol and many other brands of Japan and Korea. They have 3 retail stores in Udaipur, Jaipur and Bangalore each; they’ll soon be opening in Chandigarh as well.

aavaran store udaipur
aavaran store udaipur

“We are a zero-waste company because we utilize all our scrapes in making home furnishings, jewelry, bags, pouches and many other embellishments” ~says Mrs Alka Sharma.


Five Festivals of Jaipur That Add To the Vibrancy of the Pink City

Popularly known as the Pink city, Jaipur is known for its colors and vibrancy. It remains on top of the list of tourist destinations in India mainly because of its enigmatic and beautiful heritage. The people of Jaipur are enthusiastic and lively, bringing the city to life by celebrations of various festivals all year long. During these festivals, all the establishments in this city—from roadside dhabas to 5-star hotels in the Pink City, the likes of The Lalit—have schemes and deals in celebration of the festivities.

The state Rajasthan has myriad forms of folk entertainment, traditions, and customs, which vary from one region to the next. This makes it diverse and united at the same time. The one thing that keeps people together despite their varying traditions is the fact that they do it together, with joy and a keen interest to keep the age-old traditions afloat in this contemporary world. As festivals are the perfect way to enhance the bonds between people with different roots, the various festivals celebrated in Jaipur help people from different regions, caste and creed come together and appreciate each other.

Here are some famous festivals celebrated with immense glory and merriment in the Pink City:


  • Elephant Festival

Celebrated in the month of February and March, the Elephant Festival is held on the full moon day of ‘Phalgun Purnima’. The highlights of this interesting festival are the elephant polo and elephant dances that are truly grand and mesmerizing. There are processions of bedecked elephants that are dressed in vibrant colors, bright saddle cloth, jewelry, etc. Colored powder or ‘gulaal’ is also sprinkled on these glorious elephants. These processions are truly a sight to behold. Along with this tradition, there are other activities as well, like a tug-o-war between the elephants and the people.

Credits: Shutterstock


  • Teej

An important festival in many parts of the country, Teej involves women dressing up in beautiful outfits and jewelry and applying henna on their hands. People gather in temples and Goddess Parvati is worshipped. Many folk dances, traditional songs, and fun-filled activities are also organized.


  • Jaipur Literary Festival

A personal favorite, this exquisite and educative festival is held in January for five days every year. Started in 2006, it has now become the largest literary festival in the Asia Pacific. People from around the world come to Jaipur to attend this festival. National, as well as foreign authors, grace this festival with their presence and many discussions on relevant issues,  are held. Along with sessions, there is a wide range of handicrafts and food items in the festival, along with performances by local bands in the evening. Many good restaurants in Jaipur have their stalls in this festival, giving rise to a mela-like atmosphere abound with food, books, and enlightening conversations.


  • Kite Festival

Held on 14 January, this festival is responsible for the colorful sky that Jaipur witnesses on this day. The view is breathtaking as towards dusk, the sky is full of millions of kites, lamps, and fireworks. Many kite-flying competitions also take place on this day, and it is worth visiting Jaipur during this festival. This unique festival marks the transition of the sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn.



  • Gangaur Festival

Known for its colors and vibrancy, Gangaur is an important festival of Rajasthan. It is celebrated from March to April. Lord Shiva and Goddess Gauri are worshipped during this festival and it is marked by the carving of magnificent clay idols of the gods and goddesses. Multiple hues can be witnessed during this occasion in which women pray for the long lives of their husbands.

A city is not just defined by its infrastructure and roads, it is also identified by the cultures and traditions its people follow, and what better way to gauge the ethos of the people than the festivals they observe and celebrate?


