
श्रीनाथ जी : विशेष मनोरथ आज से

श्रीगोवर्धननाथ पाद युगलं हैयंगवीनप्रियम्‌,
नित्यं श्रीमथुराधिंप सुखकरं श्रीविट्ठलेश मुदा ।
श्रीमद्वारवतीश गोकुलपति श्रीगोकुलेन्दुं विभुम्‌,
श्रीमन्मन्मथ मोहनं नटवरं श्रीबालकृष्णं भजे ॥

आचार्य चरण, प्रभुचरण सहित सप्त आचार्य वर्णन-
श्रीमद्वल्लभविट्ठलौ गिरिधरं गोविंदरायाभिधम्‌,
श्रीमद् बालकृष्ण गोकुलपतिनाथ रघूणां तथा
एवं श्रीयदुनायकं किल घनश्यामं च तद्वंशजान्‌,
कालिन्दीं स्वगुरुं गिरिं गुरुविभूं स्वीयंप्रभुंश्च स्मरेत्‌ ॥

श्रीजी को धराये गए छप्पन भोग, दर्शन… (साभार: श्यामा स्टूडियो)
नवनीतप्रिय जी (लालन प्रभु) दर्शन… (साभार: श्यामा स्टूडियो)

अखिल भारतीय पुष्टिमार्गीय वैष्णव संप्रदाय की प्रधान पीठ श्री नाथद्वारा में  आगामी तीन दिनों तक विशेष मनोरथ का आगाज़ आज से होगा. तिलकायत महाराज श्री विशाल बावा के जन्मोत्सव के उपलक्ष्य में ये मनोरथ आयोजित किया जा रहा है| श्रीनाथ मंदिर मंडल से को मिली जानकारी के अनुसार पहले दिन आज श्रीजी को छप्पन भोग धराया जायेगा | छप्पन भोग पर श्रीजी को विशेष श्रृंगार और राजभोग दर्शन में अनूठा वागा (वस्त्र) धारण करवा कर लाड लड़ाए जायेंगे. श्रीनाथजी के सभी दर्शन पूर्व नियोजित कार्यक्रम अनुसार ही होंगे. छप्पन भोग के लिए श्रीनाथजी की रसोई में विशेष तैयारियों के साथ पकवान बनाये जा रहे हैं किन्तु उसकी जानकारी गोपनीय रखी गयी है. तर्क दिया जाता है कि श्रीजी का स्वरुप बाल कृष्ण स्वरुप है और किसी बालक को खिलाये जाने वाले भोजन की जानकारी यदि माता किसी को दे तो बालक को “नज़र” लगने का भय होता है.

मनोरथ के दुसरे दिन लालन नवनीतप्रिया जी मंदिरजी से टाटोल गौशाला विहार हेतु पधारेंगे. तीसरे दिन वहीँ लालन को सोने के बंगले की झांकी का मनोरथ होगा. लालन को सोने के बंगले में विराजित करवाया जायेगा. दो दिवस तक लालन श्रीजी के गौओं के बीच विहार करेंगे. टाटोल गौशाला आने जाने के लिए मंदिर मंडल की ओर से बस स्टेंड, नाथद्वारा से सीधी निशुल्क बस सेवा उपलब्ध होगी.

मंदिरजी पर तिलकायत के जन्मोत्सव पर विशेष पंचरंगी ध्वजा चढ़ाई जाएगी. अनूठे श्रृंगार के बीच पुष्प चढ़कर लड़ लड़ाए जायेंगे. लालन को झुला झुलाया जायेगा. तीन दिवस तक श्रीजी के भी विशेष दर्शन होंगे. सप्त दर्शन समय यथावत रहेंगे. मंगला प्रातः 5 – 5.15AM बजे, श्रृंगार 7 – 7.15AM  बजे, ग्वाल 8.30 – 8.40AM , राजभोग 11.40-12.15 PM, उत्थापन दर्शन सायं 3.45- 4.00PM बजे, भोग 5- 5.05PM , आरती 6.00-6.15 PM  शयन (गुप्त) दर्शनों का समय रहेगा.
आगामी तीन दिनों तक वैष्णव नगरी पूर्ण रूप से श्रीजी के मनोरथ रंग में रंगी नज़र आएगी.

