Festivals History and Culture

महाराणा काल में गणगौर की सवारी का दृश्य | How Gangaur was celebrated in ancient times

हमारे देश में त्यौहार, समय अनुसार मनाये जाते हैं। उदयपुर के लोग राजाओं-महाराजाओं के काल से ही उत्सव-जलसे बड़े धूम-धाम से मनाते आए हैं। उन्ही त्योहारों में से एक है, गणगौर। गणगौर का त्यौहार चैत्र महीने के शुक्ल पक्ष की तीज पर आता है। आज हम आपको लेकर चल रहे हैं इतिहास के पन्नो में। क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि महाराणा काल में गणगौर जैसा त्यौहार, जो कि आज भी इतना रंगीन और खुशनुमा है, उस वक़्त कैसे मनाया जाता था? इतिहास का विस्तृत पेश करती हुई गाथा वीर विनोद से आभार सहित कुछ अंश इस जश्न के, हम आपसे प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं।

18 शताब्दी अर्थात महाराणा सज्जन सिंह जी  के काल में गणगौर के इस त्यौहार का विस्तृत वर्णन कुछ इस प्रकार किया गया है- “नवीन वर्ष आरम्भ होते ही सभी ज्योतिष-गण उत्तम वस्त्र और आभूषणों से सुसज्जित होकर, महाराणा की सेवा में उपस्थित होते है तथा शुभकामनाओं के साथ महाराणा को नवीन पंचाग भेंट करते है। गणगौर इसके अगले दिन मनाया जाता है। गणगौर के दिन सभी स्त्रियाँ सुन्दर वस्त्र और आभूषण पहनकर बाग़-बावड़ियों में जाती है। महाराणा के आदेश पर राज्य भर में जश्न होता है। ये जश्न किसी धूम-धाम से कम नहीं होता।

दिन के ठीक तीन बजे पहला नगाड़ा बजता है, उसके बाद दूसरा और फिर तीसरे नगाड़े पर महाराणा घोड़े पर विराजमान होते हैं। एकलिंगगढ़ पर 21 तोपों की सलामी दी जाती है। बड़ी पोल से त्रिपोलिया घाट तक दोनों तरफ़ लकड़ी के बड़े खूंटे लगा दिए जाते है और उन पर रस्सियाँ बाँध दी जाती है। इन खूटों के आसपास पुलिस के जवान पहरा देते हैं। इन पर बाँधी गयी रस्सी के भीतर राजकीय अधिकारियों के अलावा अन्य व्यक्ति नहीं आ सकता है। जब महाराणा की सवारी महल से रवाना होती है तब सवारी के बाद सबसे आगे मेवाड़ के राजकीय निशान से चिन्हित हाथी चलते हैं, उनके पीछे के हाथियों पर सरदार, पासवान और अन्य अधिकारी होते है।

सवारी में जंगी घुड़सवारों के साथ साथ अँग्रेज़ अफ़सर भी शरीक होते है। विदेशी बाजा बजता हुआ निकलता है और उसके पीछे निकलते है सोने चाँदी के हौदे जो ख़ास हाथी पर कसे हुए होते है। इसके साथ ही राज्य के बड़े-बड़े प्रतिष्ठित लोग, उमराव, सरदार और चारण घोड़ों पर आते है। इस कारवाँ के पीछे जरी व सोने-चाँदी से सुसज्जित घोड़े रहते है।”

महाराणा की सवारी का दृश्य कुछ इस प्रकार होता है

“मधुर, सुरीला बाजा बजता रहता है, उसके पीछे महाराणा अच्छी पोशाक, ‘अमर शाही’, ‘आरसी शाही’ और ‘स्वरूप शाही’ पगड़ियों में से एक किस्म की पगड़ी, जामा और नाना प्रकार के हीरे मोतियों के आभूषणों को धारण किये और कमर बंध व ढाल लगाए हुए घोड़े पर विद्यमान रहते है।