पोलियों, सेरेब्रल पाल्सी से पीड़ित लोगों की पिछले 30 साल से मदद करता नारायण सेवा संस्थान

उदयपुर में शायद ही कोई ऐसा हो जिसनें, नारायण सेवा संस्थान का नाम न सुना हो। अब तो न सिर्फ् उदयपुर और राजस्थान ही नहीं देस-परदेस के लोगो के लिए भी यह एक जाना-पहचाना नाम बन चूका है। इसका उदहारण, हमें भी वहीं जाकर मिला जब हमनें देखा कि राजस्थान के अलावा उत्तर-प्रदेश, मध्य-प्रदेश, छत्तीसगढ़ के साथ साथ गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र आदि राज्यों से लोग अपना या अपने बच्चों का इलाज करवाने के लिए यहाँ आए हुए हैं।narayan seva sansthan udaipur

यह वो लोग थे जो उम्मीद खो चुके थे कि अब कुछ नहीं हो सकता या वो भी जो पोलियो-सेरेब्रल पाल्सी के इलाज में लगने वाले खर्च का वहन नहीं कर सकते थे। टीवी, विज्ञापन और माउथ पब्लिसिटी (जो यहाँ इलाज करवा चुके हैं, उनके द्वारा बताएं जाने पर) ही इन सभी को पता लगा था कि यहाँ पर निःशुल्क इलाज किया जाता हैं। दिलचस्प बात ये भी हैं कि दूर-दराज से आने वाले लोगों को NSS(नारायण सेवा संस्थान) वाले रेलवे स्टेशन/बस स्टेशन तक लेने और छोड़ने भी जाते हैं ताकि उन्हें किसी तरह की तकलीफ़ ना हो और ये सबकुछ निःशुल्क सेवा-भाव से किया गया कार्य होता है।narayan seva sansthan udaipur

नारायण सेवा संस्थान, उदयपुर में करीब 730 के आसपास एम्प्लोयी हैं जो खुद को एम्प्लोयी मानने से मना करते हैं। इन्हें ‘साधक’ की उपाधि दी हुई है और इलाज करवाने आए सभी लोग भी साधक कह कर ही पुकारते हैं।

वहां के एक साधक से बात करने पर एक अचंभित करने वाले आंकड़ा पता चला। यहाँ आने वाले मरीजों की अपडेटेड वेटिंग लिस्ट 14,000 है जो कभी 30,000 के करीब हुआ करती थी। इसी से आप अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं कि कितने और ज़रूरतमंद अपने नंबर का इन्तजार कर रहे हैं।

narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Sewing Machines for people

प्रशांत अग्रवाल जो कि नारायण सेवा संस्थान के जनक कैलाश ‘मानव’ अग्रवाल के बेटे हैं, उनसे हुई बातचीत में उन्होंने नारायण सेवा संस्थान के बनने से लेकर अब तक के कई किस्से साझा किए। उनमें से कुछ हम यहाँ आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे है:-

  • जब पिताजी ने इसकी शुरुआत की थी तब इसका कोई नामकरण नहीं हुआ था। वो बस मदद करना चाहते थे। लेकिन कुछ साल बाद किसी के सुझाव पर नाम रखने की सोची। तब इसका नाम ‘दरिद्र नारायण सेवा’ रखा गया। लेकिन माँ के कहने पर नाम से ‘दरिद्र’ शब्द हटा दिया गया।
  • एक और किस्सा वो ये बताते हैं कि शुरू में किसी ने पिताजी के इस काम को तवज्जो नहीं दी, उल्टा सभी इनका विरोध ही करते रहे। जिस कॉलोनी हम रहा करते थे तब सामान से लदा ट्रक आया जिसकी वजह से कॉलोनी में लगा एक पत्थर टूट गया। इस पर कॉलोनीवासियों ने विरोध करना शुरू कर दिया और इस काम को बंद करने को कहा। बाद में पिताजी के ये कहने पर कि ये एक नेक काम है और वो पत्थर में फिर से लगवा दूंगा तब जाकर वो लोग शांत हुए।
    narayan seva sansthan udaipur
    Mobile Workshop for patients and their relatives 


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narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Computer Lab for learning Computer
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Art and Craft by Children
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Lab for testing and medicines
narayan seva sansthan udaipur
Physiotherapy Room

Swaraag An Indo Western Fusion Band | Capturing Hearts with Their Soulful Music

We can’t forget the way we swayed on the music and the rustic voice of the band Swaraag in the ULF 2017. And why not! The band is just too awesome and lively that it captures the heart of the music lovers.  Rajasthani Folk Fusion with Vocal, Sufi Fusion, Indo Western Instrumental Fusion are some of the genres that the band is brilliant in.

