
7 Tips To Play a Social Media Strategy for Your Wedding

Social media platforms offer everyone an opportunity to talk to the world about an event, product or service. After getting engaged, people tend to think of how to make people aware of the wedding plans and the like.

There’s so much to do through social media to get people to notice your event, but there are tips that make it easy to succeed in your social media strategy. The good bit is, it doesn’t cost a fortune to work out the tips. 

The following are social media strategy tips for your next wedding. 


  • Create an Instagram Business Account


The reason why I am insisting on a business account is that it has lots of useful options that ordinary accounts don’t have. An Instagram business account has the following options:

  • Contact buttons

With a business account, your profile will displace CTA features like Call, Email and Directions buttons directly above your feed. This makes it easy for visitors to contact you with a click of a button. You definitely grab the attention of many visitors with a click.

  • Link Your Pages

If you didn’t know, the owner of Instagram owns Facebook as well. Additionally, it is easier to link your Instagram business account to Facebook. Then it will be easy to share your feed in both places, respond to messages and reply to comments from inside Facebook.

  • Analytics

Analytics is apparently the best feature with a business account. This is because your account can track your engagement on your posts and display the statistics. This is the most useful information for generating new content, creating your Ad’s and engaging with your audience.

  • Swipe Up

It has been rumored that soon all Instagram business counts will receive the swipe up feature sooner or later. Currently, swipe up is only given to those with 10 thousand followers or more. 


  • Create A Hashtag


Hashtags work. They make your content viewable by anyone who has an interest in your event as it goes beyond just your followers. Hashtags can help you engage with friends by joining the conversation about your wedding. 

A hashtag in twitter helps you to reach beyond your follower list. While hashtagging about your wedding, use short word hashtags like #marywedspeter. Also, be careful to fill your content with too many hashtags, this may portray you as desperate and certainly dilutes your message. 

Even though hashtags are useful and drive engagement, they don’t always work on every single social media platform. They are not meant to be used on Facebook or LinkedIn. 


  • Design Ad’s To Promote The Event


Ads require little to no investment regarding money. However, if done correctly, it can help you reach a larger audience who you may not have connected with yet.

With Facebook Ads, for example, you can target a specific audience which is likely to get interested in your event.  

Always design a professional-looking Ad to give the best first impression. You can use a customizable template to help your event stand out. 


  • Post Images On Event Preparations


If you have a blog, the better. But that doesn’t mean social media can’t be of help.

There are plenty of plugins that prompt visitors to use or share the image. This will often lead to a reader sharing the image and spreading the word.

Ensure you post a beautiful and relevant image that your readers will be proud to pin, so use bright colors and sleek graphics to people to love and share. 


  • Relevant Quotes From Guest 


Guests and friends will definitely grace your wedding. A wedding without one or two guests speakers may be dull and so you need to feature one guest quote about your event. Although it’s not reasonably okay to disclose who your guests are, much of your audience may not even know who this person is or what they’re about.

By posting their quotes, you’re telling your audience what to expect on your big day and that they will learn a relevant lesson. Make the quotes and images shareable, most importantly.  


  • Post Continual


Of course, your audience needs an update of anything towards the wedding. They expect an update on the dates, theme, and venue details. 

Grab the photos of your wedding spot and talk about it continually. Choose a romantic getaway from the Caribbean and get your audience want to visit here early in advance. Who can resist the charm of Royal Barbados, a perfect spot for a total romance and relaxation, under the Caribbean sun!


  • Host a live video session on Facebook or Snapchat


Live videos are currently gaining immense popularity. Live videos will make your viewers ask questions which you can answer immediately concerning your event. You could also host a Snapchat story Q&A session to encourage participants to ask you questions about your big day. 

While doing a live video, use a beautiful image to catch followers’ attention and make you definitely stand out to your Facebook fans definitely. Encourage them to interact with you on other social media platforms to foster trust in you and your wedding event. 



Let’s know how to use QR Code!

A black and white logo kind of image having a random structure uneasy to understand, can be found now and then, on the packaging of electronic gadgets, or you can see it on business cards, presentations and even on the walls of the building. Many of us still don’t understand what is it meant for or what is this called?