प्रथम दर्शन: मंगला
द्वितीय दर्शन: श्रृंगार
तृतीय दर्शन: ग्वाल
चतुर्थ दर्शन: राजभोग
पंचम दर्शन: उत्थापन
सायंकालीन दर्शन: भोग
आरती दर्शन

उल्लेखनीय है कि पुष्टि मार्ग में भगवान कृष्ण के उस स्वरूप की आराधना की जाती है जिसमें उन्होंने बाएँ हाथ से गोवर्धन पर्वत उठा रखा है और उनका दायाँ हाथ कमर पर है।
श्रीनाथ जी का बायाँ हाथ 1410 में गोवर्धन पर्वत पर प्रकट हुआ। उनका मुख तब प्रकट हुआ जब श्री वल्लभाचार्यजी का जन्म 1479 में हुआ। अर्थात्‌ कमल के समान मुख का प्राकट्य हुआ।
1493 में श्रीवल्लभाचार्य को अर्धरात्रि में भगवान श्रीनाथ जी के दर्शन हुए।साधू पांडे जो गोवर्धन पर्वत की तलहटी में रहते थे उनकी एक गाय थी। एक दिन गाय ने श्रीनाथ जी को दूध चढ़ाया। शाम को दुहने पर दूध न मिला तो दूसरे दिन साधू पांडे गाय के पीछे गया और पर्वत पर श्रीनाथजी के दर्शन पाकर धन्य हो गया। दूसरी सुबह सब लोग पर्वत पर गए तो देखा कि वहाँ दैवीय बालक भाग रहा था। वल्लभाचार्य को उन्होंने आदेश दिया कि मुझे एक स्थल पर विराजित कर नित्य प्रति मेरी सेवा करो। तभी से श्रीनाथ जी की सेवा मानव दिनचर्या के अनुरूप की जाती है। इसलिए इनके मंगला, श्रृंगार, ग्वाल, राजभोग, उत्थापन, आरती, भोग, शयन के दर्शन होते हैं। कालांतर में मुस्लिम आतातियों के निरंतर आक्रमणों और मीरा बाई को दिए वचन के चलते श्रीजी मेवाड़ पधारे और पहले घसियार और बाद में श्रीनाथद्वारा में पधारे. तभी से श्रीनाथद्वारा वैष्णवों का प्रमुख तीर्थ स्थल है.

Article By : Arya Manu  (आर्य मनु)

Places to Visit

यहाँ देवी करती है अग्नि-स्नान

उदयपुर शहर से 60 कि.मी. दूर कुराबड- बम्बोरा मार्ग पर अरावली की विस्तृत पहाड़ियों के बीच स्थित है मेवाड़ का प्रमुख शक्ति-पीठ इडाना माता जी. राजपूत समुदाय, भील आदिवासी समुदाय सहित संपूर्ण मेवाड़ की आराध्य माँ.

इडाना माता जी

स्थानीय लोगों में ऐसा विश्वास है कि लकवा से ग्रसित रोगी यहाँ माँ के दरबार में आकर ठीक होकर जाते हैं. माँ का दरबार बिलकुल खुले एक चौक में स्थित है. ज्ञात हुआ कि यहाँ देवी की प्रतिमा माह में दो से तीन बार स्वतः जागृत अग्नि से स्नान करती है. इस अग्नि स्नान से माँ की सम्पूर्ण चढ़ाई गयी चुनरियाँ, धागे आदि भस्म हो जाते हैं. इसी अग्नि स्नान के कारन यहाँ माँ का मंदिर नहीं बन पाया. माँ की प्रतिमा के पीछे अगणित त्रिशूल लगे हुए है. यहाँ भक्त अपनी मिन्नत पूर्ण होने पर त्रिशूल चढाने आते है. साथ ही संतान की मिन्नत रखने वाले दम्पत्तियों द्वारा पुत्र रत्न प्राप्ति पर यहाँ झुला चढाने की भी परम्परा है. इसके अतिरिक्त लकवा ग्रस्त शरीर के अंग विशेष के ठीक होने पर रोगियों के परिजनों द्वारा  यहाँ चांदी या काष्ठ के अंग बनाकर चढ़ाये जाते हैं.