महाराणा के पीछे दूसरे सरदार, जागीरदार, पासवान व जंगी सैनिक रहते है और सबसे पीछे हाथी चलते है। सवारी के दोनों तरफ छड़ीदारो की बुलंद आवाज़ और आगे वीरता के दोहो का गायन करने वाले ढोलियो की आवाजें सवारी के आनंद को दोगुना कर देती है। इसी ठाठ बाट के साथ महाराणा धीरे-धीरे त्रिपोलिया घाट पर पहुंचते हैं और वह घोड़े से उतर कर नाव पर सवार होते हैं। इनमें से एक नाव के ऊँचे गोखड़े पर लगभग दो फुट ऊंचा सिंहासन रहता है, उस पर चार खम्बों वाली लकड़ी की एक छतरी होती है। सिंहासन और छतरी ज़र्दोजी और ज़री से सुशोभित होती है।  सिंहासन के चारो तरफ, नीचे के तख्तो पर शानदार पोशाकों व गहनों से सज्जित सरदार, चारण व पासवान अपने दर्जे के मुताबिक बैठते है और कितने ही अन्य लोग आसपास खड़े रहते है। महाराणा के पद के नीचे के सभ्यगण उसी के समीप जुड़ी हुई नाव में सवार होते है। नाव की सवारी धीरे-धीरे दक्षिण की तरफ बढ़ती है और बड़ी पाल तक जाने के बाद फिर लौट कर त्रिपोलिया घाट पर आती है। दक्षिण के तरफ बढ़ते हुए आतिशबाज़ी चलाने का हुक्म दिया जाता है, तालाब के किनारों तथा कश्तियो पर से तरह-तरह की रंग-बिरंगी आतिशबाज़िया होती है। ये सब देखने में बहुत आनंद आता है।

इस अवसर पर बहुत से लोग सवारी को देखने दूर-दूर से आते है, क्योंकि उदयपुर के गणगौर के जलसे की दूसरे  राजपुतानों में बड़ी तारीफ़ होती है। तालाब के किनारे देखने वाले लोगो की बड़ी भीड़ रहती है, इतनी की भीतर घुसना भी बहुत कठिन हो जाता है। इसके बाद महल से गणगौर माता की सवारी निकलती है, जिस के साथ नाना प्रकार की सुन्दर पोशाकों और सोने-चाँदी के गहनों से सुसज्जित दासियो के झुंड साथ चलते है। एक स्त्री के सिर पर लगभग 3 फुट ऊंची, सोने चाँदी के गहनों से शोभायमान, लकड़ी की बनी हुई गणगौर माता की मूर्ति रखी होती है। सवारी के आगे और पीछे, सवारी के लाज़मी हाथी घोड़ों पर पंडित व ज्योतिष लोग विद्यमान रहते हैं।

त्रिपोलिया घाट पर सवारी के पहुंचते ही महाराणा अपने सिंहासन से खड़े होकर गणगौर माता को प्रणाम करते है, फिर गणगौर माता को फर्श युक्त वेदिका पर रखकर, पंडित व ज्योतिषी लोग पूजन करके महाराणा साहिब को पुनः देते है। इसके बाद दासियाँ गणगौर माता के दोनों तरफ बराबर खड़े हो कर, प्रणाम के तौर पर झुकती हुई, “लहुरे” (एक तरह का गाना) गाती है। यह जलसा देखने लायक होता है। यहाँ राज्य में लकड़ी की बनी गणगौर की बड़ी मूर्ति के अलावा मिट्टी की बनी हुई गणगौर और दूसरे भगवानों की छोटी मूर्तियां भी देखी जा सकती है। बाकी शहर में दूसरे भगवान और गणगौर की मूर्तियां साथ ही निकाली जाती है।

राजपूताना की कुल रियासतों में इस त्यौहार को एक बड़े उत्सव के तौर पर मनाया जाता है। इस देश में ऐसी कहावत है कि दशहरा राजपूतों के लिए और गणगौर स्त्रियों के लिए बड़ा त्यौहार है। यहाँ महादेव को ईसर (ईश्वर) और पार्वती को गणगौर कहते हैं। फिर गणगौर माता को जिस तरह जुलुस के साथ लाते हैं, उसी तरह फिर से महल में पहुंचाया जाता है। इसके बाद उसी फर्श पर दसियों द्वारा घूमर नृत्य और गाना-बजाना होता है। स्थानीय निवासी लोग भी नावों में सवार होकर इस जलसे को देखने के लिए आते हैं। आखिर में महाराणा रूप घाट पर नाव से उतर कर तामजान में सवार हो महल में पधार जाते है जहां कीमती गलीचे- मखमल का फर्श, ज़रदोज़ी के शामियाने व सोने चाँदी से बने हुए सिंहासन व कुर्सियां इनका इंतजार कर रही होती है और इस तरह यह जलसा पूरे 4 या उससे भी ज़्यादा दिन के लिए इसी तरह चलता रहता है”

उपरोक्त दृश्य की परिकल्पना मात्र ही आनंदमय लगती है। उस ज़माने की बात ही कुछ और थी। उम्मीद है आपको ये सब पढ़कर अच्छा लगा होगा। हम आगे भी कुछ ऐसे त्योहारों के बारे में आपको बताएँगे। कैसी लगी आपको हमारी ये पेशकश, हमें कमेंट्स में लिखकर ज़रूर बताएं। तब तक के लिए खम्मा घणी।


The Story Behind Rishabh Jain’s Solo Cycling Journey from Udaipur to Vaishno Devi

Congratulations Iron man, Rishabh Jain for successfully completing a gruelling solo cycling journey from Udaipur to Vaishno Devi!