Yes, I am talking about QR Code or the short form of Quick Response Code. This is a kind of square barcode (two dimensional) that was first developed and used in Japan. It is just like any other barcode to store in information in a machine-readable optical label. The data contained by a QR code can be anything from simple text, to an email addresses, to phone numbers and so on. These are used to take a piece of information from a transitory media to put it into your laptop, smartphone or any other smart and handy gadget.

QR Codes


QR codes store data using patterns of black dots and white spaces, arranged in a square grid. These patterns can be scanned and translated into human-readable information, with the help of an imaging device, like a camera or a scanner, although the most common way to scan QR codes nowadays is to use your smartphone’s camera and a specialized app for reading QR codes.

Now talking about its utility, it is excessively preferred nowadays because it can store (and digitally present) much more data, including URL links, Geo coordinates, and text. The other key feature of QR Codes is that instead of requiring a chunky hand-held scanner to scan them, many modern cell phones can scan them.

Scan QR Code

However, most people still have no idea what QR Code is all about, and many even fear using them particularly while using them for financial transactions, because of increasing cases of cyber frauds and the risk of getting dragged into electronic scams. Even while making payment at restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, business sites and payment getaways many people avoid using it. But the thing which most of us might not be knowing is that QR Code is extremely safer and simpler to use as compared to card-based payments in which one has to enter his confidential pin. However, it also has its fair share of small risk associated, which cannot be entirely eliminated.

QR Codes on Buildings

Nowadays, QR codes can be seen on magazine adverts, billboards, textbooks and even on T-shirts. Once you scan a QR code through your cell phone, it may give you details about that business, allowing users to search for nearby locations, or details about the person wearing the t-shirt, show you a URL which you can click to see a trailer for a movie.

QR Codes in Textbook

With the advancement of ICT’s and digitization invading every zone, QR Codes have now also been introduced into textbooks. A recent initiative has been taken by Department of State Education Research and Training (DSERT) to introduce QR codes into textbooks to enable students, teachers and parents to access study material digitally through online app Diksha. This inventiveness is to help students go an extra mile to learn and understand the subject, with the additional study material in their small handy devices. Through the Diksha app, students can scan QR Codes in their books and can access detailed information about a topic or the whole subject.

However, it is disheartening that not only the students but most teachers and parents still do not know how to use the QR codes implanted within coursebooks. Thus recently a piece of news has also been published by UdaipurBlog to make people aware of the initiative.

Hope, knowing its benefits, now we will embrace the positive developments like digital learning through QR codes, that technology is offering to us and make it beneficial for the growth of society.


No rains No strong wind flow: Still increasing cases of falling electric poles have become a major issue

slashed power pole

Udaipur,Even no heavy rainfall or strong wind flow has been observed during the past two weeks, still there are increasing cases of falling of power poles in Udaipur. Recently the falling of a power pole in Badgaon Panchayat, took a toll on lives of two innocent kids. Even after the mishap, local authorities and Nagar Nigam are taking no serious actions to avoid further damages.

A second similar case has been observed on Saturday morning when an electric pole fell on the ground in Dhar Panchayat region. The pole also had a small transformer affixed on it and luckily there were no vehicles or individuals standing near it, otherwise it could have done enormous damage to life and property. As per one of the witnesses “the pole suddenly started shuddering, observing which the people nearby distanced themselves from the pole and in a few seconds the pole flattened down on the road. After, observing the increasing number of such incidences a major question has been raised upon the work of Nagar Nigam. In such case people should remain alert and should not stand near any kind of poles, as even there are chances of getting electrocuting.


RJ Suri of Radio City 91.9 FM starts Future Ki Baat

If you look around today, everyone is very much concerned about their secured future. Everyone wants to know how they can save for tomorrow, how can they make their future more hassle and risk-free. Some are confident by buying lands, while some by investing in the stock market or mutual funds. Some dream of a safer future by buying gold, while some by investing in big insurance policies. Everyone around is just worried about one thing that they don’t need to worry about their safer tomorrow. Now, some people spend time planning for their future, and on the other hand, some people take comparatively less time to plan for it.

Radio City's RJ Suri  starts Future ki Baat
Radio City’s RJ Suri starts “Future ki Baat”

Some people like to plan their future while they are 24 to 25, while some think about their future after getting married, and some after having children. Now, this is the concern which was troubling Radio City’s RJ Suri too. And we all know that when a radio jockey is concerned about anything, then he can’t resist himself without sharing it with his listeners.