How many of you were blown away by their ‘Mere rashk-e-Qamar’ song performance?

I am sure we all were overwhelmed by their performance and could feel the energy they filled in the atmosphere. Swaraag established themselves in 2014 and since then, they have ruled the hearts of many!

If you are curious about who all the band members are, we are introducing each one of them to you. Have a read;

Team Swaraag

Arif Khan | Zitar Maestro of Swaraag

Arif is a great sitar player and has spread his compositions not only in various parts of India but also has traveled extensively in many cities of Germany, France, Gulf, and Austria.

Asif Khan | The Voice of Swaraag

Swaraag Performing at a private event

Sufi and Indian folk lead singer and composer of the band Swaraag, he began his singing career at the age of just six with the blessings of his father. Ustad Mahmood Khan, his father, always acknowledged the importance of music in his life and groomed Asif in the classical music.

Members | Who make the vocals amalgamate with music

Other than these two, Sajid Khan plays impeccable Drums and Shahid Hussain is the Tabla Player for the band Swaraag. Tasruf Ali plays mind-blowing Saxophone and Arif also plays Khartal. Last but not the least, Rishabh takes care of the Guitar.

What makes Swaraag different?

With Superstar Ram Charan at its family event

Swaraag is a Folk-rock & Sufi Fusion Band.  Swaraag’s Music Team is specialized in Indo Western fusion music and has an immense experience of performing for corporate events, Private parties, Public concerts and many more that makes them a multifaceted music band. The backbone behind the huge success of Band is their Founder and Manager Mr. Pratap Singh Nirwan. He is the one who is the actual creator of a complete team and the reason behind the existence of Swaraag. The Manager, Mr. Giriraj Purohit says that its the team management that makes a band go miles in the path of success.

The Band Swaraag makes the crowd groove over their music!! Swaraag aims at keeping the vernacular music alive through their composition. They even recreate the magic of folk music in current Bollywood songs as well. Swaraag has a passion for singing not only Rajasthani Folk music but also various folk music from states that appeal to different musical tastes.

To know more about Swaraag


Let us know how much you liked the musical performance of Swaraag Band, in the comments section below or drop a mail at


कटाक्ष : #missingschooldays जैसे हैशटैग डालने वालो को अब स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी।

बारहवी की परीक्षा चल रही है। परीक्षा ख़त्म होते ही कॉलेज की दौड़-भाग शुरू हो जाएगी। कुछ लड़के-लड़कियां अभी से ही स्कूल को मिस करने लग गए है, लेकिन कुछ ऐसे भी है जो परीक्षा समाप्ति पर मिस करना शुरू करेंगे, उन्हें जैसे ही ये कॉन्फिडेंस आ जायेगा कि ‘हाँ… बेड़ा पार हो जायेगा’ और मिस करना शुरू कर देंगे।

लेकिन अब स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी। अगर याद नहीं सताएगी तो बहुत मुमकिन है कि सोशल मीडिया पर #missingschooldays, #alreadymissingschooldays जैसी आपदाएं भी नहीं नज़र आएगी। हमारी सरकार ने हमेशा हमारे दुःख-दर्द को सुना है और उसे कम करने की कोशिश की है। इस बार भी हमारी यह हैशटैग वाली पुकार सुन ली गयी है और ऐसा तोहफ़ा दिया है कि सुन लोगे तो खुशी से नाच उठोगे।

अब कॉलेज में भी स्कूलों की तरह ड्रेसकोड रहेगा। लड़कियां सलवार-कमीज़-दुप्पटा पहनी नज़र आएँगी तो लड़के पैंट-शर्ट-बेल्ट-टाई पहने नज़र आएँगे। राजस्थान के सभी गवर्मेंट कॉलेज के लिए यह आदेश लागू हो सकता है। अब तक तो शायद आपने नाचना भी शुरू कर दिया होगा।

dress code for college
photo courtesy: College dekho

आइये हम साथ में मिलकर इसके फायदे-नुकसान की बात करते है :