Distance travelled: 1300 km
Time: 6 Days 5 Nights
Crossed: 3 states and 5 cities

Rishabh Jain CyclistRishabh Jain Cyclist

What made it a tough ride was the elevation from Mewar to Marwar and then from Punjab to Jammu. Riding solo on an isolated highway for such a long distance not only requires physical fitness but also a strong mental determination.

Let’s know about “behind the scenes” from the desk of the champion himself:

Day 1 – Udaipur to Kishangarh

A tough 300 km something ride from Udaipur to Kishangarh!

Day 2 – Kishangarh to Shree Sardarshahar

The total distance was 257 km, and as usual, the Rajasthan road held the same challenges that were elevated roads and hot climate. Fortunately, there were stay facilities provided by the SDM City, Udaipur. Started the ride at 7:15 am and reached Sardarshar at around 6:30 pm.

Day 3 – Sardarshar to Sri Ganganagar

The total distance for covering this ride was 220 km. I left from Sardarshar at 6:00 am and reached Sri Ganganagar at 6:15 pm. Shockingly, there was a surprise welcome by Vikas Godhra, who is a business icon, showroom owner of Toyota & Mahindra, as well as a dealer of Toyota automobiles in over 60 cities. It was a grand welcome by the owner and staff members of the Toyota showroom. Also, the stay was arranged by them, which overwhelmed me.

Day 4 – Sri Ganganagar to Amritsar
After entering Punjab, border road was comparatively good with a broad highway. Although there were many ups and downs in the form of multiple fly-overs. I started from Sri Ganganagar Magar at 5:30 am and reached Amritsar by 8:00 pm. The total distance was 256 km, and there was another cyclist from Tarn Taran, Amritsar, who was waiting for my welcome. It was such a nice gesture from all the other enthusiastic riders from there. Certainly, I had a pleasurable stay at Amritsar, at one of the cyclist’s home!

Day 5 – Amritsar to Jammu (Katra)
The total distance covered here was 220 km, with an additional 40 km, making it a 260 km ride altogether.
I started the ride at 5:15 in the morning from Amritsar. A few cyclists from Amritsar and Tarn Taran rode with me for the initial 50 km. We had a delicious breakfast together. Day 5 was extremely tough, since just 60 km before reaching Jammu, there was a thunderstorm! My clothes got fully soaked from top to bottom, and it was quite challenging to ride with all the extra traffic on the roads, which were mostly submerged in water. In between all the hassle, the low temperature created further hindrance. However, I somehow managed to reach Jammu at around 7 pm. My whole body was shivering badly when I finished my ride and went to the hotel room. Thankfully the room had hot water, where I took a bath to relax somehow from the exhausting day. I completed 90% of my ride in the evening/night, and till next morning, at around 11 am, there was heavy rain in Jammu again! I was badly waiting for the rain to stop since I needed to go to Katra, which was 40 km away. So, I decided that if the rain doesn’t stop, then I will start my ride. But thankfully, the rain stopped, and I left for Katra at 11:30 am and reached there at 3 pm.

Rishabh also added, “When I started climbing for Bhawan for Darshan Mata Ji, it took me all night to go up and come back.”

Here are a few glimpses of Rishabh’s solo cycling escapade:

Rishabh Jain Cyclist

Rishabh Jain Cyclist

Rishabh Jain Cyclist

Rishabh Jain Cyclist


Appeal to Udaipurites for Janata Curfew

At 8 pm on 19th March 2020, Thursday PM Narendra Modi appealed the nation to abide by the ‘Janata Curfew’. Janata Curfew will be observed on 22nd March 2020, Sunday from 7 am to 9 pm. The aim of the curfew is to promote the practice of staying home and avoid going to public places, so as to avoid the transmission of COVID-19.

During the curfew, the citizens have to stay at home for 14 hours and practice quarantine at home with family. “On March 22, from 7 am to 9 pm, all countrymen have to follow the Janata Curfew,” PM Narendra Modi said.

People working in services which are crucial to the citizens such as police, medical health services, media, home delivery, fire-fighting and those who are serving the nation etc. will not need to take part in the Janata Curfew.

Another request made by the PM was that all the people should come out in their balconies or terraces or doorways or windows at 5 pm for five minutes and clap hands or ring the bells in honour of millions of workers who have been directly serving the nation without caring about themselves in the past month via health services, airport services, and many others.