RJ Suri of Radio city in conversation with his listeners
RJ Suri of Radio city in conversation with his listeners.

That’s why RJ Suri, who runs a morning show at Radio City 91.9 FM, which starts from 7 and runs till 11, he started sharing concerns about the same and talked about how to make his future more secure. Udaipurites even started to give their opinions to Suri. Everyone exclaimed that, yes, planning for tomorrow should be done by every person. Anyone can land into trouble and need a big amount of money to get out of it, you never know. When asked by RJ Suri, what to do for his secured future, some people advised him to buy a piece of land, while some insisted him to invest in mutual funds. Being sarcastic, few also advised Suri to open a shop of samosas, as we Udaipurites are very famous for our tickling taste buds. So now that so many investment ideas had come to Suri, it confused him. Hence, RJ Suri called a Financial Advisor in his show, who guided Suri about how can he plan for his coming tomorrow, along with this Udaipurites also started taking pieces of advice from the Financial Advisor for their secured future. So that now we have talked about a secured future, and everyone feels that it needs to be talked about. Udaipurites, if you too are concerned about your future, tune to 91.9 FM every morning at 7. RadioCity 91.9FM would also like to introduce Udaipurites to its print partner, Dainik Navjyoti. So, let’s come together to discuss and act upon our secured future.


कितना जानते है आप उदयपुर की इस ऐतिहासिक 450 साल पुरानी रथ यात्रा के बारे में ?

उदयपुर शहर और इसके आस पास ऐसे तो काफी धार्मिक स्थल प्रसिद्ध है लेकिन शहर के बीचों-बीच स्थित प्राचीन जगन्नाथ मंदिर या जगदीश मंदिर की माया अद्भुत और निराली है.

जगदीश मंदिर का निर्माण सन् 1652 में तत्कालीन मेवाड़ के महाराणा जगतसिंह प्रथम ने करवाया था. मंदिर में श्री जगदीश स्वामी जी की मूर्ति की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा के बाद इसी मंदिर से भगवान जगदीश स्वामी की जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा तत्कालीन महाराणा जगतसिंह जी प्रथम ने आषाढ़ सुदी द्वितीया पर निकाली. तब से जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा विगत कई वर्षों से निकाली जा रही है. उसी समय से ठाकुर जी, लालन जी और अन्य देवी देवता नगर भ्रमण पर निकलते है. जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा केवल एक यात्रा ही नहीं है बल्कि उदयपुर की ऐतिहासिक और सांस्कृतिक धरोहर को खुद में संजोए हुए है.

Credits: Siddharth Nagar

इस यात्रा के लिए विशेष रूप से भगवान जगदीश स्वामी, माता महालक्ष्मी, दाणिराय जी(कृष्ण भगवान), लालन जी और जुगल जोड़ी के विग्रह बनवाये  है.

जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा की तैयारियां आषाढ़ मास की सुदी द्वितीया के 15 दिन पहले से शुरू हो जाती है. लालन जी, जगदीश स्वामी और जुगल जोड़ी यानि कृष्ण भगवान और राधा जी अपने शयन कक्ष से मंदिर के गर्भगृह मैं पधारते है. इस समय सभी देवी देवताओं को काढ़ा पिलाया जाता है और वो फिर से अपनी निद्रा अवस्था में चले जाते है.

ठीक 15 दिन बाद आषाण मास की कृष्ण एकम को सभी देवी देवता स्वस्थ होकर वापस से प्रस्थान करते है. उसी के अगले दिन यानि कृष्ण द्वितीया को भगवान जगदीश स्वामी, माता महालक्ष्मी और दाणिराय जी(कृष्ण भगवान) रजत रथ में और लालन जी, जुगल जोड़ी छोटे रथ में सवार होकर नगर भ्रमण पर निकलते है.

रथ यात्रा की सुबह सबसे पहले सभी देवी देवताओं को पंचामृत से स्नान करवाया जाता है और नए श्रृंगार एवं पौशाक धराये जाते है. फिर एक बजे रथ में बिराज कर सभी देवी देवता जगदीश मंदिर की परिक्रमा करते है. इस परिक्रमा में अलग अलग फेरे होते है, इन्हीं फेरों  के दौरान मंदिर में रथ विशेष और पारम्परिक कीर्तन एवं भजन गाये जाते है. नार्तिकायें अपने नृत्य से सभी देवगण को प्रसन्न करती हैं. जगदीश मंदिर में स्थित सूर्यनारायण भगवान की देवरी पर रथ रुकता है और भगवान को ऋतुफल जैसे अनार, जामुन, आम, आम की बर्फी और अन्य मिष्ठानो का भोग लगाया जाता है. रथ को खींचने वाले घोड़ो को चने की दाल जिमाई जाती है.