इसके क्या फायदे है –

  1. रोज-रोज के नए कपड़े पहनने की झंझट से निजात मिलेगी।
  2. “उसने तो वैसा पहना है, मैंने तो ऐसा पहना है” जैसा राष्ट्रिय मुद्दा ख़त्म हो जाएगा। 
  3. सप्ताह की दो ड्रेस गन्दी होगी। धोने-धुलवाने की माथापच्ची नहीं रहेगी।
  4. स्कूल की याद नहीं सताएगी।
  5. सरकार ने इतना कर ही दिया है, फिर भी स्कूल की याद आती है तो मेरी एक सलाह मान लीजिए। गले में प्लास्टिक की लटकने वाली बोतल और शर्ट की ऊपर वाली जेब पर पिन से रुमाल बांध देना। मैं गारंटी देता हूँ कॉलेज पूरी तरह से स्कूल लगने लगेगा। 

इसके क्या नुकसान है –

  1. अलमारी में पड़ी नयी ड्रेस वही पड़ी रह जाएगी। ड्रेस बिना पहने छोटी और टाइट हो जाने के आसार बढ़ जाएँगे।
  2. नए फैशन को फॉलो करने और दूसरों को दिखाने के लिए कोई प्लेटफॉर्म नहीं बचेगा।  
  3. शो-ऑफ करने वाले शो-ऑफ नहीं कर पाएँगे। उनकी सेहत पर विपरीत असर पड़ सकता है।
  4. हर क्लास के सलमान, शाहरुख़, कटरीना… भीड़ में खो से जाएँगे।
  5. जिसका बर्थडे होगा वो नयी ड्रेस पहनकर कॉलेज नहीं आ सकेगा। एक्लीयर्स/पारले जी की चॉकलेट बांटकर ही दुसरे छात्र-छात्राओं को दिखाना होगा कि आज उसका बर्थडे है।

 अब थोड़े सीरियस हो जाते है –

  1. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि ड्रेस कोड कैसे हमारी पढाई में सुधार ला सकता है?
  2. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड हमारा प्लेसमेंट करवाएगा?
  3. हम सभी जानना चाहते है कि ड्रेस कोड, अनुशासन कैसे ला सकता है?
  4. हम यह भी जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड की वजह से हमारे कॉलेज के इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर में सुधार आ सकता है?
  5. हमें यह भी जानना है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड कॉलेज में खाली पड़ी लेक्चरार की सीटों को भर पाएगा? उनकी कमी की पूर्ति कर पाएगा?
  6. हम अंत में यह जानना चाहते है कि क्या ड्रेस कोड हमारे भारतीय एजुकेशन सिस्टम की कमियों में सुधार ला पाएगा?


– एक छात्र


डाक्टरों की हड़ताल: ऐसे पेशे से जुड़े लोगों का हड़ताल पर बैठना कहाँ तक सही है?

फाइल फोटो हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स
Photo Courtesy: Hindustan Times

एक और जहाँ स्वाइन फ्लू फिर से पैर पसार रहा है वहीं पिछले कई दिनों से डाक्टर्स हड़ताल पर बैठे हुए है। सरकार और डॉक्टर्स के बीच कई बार बात हुई लेकिन हालात वही के वही है। इसको देखते हुए सरकार ने डॉक्टर्स एसोसिएशन के प्रेसिडेंट और जनरल सेक्रेटरी को गिरफ्तार करने की चेतावनी दी है। इस पर डॉक्टर्स और भड़क गए और कहा कि वो इस धमकी से हड़ताल तोड़ने वाले नहीं है।

ये कहाँ तक सही है? क्या अपना काम छोड़ हड़ताल पर बैठना सही है, और वो भी तब जब आपका पेशा डॉक्टरी का हो?