He has also urged people to inform the other 10 people and act as a responsible citizen by spreading awareness about the Janata Curfew and measures to prevent.

We at UdaipurBlog request all the Udaipurites to abide by Janata Curfew for the sake of our own self and family.


मुख्य मंत्री ने लागू करी धारा 144, 5 लोगों से अधिक के मिलने पर रोक

कोविड-19 (कोरोना वायरस) के बढ़ते प्रकोप के तहत मुख्य मंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने प्रदेश की सुरक्षा के लिए प्रथम चरण में 31 मार्च 2020 तक धारा 144 लागू करने के निर्देश दिए है।

गहलोत ने बुधवार को मुख्यमंत्री कार्यालय में कोविड-19 से बचाव के तरीकों की समीक्षा की। बैठक में चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य मंत्री डॉ. रघु शर्मा, मुख्य सचिव डीबी गुप्ता, शासन सचिव आपदा प्रबंधन सिद्धार्थ महाजन, चिकित्सा शिक्षा सचिव वैभव गालरिया, सूचना एवं जनसम्पर्क आयुक्त महेन्द्र सोनी, एसएमएस मेडिकल कॉलेज के प्राचार्य डॉ. सुधीर भण्डारी राजस्थान चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय के कुलपति डॉ. राजाबाबू पंवार, सहित अन्य अधिकारी उपस्थित थे।

मीटिंग के दौरान यह बातों पर फैसले लिए गए:

स्कूल मीटिंग पर रोक, पुस्तकालय बंद

प्रदेश में सारे सरकारी एवं निजी स्कूलों में तत्काल प्रभाव से 31 मार्च 2020 तक अभिभावक एवं पैरेंट-टीचर मीटिंग पर रोक लगाने और नए प्रवेश की प्रक्रिया को भी रोकने के निर्देश दिए गए हैं।
सरकारी एवं सार्वजनिक पुस्तकालयों को भी 31 मार्च 2020 तक बंद रखने के निदेश दिये गए हैं।

यात्रियों की स्क्रीनिंग के निर्देश

मुख्यमंत्री ने विदेश में फंसे राजस्थान के निवासियों की सुरक्षा के हित में विदेश मंत्रालय से बात करने की सूचना दी है। विदेश से आने वाले यात्रियों को हवाई अड्डे के पास स्थित होटलों में रुकवाकर पूरी स्क्रीनिंग की जाएगी। अगर जांच में लक्षण पॉजिटिव पाए गए तो उन व्यक्तियों को 14 दिन तक पूरे आइसोलेशन में रखा जाएगा। उन व्यक्तियों के हाथ पर मुहर भी लगाई जाएगी एवं उनके घर के आस-पड़ोस में भी इस बात की सूचना फैलाई जाए ताकि बाकी लोग उनसे दूर रहे और संक्रमण से बचे।

झुंझुनूं में तीन लोग कोविड-19 पॉजिटिव

झुंझुनूं में तीन लोग – जोड़ा और ढाई साल का बच्चा जो हाल ही में इटली से लौटे थे, कोविड-19 पॉजिटिव पाए गए हैं। उन्हें झुंझुनूं के अस्पताल के आइसोलेशन वार्ड में रखा गया है। मरीज़ों के घर के 2 किलोमीटर के दायरे में अगले 2 दिन तक कर्फ्यू लगाया गया है ताकि अन्य लोग संक्रमण से बचे रहे।

जांचों की सुविधाएं विकसित की जाएंगी

मुख्यमंत्री ने अजमेर, कोटा, भरतपुर, झुंझुनूं सहित अन्य स्थानों पर भी जांच सुविधा विकसित किए जाने और जयपुर में जांच क्षमता दोगुनी करने के निर्देश दिए हैं। गहलोत ने ये भी कहा कि कोविड-19 से निपटने के लिए राज्य की सुविधाओं में कोई कमी नहीं रखी जाएगी। RSDF के माध्यम से आइसोलेशन लैब सहित अन्य सुविधाएं विकसित करने के निर्देश भी दिए गये।

आप सब से विनम्र निवेदन है कि अपना ध्यान रखे, सुरक्षित रहें और बाहर कम निकले।

आपके पास कोई भी सुझाव या समीक्षा है तो पर भेज सकते हैं।

Health & Fashion People Social

Meet the Woman from Udaipur who generates employment for 300 People

aavaran logo
aavaran logo

AAVARAN (means ‘covering’ in Mewari language) was founded by Mrs Alka Sharma, textile graduate from Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, Jaipur, Rajasthan, by this Alka wanted to uphold rural and indigenous communities and preserve their ‘traditional’ craft.