Jagannath Rath Yatra of Udaipur
Credits: Siddharth Nagar
Credits: Siddharth Nagar

फिर दोपहर 3 बजे सभी देवी देवता मंदिर से प्रस्थान कर अपने रथ में विराजमान होकर नगर भ्रमण पर निकलते है. ठाकुर जी एवं अन्य देवी देवताओं की शोडशो मंत्र उच्चार से आरती होती है और फिर ही भगवान जगदीश स्वामी, माता महालक्ष्मी और दाणिराय जी(कृष्ण भगवान) रजत रथ में और लालन जी एवं जुगल जोड़ी छोटे रथ में सवार होकर नगर भ्रमण के लिए निकलते है.

Jagannath Rath Yatra of Udaipur
Credits: Siddharth Nagar
Credits: Siddharth Nagar

जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा एक अकेला ऐसा महोत्सव है, जहाँ पारम्परिक रीतियों के विपरीत भगवान स्वयं अपने भक्तों को दर्शन देने निकलते है. माना जाता है कि रथ यात्रा के दिन भगवान अपने भक्तजनों पर ढेर सारा आशीर्वाद लुटाते है. इस रथ यात्रा की विशेषता यह है की इसके दर्शन करने के लिए केवल उदयपुरवासी, राज्य या देश से नहीं, कही भक्तगण विशेष तौर से इसी महोत्सव में भाग लेने के लिए विदेश से आते है. 

जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा जगदीश मंदिर से होते हुई घंटा घर – बड़ा बाजार – भड़भूजा घाटी – मोची बाजार – भोपालवाड़ी – चौखला बाजार – संतोषी माता मंदिर – धानमंडी – झीणी रेत – मार्शल चौराहा – RMV – गुलाब बाघ – रंग निवास से वापस जगदीश मंदिर आती है.

हर जगह रथ का पारम्परिक भजनों से विशेष स्वागत होता है.

वापस जगदीश मंदिर पहुंचने पर महाआरती एवं शयन आरती होती है पश्चात् सभी देवी देवता फिर मंदिर के गर्भगृह में स्थापित दिए जाते है.

साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव बनाये रखती है ये विशेष रथ यात्रा:

जगदीश चौक में जन्मे कई संप्रदाय के लोग काफी लम्बे समय से रथयात्रा से जुड़े हुए हैंं जो अपने आप में एक साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव की एक अलग मिसाल है. सभी संप्रदाय के लोग धर्मोत्सव समिति कार्यकर्ता के रूप में रथयात्रा व्यवस्था संभालने में अपना योगदान देते है इसमें झांकियों को क्रमबद्ध करवाना, रथयात्रा में आये  भक्तों को प्रसाद वितरण की व्यवस्था जैसे कार्य शामिल हैं. रथयात्रा किसी व्यक्ति विशेष, एक संगठन का नहीं बल्कि सभी समाजो के लिए बडे़ त्यौहार जैसा आयोजन है. इसमें सभी चाहे वो सनातन धर्म हो या कोई और, सभी इसमें बढ़ चढ़ कर भाग लेते है. सभी समाज के लोगो के साथ साथ सरकारी प्रशासन भी इस महोत्सव को सफल बनाने क लिए अपनी पूरी श्रमता से काम करते है.

Jagannath Rath Yatra of Udaipur
Credits: Siddharth Nagar

भगवान जगन्नाथ के रजत रथ की खासियत:

भगवान जगन्नाथ स्वामी की इस पारम्परिक रथयात्रा में लोगों का उत्साह और भागीदारी बढ़ाने के लिए कुछ वर्ष पूर्ण ही भक्तों के सहयोग और ठाकुरजी के आशीर्वाद से रजत रथ का निर्माण करवाया गया. पहली बार 12 जुलाई 2002 को प्रभु जगन्नाथ एवं देवताओं को रजत रथ में विराजित कर नगर भ्रमण पर निकाला गया था. इस रजत रथ के निर्माण के लिए असम से विशेष तौर से सागवान की लकड़ी मंगवाई गयी. यह रथ 18 फीट ऊंचा है और इसे तैयार करने में 50 किलो चांदी का उपयोग हुआ है.  इसमें श्री जगन्नाथ स्वामी की प्रतिमा के साथ बलराम, सुभद्रा और सुदर्शन चक्र भी विराजमान हैं.