इससे पहले भी रेस्मा एक्ट के तहत 86 डॉक्टर्स को गिरफ्तार किया जा चूका है। लेकिन बावजूद इसके डॉक्टर्स अब भी हड़ताल पर बैठे हुए है। स्वाइन फ्लू, डेंगू और भी भयानक बिमारियों से ग्रसित लोग इलाज के लिए तरस रहे है पर न तो डॉक्टर्स एसोसिएशन पर इस बात पर फर्क़ पड़ा है और ना ही सरकार इस मुसीबत का कोई उपाय खोज पाई है।

doctor द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस
Photo Courtesy: The Indian Express

डॉक्टर्स एसोसिएशन को  इस बात पर सोचना चाहिए,डाॅक्टरी उनका पेशा न होकर धर्म भी है। इस हड़ताल की वजह से अब तक 300 लोग अपनी जान दे चुके है। इसे हत्या ना माना जाए तो क्या कहे? अगर आपकी ज़रूरते सरकार पूरी नहीं कर पा रही है तो कोई लीगल तरीका अपनाएं, ऐसे हड़ताल करने से तो आमजन का भरोसा ही उठ जाएगा।

हम किसी को दोष नहीं दे रहे, पर हमें ऐसा लगता है कि ये तरीका ग़लत है। हमारे पास कोई और तरीके भी नहीं कि आपको बता सके। लेकिन इतना ज़रूर पता है कि आपका अपनाया हुआ हड़ताली तरीका ज़रूर ग़लत है।

हम इस आर्टिकल को एक डिस्कशन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म  की तरह रखना चाहते है ताकि आपके सुझाव डॉक्टर्स एसोसिएशन के लिए एक प्रार्थना-पत्र का काम करे। उन्हें अवगत करा सके, जो भी हो रहा है वो मानवीय रूप से ग़लत है।

Udaipur Speaks

Vodafone customer ? You can be the next getting harassed

One of the largest telecom providers in India – Vodafone – announced 3G data services in India back in 2011.  These days, everyone is aware of the 3g data services and also fast internet data services like 3G are being used widely all over India. Let me introduce myself briefly, I am Lokesh Motwani from Udaipur and a Vodafone customer from last 5 months. I use internet at home and on my phone for social and professional purposes. I was using Vodafone’s 2G data services happily from several months and a little internet speed fluctuation revealed an ugly truth of Vodafone services.Vodafone_3g_Udaipur

From 6th of April my Vodafone 2G internet data pack was not working fine, the speed was too slow than usual so I made a call to the customer care at 198 and the customer care representative suggested and registered a complaint for my slow internet speed. I thanked him and hanged up the call.

Meanwhile i kept on waiting for the speed to improve..

On 9th April 2012 my internet was too slow and i was really pissed. I thought to give a try to Vodafone’s 3G data service which is obviously faster than 2G data services. At around 1 a.m I made a recharge of Rs. 1250 from Vodafone’s official website which provides a 5GB 3G data for 60 days. I called Vodafone’s customer care at around 3.00 am and asked for further formalities to activate the 3G data service etc on my number. The Vodafone representative advised to send a message at 111 and 144 which will activate 3G on my number and the service will be active in about 4 hours. Call ended.

7.30 am, I was very anxious to try the 3G data service before I go to sleep. It was 7.00 and I was too dizzy; but again made a call to Vodafone customer care to ensure my service is active before I sleep. After 2-3 attempts, I was successfully connected to a Vodafone customer associate who confirmed the service is not yet activated and himself asked to register a complaint in this regard. I Said Ok, and followed his instructions as he proceeded. He registered a complaint and promised that 3G data service will be activated by maximum 6.00 pm in the evening. I said thanks and hanged up the call.
It was 7.00 pm and the service was still not active. My patience was falling as time passed. I called the Vodafone customer care at 198 again and asked Vodafone’s customer care representative about the status of the complaint and they said it’s still active and in process and may take 24 hours more also he told me that the date for complaint resolving is 13 April and I will receive the follow up by a call from a customer care representative by 6.00 pm of 13 April. I debated with the representative about the promises made to me hours ago but he ended up telling that all I have to do is wait for 24 hours more. I was very angry but had no other option other than waiting.