The initiative was started from Akola, which is a block printing cluster near Udaipur. The aim was to revive the culture so that the coming generations can carry the art forward.

AAVARAN’s workshop is predominantly of blue-white color, starting from the paint at the walls to cushion covers to pouches to the chappals to everything.

aavaran udaipur
aavaran udaipur
aavaran timeline
AAVARAN timeline

The process at AAVARAN is totally conventional, that’s why the job is very labour intensive. They develop cloth from various types of cotton and silk (chanderi and kotadoriya). The cotton cloth takes around 15-20 days to develop whereas silk takes around a month because mud-resistant is to be applied on the fabric for 4-5 days and then it’s bleached.

Cloth at AAVARAN goes through following stages to reach to you:

  1. The fabric is imported from the Southern part of India.
  2. The fabric is then washed to remove the impurities of the fabric which are the barrier in the printing procedure.
  3. The fabric is then checked to ensure that there aren’t any weave-mistakes or holes.
  4. The plain cloth is dyed with various dyes, one of them being indigo dye.
  5. The fabric is then printed in different colors and blocks.
  6. The printed cloth is embroidered and stitched upon.
  7. The stitched cloth is then packed in the stock room.
  8. The finished product is consumed by both domestic and international markets.

    aavaran udaipur
    aavaran udaipur

AAVARAN’s speciality is Dabu print which is traditional hand block printing craftsmanship from vintage Rajasthan. It is made from Dabu which is a mud resist process, and comprises of black soil, gum (gond) and chuna (calcium hydroxide). A mixture of beedan and ground along with mud is used to make a sticky paste. Dabu is applied to the fabric using wooden blocks. At AAVARAN, artisans make use of single and double dabu dexterities for cloth printing.

aavaran dabu print
aavaran dabu print

AAVARAN’s USP is that they manufacture Indigo printed clothes which is Mewar’s ancient expertise. They have 4 pits, each 9ft deep for bleaching the cloth with Indigo. After bleaching/dying the cloth is of greenish shade but turns into blue after exposed oxidization.

AAVARAN also specialize in Lep, as its literal meaning, mud is evenly spread on the cloth and left for drying after which the cloth is bleached and color texture can be seen in different shades on the same piece.

Zari and zardozi are one of the major embroidery craft done at AAVARAN.

aavaran embroidery
aavaran embroidery

Till now around 300 people have been employed by this initiative out of which 100 are in-house employees at AAVARAN who are engaged in Block Printing, Stitching, Dyeing etc., Udaipur and other 200 are women in and around Udaipur who work in clusters of 30 each and do dari making, tassel making, button making etc.

aavaran group photo
aavaran group photo

AAVARAN manufactures women’s sarees, shirts, kurtas, tops, dupattas, pyjamas and skirts. The brand also has a men’s cloth line and children’s range as well as home decor such as bedsheets, carpets, cushion covers, etc.

Currently, their trade is Brand to Brand, they cater to Fabindia, Kilol and many other brands of Japan and Korea. They have 3 retail stores in Udaipur, Jaipur and Bangalore each; they’ll soon be opening in Chandigarh as well.

aavaran store udaipur
aavaran store udaipur

“We are a zero-waste company because we utilize all our scrapes in making home furnishings, jewelry, bags, pouches and many other embellishments” ~says Mrs Alka Sharma.


नगर निगम ने 2005 के बाद शहरी विकास (यूडी) कर के नए सर्वेक्षण की शुरुआत की

उदयपुर नगर निगम ने 2005 के बाद शहरी विकास (यूडी) कर के नए सर्वेक्षण की शुरुआत की है। शहरी विकास (यूडी) कर शहर के स्वामित्व वाली भूमि पर घर के पुनर्वास या नए निर्माण के लिए एक छूट है, जिसमें फिर से बेची गई संपत्ति भी शामिल है। नगर निगम आयुक्त ने यूडी कर योग्य संपत्तियों के सर्वेक्षण के लिए निविदाएं आमंत्रित करने के लिए 16 मार्च को दोपहर 12 बजे बैठक बुलाई। बैठक के लिए वित्तीय सलाहकार, राजस्व अधिकारी, अतिरिक्त मुख्य अभियंता और उप नगर नियोजक सहित विभिन्न अधिकारियों को बुलाया गया था।

नगर निगम आयुक्त ने पिछले महीने हुई नगर निगम उदयपुर की पिछली बजट बैठक के बारे में अधिकारियों को बताया कि भाजपा पार्षदों ने अधिकारियों से पूछताछ करते हुए उनसे पूछताछ की। भाजपा पार्षदों ने पुष्टि की कि यूडी टैक्स का सर्वेक्षण आखिरी बार 2005 में किया गया था; लेकिन पिछली बैठक में यह तय हुआ था कि अगले महीने में नए सर्वेक्षण का आयोजन किया जाएगा, हालांकि इसे अभी तक नहीं किया गया है।