प्रतिमा स्थापना का कोई इतिहास यहाँ के पुजारियों को ज्ञात नहीं है. बस इतना बताया जाता है कि वर्षो पूर्व यहाँ कोई तपस्वी बाबा तपस्या किया करते थे. बाद में धीरे धीरे स्थानीय पडोसी गाँव के लोग यहाँ आने लगे.

कभी बिलकुल बीहड़ में स्थित इस शक्ति-पीठ में इन दिनों काफी विकास कार्य हुए हैं. ” श्री इडाना माँ मंदिर ट्रस्ट के सरंक्षक श्री लवकुमार सिंह कृष्णावत (कुराबड) ने बताया कि विगत कुछ वर्षों में भामाशाहों के सहयोग एवं मंदिर के चढ़ावे से यहाँ धर्मशाला निर्माण, गौशाला निर्माण, रोगियों को मुफ्त भोजन एवं आवास सहित और कई जनोपयोगी कार्य करवाए गए हैं.

प्रमुख स्थल- माँ का दरबार, अखंड ज्योति दर्शन, धुनी दर्शन, गौशाला, विस्तृत भोजनशाला, रामदेव मंदिर आदि.
प्रमुख दर्शन – प्रातः साढ़े पांच बजे प्रातः आरती, सात बजे श्रृंगार दर्शन, सायं सात बजे सायं आरती दर्शन यहाँ प्रमुख दर्शन हैं.  इस शक्ति पीठ की विशेष बात यह है कि यहाँ माँ के दर्शन चौबीस घंटें खुले रहते है. सभी लकवा ग्रस्त रोगी रात्रि में माँ की प्रतिमा के सामने स्थित चौक में आकर सोते है. दोनों नवरात्री यहाँ भक्तों की काफी भीड़ रहती है. इसके अतिरिक्त सभी प्रमुख त्यौहार यहाँ धूमधाम से मनाये जाते है.

कैसे पहुचें-  सूरजपोल से प्रातः उपनगरीय बस सेवा उपलब्ध. इसके अतिरिक्त कुराबड-बम्बोरा  मार्ग पर जाने वाले वाहनों से बम्बोरा पहुचकर वहा से जीप द्वारा शक्तिपीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. स्वयं के वाहनों से जाने पर देबारी- साकरोदा- कुराबड- बम्बोरा होते हुए शक्ति पीठ पंहुचा जा सकता है. (दुरी- 60  किलोमीटर)

Article By : Arya Manu


Welcoming The Season Of Hibernation – The Season Of Silent Love.

Hands in hands, a long walk along the pal of fatehsagar, shivering by the frosty breeze, holding a kulhad of hot sipping coffee and relishing soft romantic music in my ears.

It is a way to rejoice yourself in this chilling season.

For now, it was a day dream, I am sitting in the balcony of my room, fully loaded with sweater, scarf and socks, holding a large mug of coffee in my hands and earpieces plugged in my ears, eyes closed and dreaming of that fatehsagar scene.

Here I am. I am welcoming winters in my balcony, in my own way.


Usually not so wintry Udaipur, this time observing a much drop of temperature, a sudden thrush of cold breeze.

Winters….the cold season of the year, with icy shivering breeze and early morning dews. This is the most beautiful time, from November to February, when one can observe and silently feel the charming beauty which nature has given to us; it’s beautiful from one morning till next morning. For early morning we are provided by fog and mist, then mild warm rising sun which gives golden shade to the fallen drops of dew on the green flora.