10 April,2012 around 8.00 pm, Service still not active. I was pissed now and my patience was over and again i called the customer care. After many continuous attempts one of the representative attended my call, he put me on hold to check details and the call got disconnected. I called again and again many times continuously to get a solution explaining my problem to every one of them several times whenever my call was attended. I talked to around 5-6 people and shockingly, no one of them had a satisfactory answer, my call was even transferred to several different departments claiming their expertise in Data services etc. Sometimes they said the service is active and asked to get some silly settings or else told me the service is not active and exclaimed to message again at 111 and 144 to activate the service etc but nothing worked.
This went on for 3 more days on 11, 12 and 13 April. During these days I didn’t lose hope and kept on calling 7-8 times daily and every time I called, I had to hear several different answers from different customer care representatives. Every time either my call was hanged up (putting on hold and not getting back) whenever I asked for a refund or to activate my services as soon as possible.

13 April, 6.00 pm. The time of my complaint resolution was over and so far I didn’t received any call or follow-up from Vodafone customer care regarding my complaint. I again made a call to Vodafone customer care and after 3-4 attempts finally my call was attended and I was told to either wait for 24 more hours as the complaint I made was still in process else all I can go and pay a visit to the Nearest Vodafone store regarding this complaint.


14 April, 12.30 pm I visited the nearest Surajpole Vodafone store, I took a queue ticket for my number and waited for around 20 minutes. My number came and an attendant Azad Khan attended me. I told him about everything I went through he suggested to wait for 24 more hours as the complaint was still open and the case was presented to him just now. I was too pissed to wait even for an hour but all he told me to wait.I forced him to let me talk to his senior regarding this and finally he made a call and the next moment I was talking to Mr. Arun Jonus, Manager Surajpole branch. I was surprised and shocked at the same time, the way he talked to me. He was not only rude but also he wasn’t able to give me a satisfactory and responsible answer being a Branch Manager of the Vodafone store. I tried a hell lot of times that how he will proceed and how much time this will take? But again he was not able to tell me how much time he would need, he just asked for some time. I demanded a negotiable refund for the not yet active service. But he strongly disapproved, saying there is no such option available to him and ended up telling to wait for some time. Again I kept on asking what’s his sometime but he didn’t answered. I left the store and decided to give him time of an hour or two.
At around 2.30 pm, I again went to the Vodafone store Surajpole, Mr. Branch manager was still not there and when I insisted a call he just told me rudely that he has talked to the concerned department and will inform me in detail about this through a call soon.
Around 3.30 pm, I got a call from Mr. Arun Jonus and he told me that there is some technical issue in the IT department and the service may activate by 6.00pm or by Monday. His voice on the call shown a lack of confidence or maybe I felt it because I was not in a condition to wait or trust anymore on any Vodafone employees. It was more obvious because i had already waited a long for around 5 days, so I strongly alleged that I don’t want to wait anymore and I need a refund or need activation of my service right now. He told me all bulls*** again that there is no such option available. He even insisted to call the Nodal officer who will be available on Monday (16 April) and I was not in a mood to debate or discuss anymore regarding this on the call and I asked to either get me a refund or give me all his promises and commitments in written. He strongly disagreed to that, saying there is no such process available. Instantly, i had a plan in my mind and asked him to meet me on store in a while.
Around 4.10 pm, I made a call to one of my friends Yash Sharma (who is professionally a media person) to bring a camera to take Mr. Arun’s conversation in a movie for a proof to me, in case the service doesn’t get activated according to his promise.
Around 4.30 pm, We reached Vodafone store and waited for around 15 minutes for Mr. Arun to attend us. Finally, Mr. Arun came and again we started the discussion he told us that in no way (Audio, video, writing or any other means) he can give us what he was speaking and promising. When I offended he told me its not in his process, when I asked to show the process he changed the topic and at the end told us that they are a few things that can’t be shared with the customers. We finally left the store with nothing in hand but promises and waiting as recommended by Mr. Arun Jonus.

At around 6.15 pm, I got a all from Vodafone customer care asking me to check that my 3G services are active. I checked. Yes, the 3G data service was active and hanged up the call.
Now, let me summarize the story and share a lesson with all the UdaipurBlog readers who are still confused. First of all, Take care as even promising telecommunication giants such as Vodafone may not be able to fullfill their smallest of commitments and services or may lack customer service at times.
And Lastly, i would end up saying that in this cruel world today, sometimes, you don’t get things easily even after paying the cost for them. You may need to stand up , play a  media prank or even fight for things, else you may get harassed or hassled most of the times.