बैठक में, डिप्टी मेयर ने अधिकारियों से सर्वेक्षण की प्रगति के बारे में पूछताछ की और उन्होंने नाराज़गी जताई, जब उन्हें पता चला कि सर्वेक्षण नहीं किया गया है क्योंकि कार्यवाही रिपोर्ट में यह उल्लेख किया गया था कि सर्वेक्षण हो गया है। विपक्ष के नेता गुलाब चंद कटारिया ने कहा कि सर्वे जल्द पूरा होना चाहिए।


Wanna Satisfy Your Chai Cravings? Check out these chai places in udaipur

Chai has always been something Indians are very attached to. Whether it’s morning or evening, cravings for chai can wobble your mind anytime. Following are some places in Udaipur which can satisfy your need for chai in the most unique ways.

Social Tapri

social tapri udaipur
Credits: instagram

Social tapri is a chai spot with café-like ambience. They were the first to initiate the concept of unique varieties of chai, such as their very popular chocolate chai, irani chai, harimirch chai and many more. Along with chai they also serve other eatables such as pizza, pasta, garlic bread, chowmein, maggie etc and in beverages other than chai they serve coffee, mocktails and other kinds of beverages too.

Address:  near Big Bazar, Sukhadia Circle, Udaipur

Mangal Chai

mangal chai udaipur
Credits: instagram

Mangal Chai is a stall that serves typical indian chai, which is full of milk, elaichi, something which reminds you of home with every sip. The stall is very famous among the locals that it also has several branches across the city.

Address: RK Circle, Bapu Bazar etc

 Sigdi Chai

sigdi chai udaipur
Credits: google

As the name depicts, Sigdi Chai is a kiosk which serves chai made at sigdi. It is very popular among udaipurites because of its smokey flavour, which gives a tingy touch to it. Along with chai they also serve eatables. Sigdi Chai has two branches across the city.

Address: 100ft road

Chai Chaska

chai chaska udaipur
Credits: instagram

Chai Chaska is a franchise based chai spot, which serves very unique varieties of chai such as butterscotch chai etc along with various eatables. It looks is more of a cafe than of a typical tea stall. Along with chai, chai chaska also serves food.

Address: Near Patel Fuel Station, Main road, Sector 4

Chai Sutta Bar

chai sutta udaipur
Credits: google

Chai Sutta is another chai spot which is very common among youth and teenager as it serves chai along with maggie, various other dishes. which is very popular among tea-drinkers. It is franchise based spot. The place has tea room kind of vibe to it.

Address: Maharana Pratap Nagar, Gariawas, Central Area


If there are any other chai places or you wanna send any suggestion or review, please mail it to


Herbal Garden to be built in Gulab Bagh, and other important updates

The cultural committee of Municipal Corporation, Udaipur decided on Thursday that a herbal garden will be built in Gulab Bagh. Medicinal plants from around the world will be planted in this garden which will be developed after consulting the experts. The committee meeting was led by Mayor Govind Singh Tank, Deputy Mayor Paras Singhvi, and Chairman Mahesh Trivedi.

The committee decided that on all the national festivals viz. Republic Day (celebrated on 26th January) and Independence Day (celebrated on 15th August), tricolor flag will be hoisted in parks of Udaipur, including Gulab Bagh, as these parks are an indigenous part of the city.

Another important decision given by the cultural committee was that all the dividers of the city will be decorated by planting beautiful and colorful flowers. This was decided because it was regularly seen that dividers are used by people to dry their clothes on the roadside

Places to Visit Travel

Top 15 Things to Do in Udaipur in Summer

Udaipur is an indifferent city of lakes in the hot lands of Rajasthan. Being one of the most favourite tourist destinations of all time, there are plenty of things to do in Udaipur. One may even get confused as the city offers some amazing ways to enjoy the season, whether it’s winter or summer. Summer has just knocked on the door of the city and you may be wondering, what to include in your travel list.

So here is the list of top things to do in Udaipur in summer. Let’s Go!

Relishing Gola / Gota / Chuski 


Gola also is known as Gota or Chuski is basically ice stuck on a wooden stick; flavored with tangy, sweet and sour syrups and other add-ons like malai, cherry candies, etc. Often found at the roadside stalls or sold by cart-vendors at various chourahas in the city, enjoying a chilling “Barf Ka Gola” can be one of the fun things to do in Udaipur in summer.