तो क्या आप तैयार है 4 जुलाई को होने वाली इस भव्य जगन्नाथ रथ यात्रा के साक्षी बंनने के लिए ?



On Forum Celebration Mall’s 8th Anniversary, let’s know how it revolutionized Udaipur in past 8 years!

Forum Celebration Mall, the most preferred hang-out destination amongst the Udaipur folks is celebrating it’s 8th Anniversary today!

With a surfeit of International and National brands peppered across Forum’s Celebration Mall, it is one such place that provides ace shopping experience together with transforming the “hanging-out at mall” culture which was not even existent a few years back. Forum celebration mall is one of its kind and an absolute delight for the shoppers with an average annual footfall of around 47 lakhs.

Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur

Largest and the most fancied amid other Udaipur malls, Forum Celebration Mall features the architectural majesty, which the city boasts from ancient times, showcasing magnificent arches and the prodigious central dome. However, what distinguished this mall from other malls in town is the contemporary youth culture which has been spinning since the day of its inception.

Entering into the eighth year of its commencement on July 2nd ’19 let’s know about 8 things that brought a huge transformation in Udaipur:

  • Mall Culture: Forum Celebration Mall is the first mall which claims of developing the true mall culture in Udaipur. It was only till 2011-12 when most locals were completely new to mall culture having big shopping brands, and international food joints like McDonald’s and Dominos for the first time; entertainment section and many other recreational activities to cherish upon on weekends. Most people admit that they experienced stair escalators for the first time in Celebration Mall back then. Thus a pioneer in building the so-called “big city” culture in Lakecity.

  • Shopping Destination: From apparels to accessories, Forum celebration Mall provides a one-stop solution to shopaholics. It is the one that redefined the shopping culture transforming it from street bargain hunting to window shopping culture. In fact, it is the hub of big brands including Clarks, Louis Philippe, Adidas, Woodlands are just to name a few. This mall not only offers a wide shopping experience but also a private excursion tour to domestic visitors. This is one of the reasons it is counted among the best places to visit in Udaipur.

Apparel brands at Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur

  • Community Building at Forum Celebration Mall: Unlike shopping culture which every other shopping mall in Udaipur offer, Forum Celebration Mall is a prominent place for social cause and other cultural activities. It not only provide reasons for people to unite and cherish but at the same time makes them aware of recent activities and things going on around the globe. An event like Junior Master Chef, Just Dance Competition, the Forum Purple Run (a marathon for awareness regarding Alzheimer’s) is some of the exemplary events that bring people of Udaipur together for a social cause.

Social Events at Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur

  • Recreational Activities: Before the spread of mall culture which is believed to come from metropolises, there were only a few places within the town where families could gather for fun and leisure. However, with the advent of Forum’s mall, it became the hotspot for foodies, youngsters, families and also tourists. The Gaming zone, Hungama 7D, the external kids play zone, spa nation, the fish spa, and the rides offers far more recreational assortments than ever before.


  • Movies and Entertainment Hub: Apart from shopping, leisure and entertainment are what people look for while entering a mall or an amusement park. Likewise, the Forum Celebration Mall offers an extensive range of entertainment options which captures the interest of all age groups. The successful establishment of PVR is one of the milestones which management must count for. The PVR cinema is recognized to be the first successfully running multiplex within the town.


  • Atrium: Forum Celebration Mall has the biggest atrium in terms of areas all over Rajasthan. The central entrance with huge overhead dome provides a ceremonial view to the visitors. The biggest advantage that it enjoys is the huge atrium which provides ample space for car shows and other auto workshops.

Atrium at Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur

  • A societal junction: The best part that one could notice in this mall is that this place is the hangout junction for all kinds of social classes. People from all classes and interest hit this place most prominently. Existence of big bazar also engrossed crowds from ration shops to mall shopping.