It is the mausam to enjoy Gajar ka Halwa, Bajre ki Raab, Garma Garam Pakode, and various types of soups from our mother’s kitchen, the time to wander out on the streets to add the taste of Rewadi n Gud (Jaggery) Mungfali Chakki to our tongue, studying hard for our exams in the blankets, and to rejoice the perfect silent mode of nature. To add up, nature has given us a different swing of taste, grapes and oranges are the winter fruits.

But unfortunately, on the other hand of this seasonal celebration, there are many people for whom this biting cold brings  suffering; they are not the part of our enjoyment, they don’t have proper clothes to wear, no food and no shelter. This is an unfair part of our society that they are suffering and we are celebrating.

So udaipurities, prove your humanity, donate your old wears and some food to the needy people, so as to compensate their suffering to a little extent.

And in this way, with the new resolution in our life, we will be cherishing this cold season in a much better way.



Wishing you all a very happy and healthy winters.

Events Featured News

Shakira To Sizzle Udaipur

Shakira in Udaipur | UdaipurBlog 


Yes, you have heard it right! The pop sensation, who rocked the whole world with her songs and of course, belly dance, none other than Shakira, will be performing in Udaipur. Unfortunately, this performance won’t be for the public, but, in occasion of the celebration of the 80th birthday of the real estate tycoon, Mr. K.P. Singh(CEO, DLF) The birthday has already been celebrated in August, but the celebration mood hasn’t come to a halt yet.

Reportedly, the three day celebrations have been planned from November 13-15 in Delhi, Gurgaon, and will be ending on 15th at our very own Udaipur. Different ‘Guess lists’ include the name of Shah Rukh Khan, Hritik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, and pop star Ricky Martin who might make it to Udaipur. This shall be a private party, with a limited guest list of about 500 in all, at Jagmandir.

Source: The Times of India,  Local Sources

Social Udaipur Speaks

Eid-ul-Zuha: Symbolizing Sacrifice

Id-ul-Zuha (Bakr-Id), also known as Eid al-Adha or Id-ul-Adha, is a tradition followed from centuries. This festival is celebrated every year and this year in 2011 it falls on 7 Nov. Many Muslims celebrate this festival with special morning prayers, greetings and gifts. This festival is symbolizes sacrifice. Eid al-Adha (Id-ul-Zuha or Bakr-Id), which is on the 10th to 13th days of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja.
Eid Mubarak | UdaipurBlog Eid-ul-Zuha is a festival that is celebrated with traditional fervor and gaiety in India and the world. They may sacrifice a sheep or goat and share the part with family members, neighbors and the poor. Many Muslims feel that they have a duty to ensure that all Muslims can enjoy a meal during this holiday.

Being a gazette holiday, the national, state and local government offices, post offices and banks shall remain closed on Eid al-Adha. Islamic stores, businesses and other organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours. Large scale prayer meetings may cause local disruption to traffic. And probably traffic to the Chetak Circle zone remain closed for the special prayer to hold in the morning.

Faith behind celebrating the festival:

Muslims around the world believe that Allah commanded Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Ibrahim in the way of God agreed to sacrifice his son but impressed by the faith of Ibrahim, a miracle happened, and Allah at the last moment replaced his son by a sheep.  Eid al-Adha is called Id-ul-Adha in Arabic and Bakr-Id in the Indian subcontinent, because of the tradition of sacrificing a goat or “bakr” in Urdu. The word “id” derived from the Arabic “iwd” means “festival” and “zuha” comes from “uzhaiyya” which translates to “sacrifice”.

Team UdaipurBlog wishes all our readers, a very happy and prosperous Eid 🙂

More Udaipur Speaks

Loads of Learning: The word LOL just got another meaning


Greetings to All! India is a country with highest young population. They say India has got what no other country has; the Youth Power! But, how you think does the power come? Through being more in number? If that were the case, Pandavas would never have been able to conquer in the epic of Mahabharata. What we understand is that power comes from being united and the Indian youth, sorry to say, is not at all united. We are very much bothered about ourselves, and not the country. Yes, we are highest in numbers but we all are scattered, divided and unorganized and the reality is that this unorganized youth is taking India nowhere and someday or the other we will lose this advantage of being highest in numbers.