Places to go for: Shreenath Ice Cream, Udiapole

Visiting SajjanGarh Biological Park


sajjangarh biological park

Sajjan Garh Biological Park gives you a joy-ride of natural beauty Udaipur holds, and that’s the reason it is among the top things to do in Udaipur. Inaugurated on 12th April 2015 as a zoological garden, its aim was to make people aware of the flora and fauna of the Mewar region. Animals are kept in enclosures with wide spaces for themselves which is very similar to their natural habitat. Himalayan Black Buck, Junglee Cat, Leopard, Tiger, Sambar (deer), Stripped Hyena, Lion, etc. are among the various fauna varieties you can witness at the park and it is a very fun thing to do in Udaipur. Several tourist-friendly facilities include easy and spacious vehicle parking, golf carts for easy and non-tiring sightseeing in the park, drinking water facilities at regular distances, canteen for tasting authentic Mewari delicacies.

Address: Fateh Sagar Rd, Main Gate, Malla Talai, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Timings: 9AM-5:30PM (Tuesday closed)

Phone: 0294 245 3686

Ticket Prices:

  • Rs. 30 / Adult
  • Rs. 300 / Foreigner
  • Rs. 80 / Camera
  • Rs. 200 / Video Camera

Witnessing the Majestic beauty of Monsoon Palace

Sajjangarh Udaipur Photo

Visiting Sajjan Garh is one of the top things to do in Udaipur as this is also known as Monsoon Palace and has a beautiful white marble structure built by Maharana Sajjan Singh in 1884 at the hills of Aravalli Range. It was initially built as an astronomical center for keeping track of the movement of the sun. The palace is situated at a distance of 5 km from the Udaipur city. It is currently owned by the hierarchical king of Udaipur, Arvind Singh Mewar.

Address: 11, monsoon colony, Sajjan Garh Rd, near Mewar Garh hotel, Eklavya Colony, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Timings: 9AM-6PM

Ticket Prices:

  • Rs 10 / Adult
  • Rs 80 / Foreigner

Strolling at Fateh Sagar

Fateh Sagar is an artificial lake built by Maharana Jai Singh in 1678 AD and re-built by Maharana Fateh Singh. It is situated in the northwestern region of Udaipur, which is surrounded by Aravalli hills and woods. It has an area of about 4 km, with a depth of about 44 ft. It has several roadside eateries to satisfy your hunger pangs by delivering different dishes of different cuisines. It is one of the best things to do in Udaipur at night.

Dropping by the Under The Sun Aquarium

Another spot that has entered the list of top things to do in Udaipur in recent times is Under The Sun Aquarium which is the Biggest Public Aquarium of India. It was inaugurated on 21st October 2017 and is the home of more than 150 species of fishes, Albino Frogs, Indonesian Crabs, and several other exotic varieties of water animals. It also has a tank in which you can experience live fishes surrounding you. Aquarium also provides VR ( Rs 118) which motions under the sea experiences and award-winning oceanic videos.

It has the World’s Biggest Aqua Trick 3D Art Museum ( Rs 100) which displays 3D wallpapers for clicking tricky and attractive photos.

Address: Fateh Sagar Overflow, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Timings: 8AM-11PM

Ticket Prices:

  • Rs 118 / Adult
  • Rs 47 / Children ( below 15 yrs)
  • Rs 236 / Foreigner
  • Rs 118 / VR
  • Rs 100 / Trick Art Museum

Wandering at Nehru Garden Island


One of the classic and best things to do in Udaipur is wandering at Nehru garden Island which is located in the middle of lake Fateh Sagar. It was inaugurated on 14th November 1967. It is spread in an area of 4.5 acres and has an ovular structure. Its major attraction includes fountains in the shape of a pyramid, various photographers clicking the picture of tourists in Kashmiri dresses which are provided by the photographer themselves. You can go to Nehru Garden Island by taking a boat from Fateh Sagar by line.

Address:  Inside Fateh Sagar Lake, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001

Timings: 9AM-6PM

Ticket Prices:

  • Rs 30 / Indian Adult
  • Rs 15 / Indian Child
  • Rs 125 / Foreigner Adult
  • Rs 60 / Foreigner Child

Splashing at Water Parks of Udaipur

  • Marvel Water Park – Sajjan Nagar – 10:30AM-6PM (every day)
  • Jeel Water Park – Chitrakoot Nagar – 10AM-6PM

Beholding the charm of Saheliyon Ki Bari


Saheliyon ki bari (also known as the Gardens of Maidens) is a major garden in the northwestern region of Udaipur. Its major attractions include kiosks, fountains, a lotus pool in the center, and elephant sculptures made of white marble. It was built by Maharana Sangram Singh from 1710 to 1734. It was initially laid for 48 maidens who were the royal ladies. The Maharana himself designed the garden and presented as a token to his Maharani as she was accompanied by 48 maidens in their wedding procession. It always remains crowded by the local people as well as tourists, no wonder why it is in the list of top things to do in Udaipur.