Retro Carnival at Forum Celebration Mall UdaipurRetro Carnival at Forum Celebration Mall UdaipurRetro Carnival at Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur


  • Lifestyle: Lifestyle stores like Lenskart, Iconic, Reliance Trends, Max, etc., provide wide options to come and have a completely different kind of shopping experience. The biggest transformation is earlier people used to visit malls only for fashion commodities only but now the brands like Boxania, Lenskart, Reliance Digital and the like have transformed the buying culture over the years.

Brands at Forum Celebration Mall Udaipur

Knowing the fact that it is the only junction for all fun, leisure, relaxation, family time, shopping and entertainment, are you all ready to plan a visit?

Places to Visit

From Foodies to the social media fanatics, This Bistro has won everyone’s heart!

There is a reason why travelers from far-far land go crazy over the roadside food vendors, dhabas within the city premises, uptown restaurants, and eccentric Cafes & Bistros of this graceful Lake city. Catching up with the city’s pace, the food served in the city has also evolved embracing the recent food trends, while on the other hand preserving the old ones. Cafes and restaurants of the city serve cuisines from the distinct corners of the country.

Its food only which makes Udaipurites exclaim ‘Udaipur to Jaan hai apni!’.

Once you’ve had a taste of the life and food of this city, we bet you wouldn’t wish to leave!

So talking about the great places which serve delectable food, this newly opened Bistro in Udaipur is something one doesn’t want to miss out on!

“The Patio”

 As the name suggests ‘The Patio’ is a comfortable & soothing Bistro which is set on lines of a retro European country house theme. The vicinity is age-old trees and greenery on every side you roll your eyes on. For any Tourist it’s a perfect crashing place to chill out once you are done with your expedition to the Majestic City Palace and on your way to the famous boat ride at Pichola Lake or ropeway at Karni Mata.

The Patio, Udaipur

 Things that set ‘The Patio’ distinct from the others:

  •  Team at The Patio likes to stick to the basics. While keeping it simple, they thrive to make simple things taste better maintaining the taste and consistency. From Shakes to Mocktails, Dimsums to Pasta n Pizzas, every dish will strike right chords with your palates and you’ll come back wanting for more.

Sitting at The Patio, Udaipur

  • The architects Divya & Shantanu Sharma have designed the café’s interior in a simple yet attractive style. The color theme & the artistic windows remind you of ancient Greek architecture. The Green & subtle elevation of the Bistro resembles an old roadside European eatery. Furniture & majority of the seating is designed from the old antic reclaimed wood. From Swings on the terrace to wooden Benches in the backyard and Sofas to Comfy Chairs inside the covered area, each seating arrangement promises a unique feasting experience every time one visits. The music genre is majorly soft country blending perfectly with the aura of the place. There is ample parking space right across the property along with extended government parking right behind the property.


The Patio, Udaipur

Sitting arrangements at The Patio, Udaipur

  • The price range at The Patio makes sure that it doesn’t dive deep into the customer’s pocket. A cappuccino priced at Rs100 & shakes as thick as the ice cream is priced in the range of Rs150. A 325 ml thick shake served here is a complete meal in itself. The most expensive dish being Mezze Platter at Rs300 which also justifies the price, once you experience the spread. The motive is to make people try, explore and enjoy every dish on the menu.
Credits: Agourmandsdiary
Credits: Globeonmyplate


Credits: _aayush1006
Credits: Globeonmyplate
Credits: Globeonmyplate
  • For the calorie-conscious and health-freak citizens, Cold Press Juices & Health menu to be started soon. Even in the current servings, dim sums are made without using flour as a base. Thin crispy corn tortilla can be an option for the base of Pizzas. Fresh Fruit & Yogurt based Smoothies can be your alternative to the regular shakes. A Healthy Breakfast menu will also be started soon.

A place like The Patio should be bookmarked for your next outing for sure!!