The energy that we have needs to be channelized in right direction and the leaders that we are witnessing are not organized themselves to guide us in the interest of nation. What can we do then? Should we sit and keep blaming our leaders for not doing enough to help us grow?  But we can’t afford to do this our whole life. So what can be done? Either accept the system which is very easy or try and bring about a change in the system, a change that is though small and slow but will allow us to breathe free. For once, let us all think that when people at the time of independence, without any resources, can create an excellent working system, then why can’t we overhaul it with so many resources and the tag of being ‘e- generation’ ?

When you go for a job interview, qualification will help you to get in the interviewer’s room. Then what? Then you struggle badly and fail to get a job just because you were educated, not learned. We have seen people thinking deeply when asked “What is the capital of Asia?” some of them even tried guessing that!! Sounds funny, isn’t it? But the truth is that there is lot more outside the social networking and course books. And the need of the hour is to keep ourselves aware of what is happening around in the world. You may find a lot more magazines on stands containing loads of information. But ask yourself the last time when you read a whole magazine? Most of you never did! And the reason behind was that there are very few or almost no magazines that are specifically designed for our generation, and we are too lazy to try to understand some of the excellent magazines and reading stuff available.

Keeping all this in mind, we are trying to create a 16 page reading material that is not only interesting but also very informative and suits all classes especially the badly informed youth. This magazine is our contribution to the small change that we are trying to bring in the present system. It is a non – profit venture started under a trust. This is our first interaction with you and we hope to bind ourselves with you all through a common cause of making this world, especially our own Mother India, a better place to live in.

 Here is the link of the Page of the Magazine LOADS.OF.LEARNING

by Siddharth Singhvi

News Udaipur Speaks

ISTE Workshop by IIT-B to impart knowledge about Free and Open Source tools

IITB - 2 week ISTE Workshop

An important initiative has been taken by IIT Bombay, to work with Engineering Colleges in the country, to enhance the teaching skills of faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science subjects. This initiative has now become a part of the National Mission on Education through ICT, supported by MHRD.

With a motive to augment the use of Free and Open Source Tools for teaching and computational needs and make the teaching skills of faculty serving in Core Engineering and Science Subjects take a turn for the better; IIT Bombay has started a free two week ISTE workshop from 5th of this month under the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, and Govt. of India.

Seminar a Techno India NJR

Organized under the Distance Learning Programme, theworkshop will be exclusively conducted in the coordinating remote centers across the country with the interaction revolving around the topic “Software Development Techniques for Teachers of Engineering and Science Institutes”. There will be live lectures through AVIEW mechanism on Internet in the centers selected for the same. The workshop will be conducted across five weekends (5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27 November 2011, and 3-4 December 2011) so that the interested participants can gain access to the workshop conveniently even during the semester.

“This workshop is aimed at enhancing the teaching skills of our faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science Subjects and will benefit the faculty who want to use Open Source Tools for teaching and computational needs. Free and Open Source Software is need of hour as source code is available for study, modification and redistribution. Government of India is laying lot of emphasis on it.” 

-Piyush Javeria

Remote Center Coordinator and Workshop Coordinator


The workshop will benefit faculty colleagues, teaching in engineering and science institutes, who wish to use open source software tools for all their computational and teaching needs, thereby improving the quality of instruction and learning in their colleges / institutes.

With as much as 60 participants registered from all parts of Rajasthan, Techno India NJR Institute of Technology from Udaipur is also selected as a remote centre for this workshop. The workshop will be transmitted live through internet to various coordinating remote centers across the country. Because of this, various faculties that are providing their services in the city will come hand in hand with the Free and Open Tools that have become the need of the hour in the field of teaching, ultimately improvising their teaching skills.