Address: Bharatiya Lok Kala Mandal, Lake City, Near Science Museum, Panchwati, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313001

Timings: 9AM-7PM

Phone: 0294 2411535

Ticket Prices:

  • Rs 10 / Adult
  • Rs 50 / Foreigner

Playing with snow at Snow Park


One place which will definitely be among the best things to do in Udaipur is Snow park which is an adventurous artificial park with sub-zero temperature(-5°C). It gives you the thrill of a snowy escapade with a snow cave, snow hut, snowman, sled carts, and ice slides. You can also rejoice your self by dancing on foot-tapping music.

Address:  2nd floor, Forum Celebration Mall, Bhuwana, Udaipur 313001

Timings: 11AM-10:30PM (Everyday)

Ticket Prices: Rs 400 / head

Touring Old city


Since ages touring Old City has remained one of the best things to do in Udaipur. It is an area surrounded by the seven gates or poles (Suraj Pole, Hathi Pole, etc). The area is inhabited by the indigenous residents of Udaipur.  It has several ghats or flight of steps leading down to a river. Major ghats are Laal Ghat, Gangaur Ghat, and Ambrai Ghat. It also has a colorful market on both sides of the ride.

Boating in the Lakes of Udaipur

Pichola Lake Boating

Ticket Price

During Day

  • Rs 400 / Adult
  • Rs 200 / Child

During Sunset

  • Rs 700 / Adult
  • Rs 400 / Child

Timings: 9AM-6PM (every day)

Fateh Sagar Lake Boating

Ticket Price

  • Rs 30 / person for Regular Boat
  • Rs 100-200 / person for Motor Boat
  • Rs 200-400 / person for Speed Motor Boat

Timings: 8AM-4:30PM

Exciting Pool Parties in Udaipur

Credits: myudaipurcityblog

One of the most exciting things to do in Udaipur is organizing Pool Parties with friends and family which are very necessary for heating summer. Cool water relaxes the body and mind and helps to survive the summer. For fixing a place for your own pool party visit Best Pool Party Venue Under 300.

Sauntering at Lake Doodh Talai

doodh talai photo

One place which has always been when we talk about the things to do in Udaipur is strolling at Doodh Talai which is a small pond near Shiv Niwas Palace. Attractions at the lake include The Manikya Lal Verma Garden (also known as Doodh Talai garden), Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Park (Developed by Urban Improvement Trust UIT of Udaipur), and the Ropeway.

Summer Classes by UdaipurBlog

Another must-do thing in Udaipur is enrolling yourself at Summer Classes by UdaipurBlog which happens every year around April in the fields of photography, web designing, graphic designing, video editing and much more. For registrations and further details, contact +91 9929067498

Stay Hydrated!!


This thing is an ‘ought to’ activity and should not only be in the list of things to do in Udaipur but a necessity as the wind of loo blows in summer which is the reason for rashes, headaches, sudden illnesses and in some cases leads to fainting too. So for beating the heat, stay hydrated by drinking summer – special beverages such as ganne ka rass (sugarcane juice) and chach (buttermilk).

This is all for the top things to do in Udaipur, I hope you might have found this article informative and catering to your queries. If you still have any questions related to top things to do in Udaipur, please email it to 


COVID-19: Udaipur’s Tourism to be effected as Tourist Visa suspended till 15th April 2020

All existing visas, except diplomatic, official, UN/International organisations, working and project visas are to be suspended till 15th April 2020. The government has suspended the visas to India because the cases of coronavirus in India are reflecting a drastic increase and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it as the rampant epidemic.

The suspension will be implemented from 1200 hours GMT on 13th March 2020 at the point of departure.

The official statement was issued by a panel at Health Ministry Of India, headed by Union Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan on Wednesday, 11th March 2020.

People coming from China, Iran, Italy, Republic of Korea, Germany, France and Spain after 15th February 2020 will be halting at Quarantine for 14 days, the decision for the same will be made at the departure port of airports.

People holding credentials of OCI Card which gives them Visa Free Facilities will too be denied entry.

If the reasons are too serious for travelling to India, then the person has to contact the nearest Indian embassy.

Udaipur being a Tourist attraction city is believed to face decline in Tourist Activities because of the suspension of visas. Several tourist spots are suspected to experience a downhill in their business; even the city dwellers such as rickshaw drivers, local artefact shops etc are also to witness a slacken for a few days.