BNI Udaipur’s 3rd and BNI India’s 604th Chapter – BNI PEARL Launched

BNI Udaipur triumphs with the launch of its 3rd Chapter- BNI Pearl, in a span of 9 months since its inception. This symbolizes the business potential of Udaipur. Moreover, it epitomizes the zeal and enthusiasm of the Business Professionals of the city.
The Chapter was launched with 26 members from various business categories, with over 42 visitors attending the launch and 18 of them have converted into BNI Members. Members have passed 30 referrals till date which has materialized into a closed business of Rs.22lakhs.
BNI Meetings are one of its kind as it allows only one member from each profession to join the chapter. These meetings are held weekly where quality business professionals upsurge their business through a structured referral marketing program. Every business needs referrals to grow expansively and BNI offers this platform also through its online global network. It gives credibility, visibility, and profitability to its member’s business. BNI practices and preaches the philosophy of Giver’s Gain based on the law of reciprocity, in other words, “If I help you, you’ll help me and we’ll both benefit as a result.”
BNI (Business Network International) is the world’s leading and largest business networking and referral organization with over 2,56,00 Plus members globally. In 2019, BNI India has 604 Chapters in 77 Cities with 28,294+ Members, locally passed over 16,52,656  referrals, which generated INR 10,841 Crores in closed business.
BNI Udaipur will keep this zest of “expanding others and in turn, their own business” going. It will soon launch its other Chapters, Ruby and Diamond.

Your dream to be Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019 can come true now!

Beauty pageants have become one of the greatest platforms for the young and budding beauties and handsome hunks to build their career in the glamour industry. These competitions boost confidence and also teach them to get their point across platforms, to work for a cause and to make a difference in the world.

Addressing to the grand success and love received by the Fashion Star last season, they are back with the best beauty pageant of the Rajasthan this year.

The Opportunity:

Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019 is a Rajasthan level beauty contest/pageant. The show is conceptualized and directed by Damini Sharma and Aayush Gupta of well-known brand Fashion Star.

The event aims at encouraging new talent across the state and brings together young talents who want to build their career in fashion, lifestyle and entertainment industry. This contest acts as a unique platform for such youngsters and helps them put a step forward towards the achievement of their bigger dreams. It also helps them showcase their skills and talent.

Unlike many other beauty pageants, Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019 is open for all boys and girls aged between 18 to 26. The event is organized and managed by a highly experienced team who keep a check on every aspect during the course of the event.

Auditions for Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019 will be held in Udaipur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, and Kota.

Winnings: –

The winners of Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019 will be entitled to rewards of:

  •       Amount of Rs.50,000
  •       Gift hampers worth Rs.30,000
  •       1 Designer Dress worth Rs.50,000
  •       Crown and Sash
  •       Exclusive Portfolio Photoshoot

The 1st Runner Up will be rewarded with:

  •       Amount of Rs.30,000
  •       Crown and Sash
  •       Gift hampers worth Rs.30,000

Last year the beauty pageant, Mr and Miss Udaipur, was organized by Fashion Star where famous Punjabi singer Jassie Gill, Punjabi and Bollywood Star Ikka Singh, and Big Boss fame Arshi Khan were the esteemed judges for the event. The event received enormous success and love from Udaipurites.

The winners of Mr and Miss Udaipur, Rashid and Ranu Sharma stated that Mr and Miss Udaipur has let them overcome their fears and boosted their confidence as well. The event has taught them the very basics required to go a long way in the fashion and glamour industry.

So while being a part of this contest, the contestants not only get great exposure but also, reach to over thousands of people across the state which are associated with the fashion and glamour industry. An amazing experience is promised by our side.

So what are you waiting for?

Register now:

And be the next Rajasthan’s Next Top Model 2019

Also, you can follow the Fashion Star on Facebook and Instagram to get regular updates.


Udaipurites, it’s time to share your feedback for Forum Celebration Mall!

Udaipur, also known as the lake city, is well-known for places that feels so natural and real but the city’s man-made architecture also blow away one’s mind.

The best example of one such architecture is Forum Celebration mall. The very first mall of this Lakecity has redefined the entire definition of malls in Udaipur. In fact, the mall actually brought forward the initiative to bring in the concept of malls to Udaipur in the very first place. From food to leisure shopping, the Forum Celebration Mall has become one of the most significant hubs for various type of activities which Udaipurites can enjoy.

Forum Celebration Mall

Being the largest mall in Udaipur, Forum Celebration Mall is home to various National and International brands related to food, lifestyle, and everyday use industry.

The managing authority of the Forum Celebration Mall is concerned about customer satisfaction as well. In order to maintain the rapport that comes by the brand Forum’s association, the authorities wanted to know more about the customer feedbacks.

So, let’s help them! All you’ve got to do is fill in the survey form and you’ve done your part.

To fill the feedback form, click on the link

Every feedback is important for the authorities at the Forum Celebration Mall, Let’s help them enhance our experience at our beloved mall.