IITB Conducted Seminar

IITB Conducted Seminar

IITB Conducted Seminar

Places to Visit

Lets Synchronize with Nature via Banyan Roots

To put a step forward in the path of sustainable development and with a novel idea to inspire, promote and support all components of our planet and for well-being of Mother Nature, an organic store has been started by enthusiastic youth of the city. They named the organic store as ‘Banyan Roots’ to signify the rebirth of old and deep rooted traditions and moral values.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog

The store provides you with some of the local grains like millet (kangni), wheat, other products such as herbal tea, gooseberry (amla) candy and juice and many more exclusively organic products that are grown without the use of any fertilizers, hybrid seeds and  pesticides. These goods are directly brought to you from the farm eliminating the concept of middle man so that the farmer practicing organic farming gets a justifiable price. The group also encourages the local farmers from time to time to grow more of the organic food for a healthier and happier tomorrow of society.

They indeed also started an open space cum café with an ambience that carries a touch of being close to nature as well as tradition. It is especially for the future of the nation so that they can shape their own different world of creativity. If you are a wanderer and cannot find any place or roof to germinate new ideas or if you are an explorer in need of more space to experiment or even if you want to find the truth about something that is questioning you from inside, then this place is truly made for you only. Banyan roots is a perfect address for such wanderers, explorers and discoverers. Here youth can connect, unite and share their experiences, ideas, views and thoughts with others. Along with getting mental peace and satisfaction, you can also quench your hunger with the delicious and healthy organic food in this café.

Banyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots | UdaipurBlog.comBanyan Roots |

The team of banyan roots whole heartedly wants to welcome you at a place which is created for you at 32/4, Near Fatehpura, Income Tax Office Road, Near Sukhadiya Circle, Udaipur.

Rohit Jain: 9783223520 and Jayesh Mohta: 9772861482 will be happy to solve any further queries of you.


Edited By: Palak Jain


[Pictures] Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur


Diwali is the festival of lights – a day when light conquers over darkness, may it be darkness in our surroundings or the darkness that resides in our lives and hearts. There spreads the kingdom of light everywhere, in every corner, in ever house, in every life, in every heart..
And when light spreads in our beautiful lake city even light feels proud for being in as charming city as Udaipur, even words in dictionary fall short to describe the enchanting beauty of our city at a diwali night.

So here we bring to you sum exotic pictures clicked by Amit Kothari, Mujtaba RG, Yash Sharma and Prasun Bannerjee from the main markets of the city that are sure to dazzle you with their glow and fancy.

Diwali in Udaipur (3)

Diwali in Udaipur (4)

Diwali in Udaipur (4)

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur (7)

Diwali in Udaipur (9)

Diwali in Udaipur (10)

Diwali in Udaipur (10)

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Diwali in Udaipur

Team UdaipurBlog wishes you a very happy and prosperous new year and we pray that the glowing lamps may illuminate your lives with the light of everlasting joy, happiness, health and success. 🙂


A Diwali from a different perspective

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Yesterday was the festival of lights, everybody was in a joyous and festive mood. The sound of crackers was audible right from the morning, which got amplified more than a million times in the evening. But suddenly, an insight forced me to think that there are children who remain devoid of these luxuries. This thought carried me to Bhupalpura, where I entered the building of Missionaries of Charity, popularly known as the Mother Teresa Ashram, to meet the kids and spend some time with them. But, to my soothing surprise, the children there were celebrating Diwali with crackers, smiling and enjoying. I felt really happy to see the smiles on each face. The nuns were really superb caretakers and guardians of the children, and were too celebrating the happiness with them. Hats off to their care and concern. I spent a little time there with the little friends, and took some pictures, which I felt is worth sharing with you all, as everyone views the brighter side, and very few from the other perspective. This was truly a Diwali apart from other Diwali celebrations for me.

On my way back, I thanked Mother Teresa for setting up this initiative to bring smiles on the needful faces, years ago, and was thinking that there are many other faces who are still needy of a savior, and of course, a smile. We all must desperately spare a moment from our busy schedules and think, and pray for the betterment of them, as they are too a part of our society. Let the mercy of the Almighty shower on them too. Personal thanks to my old friend Siddhartha Jain for accompanying me, and not to forget, heartiest Diwali Greetings to every reader of UdaipurBlog 🙂

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)

Diwali at Ashram (1)